Wickedness Within.

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Confuse them, Lord, and frustrate their plans, for I see violence and conflict in the city. Its walls are patrolled day and night against invaders, but the real danger is wickedness within the city. Everything is falling apart; threats and cheating are rampant in the streets. Psalms‬ ‭55‬:‭9‬-‭11‬ ‭NLT‬‬

On the run again, David is hiding and being hunted from his own son Absalom. Absalom wins the hearts of the people, plotting to take the throne away from his father. David has to run. At sixty years old, David feels completely exhausted to have to return to a life he had long forgotten – life on the lamb! In David’s mind he wishes he could escape this reoccurring nightmare, ”Oh, that I had wings like a dove; then I would fly away and rest! I would fly far away to the quiet of the wilderness. Interlude How quickly I would escape— far from this wild storm of hatred.” Yet, within this prayer, is an interesting perspective on the state of Israel.

From David’s view, the city, the kingdom is in trouble – but not from a foreign enemy. He sings, there is “wickedness within.” David’s song makes me reflect on our own country and the condition of its own constituents. What if the enemies within, the rampant evils within are greater than any threats from others? What defenses are prepared to hold off the disunity, the lawlessness and violence within. Since our 9/11 attacks, I wondered if our own enemies have figured out that they do not need to declare war on America. We have tremendous internal divisiveness, coupled with selfish desires to be free in a “self-proclaimed” liberty. We have thrown off OG morality and decency, which alone, is enough to destroy us from within!

Our sacred individualism over community, our personal rights over what’s best for our country, has left us weak and defenseless with our internal struggles. We are just weeks from a highly divided and controversial national election. And what are the debates and the divides, our personal preferences above anything else! Who will guard our independence, interests and individualism? Oh, how desperate we desire to escape the boundaries and restraints of what is good and right, true and just. Forgive us oh God, for we know not what we do! Save us from ourselves. Restore us to yourself. No matter who wins the white-house, may we rise to be one nation under God, indivisible and with justice for all!


I can clearly see in Your Word that you care deeply about how we live our life, especially when it comes to subjects like justice and mercy. Maybe true justice IS mercy? Being right and doing right is a mystery of life. Even in all the pain and mayhem that Absalom brought to Israel and his own father, David would not raise his hand to participate in his end! Similar to King Saul, David must have had enormous internal conflicts navigating the extremes. In the end You Oh Lord are the only one capable of delivering justice and mercy! Have mercy on us Lord, but let your justice rise to destroy evils in our land. Amen.

Biblical standards in a secular culture.

Reading Time: 3 minutes

”But for those who are married, I have a command that comes not from me, but from the Lord. A wife must not leave her husband. But if she does leave him, let her remain single or else be reconciled to him. And the husband must not leave his wife.“ ‭‭1 Corinthians‬ ‭7‬:‭10‬-‭11‬ ‭NLT‬‬

Relationships are hard to come by, hard to foster and even harder to keep fresh and alive. The Apostle Paul emphatically writes to the Corinth believers, this is a “command of the Lord,” stay in your marriage! Stick with it. A wife nor a husband must not leave. And, with exceptions under specific circumstances (adultery, abandonment, abuse), let them remain single or be reconciled.

This aligns with Jesus re-affirming the Genesis covenant, “What God has joined together, let no one tear apart.” Whether things are going peachy or putrid, a covenant is a solid promise to see this highly cherished relationship through until death. This promise, this contract, is only valid here on earth and becomes null and void in eternity, for there is no married couples in heaven. This makes marriage a very earth-bound, coveted covenant designed for our health, wealth and happiness.

Corinth was a crazy, “free” culture. In Corinth, men and women were quite equal in wealth and power. There were a few women Paul specifically mentioned as part of his missionary team and critical to the establishing the church in Corinth. One prominent woman, Priscilla, was a wealthy businesswoman, making and repairing tents similar to Paul’s trade. She and her husband, Aquila, were not only one of the leaders in the local church, she was a big donor to Paul’s missionary endeavors. The couple’s house was likely THE biggest church gathering in town – up to 100 people attending each week. Paul was indeed aware of the cultural implications that prominent cities like Corinth had on the churches.

“Marriage in ancient Greece had less of a basis in personal relationships and more in social responsibility.” The goal and focus of all marriages was intended to be reproduction, making marriage an issue of public interest. Marriages were intended to be monogamous. In keeping with this idea, the heroes of Homer never have more than one wife by law, though they may be depicted with living with concubines, or having sexual relationships with one or more women. In Plato’s Laws, the would-be lawgiver suggests that any man who was not married by age 35 should be punished with a loss of civil rights and with financial consequences.

According to scholars, divorce did not seem to be looked down upon in ancient Greece. Any negative reputation attributed to divorce would have been due to related scandals rather than the divorce itself. In ancient Athens, both husband and wife had the power to initiate a divorce. The husband simply had to send his wife back to her father to end the marriage. For the wife to obtain a divorce, she had to appear before the archon, [Wikipedia].

Paul may have used these cultural influences to drive the counter-cultural idea of a life-long, covenant marriages. One where marital fidelity and commitment honored Jesus and set believers apart from others during that time. In our “modern” culture today, I believe several decades of easy, no-fault divorce (first legalized in California in 1969) eventually eroded the loyalty and beauty of the marriage covenant.

Future couples reacted by either shacking up with no real commitment or abandoning the wedding idea altogether. Oddly enough, now many couples sign “pre-nup” contracts protecting their individual assets. Believers today would be committing to a counter-cultural position in marrying young, having children and staying together for the rest of their lives! I love that Paul maintained Biblical standards of love, covenant-commitment, loyalty and guidelines to follow even in a very popular, secular environment.


I have always believed that You are truth and Your word is right, true and just. I have also believed you are not just right, you are also practical! Your way works, my way does not work. So obedience has some privileges that come with honoring your Word and its boundaries for living. I am so thankful for the gift of marriage and the security of a covenant contract that binds two “like but opposite” humans, male and female, together. It is good for me, good for my wife, good for our children and now good for our grandchildren! Thank you for breaking generational curses to make this happen and thank you for new generational blessings for our future. Amen.

Justice Tunes.

Reading Time: 2 minutes

O God, you take no pleasure in wickedness; you cannot tolerate the sins of the wicked. Therefore, the proud may not stand in your presence, for you hate all who do evil. You will destroy those who tell lies. The Lord detests murderers and deceivers. ‭‭Psalms‬ ‭5‬:‭4‬-‭6‬ ‭NLT‬‬

David rocks the justice tunes on a flute. That’s right, a little note at the top of this Psalm says, “accompanied by flute.” This Psalm, like many of them are actually songs! I wonder how many instruments David played? I understand that many of the Jewish songs were sung in minor keys. Apparently, this was yet another way to show the angst of the people waiting for the Messiah. As you know the minor keys are known for their anticipation of completion. This is what makes Jazz so edgy and cool!

At this point David is on the run from his own son, Absalom. Clearly, as David plays this tune, he is thinking of Absalom and those who lead with evil intent. Things started off with a bang in David’s life, especially after slaying Goliath, the giant. He goes from the least in his family, as a shepherd for his father’s sheep, to a hero and working directly king Saul.

David’s life and many of the Psalms parallel the extreme ups and downs of country and culture. I don’t know how many guys journal, keeping a record of their personal and public life. David doesn’t just keep a log, he coverts some of them into songs, published in the book of Psalms! Personally, I think the content of Psalm 5 should be in the “Christian metal” genre of rock, dark and heavy. There currently 50 different “rock” genres since classic rock. Unfortunately, it would be a few thousand years before electric guitars would be invented, so David had to riff on his flute.


I am so grateful for the collections in the Psalms. They have been the inspiration for the highest moments of praise as well as the lowest prayers of misery. Psalms has been a good teacher when I have collapsed under the weight of life and bad decisions. It has also been there in extreme times of fear and anxiety. Every time it brought me into your presence, helping me express helplessness and eventually coming around to peace. So Psalms has been an instrument of both praise and peace in life! Thank you for those words to carry me through and lift my soul to heaven. Amen.

The apostasies.

Reading Time: 3 minutes

Dear children, the last hour is here. You have heard that the Antichrist is coming, and already many such antichrists have appeared. From this we know that the last hour has come. These people left our churches, but they never really belonged with us; otherwise they would have stayed with us. When they left, it proved that they did not belong with us. ‭‭1 John‬ ‭2‬:‭18‬-‭19‬ ‭NLT‬‬

The Apostle John had seen it all, he experienced walking with Jesus, watching him die, then seeing the empty tomb. Jesus had died and resurrected just as he said he would. After seeing him caught up to heaven and hearing his words, John had no doubts – EVERYTHING Jesus said would happen did happen! John must have remembered the words of Jesus, spoken in Matthew’s gospel, ”Jesus told them, “Don’t let anyone mislead you, for many will come in my name, claiming, ‘I am the Messiah.’ They will deceive many. And you will hear of wars and threats of wars, but don’t panic. Yes, these things must take place, but the end won’t follow immediately.” Matthew‬ ‭24‬:‭4‬-‭6‬ ‭NLT‬‬ And also, “Then you will be arrested, persecuted, and killed. You will be hated all over the world because you are my followers. And many will turn away from me and betray and hate each other. And many false prophets will appear and will deceive many people. Sin will be rampant everywhere, and the love of many will grow cold. But the one who endures to the end will be saved. And the Good News about the Kingdom will be preached throughout the whole world, so that all nations will hear it; and then the end will come.” Matthew‬ ‭24‬:‭9‬-‭14‬ ‭NLT‬‬.

John believed what he was seeing was the end of days, but they were not. How many cycles of “end times signs” have come and gone? So many. And yet, the day that Jesus spoke of has yet to come. John’s warning is ultra-true, “many such antichrists have appeared.” People left the churches then, they have left the church today. How many cycles of “church hurt,” or forsaking the assembly has happened? Hundreds! Possibly every generation has experienced a falling away.

John sadly surmises, “they never really belonged with us” 😢. Is the Church doing something wrong? Probably. It is because even though we are the bride of Christ, we are still broken, struggling with sin. But also, is there still an epic battle for the souls of humanity? Absolutely. Each cycle, each battle claims victims along the way. Is this cycle THE “great falling away?” We won’t know, just as John did not know.

Though culture’s path widens, beckoning us with ease and promises of all our desires being fulfilled, Christ’s path is still narrow. To be a follower of Jesus still means, death, denial and enslavement in God’s Kingdom. We are bound to God’s grace, mercy and freedom! The terms have not changed. Do you still belong to Jesus and each other, his Church? Whether the wickedness of mankind or the physical removal of believers before the day of the Lord, our eyes should still fixed on our Savior – Jesus!


Since the seventies, I’ve seen plenty of wishes and warnings of end times. I’ve seen some who can’t wait to leave this wicked world. Yet, I’ve also seen those who are brokenhearted for more to come to your saving grace. I’m still waiting for the wayward prodigals to come home. I see the ramped up wickedness coupled with lawlessness and throwing off restraints to do whatever people desire. I just know it all ends poorly, never fulfilling their deepest longings. When I pray, come quickly Lord Jesus, it is not the prayer to snatch me from the planet. It’s the prayer to pour out your Spirit on all flesh, penetrating darkness and deceit to experience true freedom! I wait for that day! I pray for that day. Amen.

Powerful political plots.

Reading Time: 3 minutes

”Mordecai sent this reply to Esther: “Don’t think for a moment that because you’re in the palace you will escape when all other Jews are killed. If you keep quiet at a time like this, deliverance and relief for the Jews will arise from some other place, but you and your relatives will die. Who knows if perhaps you were made queen for just such a time as this?” ‭‭Esther‬ ‭4‬:‭13‬-‭14‬ ‭NLT‬‬

In the book bearing Queen Esther’s name, where the name of God does not appear, it reveals a story within THE story. Israel had already served their time out, its leaders and its people now 100 years AFTER captivity in the great Babylon. The Bible Project is helpful in giving us a timeline and facts about this amazing book.

“This is one of the more exciting and curious books in the Bible. While some Jews did return to Jerusalem (see Ezra-Nehemiah), many did not. The book of Esther is about a Jewish community living in Susa, the capital city of the ancient Persian empire. The main characters are two Jews, Mordecai and his niece Esther. Then there is the king of Persia and the Persian official Haman, the cunning villain. Esther is a curious book in the Bible because God is never mentioned, not once. This may strike you as odd because the Bible is supposed to be a book about God. However, this is a brilliant technique by the anonymous author. It’s an invitation to read the story looking for God’s activity, and there are signs of it everywhere. The story is full of odd coincidences and ironic reversals that force you to see God’s purpose at work behind every scene.”

One of the more powerfully poignant moments is captured here in chapter 4. Haman’s decree of “death to Jews” had gone out and word of it finally reached Esther. In this intense scene, Esther’s uncle, Mordecai pressures her to take a serious look at what will happen and providentially why Esther has been favored by God to serve in such a high position. It’s a real nail-biter for the reader.

Mordecai & Esther exchange secret letters through a trusted eunuch. It is a phrase that has captured our attention and become a life-lesson for so many since Mordecai wrote it! It may be “for such a time as this.” When we look upon thousands of stories of history and naturally try to see ourselves in similar circumstances, this phrase helps us to heroically rise above the doldrums of life and stare down our own threats of defeat or death and face the facts – maybe this entire scenario is exactly tailored for me to see the future of two very real possibilities. Will I be a person of faith or fear?

For Esther, the stakes were sky-high! Even in her uncle’s intense pressure to take the risk, he wisely writes, “if you keep quiet…” relief for the Jews will arise from some other place. But, YOU and YOUR relatives will die.” God will still make a way, so why not be the one he uses to bring about his will – saving and sparing us.

You’ll need to read the rest of the story for yourself, but let me remind ourselves – God looks for heroes every day! His grace, mercy and power is actively ready to be released through anyone that will be obedient and act on their faith to trust Him. How many “ for such a time as this” moments have we each let slip through our fear-filled fingers? Faith is brave. Faith is courageous. Faith is also dangerously daring! Where has God placed you? What Haman in your life, family or company has politically plotted against you? What opportunity has arisen for you to see something and say something that is right and true? Maybe the circumstances are not as dire as Esther’s, but to those who are being mistreated or suffering it could be just that right moment to save them.


I don’t believe I have ever been in a situation so critical as Esther’s! However, I know there have been many times I have been presented with the choice to speak up or just go with what everyone else says is good. I feel compelled in those moments to be fully truthful and honest within myself to do what is right. I have often reflected on Mordecai’s words that those moments were providential NOT accidental! By your grace, and with your help, I will continue to yield to faith and obedience and do what is required of me. Amen.

Rant against riches.

Reading Time: 3 minutes

Look here, you rich people: Weep and groan with anguish because of all the terrible troubles ahead of you. Your wealth is rotting away, and your fine clothes are moth-eaten rags. Your gold and silver are corroded. The very wealth you were counting on will eat away your flesh like fire. This corroded treasure you have hoarded will testify against you on the day of judgment. ‭‭James‬ ‭5‬:‭1‬-‭3‬ ‭NLT‬‬

We come into chapter five of James letter to the “twelve tribes scattered abroad”, which is generally understood to be Jewish Christians who were dispersed outside of Israel. First of all, “twelve tribes?” I thought ten of them were lost. I wonder who and what was left?

James really seems to go on a rant against riches, but we need to dig a little deeper rather than just thinking James was an anti-money, anti-wealth guy. It really is a rant against injustice and abusing laborers. The poor, the working class have never had proper care nor any representation protecting them from being cheated and mistreated. This is an ancient problem that God hated! God hated it then, He hates it still today. When wealth is generated by abuse of power and at the expense of the poor, everyone suffers! This is far more than the minimum wage issues we continue to battle around the globe. It’s greed with no regard to others and God has always been against it.

In the Old Testament, God had his prophets constantly speaking out, warning the kings and religious leaders to use caution when it came to employment of the poor as well as buying and selling goods. God has always wanted the poor to have equal access to justice through the judges and condemned “fixing” the scales to favor the merchants, while at the same time giving discounts and advantages to the rich. Not only does the Law command justice, “Do not pervert justice” (Leviticus 19:15), the Law also commands mercy and care for the poor, “Make provision for the poor” (Leviticus 19:9-10) and “Help the poor among you” (Leviticus 25:35-36). Psalms and Proverbs both encourage watching out for, even protecting the poor, “Uphold the cause of the poor” (Psalm 82:3-4), “Be kind to the needy” (Proverbs 14:21). God makes sure that we understand that our care for justice towards the poor is directly connected to our attentiveness to God himself! “Oppressing the poor shows contempt for their Maker” (Proverbs 14:31) and “Kindness to the poor is like lending to God” (Proverbs 19:17).

This is why James delivers such a heated discussion to Jewish Christians, thus to all real followers of Jesus. Is James against storing up riches for just the ability to amass wealth? Of course he is! It is a waste of time and contrary to those who have the “gift of giving,” as Paul writes about (Romans 12:8 ). But it becomes even more egregious to acquire wealth by mistreating others, “For listen! Hear the cries of the field workers whom you have cheated of their pay. The cries of those who harvest your fields have reached the ears of the Lord of Heaven’s Armies” (James‬ ‭5‬:‭4‬). Since money & wealth is worthless in heaven, Jesus (Matthew 6:19-20) and James advise us not store it up here on earth where it just decreases its value, while corroding our soul. Justice and generosity mimic and mirror the character of God.


I was always neutral to negative about money when I was young. Sure, I wanted to earn money, and have money, but my heart just wasn’t into amassing or scheming to get it and keep it. I didn’t feel that I was good at “handling” money anyways, and saw it as too complicated. That all changed when I started seeing money as means to BE generous, to live generous. I would say you taught me to kind of “gamify” giving. It became a joy to figure out how to out-give you! Which, as you said, can’t be done! It was so freeing and fun. I no longer fear money, either having it or losing it. I now know it’s a wonderful tool, emulating You, in grace, mercy and love. Thank you for your generosity and favor to those who will give even as you have given? Amen.

The call.

Reading Time: 4 minutes

The Lord gave me this message: “I knew you before I formed you in your mother’s womb. Before you were born I set you apart and appointed you as my prophet to the nations.” “O Sovereign Lord,” I said, “I can’t speak for you! I’m too young!” The Lord replied, “Don’t say, ‘I’m too young,’ for you must go wherever I send you and say whatever I tell you. And don’t be afraid of the people, for I will be with you and will protect you. I, the Lord, have spoken!” Then the Lord reached out and touched my mouth and said, “Look, I have put my words in your mouth! Today I appoint you to stand up against nations and kingdoms. Some you must uproot and tear down, destroy and overthrow. Others you must build up and plant. ‭‭Jeremiah‬ ‭1‬:‭4‬-‭10‬ ‭NLT‬‬

Jeremiah records the moment that he received the call to be a spokesperson for God. Jeremiah was about 17 years old and faced rejection, depression, and loneliness for 40 years. He was known as the “Weeping Prophet.” Interestingly enough, Jeremiah, like many others who tried protesting God’s call, said, “I can’t speak and I am too young.” God did not take “no” for an answer.

Oftentimes we wrestle over the idea of a “calling” from God, not just because of feeling ill equipped, but also having a little bit of understanding of the scope of what this calling would mean. Finding leaders is always hard, I have found the best of them are resident and uncertain of their abilities. There’s something suspicious of people who are overeager to say yes! This also means we struggle with the idea of “free will” and the ability to say NO to God. We’ve seen some examples of this, especially with our angry prophet, Jonah! Jeremiah gets his orders and God promises to give him the words to speak and somehow even the nerve to stand up to kings and nations. Scriptures leave no record of how he died. Church tradition suggests that Jeremiah was stoned to death in Egypt by the Jews. We do know that the grief he bore was because of the stubbornness and hard hearted response from Judah’s kings. Jeremiah delivered God’s words to five kings, Josiah, Jehoahaz, Jehoiakim, Jehoiachin, and Zedekiah. God even forewarned Jeremiah that he would be a part of dethroning, “tearing down,” and uprooting kings and kingdoms. He was faithful to deliver what God told him to say to the nation right up to the time they were captured and led to Babylon, to become slaves serving in a 70 year time out from God.

For the majority of prophets, they were given a tough assignment, speak God’s words and warnings. Kings rarely listened. I am reminded that Nathan had the courage to confront David about his heinous sin of adultery and murder. He cleverly delivered the correction in the form of a story of someone being taken advantage of, triggering David’s own sensitivity towards the underdog. The prophets are heralded as heroes, and they were. But they were not treated as such in their day. Jesus points out the ignored truth in Matthew and Luke’s gospels, “Jerusalem, Jerusalem, you who kill the prophets.” As well as this also in Luke, “Woe to you, because you build tombs for the prophets, and it was your ancestors who killed them.” The religious leaders loved quoting and bantering over what the prophets said, blind to the fact that, in their day, their words were not received. So, when the prophets spoke explicitly about the messiah, detailing what this future deliverer would look like and act like, future religious leaders chose to twist the scriptures to fit their own projected desires of Israel once again rising to become a superpower on the global scene.

Who wants to recognize the call of God on their life? Who wants to acknowledge they are ill equipped and cannot speak? It is still difficult to accept today! Not as prophets to the nations, but simply acknowledging God’s hand on one’s life. As one who begrudgingly said yes to God’s calling, also at seventeen, it was a heavy decision. I really didn’t know exactly what I was saying yes to! I was learning both discipline and obedience at the time. God had to present the question several times before I gave in and said yes. Do I regret it? No. Is it hard to live up to and stick with it all these years later? Yes, it is often difficult, lonely and a struggle. Yet, I still carry the gratitude and responsibility of being obedient to God.


Reflecting on Jeremiah’s calling and knowing his story, I am reminded of my own life. I am nowhere on the same level as the Old Testament prophets, it’s not even close. But still, I do carry the weight and responsibility of Your calling. It is a high and difficult honor! I still feel unworthy. I don’t stutter as much in my speech, but I still stutter in my soul! I feel your heartbreak when I am not obedient or see the anguish of those who will not listen to your words and obey you. You will make our paths straight only through submitting to Your will. Am thankful to walk in this path of the “called?” I am thankful for your grace, forgiveness and mercy to even begin to still hear your voice beckoning me to come and follow. Amen.

Wisdom comments on companionship.

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Solomon observes something sad; a man. Alone. Without child or brother. This strikes a nerve whether it’s in ancient days or modern times. Alone is not good, it has never been good. Yet, alone has become the preferred path for so many people. The statistics are staggering now. Being alone, living alone, used to be a fringe, outlier experience – the old maid, the drifter, the hobo. Now alone has become mainstream, acceptable, even respectable. As of 2021, 25% of 40-year-olds in the United States had never been married. This was a significant increase from 20% in 2010, according to a new Pew Research Center analysis of Census Bureau data. That is up from 6%, a 19% increase from 1980! Plus, there is even more statistics about couples that have decided to not have children at all. Marriage is so good and so healthy for many reasons, even in difficult times of stress and raising children. But alone is lonely!

Since people have decided to be alone and have decided not to go to church, go back to church and staying away from even volunteering at a church, I don’t know what is left to help folks NOT be alone. Solomon mentions cuddling with someone to stay warm, but then mentions the real struggle. What happens when things go wrong? What happens when you’re attacked, get sick or lose your job? These are dismal things that people alone must face. Combined with the fact that families are much more fractured, moving away to find jobs or cheaper housing. It even leaves families struggling to be there for each other.

It’s gone beyond the need to stop glorifying solitude, it’s time to re-start making friends and deepening the friendships we still have. Come back to God. Get back in Church. Get involved in other’s lives. Don’t look for ways to get, look for ways to give!


Even coming from a chaotic childhood, I learned to make and build friendships. A few of these friends have been a part of my life for over fifty years. You were there with me, even though I didn’t realize it until I was a teen. I have been through some difficult times over the past few years and I learned just how valuable friendships are. I was overwhelmed with checkins and phone calls making sure that I was okay. It was humbling to feel deeply cared for by you and by friends that have invested in me over the years. I am so thankful for my wife, adult children, my friends and my life. Your love and grace has been evident! Amen.

When family & community fail.

Reading Time: 3 minutes

When I came across this episode several years ago, I was struck by one glaring issue, I had not seen it before. Question: How does a demon get into a child? We are not given the reasons behind several of the demonic possessions throughout the gospels. But most of them are in adults. It is believed that, at one point in their life, they either peddled or meddled in evil realms of spiritual darkness which opened doors for evil spirits to come in and take control over a human body. Another theory is that through narcotics, alcohol or other addictions, their minds are left defenseless and similarly open to demons making themselves at home. The mad-naked-man, in the tombs, was an adult that became infested with thousands of demons and caused mayhem in the hills above the city. The citizens would bind him with ropes and chains trying to subdue him, possibly trying to keep him and the neighborhood safe. Mark’s gospel uses these examples as a way to let the reader know that Jesus has all power and authority over evil spirits, so demon possessions are mentioned about ten times.

Here, the story is very dark and very sad. A father, in desperation, brings his son to Jesus. Notice, the father identifies this as a spiritual episode, not a physical one. Are we missing something today when we see a person unable to speak, throwing themselves to the ground, writhing, foaming at the mouth and grinding their teeth? We would only see this as an epileptic episode and safely hold them down until it passes. I absolutely believe in medical epileptic episodes and I am not saying that today these are possessions.

This father knew it was more than a physical abnormality! The father also reported that “The spirit often throws him into the fire or into water, trying to kill him.“ When Jesus approached the child, he spoke to the evil spirit (that also kept the boy from hearing or speaking) and commanded the demon to depart, “the evil spirit then threw the child into a violent convulsion, and he fell to the ground, writhing and foaming at the mouth.” Everyone suspected the child was dead. This was something far beyond a physical or mental disorder. Jesus, knowing the difference between a physical problem and a spiritual one, didn’t command healing, he commanded deliverance!

There is enough hints in the story and the cultural background of the city where this took place, Bethsaida, a city known for its lack of faith (Matthew 11:21), that tells me the father and the community knew they were responsible for allowing evil into their town and their own children. The father told Jesus, “Have mercy on us and help us, if you can.” Help “US,” “IF” you can. The community not only had become known for unbelief, it had stopped being protective agents against evil – finally affecting even the children among them. This also makes sense why the disciples couldn’t just dismiss the demon. This evil spirit knew it could resist given the fact that the gawking crowd had little reason nor belief to kick it out. Of course, this would take prayer and fasting! Not just for an exorcism, but even more importantly to confront their stubborn hearts for resisting to God.

Do we have families that leave their children exposed to evil, practically inviting demons into the their homes and neighborhoods? Do we have cities with reputations of resistance and unbelief, where it becomes intensely laborious to speak truth and penetrate harden hearts with the gospel? I believe we do.

Ironically, I think our own “city of angels,” Los Angeles has become that. It’s not just that California is a state of known for hard, stubborn hearts, the city itself reeks of crime, corruption, sickness, poverty, and mental illness. Our dear city is a violent place, also filled with lawlessness, desperation, power and greed. It seems as though every attempt to bring healing and freedom takes prayer and fasting because the evil spirits know they are happily welcomed and accommodated in LA. What about your home, your neighborhood, your city? What you accommodate, your children will willingly accept!


I get the allure of selfishness to live the “adult” life. Which translates into little to none responsibility for children around us. My parents, all five, mostly did what they wanted. I know my adoptive mother worked hard and sacrificed to provide a good home, food and prompted my sister and I to do well in school. However, spirituality, there just wasn’t much there. I shiver to think of what suppressed or forgotten things we were exposed to! The story of this Father, coming to you, realizing he had messed up is heartbreaking but filled with hope. I can relate to that Father in this; what a powerful prayer to ask you for help in overcoming his unbelief. In agreement with all Dads out there, please help us in our own unbelief and have mercy on our children. Amen.

Heads Up!

Reading Time: 2 minutes

I remember my sons’ city-league baseball coaches telling the team in the field – “head’s up!” It was a call to be alert, stay in the game, don’t allow your eyes or thoughts to wander off.

The Apostle Paul brings a clarion call to the churches in Colossae, and to our own lives, to a similar, but much higher plain. Set your sights on the realities of what is above. Inquire higher!

But how do we do that Paul? There are so many shifty and shiny things going on around us right now. Paul uses the word for “think”, phroneó, to admonish us to shift our thoughts, to think as a visceral and cognitive process, describing more than focusing our mind, but also engaging our heart and emotions to fix our attention elsewhere. “To the things above,” Paul writes.

Paul does not use the word heaven, he just refers to what is above us, not just physically, but spiritually – the realms, where the reality of this life exists. Paul is not speaking of a dualistic existence. As we discover in the next several verses, he is speaking of getting our minds out of the gutters of sin and the magnetic pull of disordered desires within us. Heads up to pull our heart and mind away from, ”earthly things lurking within you.” Whoa! Paul leaves no room for us to imagine what those “earthly” things might be – he lists them! “Have nothing to do with sexual immorality, impurity, lust, and evil desires. Don’t be greedy, for a greedy person is an idolater, worshiping the things of this world,” Colossians‬ ‭3‬:‭5‬.

It turns out this encouragement is also a warning, “Pull your head out,” and look up to not only where Christ is seated, but also to where God is working to ”renew us, making us more like Jesus,” Colossians‬ ‭3‬:‭10‬! The “game,” here in this life, is to grab with gusto, everything we desire and live for ourselves. But the reality of God tells us those things are deadly and will never fully satisfy nor fulfill us. It is only through aggressive obedience that we can shift our thoughts to Christ, who is life. So head’s up and get back into the real life God has called us to!


It is so easy to be distracted, to be drawn back into former things, former life, former decisions. Those patterns and paths were so deeply carved into my life as a young man. Yet, I hear your voice, your whispered warnings to look up and stop looking back! That life, those desires were not of you nor from you. Help me to keep looking up and focus on the realties of what Christ has done! Thank you for your daily mercy and grace. Amen.