Are social viruses real?

Reading Time: 3 minutes

But the disciples had forgotten to bring any food. They had only one loaf of bread with them in the boat. As they were crossing the lake, Jesus warned them, “Watch out! Beware of the yeast of the Pharisees and of Herod. ‭‭Mark‬ ‭8‬:‭14‬-‭15‬ ‭NLT‬‬

Jesus seems to believe so. Mark’s gospel captures an odd blowback to the disciple’s argument about who forgot to bring enough food.

Food among men is always a heated topic. Most men are driven by base desires like food, sleep and another I won’t mention here. How often did Jesus have a foody discussion with his disciples? How about staying awake for prayer? I believe Mark’s gospel exposes raw emotions on purpose. It shows the reader that Jesus, being fully God and fully human, had human desires, but kept them in check without sin. The disciples, are totally and observably human!

The men are in a boat, crossing the sea of Galilee, and someone forgot the midday meal! Apparently one “Boy-Scout” (always be prepared) brought just enough for himself. I completely understand their frustration. When I was younger I was insanely driven by meal times being ON TIME. I was convinced that if I didn’t eat I would turn into Mr. Hyde in front of my wife and kids. It was totally a self absorbed lie! I just needed to learn patience, but I hid it under hunger.

The disciples tore into each other with blame and shaming one another with no finger-food pointing! Blaming and shaming is not a listed as a Biblical one-another for how we treat each other. It was Jesus response to their outburst that intrigues me.

Jesus warns them – Watch out (horaó) see, perceive, or attend to what is happening here! “Beware,” Jesus says, (blepó) to see something physical, with spiritual results. Why two words of warning? It’s like a teacher that snaps their fingers TWICE or claps their hands getting the attention of the class. It’s a way of stopping, interrupting our brains that are already tracking down a useless path. It’s a full 🛑. Listen and pay attention. Oh, how Jesus is the master of using very emotional, carnal situations and bringing us back to real life – the spiritual life! Have you experienced a “SNAP-SNAP” moment from the Holy Spirit? I have.

Then, seemingly out of nowhere Jesus drops this line about yeast. Yeast in the New Testament is normally used to illustrate sin. But it is useful to understand a whole other mystery. How yeast works. One thing is for sure, it replicates quickly throughout bread. Yeast has a phenomenal growth rate and can duplicate itself every 90 minutes by a process called budding. In bread it’s yummy, in our bodies the fungi is deadly. In Jesus’ warning I’m sure it’s a bad function of yeast and not a good one. If we are the dough, then Jesus’ point of being exposed to the hungry fungi of the Pharisees and Herod is a very bad thing.

What do the Pharisees have in common with Herod? Why is their “yeast” extremely dangerous and viral? Was it their religious hypocrisy? Saying one thing, but living completely different? Was it their spiritual abuse of power? Was it their misrepresentation of God? What did the disciples argument about food have to do with the evil yeast of these religious leaders?

Jesus draws their attention to the one loaf of bread they did have and reminded them to focus on the miracles of supernatural replication of bread served to the masses of people. Ah, then maybe the bad yeast warning had more to do a lack of faith? Can a lack of faith, like a fast spreading virus, be contagious? Let me ask this. Who and what was in the boat? The disciples were physically in the boat. But also, Jesus was with them in the boat. What else was in the boat? One loaf of bread!

How quickly we forget the miracles of yesterday and instead become distracted, with our lack of perception, that the same God that provided BEFORE is with us NOW. Jesus may have been talking about the social virus of UNBELIEF! Both the Pharisees and Herod had all the facts, the necessary proof that Jesus is the messiah, yet lacked faith, they would not believe.

Jesus was warning the disciples not to allow unbelief to capture and control their hearts, minds and stomachs! It happens that fast. Jesus was in the boat WITH a loaf of bread yet they worried that they would go hungry!!! That’s hilariously human, right? We would say, “If the bread had been a snake, it would have bit them.” Jesus told us when a child asks their father for bread, a good father does not give them a snake, he gives them good food to match his great love! Snap Snap – pay attention when the social virus of unbelief comes to steal our faith.


I believe, but help me with my unbelief. Help me to stay clear of social viruses that would steal my faith in you. You are my hope and provision. Amen.

David’s hit song, “Do not destroy!”

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Have mercy on me, O God, have mercy! I look to you for protection. I will hide beneath the shadow of your wings until the danger passes by. I cry out to God Most High, to God who will fulfill his purpose for me. He will send help from heaven to rescue me, disgracing those who hound me. Interlude My God will send forth his unfailing love and faithfulness. ‭‭Psalms‬ ‭57‬:‭1‬-‭3‬ ‭NLT‬‬

The thought of David being a singer, songwriter & musician is just mind blowing. David landed his first real job, outside of tending his father’s sheep, with King Saul. David was hired by the King to provide a soothing, relaxing musical ambience for the court. Saul hired him because David’s music calmed the ever-growing tension in the King’s life. The reason for Saul’s distress – God had not only withdrawn His own Spirit from Saul, but gave him a bad one – a tormenting one! This filled Saul with depression and fear ‭‭(1 Samuel‬ ‭16‬:‭14‬). Saul’s guys promised the King a talented harpist who would help calm him. It was David’s talent that landed him the job working as Saul’s armor bearer and musical therapist!

This Psalm presents quite the flip in the script of David’s life. Now years later, after serving the king, defeating Goliath and leading Saul’s army to multiple victories- David is now a cave dweller, an outlaw, running for his life. What does David do, now that he’s in his own crisis? He writes more songs. Can’t you hear the amazing acoustical echoes deep in the caves of Adullam? I don’t know if it made the top ten list on ancient spotify playlists, but in his distress David writes and sings the song, “Do not destroy!” Maybe it was a harp, heavy metal sound?

David later had this song put into the book of Psalms and we have it still today. David singing out to God, “I look to you for protection, hiding beneath the shadow of your wings…” What beautiful words, written and sung in distress. We don’t know the musical tune or melody line, but we sure know the lyrics, right?

When we feel someone or something is pursuing us. When we can’t seem to catch a break from things going wrong. When there are multiple days of exhaustion just holding onto hope that it will end soon and life can return to normal. We’ve all had these Adullam/cave moments, or multiple cave days in a row. Maybe we don’t sing it, but it helps to read this Psalm out loud to an audience of one. Oh God have mercy on me!


The song out of Psalm 34 comes to mind, “I sought the LORD, and he answered me.” This song, “I trust in God,” by Elevation has been circulating in my mind and it has truly been helpful to lift my soul and bring peace. Your Word is powerful to heal and to comfort whenever I am stressed or in distress. Thank you for the presence of your Holy Spirit being with us in troubled times. Amen.

God is waiting – for what?

Reading Time: 3 minutes

And remember, our Lord’s patience gives people time to be saved. This is what our beloved brother Paul also wrote to you with the wisdom God gave him— speaking of these things in all of his letters. Some of his comments are hard to understand, and those who are ignorant and unstable have twisted his letters to mean something quite different, just as they do with other parts of Scripture. And this will result in their destruction. ‭‭2 Peter‬ ‭3‬:‭15‬-‭16‬ ‭NLT‬‬

The Apostle Peter seems to just toss this brief, but powerful thought into his letter to the Church.

God gives the gift of time for people to be saved!

The context of these verses is Peter expanding on the “Day of the Lord.” An ominous reckoning of all time and space where people have been allowed to do as they please, making their eternal choices all through their life. This culmination, this final accounting, is coming, but not yet! What holds back God’s judgment, wrath and justice, even in these days, thousands of years later? God’s own long suffering, His patience so that none would suffer eternal destruction.

Earlier in the letter Peter writes, “”The Lord isn’t really being slow about his promise, as some people think. No, he is being patient for your sake. He does not want anyone to be destroyed, but wants everyone to repent,”(‭‭2 Peter‬ ‭3‬:‭9‬). Patient for our sake? How awful for folks to throw their fist in God’s face and arrogantly defy his grace and mercy thinking that the finality of all things, the accounting, reconciliation of all deeds will not be judged! Why do they test God? Do they think this ancient document is too old, being written thousands of years ago?

Peter’s haunting words still ring true – “…in the last days scoffers will come, mocking the truth and following their own desires. They will say, “What happened to the promise that Jesus is coming again?” Peter warns the reader, you don’t understand two things: One: God is outside of time, He created it. To God, time is different. “A day is like a thousand years to the Lord, and a thousand years is like a day,” (2 Peter‬ ‭3‬:‭3‬-‭4‬, ‭8‬). Two: This apparent pause of time is purely because of God’s patience! So God has delayed the final day, that “DAY of the Lord,” a few “days” just so that of our stubborn stone hearts might be softened, our concrete conscience might be broken. The Apostle Paul mentions similar in Romans 2:4, Romans 9:22 & 1 Timothy 1:16. What a warning for those who mock God even as He extends His grace to accommodate our foolishness!

God waits for people to turn to Him and come home!


I have seen too much! I know too much to allow myself to take your grace, mercy and extended patience for granted. Even while I was opposed to You, You extended a chance at redemption, a life filled with so much joy and adventure. I grasped it by faith and I will never let go. I am extremely grateful You made yourself real to me, even as a teenager. So much of life was yet ahead and even though I was slow learner, I had time to grow and mature in my walk with you. I took advantage of your patience and was the beneficiary of a great life! I do not fear that “Day,” because I have been spared. My sin and shame have been wiped clean because of Jesus. Yet, I long for those who do not yet know you or have wasted their years trying to run from your grace. Thank you for your loving patience towards them as well. Amen.

Walking-dead leaders.

Reading Time: 3 minutes

This message from the Lord was delivered to King Baasha by the prophet Jehu son of Hanani: “I lifted you out of the dust to make you ruler of my people Israel, but you have followed the evil example of Jeroboam. You have provoked my anger by causing my people Israel to sin. So now I will destroy you and your family, just as I destroyed the descendants of Jeroboam son of Nebat. The members of Baasha’s family who die in the city will be eaten by dogs, and those who die in the field will be eaten by vultures.” ‭‭1 Kings‬ ‭16‬:‭1‬-‭4‬ ‭NLT‬‬

You may have known this, but I did not. Rehoboam (Solomon’s son) was set to become the next king. Another leader, Jeroboam, returned from Egypt and led a group of people to confront Rehoboam with a demand for a lighter tax burden. When Rehoboam refused the demand, ten of the tribes rejected Rehoboam and David’s dynasty, splitting the nation. The flashpoint of contention is found in 1 Kings 12:1-16, where Rehoboam seeks advice about taxation from his father’s leaders verses his own young, up-and coming ones. He went with his young leader’s advice and it was a disaster – 10 tribes walked out, becoming the collective nation called Israel. This passage of the history of the kings, identifies God’s response to evil leaders.

The saddest, hardest part, is that the kings of this division were the worst of the worst leaders, eventually causing the tribes to be completely wiped out and actually disappear from history. The kings mentioned in these chapters are called out for their sins and the responsibility of leading the entire nation to sin against God! Here they are – all 19 of them: Jeroboam, Nadab, Baasha, Elah, Zimri, Omari, Ahab, Ahaziah, Joram (Jehoram), Jehu, Jehoahaz, Jehoash, Jeroboam II, Zechariah, Shallum, Menahem, Pekahiah, Pekah, Hoshea.

Is a national leader powerful enough to lead millions of their citizens to sin against God? History proves that it did happen, and still happens today. Is God more angry when a leader leads people into rebellion against him? When does He wait for natural consequences to kick in? When does God step in out of mercy? These are difficult questions to reflect on when reading the Old Testament.

In our modern thirst for justice, we often fail to see the wrongs and injustice of leaders who hubristically lead people into sin, rebelling against God and His ways. What God gives us is not just right and true, but good and healthy for the nation and our world! What we mistake for freedoms FROM God’s rules is actually the most insidious of lies masquerading as truth. Even though our own ways are destructive and toxic, we buy it, believe it and follow it because of our own hardened, disordered desires that blind us. How do we discern what leader is the best for our own country?


As I look at that landscape of history and see your hand at work, it makes me wonder about our nation’s current dilemma. Our own leadership as president, congress and supreme court seems to be an unmitigated disaster. It’s so very frustrating to watch the octogenarian principal players, mired in complicated oversight that has become the standard of governing this nation. We long for good leadership! We long for just, wholesome, honest and trustworthy leaders. No wonder the Church is divided politically, we still struggle to unite spiritually! God help us! We cry out to you to make things right. We pray that you would resolve the deep hurts and frustrations among the poor, broken and suffering. We repent of our selfish sins of arrogance, indifference and passivity of injustice masked as freedom. Forgive us. Save us from ourselves! Give us leaders who are wise and capable of a godly rule of true authority. Amen.

Demanding signs.

Reading Time: 3 minutes

When the Pharisees heard that Jesus had arrived, they came and started to argue with him. Testing him, they demanded that he show them a miraculous sign from heaven to prove his authority. When he heard this, he sighed deeply in his spirit and said, “Why do these people keep demanding a miraculous sign? I tell you the truth, I will not give this generation any such sign.” So he got back into the boat and left them, and he crossed to the other side of the lake. ‭‭Mark‬ ‭8‬:‭11‬-‭13‬ ‭NLT‬‬

After a brief but interesting mention of leaving the city Dalmanutha, which only shows up in Mark 8:10, Jesus has this confrontation with Pharisees. This time Mark writes of a dispute or challenge between Rabbis. This “argument” is not uncommon among Rabbis of that day. Religious leaders had become accustomed to thrashing over theology for fun, entertainment and education. You will still find this today, happening around different gatherings of denominational disputes, arguing the deep but useless depths of old, stale tensions of Christianity. For most people it is boring, but few realize its dangers and sway on younger believers. Asking Jesus for a sign was probably the quickest way to discredit him.

It is ironic that Mark’s gospel is filled with signs and miracles, progressively more supernatural as the Messiah eventually raises Lazarus from the dead! NLT using the word “demand,” from the Pharisees, may be too aggressive, the word also just means to seek or search, coming from the word investigate. Ah, but the Pharisees were indeed “testing” (peirazó) or even tempting him. Does this sound like the similar situation where Jesus was led, by the Holy Spirit, to be tempted by Satan? Maybe it was.

When the men, who supposedly worked for God asked Jesus this to “prove” or authenticate (sémeion) his authority, Mark notes that Jesus physically reacted to their request, groaning deeply (anastenazó). I don’t think Jesus was into doing some performa, cheap tricks to prove himself. Every single miracle had a purpose behind it! Every miracle was driven by mercy, the one of many godly attributes the religious leaders had long forgotten.

I find it very interesting that very few of Jesus’ miracles were “performed” with any religious leaders present to witness the supernatural. They kept hearing stories and testimony of such things. I only know of one, early on, where Jesus healed a man with a withered hand, on the Sabbath and in the synagogue (Luke 6:10).

Here in Mark, they want to see a miraculous act, but we know that later, when Jesus does miracles, the religious leaders call Jesus a fraud and a fake, even declaring he does so as a servant of Satan himself! We need to understand, the Sanhedrin had a very meticulous system of verifying miracles. They required multiple eyewitness testimonies, and backed it up with the fact that a priest had to examine and clear a physical exam to allow the person to be among the community again. It was all meticulously recorded. Wouldn’t it be great to find those records the religious leaders kept on Jesus during that time!

When Jesus asked the question, “why do these people…” he wasn’t directing that at the needy, sick and broken. He was speaking to the “people” in religious authority. And, when he said he would not give this generation any such sign, who do you also think that was directed towards? Right! The generation of hardhearted, sons of snakes and vipers!

Would I ask God for miracles demanding a show of power to shut the mouths of His critics and modern-mockers? Oh, I’ve wanted that! Or, would Jesus still be reserving miracles, signs and wonders for those who are truly seeking and needing hope? Early on in the gospels Jesus kept telling those who were healed to keep it quiet. We now know that this was all about God’s timing of revealing Jesus as the Messiah! But what if miracles are still supposed to be quiet, intimate expressions of God’s mercy to the broken? Does God have need to display His power to prove His existence? I don’t think that’s how it works. What do you think? Miracles are incredible at drawing a crowd, but is that why Jesus did them? Is that what we think will soften a person’s heart and turn them towards God? It certainly didn’t work on the super-religious.


I’m not okay with demanding signs. Sure, I want to see and feel your presence working in our selfish, self-reliant culture. But, maybe if folks aren’t seeking, they just won’t find you, even with some flashy miracle-lure of the supernatural. I know plenty of plain-old people in a world of hurt and pain that need you. May your compassion and mercy lead and guide us just as it did so with Jesus! May your love shine in the darkest of places where people find themselves trapped and imprisoned. Help us to be your grace extended to allow the hurting to see you through us. Amen.

Too shy to tell?

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good! His faithful love endures forever. Has the Lord redeemed you? Then speak out! Tell others he has redeemed you from your enemies. Psalms‬ ‭107‬:‭1‬-‭2‬ ‭NLT‬‬

Ezra takes a moment here in this Psalm to declare the goodness of God. They are returning from Babylonian captivity and are not only excited to be free and return to their own land, but they are grateful for the lessons learned!

Are you in a dark place, walking through the shadows of life? I have been there! Several years ago I was fired from a ministry position. The first thirty days were filled with anger, grief and sheer panic! I didn’t know if I was being punished or disciplined by God or just experiencing suffering through “church hurt.” I was sidelined, like a timeout for an entire year!

But also during those first few months, something extraordinary happened. I had friends and family checking in with me, taking me out to lunch and just sitting with me in my grief – it felt like such a Job season. God was closer than ever! God was present in mercy, encouraging me through His word and through the words of others. It was surreal to experience God going through it, not getting out of it quickly.

It is interesting to me that we don’t often share our sorrows with each other and even more mind-boggling that we don’t share the moments of victory! When the shadows lift, the clouds dissipate and the sun shines brightly once again. It’s wonderful to share grief – a burden shared is lighter. But it’s even more exciting to come out of exile and share with friends just how good God was the entire time.

His faithful love does ENDURE! And God still redeems our brokenness, our sins and sorrows. We should not be shy about telling others that God is real, He’s close and He cares. Give thanks then tell your story?


Whew, those were really dark days. I remember spending a lot of time (because I had an abundance of time) in the Psalms, grieving, crying and searching for answers. But not once did I feel alone. You were with me. Your comfort and peace gave me strength and kept my mind from spinning off into thinking or acting foolishly. I will tell of Your goodness to me. You redeemed that year and brought me so many opportunities and blessings. Thank you for grace and mercy. Amen.

Are we missing leadership gifts?

Reading Time: 3 minutes

Here are some of the parts God has appointed for the church: first are apostles, second are prophets, third are teachers, then those who do miracles, those who have the gift of healing, those who can help others, those who have the gift of leadership, those who speak in unknown languages. ‭‭1 Corinthians‬ ‭12‬:‭28‬ ‭NLT‬‬

The Apostle Paul, in an object lesson, compared the body of Christ, the Church, to a functioning human body. Each part has its unique abilities and each is necessary. Within this illustration, Paul lists the equivalent “parts” that God has appointed for the leadership structure of the Church. Although we are not given any specifics on how the Church functions in day to day operations. And, we are not given any specific polity on how the Church should run corporately. We are given a leadership model.

I have come to realize that the governing of the body is not nearly as important as the people who God has gifted to lead it. Although this is frustrating at times, I understand that it had to be designed this way to survive and thrive through centuries of global and local changes that culture would inevitably face. Our “modern” Churches are no longer similar to the way it looked in the first century Church.

Paul does however list the kinds of gifts as a reflection of Church officers. He even writes that these are just “some” of them. Apostles, prophets, teachers, miracle workers, healers, helpers, leaders and those who speak in tongues. Paul highlights that these are important gifts in the body of Christ. Does your church have apostles or prophets? I am still not sure where our modern day apostles are, nor prophets for that matter! There are so many times, I wish there were clearer apostolic leaders in the big “C” Church.


We have such denominational factions that I can’t see us agreeing on who those folks would be. Was Billy Graham one of them? Would men like Tim Keller be considered an apostle? Both men were certainly highly qualified and carried the authority as an apostle. The Greek just defines apostle as a commissioned messenger, one sent on a mission. It seems we have had these among us, yet would not define them as apostles.

Are denominational leaders automatically deemed apostles, even though they don’t all agree on minor details of theology? I find it completely fascinating that Paul lists some of the more powerful, supernatural gifts as necessities in the body of Christ! And yet, there are many denominations that don’t believe these gifts are still in operation today. Miracles, healing and tongues are so divisive that many churches just ignore them – or worse, teach that they are demonic if practiced today. It seems our ignorance of truth and wisdom paired with our legalistic pharisee-ism is still as destructive today as it was in the first century Church!

Paul does not apologetically encourage these gifts, he declares them as acceptable and helpful to the Churches. It is not stated, but I often wonder if the churches in Rome even accepted or agreed with the churches in Corinth? Yes, Paul’s letters to the Corinthian churches are extravagantly different than his other letters. Yet Paul wrote to Timothy, Senior Pastor and later Bishop at Ephesus, “all scripture is God breathed and profitable for teaching, correction, conviction and training. This includes the letters to Corinth!

As Paul concludes this illustration about the body, he introduces a powerful cliffhanger with these thoughts, “So you should earnestly desire the most helpful gifts. But now let me show you a way of life that is best of all.“ And boy oh boy does Paul tells us about the way of Love! The same Apostle who gave us 1 Corinthians 13 also gave us Corinthians 12 & 14. We can’t just choose what scriptures we like and ignore the ones we don’t like! I believe we are missing some gifts in the body of Christ. We probably ran them out of churches because we didn’t know how to humbly submit, nor how to yield control.


After reading several places where leadership gifts are listed, I aways wondered what happened to some of them. It seems the Church has settled for just pastor/teacher. I think we are missing out and that we need all the help we can get! My prayer is that we continue to lean into your word, obeying it and set our denominational and/or pre-conceived beliefs aside. Your Word is truth! Amen.

Wisdom’s Worth.

Reading Time: 3 minutes

So I decided to compare wisdom with foolishness and madness (for who can do this better than I, the king?). I thought, “Wisdom is better than foolishness, just as light is better than darkness. For the wise can see where they are going, but fools walk in the dark.” Yet I saw that the wise and the foolish share the same fate. ‭‭Ecclesiastes‬ ‭2‬:‭12‬-‭14‬ ‭NLT‬‬

Solomon, the wise, goes off on a grand social experiment, a comparison of value. Which is better wisdom or foolishness? This would be the headline of the day. This is how one spends their great understanding and ability? To me it clearly smacks of arrogance, entitlement and narcissism! And, Solomon seemingly brags about it writing, “who else can do this but a king?” Again, yes, yes, yes, the end of the book resolves all the dilemmas and tensions, but wow this is tough to admire such a waste of power and authority.

Solomon explores foolishness so we don’t have to? Is that the lesson? His experiment is flawed and his conclusions are wrong. His assumption is that the wise and foolish share the same fate. IE, they both die? Remember at the beginning of this chapter, he explores pleasure as a means of finding meaning. Here, he explores the idea of foolishness, abasing himself to the lowest of all human experiences that Proverbs describes as the worst of evils – being a fool.

How could wisdom possibly lead Solomon to even attempt this research? We are privy to the details of his folly, but his conclusions are seriously flawed. Solomon writes, Both will die. So I said to myself, “Since I will end up the same as the fool, what’s the value of all my wisdom? This is all so meaningless!” For the wise and the foolish both die. The wise will not be remembered any longer than the fool. In the days to come, both will be forgotten.” Yes, both the wise and the fool live and yes, they both die. That’s a fact. However, he misses the fact that a life of wisdom (or foolishness) influences all those around him.

We are not alone, isolated to the consequences of our own choices! Our lives have an impact on those around us, namely those closest to us. A wise life leaves an impression a legacy for those who follow! A foolish life leaves a wake of disparity and waves of regret. Our family, our friends our neighbors have to deal with the grief, the debt, the consequences of our failures. A foolish life is not meaningless, it is detrimentally devastating for those left behind! And what about the wise life? It too is not lived in isolation nor obscurity. Wisdom leaves a legacy of gold, honor, esteem, dignity and sound reputation. The wise life is not meaningless, it is foundational platform for a worthy life for those left behind.

And, what about eternity, perpetuity? Does foolishness or wisdom have consequences beyond death? Solomon miscalculates that neither the wise nor the fool will be remembered. Oddly enough, the historical irony is that Solomon was well remembered for both! The teacher needed to be schooled on this fact. Our lives, our very existence has huge significance and consequences well into eternity. Our existence, lived to the best of our ability means we desire to step up to what we have been given and bring to God a healthy return on His investment in us. “To whom much is given, much is required,” isn’t just a Bible verse (Luke 12:48) it is an eternal truth operating in the Kingdom of God. It’s the real life application of the parable of the talents (Matthew 25:14–30). There are absolutely rewards, given in heaven, for the choices, our deeds, here on earth. And, for sure it’s not monetary! I believe the rewards, the crown Paul speaks of in 1 Thessalonians 2:19, are the influences on people to assist a soul’s eternal decisions for God – the crown is people.

The point is, the fool’s rewards are no way similar to the wise! What do I learn from this book and the wisest man of ancient days? All wisdom, given by God himself, separated from an authentic, thriving relationship with God will bring or cause an unsettled heart. The lack of a life lived, “fearing God and obeying his commands,” means that there will still be a longing, an unfulfilled yearning. No one, nothing can fill that void that solely belongs to God.


What is wisdom without you? What is health, wealth, power or influence without your presence? It is an emptiness that I do not wish to experience! I have my little trips to fulfill my soul-aches, to satisfy my disappointments or distress, none of them can replace what only you can give – true comfort, real peace! Wisdom is worthless without you. For you are my life, your Word my daily bread. Amen.

Friends who beg Jesus.

Reading Time: 3 minutes

Jesus left Tyre and went up to Sidon before going back to the Sea of Galilee and the region of the Ten Towns. A deaf man with a speech impediment was brought to him, and the people begged Jesus to lay his hands on the man to heal him. Jesus led him away from the crowd so they could be alone. He put his fingers into the man’s ears. Then, spitting on his own fingers, he touched the man’s tongue. Looking up to heaven, he sighed and said, “Ephphatha,” which means, “Be opened!” Instantly the man could hear perfectly, and his tongue was freed so he could speak plainly! ‭‭Mark‬ ‭7‬:‭31‬-‭35‬ ‭NLT‬‬

Jesus, making his way through very “Gentile” populations, on his way to the Decapolis (Ten Cities). Sidon is far north of Israel near modern Lebanon today. Mark lets the reader know that Jesus traveled and became popular even in non-Jewish territories. What strikes me is that while Jesus is in town, friends of a deaf and mute man, bring him to Jesus.

The stories of miracles had spread all the way to the far reaches of Roman empire, and clearly it was possible to safely travel because of the Roman road infrastructure. And, there were regular occurrences of soldiers making their way back and forth between the cities. God had prepared the path before the news of Jesus and future news of the gospel would travel on these roads.

This story doesn’t have the same drama as the man lowered through Peter’s mother-in-law’s roof, but it still has the element of urgency and importance of a caring community. Do you see the obvious? Alone, this man would have never heard the stories of Jesus or the miracles he performed! His friends were the eyes and ears of a caring network. They brought and begged on behalf of their unabled friend. This man, who struggled with sound and speech had friends who watched out for him.

When the friends HEARD, Jesus was in town, they knew what they had to do – get him to Jesus. Mark uses this interesting word for the friends who “begged, or implored” Jesus to heal him. The word, “parakalousin” comes from the word, “parakaleó.” Why make such a big deal of these Greek words? Because “parakaleó” is two words meaning “come alongside.” Parakalousin is used twice and only in Mark’s gospel. The beautiful idea behind this word is the concept of advocacy. Someone to come along to encourage, strengthen and comfort. In these friend’s efforts to help, they became advocates to get him to the one who could solve his physical ailments!

I personally love the word “parakaleó,” because it’s one of the words describing the character of the Holy Spirit. THE parakaleó, who comes alongside us. When these friends made their move to get this man to Jesus, it was if they had been waiting and watching for some way to help him, even heal him. This is the posture of prayer we can have when we hear the struggles of our friends, when we know they need far more than we can provide! We cannot heal them or fix them, but we can be constantly on watch and listening to God for the moment when Jesus might show up to restore them. We can implore God on their behalf, we can come alongside and remind them that we are with them. It means so much to know that you are not alone in your suffering!

Jesus led the man away from the crowds to a quiet place. He put his fingers in the man’s ears. He spit on his own fingers and touched the man’s tongue! Can you see the moment? Can you feel the Genesis phenomenon of God creating life out of the dust of the earth. Jesus simply recreated whatever was missing or wrong with his ears and tongue.

Do you have friends who are physically disabled? Are you broken in some way? Are there body parts that don’t function properly or are missing? Jesus is still available to touch you and your friends, recreating what is lacking!


Being the same yesterday, today and forever, the miracles, the love grace and mercy extended to people is still available today, right? There are so many hurting and broken. Our “healthcare” systems are overwhelmed with urgencies and emergencies! Yet, you are the great physician, the creator of our bodies and souls. We are more in need of you than ever! Help us in our faith. Help us with our faith for others, our friends and families. Thank you for your Holy Spirit the parakaleó! Come alongside us today! Amen.

How to return home.

Reading Time: 3 minutes

Praise the Lord! I will thank the Lord with all my heart as I meet with his godly people. How amazing are the deeds of the Lord! All who delight in him should ponder them. Everything he does reveals his glory and majesty. His righteousness never fails. He causes us to remember his wonderful works. How gracious and merciful is our Lord! Psalms‬ ‭111‬:‭1‬-‭4‬ ‭NLT‬‬

Psalm 111 is a tribute, written by Ezra the high priest and scribe, AFTER returning from 70 years of captivity in Babylon. To be clear, everyone knew why Israel was taken into slavery. The citizens had not only walked away from God, disregarding His laws and warnings, they had given themselves wholly to other gods, foreign gods – FAKE gods! God’s prophets, His spokespersons had been warning both the leaders of Israel and the prominent families to turn their hearts back to God. Israel consistently chose to do their own thing. Now, after 70 years, their city, their temple was decimated. Their kings, dead. Their brothers and sisters in the ten tribes that had split off from the whole, lost forever. The only ones to return were the remnants, the “root of Jesse,” as they were called.

Yet, in all this loss and penitence. In their humility, they found their heart for God. In mass they repented and made the journey back to rebuild what had been destroyed. Even though their hope was a flickering flame, a smoldering wick, just barely showing light, they remembered their God. Ezra writes, “He causes us to remember his wonderful works.” In complete misery of loss they remembered God and their own hearts turned, once again, towards Him!

How does one come back from devastation? How does one return to rebuild their entire life? How does one find hope in their future? Israel recognized their sin and remembered their God! Captivity wasn’t God’s fault, it was His love and discipline, going to extremes to keep His people from complete and utter destruction. The human heart, left to its own desires, will crash and burn and destroy everyone and everything around them. We are desperately wicked and strive against God to have our own way and do our own thing. God intervened, putting the nation in timeout until they came to their senses.

Psalm 111 captures the results of them turning their hearts towards God as they make their final assent back up to the city of Jerusalem. Ezra, returning and reflecting on the years of loss, looked up the road to Jerusalem. Then his eyes continued to look up, high into the heavens and thank God. What do you do to return? You look back and see your own decisions that led to devastation. You look up the road to see the restoration of your own future. And, you look even higher, to see God and thank Him for His righteousness, grace and mercy. This is the lesson of Psalm 111. Don’t quit. Don’t wallow. Don’t wait! Come home.


What awaits us when we return home? Is it judgment, shame and humiliation? No! What awaits us is exactly what awaited Ezra and Your people – righteousness, grace and mercy. You want us to win. You want us to be well. You want us to live! Thank you oh Lord, for the means of mercy to see our failures and poor decisions. Thank you for the gift of seeing our past with the ability to turn to you and see our future. Thank you for real and genuine hope in the plans you have for us, if we would just turn and return. Amen.