Like savvy shoppers soaked in the Spirit!

Reading Time: 3 minutes
“So be careful how you live. Don’t live like fools, but like those who are wise. Make the most of every opportunity in these evil days. Don’t act thoughtlessly, but understand what the Lord wants you to do. Don’t be drunk with wine, because that will ruin your life. Instead, be filled with the Holy Spirit, singing psalms and hymns and spiritual songs among yourselves, and making music to the Lord in your hearts.” Ephesians‬ ‭5:15-19‬ ‭NLT‬‬

​I just love this passage from Paul to the churches in Ephesus. Robin and I were able to go to Ephesus on a Mission’s Trip for Syrian refugee crisis to Turkey. The city walk, the downtown ancient city is still a wonder to behold. Just to walk the cobblestone road that Paul and Timothy walked was amazing. I also love this passage for two particular greek words Paul used here to describe the believers interactions and behaviors with the world they lived in at the time.

Paul was a spirit-strategist. He was brilliant in determination and dogged in being led by the Holy Spirit. Paul says look at, be perceptive, situationally aware of whats going on as you walk through life. Then he drops this incredible word about opportunity. He says eksagorázō, buy-up at the marketplace.

When he says make the most or redeem the time he uses a shopping term! You can hear the noise of the street and people buying and selling goods along the road in Ephesus. There were parts that were very much like an open-air mall! Paul says grab that deal, snag that bargain, get the sale! Who can’t understand what it’s like to live a life looking for a great deal?

What’s the great deal? We should we be savvy-shoppers for – Holy Spirit interactions with people that God has prepared to have a conversation with YOU. God has done all the work, all you have to do is be open and aware and used to speak to someone.

What would you say? That’s where the next word Paul uses really brings this passage to life. He says, believers don’t need to spend their days being drunk or soaked/intoxicated with wine. Instead believers need to be “filled” or plēroō, 100% completely soaked IN the Holy Spirit. Paul used a word that was common for taking animal skins which were used for tents and other coverings and soaking them in animal fat, thus permeating every part of it. It’s a great play on words here as well – don’t be soaked in spirits (wine) be soaked in the Spirit!

The believer is left totally and completely permeated with the presence of God as they walk about the marketplace where people gather to have God-ops by His design. What a way to live life! Am I prepared to be that available? Have I been soaking in the things of the Spirit to the place where I am seeing, perceiving this world through spirit-empowered lenses? It is here that Paul mentions one of the nine places in the New Testament about breaking out in song. If you can imagine an old Irish pub filled with ale and song, you can see how the church can gather to be soaked in the Spirit and sing songs of God’s great grace!


Oh, that I would, that WE as a church would be so aware, so cognizant of your presence, that we would walk about in our lives looking for these opportunities. And in those moments of seeing what you are doing in our world, our friends, family and neighbors we would be so filled with the power of the Holy Spirit that we could address whatever need, whatever difficulty people may face with your grace and mercy! Wow! What a day that would be. What everyday could look like IF we took Paul’s advice and believed your Word is true and effective in our daily lives!

Attention dog and dolphin lovers!

Reading Time: 3 minutes
“The godly care for their animals, but the wicked are always cruel.” Proverbs‬ ‭12:10‬ ‭NLT‬‬

You may ask why such a strange principle shows up in wisdom training. What does animal care have to do with wicked and cruel humanity?

Whether you’re a dog, cat, duck or dolphin lover you know that there is something inherently good about being kind and yes, caring to animals.

Confession time. When I was a teen I had two unfortunate moments where I killed or injured an animal. Both had to do with a BB gun. The death was a dove innocently sitting on a telephone wire above. It came flying down right at me and died at my feet. I wept. The other was sorta accidental. I also shot at a cat walking down the sidewalk in front of my friends apartment. As it turned out, the cat belonged to MY OWN next door neighbor and I was “coincidentally” asked to cat sit while she recuperated from a vet removing the BB from her back leg. I had to CARE for the cat I had shot. That was it for me and animal cruelty!

I was also an avid reader of C.S. Lewis and he was an activist who constantly opposed vivisection (experimentation on animals). Lewis actually wrote about animal cruelty in many of his books. I came across the concept in one of his books, That Hideous Strength where Weston, the antagonist, picked up innocent little frogs and tore their limbs off, causally tossing them off into the grass along the path. Lewis even believed in animal immortality, and was adamant that animals would be in heaven – and likely talk!

There is scientific proof that children, mostly young boys that systematically harm, torture and kill animals are showing early signs of a psychopathic behavior. And, it’s been widely known that adults, again, mostly males, have used animal abuse and torture to threaten and control children – oftentimes their own children. Why? Why? Why? Lewis believed that it was one of the ways that our deeply evil brokenness gets a chance to lash out at our loving creator.

It appears that throughout our human history that cruelty and abuse eventually spiral downward to harm the most innocent, the most defenseless. Animals, unfortunately, fit that example.

The wisdom writers make a clear connection between care for animals, representing innocent and defenseless to godliness. And it rightly follows that the wicked, are ALWAYS cruel.

No one in their right mind speaks of cruelty as a human right. No one says they believe that evil and wicked people should be free to carry out their every desire. Ah, but follow the thread. Who says evil people shouldn’t act out on their desires? Isn’t cruelty, their self-made, humanistic, evolutionary propelled truth a right? That’s sounds unfair. That sounds so judgey to tell the wicked how wrong they are. Among the benefits of believing in God is the knowledge that He and He alone dictates true justice, true morality. And I for one am glad God tells us to be nice to animals. Believers should be better at it because wisdom says it’s a godly characteristic.


I absolutely love the clarity of focus on your righteousness, your justice. Let’s just say I love your eternal and perfect perspective on everything in creation, including us as humans. So for me to “get wisdom,” is to understand you. It’s to understand your character, your ways, your interactions with me, with all of us. And, even in our “freedom” to choose to believe in you, but even further, to trust you with our lives and our future is beautiful and amazing. It does all come back to trust doesn’t it? I guess it’s similar to faith, but trust feels so much more intimate. I don’t just have a “belief” in you, I completely and totally live my life TRUSTING you. I don’t have to know all things. I don’t have to control all things. I just have to trust and obey… there really is no other way to be happy in Jesus!

Do you hunger for the supernatural, then snuggle up to the Holy Spirit.

Reading Time: 2 minutes
“But it was to us that God revealed these things by his Spirit. For his Spirit searches out everything and shows us God’s deep secrets. No one can know a person’s thoughts except that person’s own spirit, and no one can know God’s thoughts except God’s own Spirit. And we have received God’s Spirit (not the world’s spirit), so we can know the wonderful things God has freely given us. When we tell you these things, we do not use words that come from human wisdom. Instead, we speak words given to us by the Spirit, using the Spirit’s words to explain spiritual truths.” 1 Corinthians‬ ‭2:10-13‬ ‭NLT‬

This past Sunday I spoke on Jesus final words before leaving for heaven. But before he left, Luke tells us that Jesus “opened their minds to understand the scriptures.” It takes God to help us connect the dots. Paul explains it so well here to the churches in Corinth. Corinth was totally into all things mystical and fantastic.

The Spirit of God shows us the deep secrets of God himself. I believe those deep things are God’s plans and His ways. Paul even says we need “Spirit” words to explain spiritual truths. Jesus was the master of this concept. His words, illustrations and object lessons were simple yet profound. He was taking eternal ideas and making them reachable, accessible to those who had “ears to hear” what the Spirit was saying. He also spoke in parables that cloaked truth just enough to cause the listener to press in an be curious and inquisitive to learn.

Paul certainly was impressive explaining a lot of spiritual truths, especially when it came to wisdom of God and the workings of the Holy Spirit. Paul wrote more about the function and ways of the Holy Spirit to Corinth than any other church. You don’t see him write about things of the Spirit nearly as much in Romans or Ephesians. Corinth must have had a curiosity about the workings or “deep” things of God and Paul was boldly explaining them. I think these “spiritual truths” and “deep secrets”

Paul words are difficult for us westerners to understand. Last Sunday I said, we are “mystically challenged.” Oh, we enjoy our sci-fi, fantasy entertainment in movies, books and podcasts. But to explain or experience the the reality and truth of God’s word we are uncomfortable around miracles and the supernatural. It is dangerous to dabble in the fantasy world of spells, wizards, or even the paranormal while denying the very real spiritual realms of God himself and the purpose of power behind it. Let’s do as Paul suggests and reign in our imaginations or “casting down imaginations, and every high thing that is exalted against the knowledge of God, and bringing every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ.” 2 Cor 10:5.

Do you want to explore the mystical, supernatural wonder of the spiritual world? Snuggle up to the Holy Spirit and let the Spirit of God lead you into all truth!


Let our imaginations, our fascinations, our affections be set on you and only you. Help us not be carried away and tricked into seeking and believing the fantasy world of magic while disbelieving and even denying your deep secrets of plans and purposes of heaven. There is plenty of mystical wonder in the workings of your Holy Spirit. There is a very real power to experience and transform our lives and the world we live in. Let us press in to find the real and not be all enamored with the fake.

Is Proverbs a Pollyannic, positive thinking pusher?

Reading Time: 2 minutes
“If you search for good, you will find favor; but if you search for evil, it will find you!” Proverbs‬ ‭11:27‬ ‭NLT‬‬

Wowza! Talk about a cycle of self fulfilling prophecy, right? Whatever you look for, you’re sure to find it. This could be a conversation about your job, family, relationship, life or even your church.

If you put on the “evil” lens glasses everyday, guess what? Yeah, everything looks evil! If you put on “good” lens, you see… you get it.

Previously this was called putting on “Rose colored” glasses or seeing a Pollyanna perspective in all things. There are plenty of idioms about being a half-glasser, and whether it’s full or empty.

I’ve spoken with folks who are critical, suspect or conspiratists about almost anything. Their defense? “I’m a realist,” they say. Are they happy being a realist? No, I don’t believe they are. They are just super low on the trust factor.

The wisdom writers are not trying to make grand sweeping, total lifestyle statements. They are just stating a truth, a wisdom nugget to remember.

Was the Apostle Paul being a Pollyannist by telling the churches in Philippi, “If…” If there is anything excellent. If there is anything worthy of praise. Think about these things.” (Phil 4:8). There may not be excellence or praise in EVERYTHING going on in our lives, but there is bound to some!

Look for it, search for it. Hold onto that thought rather than letting evil or gossip, anger or hatred drag your soul down to the darkness of the abyss.


Not only do I need your favor in living this life and following Jesus. We need your help to find favor by our choices of what we focus on, what we choose to dwell on. As our friends and family struggle to claw our way out of a post-pandemic, highly divided season of life, please God – help us find good. Help us search for good. Help us to FIX our gaze on the hope that you are in control, that you are at work in the messes we’ve made, that you are WITH US even in our suffering. Thank you for your grace and mercy that is new and fresh and given to us each and everyday.

Don’t ya just love going away gifts?

Reading Time: 5 minutes
“Then he opened their minds to understand the Scriptures.”
‭‭Luke‬ ‭24:45‬ ‭NLT‬‬

​In the final moments, it happens. Jesus unlocks the doors that have kept the disciples minds cloudy, unsure of how all that was written and all that they personally experienced would be all connected to Jesus himself. He was and is the great mystery. Jesus was and is the final puzzle-piece that allows the entirety of the picture to make sense.

Luke writes of this grand sweep of records kept from early on in God’s story to his people, the Jews. There were millions of other things going on in the world, but God’s specific story of redemption would be told through Israel and all of it pointed to one promised messiah, Jesus. “When I was with you before, I told you that everything written about me in the law of Moses and the prophets and in the Psalms must be fulfilled.” All of it spoke of the very moments that Jesus lived to be, to show, to highlight the Word becoming flesh – dwelling, dying, defying the curse, hell and the grave. And after he had descended, bringing good news to those even to those imprisoned in hades itself, he would now ascend and restart the clock, reset the timer on finishing the plan to return for the finality of the earth.

However, just before Jesus exits the earth, he mentions leaving a gift, a promised going away present, that would be necessary to thrive in the years ahead until his second coming.

“And now I will send the Holy Spirit, just as my Father promised. But stay here in the city until the Holy Spirit comes and fills you with power from heaven.” Before, in all of history since the creation of the world, the Holy Spirit would come down and do a work, fill a king, come upon men and women to do extraordinary things here on earth. It was always powerful, but temporary. The Spirit of God would come and rest on a human being then leave after the specific job was accomplished.

Jesus was telling his disciples. Now, the Holy Spirit would come and STAY! The Holy Spirit would come and dwell among them just as He had done. The Holy Spirit would come and fill all who would welcome him just as anyone of the disciples would open the door of their heart welcoming Jesus himself.

Just as Jesus had given his followers the power and authority to say and do the work of God, just like he was doing among them. All the healings, the works of miracles, would be done still in the power of Jesus’ own name, but within each believer. In each believer would reside the Holy Spirit in the unique way of not just being a witness in our soul, speaking to our soul of the truth of God, but now exponentially more through the power of God to accomplish his will. This gift of visitation would not just be a quiet sense of assurance of salvation and peace with God, but now also the explosive power of God to do the supernatural.

It’s no wonder people are concerned about receiving such a gift, being filled with such an amazing but weighty responsibility to allow the Spirit of Jesus, the power of God himself to address the current issues of our day. It’s not a personal power, to feel goosebumps and tingles as the Spirit of God comes upon our bodies. It’s a purposed power to free prisoners from invisible handcuffs of sin, to kick out demonic powers that invade and create a home of hell within a victim’s mind. It’s power to heal and restore lost hope as a person struggles to see that their life is valuable and has worth in God.

No wonder it makes Christians really think about accepting such a gift. Maybe you don’t want that kind of responsibility, that accountability in your life.

Was Jesus just making this up, or is it real? Was Jesus just speaking to the few who had gathered to hear that promise or is it for every believer? Do I really want that gift? Do you? It is so interesting that the Holy Spirit’s name is defined as “one who comes alongside,” the paraclete in Greek. That part everyone likes about the Holy Spirit. The comforter, the encourager who speaks so gently and counsels us in our fears, our weakness, our struggles. But oh, that’s not the only picture of the Holy Spirit. Jesus and Paul describe the power of Spirit as one who raised Christ from the dead who comes upon humans with incredible power.

This phrase, “opened their minds to understand,” is also a way of explaining the way God’s story is unfolding. The Law, the prophets and psalms are all fulfilled, accomplished in Jesus, but the story continues doesn’t it. Jesus words, “and now” are a connector to what is to come. He speaks of the Holy Spirit and says, “just as the Father promised.” The “filling” of the Holy Spirit isn’t something necessarily new, it’s a continuation of what God has always been up to in human history.

The Holy Spirit is God, eternal, everlasting. This application point when Jesus says, “wait,” means that in God’s grand plan, this is how it was always intended to be. This is the time of the Holy Spirit’s permanence, to us, to be in and a part of every believer’s life to not only to dwell but to comfort and empower. This is God’s way of multiplying not only the gospel (repentance and salvation through Jesus), but also that there is now a physical representation of himself IN US, through us. Not just to live as witnesses to the gospel, but as powerful ambassadors to neighbors, friends and family members who are hurting, suffering and need a real and physical touch from God! That touchpoint is so needed today.

For those who are asking or curious about this “infilling” moment, this empowerment of gifts, including, but far from limited to speaking in tongues, this has always been a part of the plan and the story. I’m sorry if we as church or denominational leaders have been either divisive or combative about this going away gift to all believers. I’m sorry if we’ve under-emphasized or over-emphasized on specific aspects or applications of this gift. We never meant harm to you or the body of Christ.

We’ve just struggled with trying to “protect” or control the Biblical narrative. You now know – we can do neither! We’ve left a mess with all this because, well, we are messy people and don’t always get it right. The Pharisees took this approach to protect and control and failed miserably. Just know this; this “gift of the Spirit” is and has always been God’s plan and it would work fantastic if we would just obey and cooperate with Him instead of fighting and bickering with each other.


This ideal of yours about unity in the body of Christ is so much more difficult than I ever imagined. I understand church and denominational leadership types have different and even strong opinions, but it has hurt the body we are supposed to be serving. Your Word does not need taken apart, watered down or explained away and reduced to be powerless. It is what it is because You are who you are! We’ve done such disservice to the church and the world by trying to control your commands! It’s so frustrating and embarrassing. Please help us. Please bring us together for the sake of souls and the gospel.

A very real and eternal throne.

Reading Time: 2 minutes
“The Lord is king! He is robed in majesty. Indeed, the Lord is robed in majesty and armed with strength. The world stands firm and cannot be shaken. Your throne, O Lord, has stood from time immemorial. You yourself are from the everlasting past. The floods have risen up, O Lord. The floods have roared like thunder; the floods have lifted their pounding waves. But mightier than the violent raging of the seas, mightier than the breakers on the shore— the Lord above is mightier than these! Your royal laws cannot be changed. Your reign, O Lord, is holy forever and ever.” Psalms‬ ‭93:1-5‬ ‭NLT‬‬

This imagery in Psalm 93 is so interesting. Yes, it summons thoughts of a majestic and powerful ruler. Yes, it is grand and glorious in its eternal, immortal existence.

From this throne, David writes the “royal laws cannot be changed.” They enormously perfect, just, right and true laws of God can never, should never be rescinded. The ideal of a throne, the lavished stories told over ions of time about thrones, kings and their quest for righteous rules all for the kingdom they serve.

I find it all so intriguing because as a kid I read many, many stories of good kings and kingdoms. I also read of bad kings and villains who would try to rule for their own selfish gain, misusing and abusing people and power to pursue their evil plans to keep them in power. All those stories had these good and evil themes woven throughout.

The most recent show that Robin adored and I tolerated, The Crown, opened with majestic music and beautiful cinematography swirling around this ultimate symbol of power – the King’s or in this case, the Queen’s crown. The seat upon which she sat was the last remembrance I have of seeing a throne. The place where laws are declared, justice dispensed, orders given to be immediately executed. The throne, the crown, the person sitting on it was seen as all powerful and revered.

This throne-symbol of power has lasted for several millennia and shows up extensively in the New Testament, much of it in THE book of endings – Revelation. The word thronos appears 62x in the New Testament, 47 of which are in the book of Revelation.

The throne may not be a prominent and even powerful modern symbol, but it will be so in the end. The word picture David paints in Psalms will return in full real and living color as this world wraps up and a new one is created. The words of the psalmist seem to echo from the song that was penned so long ago all the way to the very end of this world’s human existence – “Your reign, O Lord, is holy forever and ever.”


What a very real and very poetically written majestic story. And I’m not just talking about David’s psalm. I am talking about the entire story of your majesty and might, your beauty and wisdom, your truth, righteousness and justice. It’s all there. It’s always been there. A very long story of not only our existence, but more amazingly, our redemption. It is and will be the very happiest of happy ending of any story that has ever been told! And, it is all about you. Gratefully and thankfully about you. I am quite happy being a part of it and even more excited to be present as it all comes to an end, then an entirely new beginning.

Honesty IS the best policy!

Reading Time: 2 minutes
“The Lord detests the use of dishonest scales, but he delights in accurate weights. Honesty guides good people; dishonesty destroys treacherous people.” Proverbs‬ ‭11:1, 3‬ ‭NLT‬‬

​Isn’t it interesting to think that the God of all creation is not just about truth, but also honesty.

Honesty is a characteristic of God? Truth has not only been divided and degraded it has also oddly been weaponized! But honesty, how is that going? Lying, or at least telling partial truth is crept into every part of our culture. Why? Because, people now want to play the games of hidden agendas and non-disclosures.

Honesty may invite more questions. Honesty may hurt feelings. Honesty may be embarrassing. The whole idea of dishonest scales in ancient times is like our modern day of “hidden fees.” And, back then it was common to rig the scale to make a little extra on the exchange especially taking advantage of the poor! The poor couldn’t do anything about it. They knew they were being cheated but risked being shut out from buying goods or food if they reported the owner.

Years back we had honesty in a lot of our work related phraseology. Honest day’s work. Honest pay. Honest wages. Honest business! Over taxation and complicated laws birthed a whole era of “under the table” and cash only earnings.

I also find it interesting that God is absolutely interested in the unseen, almost invisible behaviors of humans. Honesty and dishonesty is hard to spot, because it is built on trust. This is how reputations are made. This used to be how individuals and businesses would thrive. Hand shakes and humans that keep their word were valued and sought after. No one did business with “crooked” owners. Oftentimes, an owner or business became so dirty in their dealings that they ended up doing business with mafia and gangs just to keep their business afloat – but that comes with a horribly high price.

Bottom line, God HATES dishonesty because it’s is anti-God and it always takes advantage of the poor, the weak and the outcast. There are entire companies that PREY on senior citizens, on widows, on special needs people, even orphans! Whoa to these crooks, these politicians, these business cheats – God is watching and he will have his justice.


Even though I was a total creep in my youth when it comes to being honest, it now really gets me angry when I see people cheating or taking advantage of those who have no one watching out for them. I feel a sense of frustration with our government leaders who try to legislate care and protection for those at risk but end up creating horrible loopholes and drive the dishonesty even deeper and harder to spot and prove.

I feel like the church should be so much better at stepping in for the weak or disadvantaged, but we just don’t have our act together and folks just figure that’s what social or government services are now there to take care of. Government is horrible at care! Systems cannot love! Bureaucracy is not merciful or kind. Help us be better God.

What farmers know that I don’t.

Reading Time: 4 minutes
“This is the meaning of the parable: The seed is God’s word. The seeds that fell on the footpath represent those who hear the message, only to have the devil come and take it away from their hearts and prevent them from believing and being saved. The seeds on the rocky soil represent those who hear the message and receive it with joy. But since they don’t have deep roots, they believe for a while, then they fall away when they face temptation. The seeds that fell among the thorns represent those who hear the message, but all too quickly the message is crowded out by the cares and riches and pleasures of this life. And so they never grow into maturity. And the seeds that fell on the good soil represent honest, good-hearted people who hear God’s word, cling to it, and patiently produce a huge harvest.” Luke‬ ‭8:11-15‬ ‭NLT‬‬

​Thank goodness Jesus explained this one to his disciples, thus explaining it to all of Luke’s readers! I love the fact that Jesus told stories and parables that were fitting for the audience who,was listening. This is an “aggie” story. This is a story for farmers and families who live in an agricultural community. Jesus wouldn’t have told this story, say in downtown Los Angeles. And he wouldn’t have told an urban story to a bunch of Fresno, California peeps. These are rural stories for rural people.

As a non-farmer and the son of a non-farmer, I can get the point, but I will never be able to feel the story or experience the story like those who hands are worn with dirt. How could Jesus, being a Rabbi and a mason, tell a good ‘ol farmer story. I believe Jesus spent an enormous amount of time with a massive cross section of people from all walks of life, all income brackets and social standing.

Did you know that Jesus often told stories with words and concepts from the entertainment industry of that day? Yeah, one example is using the word “hypocrite.” The word comes from theatre troops, popular in Jesus’s day. Jesus would not have attended many of these performances, because they were NSFW, but he did talk with theater people. Same here. Jesus probably did not farm himself, but he spent a lot of time with ordinary farmers. His ability to not just BE with people, but to listen and learn their lingo and their needs is extraordinary! I read this story of “a farmer goes out to sow seeds” and it feels a little flat to me. I’ve never gone out and sown seed. And when I read it, I think, “why is the guy throwing seed on paths, weed patches and unprepared ground?” Seems like a waste of seed to me. But you know what? I’m NOT a farmer, so I have no idea what they really do or why they do it! But the audience knew exactly what Jesus was taking about, probably nodding their heads in agreement with each point he made.

I have friends that live in places like Nebraska, Missouri and Kansas who constantly educate me on the ways of agriculture or livestock. I don’t think our school even had a 4h club, so I wasn’t going to learn about the land that way.

Jesus’ parable, especially with the key-code to unlock the mystery really helps. And, it helps understand a facet of how God works and the Kingdom of God works among us.

One more question before I wrap this up. When Jesus said, “The seed is God’s Word,” I wonder – exactly what “Word” was Jesus referring to? The Old Testament Law? The entire Old Testament, including Psalms, Proverbs and the Prophets? Was Jesus referring to himself, the “Logos” even as he was living and speaking while he was Son of Man/Son of God on the planet? The gospels and the epistles (letters) wouldn’t be written down for several decades, possibly even a hundred years.

I believe, wholeheartedly in the now written Word of God, but I also believe that God continues to speak to men and women’s hearts through all kinds of ways. I don’t claim that any of it is scripture, but God still has ways of delivering his seed, his word our world today. And as it is scattered everywhere in hopes that it finds fertile ground, it is still up to the soil/heart of the hearer to keep their soil in good shape or for sure, clear out rocks, weeds and hardness to allow God’s word to be productive in our salvation and redemption.


I love the parables and stories, filled with mystery and just begging to be explored by curious or needy minds. I love the beauty of Jesus’ ability to talk with any and every human no matter their background or way of life. You know us so intimately! You love us so thoroughly. I am grateful that we get to be seed sowers of your love and grace. We get to be wild and liberally tossing out your gracious words of hope and not have to be concerned that every seed finds its rich target in good soil. And, we even get to continue to keep our own heart and soul in a state of preparedness taking care of our own hardness, rockiness, weedyness. I take it this picture of a farmer sowing isn’t a one and done kind of story. It continues on while we live on a very earthy, soiled planet!

Refreshingly clean and good smell of unity!

Reading Time: 2 minutes
“How good and pleasant it is when God’s people live together in unity!” Psalms‬ ‭133:1‬ ‭NIV‬‬

Such a small verse with a BIG impact! Interestingly enough, the psalmist goes in to physically describe what UNITY feels like. Togetherness feels like a total body cleansing like rainfall on a hot day. The song directs us to think about a very public act that was not only performed on the high priest, Aaron, but also a very common act of anyone who wanted to be clean, refreshed and even getting ready for a big event.

I’m not at all a oil or lotion guy. I just can’t stand any kind of perfumed substance on my body. I don’t like hand, face or body lotions. I don’t even like sunscreen! I certainly can’t imagine anything oily in my hair. Robin, on the other hand, LOVES lotions, creams and various liquids on her. She loves the way her skin absorbs the oil or lotion and how it makes her ski feel after applying it. I’m the opposite, I only like water or strangely enough rubbing alcohol. I only like things that REMOVE oils on me, not apply more!

In ancient times, water was used for washing, but it was difficult to get it and keep it fresh. Ancients were obsessed with fresh water and only the wealthy either had or built natural springs running through their house or property. But oils, likely essential oils, were portable, easy to make and use. So these oils would be used much like a modern day shower or washing your face in the sink. They were cleansing and healthy for hair and body. Plus, they were fragrant, like we would use a deodorant. As much as I don’t like oily things on my skin I still see the point the psalmist is getting at. Thankfully he writes about dew or light rain falling in the mountains as well – THAT I can get into.

Either way, it’s a great visual of how unity, how togetherness brings all the benefits that oils, cleansing and smelling good brings. Unity cleans our cooperative, collective souls. Unity refreshes our hearts, minds and attitudes. Unity brings a clean, fresh, delightful aroma to us as a group. This picture of the benefits of unity should draw us in to want that! To wash away the nastiness of all that goes on in our culture, stuff that just gets picked up on the freeway or while waiting in the impatience of a grocery, coffee or food line.

To be refreshed by each other’s love and cooperative attitudes is like going to a health spa. And to smell the aroma of unity that replaces our individual and sometimes stinky selfishness. Oh how good it is to dwell together in unity. This is truly a picture of how God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit has always existed! And when we cooperate, come together and act in unity – wow it looks and smells amazing!


This is not only ideal and completely an affirming YES and big head-nod, it is also a lot of work! Unity is work. It is a work in progress. It takes sacrifice, humility and calling each other on bad behaviors that tear down instead of build up. It’s a loving accountability, a pact, a promise to hold up when trust is eroded and tempers flare. We want unity, I think. We want the amazing refreshment of clean and nice smelling, but we have to identify the reasons and the attitudes that prevent us from getting there. Help us!

The Church responding in crisis

Reading Time: 3 minutes
“During this time some prophets traveled from Jerusalem to Antioch. One of them named Agabus stood up in one of the meetings and predicted by the Spirit that a great famine was coming upon the entire Roman world. (This was fulfilled during the reign of Claudius.)” Acts‬ ‭11:27-28‬ ‭NLT‬‬

Go Agabus! We’ve often talked about a prophetic word being an encouragement or an exhortation, keeping things uplifting or giving poignant reminders. I’ve heard it said that prophecy is more forth-telling than it is foretelling. Yet, Luke’s words attest to the fact that God still speaks to warn believers of what’s ahead. Luke also let’s us know the famine did indeed come while Claudius was in power.

What should believers do when given this kind of warning? This group started raising money to get it to Jerusalem BEFORE the need became a reality. This wasn’t some “whoa is us” kind of warning. This wasn’t a doom and gloom scenario. It was a now-that-we-know, let’s get busy response. This is a picture of how and what the modern Church should look like! A Church, led by the Spirit of God, getting future tips of what will happen and then making plans to meet the crisis head on. In their case, it was sending money.

It could have been a lot of things – sending money is great for buying, and storing ahead of time then distributing supplies afterwards.

However, the Church needs a few things for this kind of scenario to happen today: We’ve got to be people of the Spirit. We’ve got to listen to our gifted men and women whom God will speak to. We’ve got to tear down our denominational divides and be willing to come together for action. And, we’ve got to quit worrying about who gets the credit for best response and see ourselves as ONE! Basically, we must fulfill the prayer Jesus prayed in John 17 – we must be in unity!

Looking back at the Church’s response in a global pandemic, individual churches did some spectacular work and responded by collecting and distributing millions of pounds of food with a government program called farmers to families. The first round of purchases occurred from May 15 through June 30, 2020 and saw more than 35.5 million boxes delivered in the first 45 days. In total, USDA has distributed more than 167 million food boxes in support of American farmers and families affected by the COVID-19 pandemic and spent about $5 billion. Churches linked arms with nonprofits and had weekly distributions on their own property. The church I served on staff with, Mesa Church, had a weekly food distribution that went from May through to August in 2020. One nonprofit in Costa Mesa, called Trellis, headed up a massive, multi-nonprofit, multi-week distribution in an Ikea parking lot. It was a perfect picture of unity! We were also able to pray with families as their trunks were being filled with fresh groceries.

Yet, even in the midst of great opportunities to serve, we (the Church) still struggled with being horribly distracted by politics, conspiracy theories, and internal infighting over race, masks, vaccines and meeting indoors. Churches NEVER did shut down, never closed! Yet we squabbled over indoor services, creating unnecessary tension between being a super-spreader event and our “religious” rights to gather in a building.

This was ridiculously embarrassing on the Church! Many rallied behind churches that proudly never stopped meeting inside the building. Others stayed home and participated in church online. Still others just took the church out to meet in parks and parking lots. I thought parking lot church was the most exciting thing I’ve seen happen since the 70’s! Bottom line – we divided when we should of and could of been united! And even worse, we took our griefs and gripes to the public forum of social media and made ourselves look like fools!

As Pastors, we were not prepared to mitigate between two vocal, almost militant groups of Christians. Next time I hope, I pray that we get our love-act together and behave and serve as one.


I don’t know what grieves your heart more, our sin or our inability to be united? We have done so much better in the past. We need to be better in the future. I believe the last time we had a global pandemic, the church did a better job both in serving and in coming together in agreement on what we should be doing in crisis. I think that may be some of the reasons folks aren’t returning to gather together. It may take awhile to forgive us for acting so poorly.