When family & community fail.

Reading Time: 3 minutes

When I came across this episode several years ago, I was struck by one glaring issue, I had not seen it before. Question: How does a demon get into a child? We are not given the reasons behind several of the demonic possessions throughout the gospels. But most of them are in adults. It is believed that, at one point in their life, they either peddled or meddled in evil realms of spiritual darkness which opened doors for evil spirits to come in and take control over a human body. Another theory is that through narcotics, alcohol or other addictions, their minds are left defenseless and similarly open to demons making themselves at home. The mad-naked-man, in the tombs, was an adult that became infested with thousands of demons and caused mayhem in the hills above the city. The citizens would bind him with ropes and chains trying to subdue him, possibly trying to keep him and the neighborhood safe. Mark’s gospel uses these examples as a way to let the reader know that Jesus has all power and authority over evil spirits, so demon possessions are mentioned about ten times.

Here, the story is very dark and very sad. A father, in desperation, brings his son to Jesus. Notice, the father identifies this as a spiritual episode, not a physical one. Are we missing something today when we see a person unable to speak, throwing themselves to the ground, writhing, foaming at the mouth and grinding their teeth? We would only see this as an epileptic episode and safely hold them down until it passes. I absolutely believe in medical epileptic episodes and I am not saying that today these are possessions.

This father knew it was more than a physical abnormality! The father also reported that “The spirit often throws him into the fire or into water, trying to kill him.“ When Jesus approached the child, he spoke to the evil spirit (that also kept the boy from hearing or speaking) and commanded the demon to depart, “the evil spirit then threw the child into a violent convulsion, and he fell to the ground, writhing and foaming at the mouth.” Everyone suspected the child was dead. This was something far beyond a physical or mental disorder. Jesus, knowing the difference between a physical problem and a spiritual one, didn’t command healing, he commanded deliverance!

There is enough hints in the story and the cultural background of the city where this took place, Bethsaida, a city known for its lack of faith (Matthew 11:21), that tells me the father and the community knew they were responsible for allowing evil into their town and their own children. The father told Jesus, “Have mercy on us and help us, if you can.” Help “US,” “IF” you can. The community not only had become known for unbelief, it had stopped being protective agents against evil – finally affecting even the children among them. This also makes sense why the disciples couldn’t just dismiss the demon. This evil spirit knew it could resist given the fact that the gawking crowd had little reason nor belief to kick it out. Of course, this would take prayer and fasting! Not just for an exorcism, but even more importantly to confront their stubborn hearts for resisting to God.

Do we have families that leave their children exposed to evil, practically inviting demons into the their homes and neighborhoods? Do we have cities with reputations of resistance and unbelief, where it becomes intensely laborious to speak truth and penetrate harden hearts with the gospel? I believe we do.

Ironically, I think our own “city of angels,” Los Angeles has become that. It’s not just that California is a state of known for hard, stubborn hearts, the city itself reeks of crime, corruption, sickness, poverty, and mental illness. Our dear city is a violent place, also filled with lawlessness, desperation, power and greed. It seems as though every attempt to bring healing and freedom takes prayer and fasting because the evil spirits know they are happily welcomed and accommodated in LA. What about your home, your neighborhood, your city? What you accommodate, your children will willingly accept!


I get the allure of selfishness to live the “adult” life. Which translates into little to none responsibility for children around us. My parents, all five, mostly did what they wanted. I know my adoptive mother worked hard and sacrificed to provide a good home, food and prompted my sister and I to do well in school. However, spirituality, there just wasn’t much there. I shiver to think of what suppressed or forgotten things we were exposed to! The story of this Father, coming to you, realizing he had messed up is heartbreaking but filled with hope. I can relate to that Father in this; what a powerful prayer to ask you for help in overcoming his unbelief. In agreement with all Dads out there, please help us in our own unbelief and have mercy on our children. Amen.

Heads Up!

Reading Time: 2 minutes

I remember my sons’ city-league baseball coaches telling the team in the field – “head’s up!” It was a call to be alert, stay in the game, don’t allow your eyes or thoughts to wander off.

The Apostle Paul brings a clarion call to the churches in Colossae, and to our own lives, to a similar, but much higher plain. Set your sights on the realities of what is above. Inquire higher!

But how do we do that Paul? There are so many shifty and shiny things going on around us right now. Paul uses the word for “think”, phroneó, to admonish us to shift our thoughts, to think as a visceral and cognitive process, describing more than focusing our mind, but also engaging our heart and emotions to fix our attention elsewhere. “To the things above,” Paul writes.

Paul does not use the word heaven, he just refers to what is above us, not just physically, but spiritually – the realms, where the reality of this life exists. Paul is not speaking of a dualistic existence. As we discover in the next several verses, he is speaking of getting our minds out of the gutters of sin and the magnetic pull of disordered desires within us. Heads up to pull our heart and mind away from, ”earthly things lurking within you.” Whoa! Paul leaves no room for us to imagine what those “earthly” things might be – he lists them! “Have nothing to do with sexual immorality, impurity, lust, and evil desires. Don’t be greedy, for a greedy person is an idolater, worshiping the things of this world,” Colossians‬ ‭3‬:‭5‬.

It turns out this encouragement is also a warning, “Pull your head out,” and look up to not only where Christ is seated, but also to where God is working to ”renew us, making us more like Jesus,” Colossians‬ ‭3‬:‭10‬! The “game,” here in this life, is to grab with gusto, everything we desire and live for ourselves. But the reality of God tells us those things are deadly and will never fully satisfy nor fulfill us. It is only through aggressive obedience that we can shift our thoughts to Christ, who is life. So head’s up and get back into the real life God has called us to!


It is so easy to be distracted, to be drawn back into former things, former life, former decisions. Those patterns and paths were so deeply carved into my life as a young man. Yet, I hear your voice, your whispered warnings to look up and stop looking back! That life, those desires were not of you nor from you. Help me to keep looking up and focus on the realties of what Christ has done! Thank you for your daily mercy and grace. Amen.

Earnest eagerness of our youth.

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Solomon was about twenty years old when he became King of Israel. He followed his father, David, in a stable and flourishing kingdom. Solomon admits he has no idea just how ginormous his kingdom was, but it is estimated at 800 thousand to possibly a million people. Later, it was noted in 1 Kings 4:20, “There were so many people living in Judah and Israel while Solomon was king that they seemed like grains of sand on a beach. Everyone had enough to eat and drink, and they were happy.”

Being young and given the responsibility of ruling over such a vast amount of people humbled Solomon. One of the things Solomon decided to do came right out of David’s playbook – massive and public sacrifices to God in one of the most popular of tabernacles – at Gideon. A thousand sacrifices, in ancient days, were seen as a “King’s” sacrifice, acknowledging his submission to deity – this was an expensive, seven-day example of honoring Solomon’s one true God. He also made those sacrifices, in Gideon, where it had been known for sacrificing to Idols – one of the many “high places.” In one massive demonstration of humility and repentance Solomon showed the people where his heart and financial motives were coming from.

This decision pleased God, which is why it prompted God to ask Solomon what he wanted. “That night the Lord appeared to Solomon in a dream, and God said, “What do you want? Ask, and I will give it to you! ‭‭1 Kings‬ ‭3‬:‭5‬.” As a young man, a young leader of a large, thriving kingdom, filled with God’s people, he wanted to do what was right above all else. Yet, even with the gift of wisdom from God, Solomon was not able to hold fast to righteousness and to continue to lead the nation in godly ways!

I remember being full of great ideas, technological advancements and more efficient systems to get things done. But I was serving in a culture that was resistant to change! As I have gotten older, I still feel the positive pressure of the future coming towards us faster than ever. However, my lesson, my observation from scripture, especially from the lives of David and his son, Solomon is this; to grow consistently in my spiritual maturity. Systems, cool ideas and flashy programs will not make it to eternity. People are worth investing in, so I want to work to stay humble. I choose to serve others well, praise and promote those around me and give all glory to God. I want to be able to give my own thousand sacrifices well into my elder years.


It’s not about finishing first, it’s about lasting to the end. It’s a race to the bottom, the end of the line, to see others cross before me. The crown that awaits us is those who have turned their hearts towards you and join with me in heaven praising you! Amen.

Tricky end-times questions.

Reading Time: 3 minutes

Then they asked him, “Why do the teachers of religious law insist that Elijah must return before the Messiah comes?” Jesus responded, “Elijah is indeed coming first to get everything ready. Yet why do the Scriptures say that the Son of Man must suffer greatly and be treated with utter contempt? But I tell you, Elijah has already come, and they chose to abuse him, just as the Scriptures predicted. Mark‬ ‭9‬:‭11‬-‭13‬ ‭NLT‬‬

The disciples had experienced a massive amount of change in their pre-conditioned beliefs propagated among the religious leaders of the day. It is interesting that when we don’t know something about God, we look to religious leaders for answers, but it turns out they often get it wrong! Knowing the scriptures in the past and interpreting for the present is already hard. Then add the ability to guess at its future fulfillment? That’s nearly impossible!

I find it interesting that the disciples, common working class guys, are now interested in eschatology – the end of things. They are so curious that they are listening to the lectures and debates of the Pharisees and Sadducees – which made up the Sanhedrin, the religious council of 70 men in New Testament days.

After the experience of Peter, James and John, it prompts the guys to ask Jesus some pretty heady spiritual questions. They ask, why do the “teachers” insist that Elijah must come before the Messiah! This is a great question because Peter had already declared his belief that Jesus is the Messiah! So, if the religious leaders are correct, when did Elijah come (other than three of them seeing him earlier on the mountain with Jesus and Moses)?

This discussion could have become very complicated with Jesus trying to explain the fulfillment of Malachi’s prophetic word in Malachi 4:5-6. “Behold, I will send you Elijah the prophet before the coming of the great and dreadful day of the LORD. And he will turn the hearts of the fathers to the children, and the hearts of the children to their fathers.” It made it even more difficult because John the Baptist came behaving a lot like the Old Testament prophet, to the point where people asked him, “Are you Elijah?” To which John said, “No, I am not,” John 1:21.

Jesus, more than once, referred to John the Baptist, as the one who fulfilled the Spirit of Elijah, paving and preparing the way for the Messiah, Matthew 11:9-14. It is believed that Jesus confirmed the Spirit, the same kind of passion as Elijah, showed up in John’s behavior and ministry. Yet, the physical return of the ancient prophet, Elijah was still yet to come. This technical and timely discussion was important to prove that God keeps His promises, and that Jesus, and only Jesus, would fulfill 100% of the prophecies, the future-telling of the Messiah.

Jesus being THE Messiah is an undeniable truth. I understand that as we experience our own cycles of tremendous change and signs of the end times, we can get very anxious and naturally curious. However, we must be careful in listening to “religious experts,” who have only proven to be consistently wrong throughout history. Some even declare they are prophets of God and have heard “words” from the Lord.

It is critical that we continue to focus on the Word of God, and our mission of both being a disciple and making disciples. There have been many signs in our past and there have been plenty of misguided promises and projections. The truth is, even when we see the signs, we still do not know exactly when the Day of the Lord, nor the parousia, the “catching away”will happen. But, guaranteed- it will. Because everything God promised and Jesus confirmed will happen. We can trust in Jesus and take comfort in our future.


I’m tracking with the disciples. I am just a common, come from chaos, kind of man. I love to think I understand complex theological issues and have thoughts on theories, but when it comes down to it – I’m simple! I depend on folks much smarter to help navigate all the scriptures in the past to bring understanding in my own life. And, just as important, what I then do with that knowledge! What I do know is that I trust you and I trust that what you will do in our future. Amen.

Does God “gentle parent” us?

Reading Time: 3 minutes

And have you forgotten the encouraging words God spoke to you as his children? He said, “My child, don’t make light of the Lord’s discipline, and don’t give up when he corrects you. For the Lord disciplines those he loves, and he punishes each one he accepts as his child. ‭‭Hebrews‬ ‭12‬:‭5‬-‭6‬ ‭NLT‬‬

Gentle parenting is a current style used by many to positively, affirmingly, understand their child’s behavior and allows them to self-correct. “A parenting style that focuses on empathy, respect, and connection to help children develop strong social skills and emotional intelligence.” And, “Gentle parenting focuses on parenting children without shame, blame, and punishment. This style of parenting centers around collaboration between parents and children.”

The author of Hebrews leans on an ancient Proverb and gives us a practical interpretation, Proverbs 3:11-12. Proverbs ends with this, ”For the Lord corrects those he loves, just as a father corrects a child in whom he delights.” Proverbs uses the Hebrew word for discipline, “yakach,” to decide, adjudge, even to argue! Hebrews uses the Greek word, “paideia,” the rearing of a child, training, discipline, correcting and proving. The Greek has the idea of chastening or purifying. This shows up in verse 13, where the Greek word, “mastigoó,” to scourge, appears. There is just no way around this very strong use of physical pain to be used in training. Does God send “severe pain” in the best eternal interests of the believer?

Anyone who studies the idea of the discipline, even in the context of learning skills, especially in sports, knows that pain is critical in the development of our own muscles! Pain may not be literally delivered in physical whippings or beatings, but life itself frequently delivers warnings in the learning process. When we fall, touch fire or electricity we experience pain! It’s a really good reminder, even an educator, to not repeat the behavior. The focus of the verses, here or in Proverbs, is not really the pain of discipline, it’s the idea that correction, chastening and proving is an act of love! For a parent of a young child to withhold warning, correction, even proper, age appropriate physical pain, to train a child about authority and boundaries would not be love. Proverbs speaks of the reason it is so critical, “foolishness is bound up in the heart of a child! “ It is also bound up in the human heart. The Hebrew word for foolishness, “ivveleth,” is from the word, “evil.” Look, if we came out of our mother’s womb with a moral sense of goodness, purity and wisdom, then parenting would hardly be necessary. Ah, but we are not born with an internal sense of good, are we? We use the word for babies referring them as innocent, but that’s just because they are needy and defenseless. It doesn’t take long for any parent to realize they have a self determined will and most, not all, are excited to challenge you.

However, whether you believe in gentle parenting or hard boundaries with gentle, physical consequences for clear challenges from a child, the point is God does discipline us. And, God does so with physical corrections because he loves us. What does it look like? It’s different for every person. I believe that God uses circumstances and even people to deliver His discipline. What have you learned? Have you recognized correction from God? If you wonder what will happen when we purposely continue to choose sin, challenging God with his own loving boundaries, God will step in to keep us on His path.


Not only do I believe your Word when you clearly discipline those you love. I have experienced your correction, and have learned to recognize it and respond with confession and repentance. I know it’s for my own good. I know it’s because you are watching, and are actively keeping me accountable because of your faithfulness, patience and love. Thank you for your boundaries, and your discipline! Amen.

The King’s ride.

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Who is this sweeping in from the wilderness like a cloud of smoke? Who is it, fragrant with myrrh and frankincense and every kind of spice? Look, it is Solomon’s carriage, surrounded by sixty heroic men, the best of Israel’s soldiers. ‭‭Song of Songs‬ ‭3‬:‭6‬-‭7‬ ‭NLT‬‬

Solomon is not doing too bad in his reign over Israel. His opulence is celebrated! Who doesn’t want their leaders having the best of the best. I don’t know the history of king’s carriages over the millennia, but I’m sure they have always been extravagant. Today, leaders ride in armored limousines with bulletproof, blackened windows. Back in the day, it was all about shiny gold and the entourage! Sixty guys, “all skilled swordsmen, experienced warriors. Each wears a sword on his thigh, ready to defend the king against an attack in the night.” This book, “Song of Songs,” also lets us know that the carriage itself was tricked out as well. Even though it was designed and handcrafted by skilled woodworkers, it was elaborately decorated by the local young women’s league of Jerusalem, “King Solomon’s carriage is built of wood imported from Lebanon. Its posts are silver, its canopy gold; its cushions are purple. It was decorated with love by the young women of Jerusalem.”

But why is the Song of Solomon even in the Bible?

I got this from Jay Harvey in his book, Song of Solomon. Four great reasons this book is necessary!

  1. A Deeper Appreciation of the Gospel, highlighting Christ’s love for the church through marriage, revealing the mystery of Christ’s love for his Bride.
  2. It’s mostly from a woman’s perspective, a female voice. From beginning to end, the reader encounters the woman’s perspective more than any other.
  3. A Revisioning of Sexual Intimacy. It revises our understanding and helps us reclaim holiness in sexual expression that God has created and declared good. No prudes here.
  4. A Realistic Perspective on Love. It is a series of love poems that capture the joys, insecurities, sorrows, and frustrations that accompany the journey of love. The relationship captured in this poem is his Word for his children’s understanding of love, marriage, and sexuality. And it is good!

Solomon, being a type of Christ in wisdom, is also a type in a deep, intimate understanding of love within the context of covenant. All we have to do to see its beauty is to toss out the 999 marriages and focus on just one – his first wife, Naamah the Ammonite.


I don’t remember reading much of the Song of Solomon since I was a teenage. I was told it was sexy and blush worthy. I know there are a lot crazy stories in the Old Testament, so this book is not surprising, it’s just hard to figure out practical applications from it. I would have no idea how to take it out of a marriage class and apply it to singles and sexuality! Yet, I know the message is about such a deep, pure love that it transcends all of what is propagated as “love” today. I am thankful for your love for me. I am also thankful for the covenanted love for my wife as well. It is very good.

Meme Meditation.

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Oh, how I love your instructions! I think about them all day long. Your commands make me wiser than my enemies, for they are my constant guide. Yes, I have more insight than my teachers, for I am always thinking of your laws. I am even wiser than my elders, for I have kept your commandments. Psalms‬ ‭119‬:‭97‬-‭100‬ ‭NLT‬‬

Psalm 119 is structured as an alphabetic acrostic, with 176 verses divided into 22 stanzas of eight verses each. Each stanza begins with a successive letter of the Hebrew alphabet, and each verse in a stanza begins with the same letter. For example, the first stanza is named “A” and each of its eight verses begins with the letter “A”.

Today’s devo is brought to us by the letter “M.” Mem is the thirteenth letter of the Hebrew alphabet. Numerical value: 40. Sound: “M” Meaning: 1. Water. Chabad.org explains, “The word mem stands for mayim, which means water. Water constitutes a vital element in our lives: a human being is largely composed of water and the majority of the earth is covered with it. Torah, the most vital element in our spiritual lives, is referred to as water, as it states: “Ein mayim ela Torah13—There is no water but Torah.” As the Prophet tells us, “He who is thirsty shall go and drink water,” meaning that a Jew’s thirst for spiri­tuality will never be sated by looking to other cultures or religions. The only thing that will quench one’s thirst is water, which is Torah. Just as a fish cannot survive without water, a Jew cannot survive without Torah.”

It is believed that Ezra wrote Psalm 119 as a manual for devotion. The “מ Mem” stanza is a beautiful meditation about God’s law, His instructions for life, guidance and wisdom. The most memorized verse in this passage is vs 103, “How sweet are your words to my taste, sweeter than honey to my mouth!” Echoing the words of David in Psalm 19:10, “[God’s Law] They are sweeter than honey, than honey from the honeycomb.” Which also reminds me of Psalm 34:8, “Taste and see that the LORD is good.”

The psalmists do a wonderful job of giving us picturesque language to help us associate God’s goodness with things that we are very familiar with. God’s wisdom, like “Mem,” water, is pure and refreshing. It is like eating of tasty wisdom that sets up for success above our enemies and helps us excel in understanding even beyond our teacher and elders. Not in a competitive or arrogant manner, but in humble curiosity of an unquenchable appetite to know God! And, it is GOOD!


I have tasted and I have seen the goodness of your Word. It has been that delicious treat for the cravings of my soul. It has been a light in darkness, illuminating my path ahead. It is everything the Psalmists have declared it to be. Thank you for your living Word that eternally works within me! I am a satisfied customer of your grace and mercy! Amen.


Reading Time: 2 minutes

Peace be with you, dear brothers and sisters, and may God the Father and the Lord Jesus Christ give you love with faithfulness. May God’s grace be eternally upon all who love our Lord Jesus Christ. ‭‭Ephesians‬ ‭6‬:‭23‬-‭24‬ ‭NLT‬

I have always loved the Apostle Paul’s grand greetings from his letters to churches and individuals. I never realized in signing off, in his salutations, Paul posted some powerful theology.

▫️Romans, “All glory to the only wise God, through Jesus Christ, forever. Amen.”
▫️ 1st Corinthians, “May the grace of the Lord Jesus be with you. My love to all of you in Christ Jesus.”
▫️ 2nd Corinthians, “May the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with you all.”
▫️ Galatians, “Dear brothers and sisters, may the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with your spirit. Amen.”
▫️ Philippians, “May the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ be with your spirit.”
▫️ Colossians, “Remember my chains. May God’s grace be with you.”
▫️ 1 Thessalonians, “May the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you.”
▫️ 2 Thessalonians, “May the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you all.”
▫️ 1 Timothy, “May God’s grace be with you all.”
▫️ 2 Timothy, “May the Lord be with your spirit. And may his grace be with all of you.”
▫️ Titus, “May God’s grace be with you all.”
▫️ Philemon, “May the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ be with your spirit.”

Paul’s phrase, “May the grace…” is the most used, twelve out of thirteen letters. Also noted is the Lordship of Christ. A few times, Paul closes with encouragement that Jesus “be with your spirit.” And uniquely writes “and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit,” to the Corinthian churches! However, as far as titles go, to the churches in Ephesus he gives proper titles to “God the Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.”

I’ve always wondered if we could see growth or changes in the Biblical writers as they age. I compare John’s gospel to his letters to churches and I see a lifetime of wisdom and tremendous growth as a result of suffering.

If you are interested in the chronological order of Paul’s letters, you can use this link: https://bit.ly/PaulChrono. Thessalonians was his first letters, and 2 Timothy was his last. Seven out of thirteen letters were written from Roman imprisonment or house arrest. Paul wrote Ephesians about 15/16 years into his missionary journeys. It just strikes me that Paul uses the powerful full titles of both God the Father and the Lord Jesus Christ to the churches in Ephesus. Robin and I have been to the ancient city of Ephesus. It is amazing, but sad. There are virtually no churches left there and very few followers of Jesus. There are a few Catholic buildings, but they are more touristy than anything else. Did we lose both salutations and valedictions in fast-paced texting? Who hand writes letters anymore? I still hand write birthday cards, hundreds a year. Let’s not lose the art of a well spoken or written greeting and valediction!


May God the Father and the Lord Jesus Christ, through the power of the Holy Spirit, bless you, keep you and give you peace. Amen.

The mystery of the faithless village.

Reading Time: 3 minutes

When they arrived at Bethsaida, some people brought a blind man to Jesus, and they begged him to touch the man and heal him. Jesus took the blind man by the hand and led him out of the village. Then, spitting on the man’s eyes, he laid his hands on him and asked, “Can you see anything now?” The man looked around. “Yes,” he said, “I see people, but I can’t see them very clearly. They look like trees walking around.” Then Jesus placed his hands on the man’s eyes again, and his eyes were opened. His sight was completely restored, and he could see everything clearly. Jesus sent him away, saying, “Don’t go back into the village on your way home. Mark‬ ‭8‬:‭22‬-‭26‬ ‭NLT‬‬

Jesus, arriving in Bethsaida, is met with folks bringing him a man who is blind. Bethsaida, home to apostles Peter, Andrew, and Philip, was also known as the city that rejected the gospel. “Bethsaida has come to represent those who have heard the gospel, understood God’s plan of salvation, and rejected it. Jesus implied that their eternal punishment would be harsher than that of those who did not have such a privilege (Matthew 11:22).”

Mark notes some particularly odd details about Jesus healing this blind man. One, Jesus led him out of town. People brought the man to Jesus, then Jesus walked him away from the crowd. Why?

Looking up some of the commentaries, they suggest that Bethsaida, as a city, was known for a lack of faith. Similar to the sad pronouncement about Jesus’ own hometown, Nazareth, where few miracles were done because of unbelief, (Matthew 13:58). Jesus’ compassion for the man meant that he needed to remove him from his neighbors, even though they brought him in the first place. Can a city-vibe of unbelief be so strong, so prevalent that it prevents God from moving in miraculous ways? It seems so with these cities. This may be why Mark points out the second oddity.

Jesus had to touch the man’s eyes TWICE! And, after the first touch Jesus asked him IF he could see anything? The man responded honestly, I see but everything is blurry. Well that won’t do at all. Jesus touched his eyes again. Mark writes, ”his eyes were opened. His sight was completely restored, and he could see everything clearly, (‭‭Mark‬ ‭8‬:‭25‬). Was this “second touch” also necessary because of the deep lack of faith in the man’s village? Did unbelief dull this man’s own faith? This also seems to be the reason.

The city’s anemic spirituality might also explain the third strange thing that happened. Jesus told the man – “don’t go through the town on the way home.” Wow, that’s specifically weird too. Normally, Jesus would say, “don’t talk about your healing,” or “go and show yourself to the priest,” who would verify and document the miracle. Jesus was clearly trying to protect this man’s fragile faith and didn’t want the town trashing his belief or his healing.

Do you find that we have a lot of cities that are known for unbelief? Traveling around the United States, folks were surprised that California has believers at all! We’ve got top healthcare, technology and personal rights, why would California need faith? If you live in California, as a believer and fellowship at a Bible believing church, you know it’s true – faith is a rare spiritual attribute in our cities. I’m certain that Jesus would be cancelled because of his sermons and miracles. People are in awe and wonder when a pictogram of Jesus’ face shows up on toast, a tree or a cloud, but a real miracle would be mocked on late night comedy shows.

Faith is harder to find and to live by in some of our own towns. Yet, Jesus still finds a way to take the hurting by the hand, lead them away from disbelieving crowds, touch them twice if necessary, and send them back home, avoiding the negative gossip-gab places. Jesus’ faith finds a way to help our unbelief!


There are places and people of influence who not only lack faith, they mock it! I am so fortunate that you got me out of town, away from my friends and touched my life as a teenager. You broke through to me and for me! I know you will do that for many who are broken and hurting. When they seek you, they will find you! Thank you for faith that rescues us even from unbelief. Amen.

David’s moral wishlist.

Reading Time: 3 minutes

I will sing of your love and justice, Lord. I will praise you with songs. I will be careful to live a blameless life— when will you come to help me? I will lead a life of integrity in my own home. I will refuse to look at anything vile and vulgar. I hate all who deal crookedly; I will have nothing to do with them. I will reject perverse ideas and stay away from every evil. I will not tolerate people who slander their neighbors. I will not endure conceit and pride. ‭‭Psalms‬ ‭101‬:‭1‬-‭5‬ ‭NLT‬‬

It is believed that Psalm 101 was inserted toward the end of David’s life, but it’s obvious that he wrote it when he was young, likely before becoming king. I like what one commentator used as the word that described David’s intentions to rule his country well, DETERMINATION.

David was determined to do right. David was anointed king three times. Samuel anointed David in his youth, (1 Samuel 16:13). After Saul’s death he was anointed king over the tribe of Judah at Hebron (2 Samuel 2:4). Seven years later he was anointed king over all the tribes of Israel (2 Samuel 5:3). But as life unfolded in David’s life, he lost sight of his original passion for God and justice. What was it that cooled or shifted his focus of being this righteous standard he had set for himself. David had a front row seat to observe what power, authority and wealth had done to his predecessor. He watched Saul’s spiritual life unravel right in front of him, throwing a spear at David because of the king’s spiritual torment. Is seeing a bad example of leadership helpful to guide one’s own idea of a good leader? I think it is. Yet, it is clearly not enough to be different. A great leader has to grow beyond just doing better than the person before them.

David’s own words in this Psalm must have haunted him as he looked back, he wrote, “I refuse to look at anything vile and vulgar!” Or, “I will reject perverse ideas and stay away from every evil.” These are evidence of a young man’s battle to control his own thoughts, disorder desires and overcome temptations that come his way. Job declared that he had made a covenant with his own eyes, “not to look with lust at a young woman,” (Job 31:1). When David was coming into his years of being a king at 30 years old, his intention, his determination was to NOT put up with conceit or pride. As it turned out, David’s moral wishlist ended up becoming his downfall. What he hated at thirty, he succumbed to at fifty. What do you think caused such a shift from passion to do right to passion to do whatever he wanted? Twenty years of battle victories led to kingdom wide peace and wealth. David no longer needed to go to lead his army against his enemies. He was too valuable, too important, too busy? In the spring when kings go off to war, David stayed home, (2 Samuel 11:1). Everything had been conquered in David’s life, except the desires within his own soul!

I get why this Psalm was inserted into the songs of praise at the end of David’s life, it is a reminder to guard our hearts and stoke the righteous passions of our youth even when we’ve made it, especially if we’ve won.


There are so many lessons to be learned from great men and women in the Bible. The heroic stories, the rags to riches stories, the famous “such a time as this” stories, all of them are so inspiring. Yet, David’s extraordinary life is one example of how quickly things can turn when I lose sight of the most important thing, the number one priority relationship in my life – you! I had wild and crazy expectations of changing my world and Your Church when I was young. Now, I just want to fulfill my calling and tend to my most precious relationships. I need your grace and mercy to finish strong and end well.