Common sense got cancelled.

Reading Time: 2 minutes

“My child, don’t lose sight of common sense and discernment. Hang on to them, for they will refresh your soul. They are like jewels on a necklace. They keep you safe on your way, and your feet will not stumble. You can go to bed without fear; you will lie down and sleep soundly. You need not be afraid of sudden disaster or the destruction that comes upon the wicked, for the Lord is your security. He will keep your foot from being caught in a trap.” ‭‭Proverbs‬ ‭3‬:‭21‬-‭26‬ ‭NLT‬‬

And, uncommon sense (foolishness) is now king. Oh, I’m not worried about the fact that only a tiny minority believe and try to live out this rejection of all authority and replace it with anarchy and whatever seems right or feels good at the time. My concern is that all the major influencers in our society (TV, streaming, socials, podcasts and news driven by advertisers) are pumping out lies suggesting that these self-driven “free” expressions are now the cultural norms.

Proverbs gives us this “sound” wisdom and judgment or discernment as THE keys to a good life. This Hebrew word, tushiyyah (wisdom), is a “successful” abiding wisdom. A life represented by jewels (financially sound), safety, deep sleep with happy REMS and the absence of constant fear. Sounds peaceful right?

Yet the anti-principled life, lacking common sense and clear thinking would also be true. Uncommon senses leads to a bad life, filled with trinkety costume jewelry (debt), fear, insomnia and constant anxiety that something terrible is about to happen. Yeah, anti-wisdom (foolishness) breeds depression and restlessness!

Proverbs being a book of principles means that these are the scenarios we get to choose; wisdom or foolishness. I’ll tell you what is NOT taught in public schools, especially to the young – wisdom and basic good principles for life. Of course education used to be based on a completely different moral foundation, the Bible. Now, the moral underlying platform is authenticity of SELF.

Young men and women need wisdom more than ever before. I believe they crave it, look for it and would love to see it modeled in their parents. Sadly, many parents are still trying to find themselves and have little time or interest in guiding their own children. The prevalent parenting advice is to let the children guide themselves. Why would parents project their own beliefs, morals or behaviors onto their children’s little self-defined souls? Doesn’t that sound like uncommon sense? Parents are SUPPOSED to guide their children! Proverb’s principles tells us that wisdom, seen in common sense and discernment, will lead to a good life for a child!


You and I both know my parents tried to do right, tried to be good parents. But all five of them just couldn’t pull it off. Long before I knew you, I had a creepy sense that if I found a way to live OPPOSITE of my own parents decisions, there might be a chance that I would make it. I thought that as a kid! What child should have to seek a good model that is opposite of their parents? I love my moms and dads (well not psycho Ben), but I know I would not have survived without you. My heart aches for children having to raise and parent themselves in this culture of “freedom” and self-authenticity. They need you! Help us Oh God! Pour our your Spirit and save us and our children!

The slanderous snake returns.

Reading Time: 2 minutes

“Then Jesus was led by the Spirit into the wilderness to be tempted there by the devil. For forty days and forty nights he fasted and became very hungry.” ‭‭Matthew‬ ‭4‬:‭1‬-‭2‬ ‭NLT‬‬

Matthew jumps over a few years in Jesus’ life, taking us from three to thirty and quickly introduces John the Baptist who in turn introduces Jesus. We leave the ancestry and Christmas story to a thunderous annunciation – “And a voice from heaven said, “This is my dearly loved Son, who brings me great joy.””

Matthew then quickly thrusts us into a battle in the desert. The place where Jesus fasted and prayed – this was no longer eden and the landscape of the earth and the human condition were no longer paradise. John Mark Comer reminds us that this battle did not take place with physical weapons, like swords, knives or clubs. It took place with words – just words. Of course, that’s all it took to bring the first couple down in the beginning, they were just words; one of them a question in fact. With Eve the liar asked, “Did God say?” Here in the anti-Eden, the slithering slanderer planted a more subtle challenge… “if you are the Son of God.” Thinking Jesus might need proof at this point in his life? “Turn stones to bread,” the smooth talker said. Take control Jesus. It’s yours to command, if you’d like. If you are as they say, “really God.” Interesting that later on Jesus would replicate a few fish and some barley loafs into food for thousands who were hungry. The stones show up again when Jesus enters the city of Jerusalem riding on a donkey. Luke writes Jesus’ words, “If humans won’t praise, even the stones themselves will cry out!”

Two more temptations would come and Jesus wisely used God’s word, his own sword of the Spirit to fend off the little blood-sucking flea. The last temptation would come just before a betrayal and an ambush in another garden. Would Jesus drink the cup of suffering? The desert, the garden, the war and the win was all for us! Hebrews says it poetically perfect, “So then, since we have a great High Priest who has entered heaven, Jesus the Son of God, let us hold firmly to what we believe. This High Priest of ours understands our weaknesses, for he faced all of the same testings we do, yet he did not sin. So let us come boldly to the throne of our gracious God. There we will receive his mercy, and we will find grace to help us when we need it most.” ‭‭Hebrews‬ ‭4‬:‭14‬-‭16‬ ‭NLT‬‬. The second Adam made everything right between us and God.


Jesus was tempted and passed. His only defense and weaponry was Your Word – the most powerful force in all creation. I am daily tempted, tested and faced with subtle questions as well as accusations and lies. I MUST hide your Word in my heart, not only so I do NOT sin, but also so I can win the battles within my own heart and mind. What lies do I want to believe to get my own way instead of submitting to your way? What God-Words can I store and retrieve to help fight these lies? Thank you for leading, guiding and protecting me as I learn to depend on your Word.

Lit and simple grit.

Reading Time: 2 minutes

“Your word is a lamp to guide my feet and a light for my path. I’ve promised it once, and I’ll promise it again: I will obey your righteous regulations.” ‭‭Psalms‬ ‭119‬:‭105‬-‭106‬ ‭NLT‬‬

I love this idea of grit being a major factor of success in many pursuits. Wikipedia writes, “Grit is a positive, non-cognitive trait based on an individual’s perseverance of effort combined with the passion for a particular long-term goal or end state (a powerful motivation to achieve an objective). This perseverance of effort promotes the overcoming of obstacles or challenges that lie on the path to accomplishment and serves as a driving force in achievement realization.” I believe this determination was a necessary quality in my education, both in a B.A. and M.A. And, now I have come to realize how important grit is in my relationships, with God first and also with others.

You can hear this in the Psalmist words, “I’ve promised,” and “I will.” It is said that this Psalm was called the “Manual of devotion” by Ezra. Using God’s word as a constant guide, not just as a moral map, but also as a manual of love, understanding God’s most intimate thoughts. The Psalmist writes one of the most beloved phrases for us to visually understand how to navigate the darkness of our existence – God’s word is a light to guide us and safely keep us on the narrow path.


How often do I look for some kind of illumination when I feel I am stumbling along in darkness? To think of grabbing a lamp, a torch (as the brits say) or flashlight is so simple when the power goes out. I am so thankful to not just pick up your Word in emergencies but with determination and grit, to regularly store up verses like this one that guide me. Committing it to memory helps me gain quick access to your powerful and living word! I too promise and will obey your decrees!

Blinded by lies, not light.

Reading Time: 2 minutes

“If the Good News we preach is hidden behind a veil, it is hidden only from people who are perishing. Satan, who is the god of this world, has blinded the minds of those who don’t believe. They are unable to see the glorious light of the Good News. They don’t understand this message about the glory of Christ, who is the exact likeness of God.” ‭‭2 Corinthians‬ ‭4‬:‭3‬-‭4‬ ‭NLT‬‬

Good news, God has a rescue plan for all. Bad news, Satan has a terrorist’s intent to thwart it. God has plans, Satan has lies. Satan doesn’t need a plan to damn humanity, just lies to keep us believing one of two things: we don’t need to be rescued or we can rescue ourselves!

The blinders that keep people from seeing this glorious light is simply self sufficiency; thinking there’s nothing wrong with me and I can create my own truth, my own destiny. These blinders are only effective because we crave this autonomy of choice to run our own life, host our own awards shows, and pursue anything and everything that our minds can imagine.

What’s wrong with that? Our dark hearts are bent and determined to choose only selfish, self-satisfying desires. And, very much like those who are blind, it leads away from God and towards evil and death. And in our “enlightened” state of darkness, we harm and destroy those around us eventually finding ourselves alone. Satan’s job is to steal, kill and destroy, but does so non-confrontationally through lies. We let Satan in by believing them and lock God out by our own choices. The message of Christ is truth. He is all good and has no lies, no tricks to con us. Christ is life itself. Believe Christ and live, or believe the lies and die.This is the hidden message.


I would not have found my own way. But you found me. You illuminated that foyer at Oak Knoll Lodge in Big Bear, California and showed me right from wrong, death and life. You offered me a deal that I could not pass up. And as that small space under a table lit up with truth I saw everything clearly for the first time. It was my time, my chance to choose and I will forever be grateful for that moment. Help me continue to live in that light, that truth and to continue to walk away from lies and darkness. Thank You!

Fixer Upper Faith

Reading Time: 2 minutes

“In the eighteenth year of his reign, King Josiah sent Shaphan son of Azaliah and grandson of Meshullam, the court secretary, to the Temple of the Lord. He told him, “Go to Hilkiah the high priest and have him count the money the gatekeepers have collected from the people at the Lord’s Temple. Entrust this money to the men assigned to supervise the restoration of the Lord’s Temple. Then they can use it to pay workers to repair the Temple. They will need to hire carpenters, builders, and masons. Also have them buy the timber and the finished stone needed to repair the Temple. But don’t require the construction supervisors to keep account of the money they receive, for they are honest and trustworthy men.” ‭‭2 Kings‬ ‭22‬:‭3‬-‭7‬ ‭NLT‬‬

Josiah was only 8 years old when he became king of Judah. Israel had not only abandoned their faith, Josiah’s own grandfather, Manasseh adapted the Temple for idolatrous worship and allowed it to fall into complete disrepair. The entire country had been actively pursuing idols like Baal and Asherah poles were everywhere.

At 20 years old Josiah started a program of destruction, tearing down Baalist altars and images throughout Jerusalem and Judah.

Six years later, at 26 years old, he began to do some serious fixer upper repairs on God’s house, the temple. During the demolition phase, Shaphan, the temple secretary is instructed by Josiah to talk to Hilkiah about getting the finances together for the restoration project. The king told Shaphan to get the money to the temple general contractors overseeing the whole thing. Interesting note that should blow the minds of CFO’s, treasurers and bookkeepers, Josiah tells the secretary, “don’t require them to keep account of the money… because they are honest and trustworthy!”

It is during this massive restoration of the temple that we find out, the building isn’t the only thing that needs repair. The people themselves have to rebuild and restore their faith in God! Amidst the chaos of demolition, the High Priest, Hilkiah finds THE book, THE scrolls, THE laws of God, dictated by Moses and written under his direction. Hilkiah gives the scrolls to Shaphan and he reads them. Then, in his casual update on the progress of the Temple Project he says, “Ok King, the general managers have the money and they’re off and running. Oh, and also, Hilkiah the priest has given me a scroll.” So Shaphan read it to the king. Shaphan may have not even realized what these scrolls were about, even though Hilkiah told him! Now there were two fixer upper projects going on. One on God’s house, the other, rebuilding the hearts of God’s people.


It’s really hard to imagine an entire country, your own people turning away from you to chase, dating and unite themselves to cold stone statues and phallic looking poles looking for pleasure, happiness and fulfillment. Oh wait, we still do that today! Our idols make look so sophisticated, even subtle, but they are the same lie that Israel fell for. Harder yet is the rollercoaster ride picture of obedience that comes with blessings as well as disobedience that comes with a curse. We have such a dark dramatic story don’t we. Yet, in it all, your light shines, your grace redeems and I see your patience culminating in the sacrifice and salvation through Jesus. Glory and honor to you oh God because of your mercy!

The sweet spot of wisdom – decision making

Reading Time: 2 minutes

“Trust in the Lord with all your heart; do not depend on your own understanding. Seek his will in all you do, and he will show you which path to take.” ‭‭Proverbs‬ ‭3‬:‭5‬-‭6‬ ‭NLT‬‬

These simple verses could be the synopsis for the entire book of wisdom. My mistake was thinking it was just for youth, just for late teens, early twenties. Once I got going in life; graduated college (first ever in my family), got married, had a child and settled into my calling from God to be a Pastor, I would be able to take things from there.

These verses were never meant to be a fortune cookie saying. I only thought the hard decisions were about getting started in life or at super big crossroads. I did not think of sustaining a godly life by continually trusting God, ignoring circumstantial signs and seeking His will. Oh silly young Padawan!

Robin and I both have had multiple missteps, life-altering moments and decision points since our youth. And, although I had memorized this verse and mentally quoted it at the start, I somehow had it hardcoded to our beginnings. And, I made the mistake of ONLY associating these verses with big life decisions, when clearly there are daily applications in them. Let’s put it this way, I STILL must trust. I still must ignore the ANTs (automatic negative thoughts). I still must seek God’s will in everything. With every decision pondered in prayer. Then with every conviction of faith, I must look for the path that God wants me to take. After that, it’s just about standing on that decision, confident that God has not and will not mislead me!

For example: With most of my people judgements I use the decision tree template of love. If I am to push my way in, wading into the muck and mire of the mess we get ourselves into, I have to decide if love requires that I enter into someone’s personal space to help. I ask, “What is my motive here?” Because if it’s to gain or spitefully be right, then it’s not love. Then I ask, “Am I willing to see this all the way through?” Because if I don’t count the cost, I may flake out when it gets really hard or expensive. Then I have to confront myself by asking, “What if I’m wrong?” I am talking about being wrong to get involved, butting in, throwing myself under the bus! If I make it through the mental flowchart and I get the go ahead, I quietly whisper, “For Christ and His love!” and with Paul’s words to the churches in Ephesus (Eph 4:15) – I go for it. I can definitely add these verses as a pre-checklist prayer as well.

I plan to tattoo these verses on my brain so I can quickly access them everyday.


Remember how many times I cried and quoted these verses in my teens and early twenties? I was scared out of my mind! I was desperate to do right. I felt ill equipped and awkward making big life, adulting kinds of decisions. You were the only one listening! You were the only one I could trust. I kind of miss that desperation. I also remember having one of those MAJOR crossroads moments when I was forty. I felt like I was completely changing my calling not just careers. You were and are so faithful to answer, to lead and guide. I am so grateful for your kindness and patience with me.

God’s axe to grind.

Reading Time: 2 minutes

“But when he saw many Pharisees and Sadducees coming to watch him baptize, he denounced them. “You brood of snakes!” he exclaimed. “Who warned you to flee the coming wrath? Prove by the way you live that you have repented of your sins and turned to God. Don’t just say to each other, ‘We’re safe, for we are descendants of Abraham.’ That means nothing, for I tell you, God can create children of Abraham from these very stones. Even now the ax of God’s judgment is poised, ready to sever the roots of the trees. Yes, every tree that does not produce good fruit will be chopped down and thrown into the fire.” ‭‭Matthew‬ ‭3‬:‭7‬-‭10‬ ‭NLT‬‬

Matthew let’s us know that John the Baptizer and the teachers of the law and ruling class of religious leaders over the Jews did NOT get along nor see eye to eye. So much for being on the same team, right? Why didn’t they like each other, where’s the love and unity here? John had a quick nickname for them – snake broods. Or offspring of snakes.

Interesting that later on Jesus told the religious leaders that they were in fact the kin of their father, the “father” of lies (John 8:44), tying our thoughts to the original garden scene where Satan is the deceiving snake who temps the couple into disbelieving God.

Shocker, these religious leaders were not on the God-squad at all. They were working and cheering for the wrong team. John says, “who warned you?” Had they been listening to John’s messages? Had they been baptized, showing repentance for their sins? Then John says something that Jesus picks up and repeats later in Luke 6:46. John, “prove it by the way you live!” John also drops the good-fruit bearing tree analogy, which Jesus also talks about later in Matthew 7:18, and 12:33.

Does John quote the religious leaders when they were saying, “we’re safe?” Safe from what? Judgment? Eternal fire (Gehenna) or hell? But they were NOT safe, were they? The axe God was grinding was from this very old imagery when God actually did chop down the tree representing Israel many times in the past, but always left the root of the symbolic tree in tact. God spared the “root of Jesse” (Isaiah 11:10).

Jesus is that root and any life, any fruit that would come from that “tree of life,” would live and continue to produce good fruit. However, any branch that did not come from this root, this Jesus’ tree would be SEVERED from its root and thrown into the fire. It’s story, it’s lineage, it’s legacy would not continue. John’s symbol of an axe, is God’s axe of judgment, of finality, the end of Satan’s seeds of lies growing sickly trees filled with rotten fruit. John saw all of this as the religious pretenders walked up as looky-loos wanting the crowds to see that they were on God’s team as well. But they weren’t.


The last thing I would ever want is to be a pretentious pretender, faking my life, my faith and my behaviors to impress everyone. I’m in this for the relationship with you. I’m in this for life, for eternity. My past and my “good deeds,” are not all that impressive when compared to your grace and glory. I do want to be a contender NOT a pretender. I was grafted into this tree of life, of faith because of Jesus. And I absolutely want to produce good fruit, not to prove my salvation, but proving my gratitude.

innocence illuminated

Reading Time: 2 minutes

“Trust in the Lord and do good. Then you will live safely in the land and prosper. Take delight in the Lord, and he will give you your heart’s desires. Commit everything you do to the Lord. Trust him, and he will help you. He will make your innocence radiate like the dawn, and the justice of your cause will shine like the noonday sun. Be still in the presence of the Lord, and wait patiently for him to act. Don’t worry about evil people who prosper or fret about their wicked schemes.” ‭‭Psalms‬ ‭37‬:‭3‬-‭7‬ ‭NLT‬‬

​David writes this Psalm as if he knows what he’s talking about. His confidence is in his own experience from the past – delighting in the Lord.

There are a thousand words I could reach for and dozens of emotions to match each morning that I open my eyes and begin to think about my day. Except for Christmas, the first day vacationing in Tahoe or just a solid day off – I don’t think this word or attitude of delight rises out of my brain with the sun. David learned this delight from years of disappointment and despair.

I am currently listening to an audio book by John Mark Comer called, Live No Lies. He writes that the number one weapon the devil (slanderer) uses is lies and deceit. It’s even more fascinating that we WANT to believe these lies, thinking they will get us what we want without God. Like we can do what we want or get what we want on our own, avoiding God and creating our own version of truth (which is a lie itself).

These words that David wrote – trust, delight, desire and commit are all words of an intimate relationship with the Lord. Being still and patient in God’s presence is a gift. I often want to think, and worse, other people push me to think, that I can control, fix, or make humans do what is right! I cannot. These are things that require me to wait for God to act. God can move, change or flip the human heart. Even the evil schemes of the wicked are used and positioned for His plans and ultimately His glory.

When I worry I am behaving like those who don’t trust, those who scheme to manipulate others and God himself. I would rather wait so my innocence radiates and justice shines because God IS AT WORK, not me.


Really, all I want is for you to be honored and glorified in and through my life. Of course that does not happen if I continue to control, manipulate or scheme to try to make YOU or others do my own will. You shine brightly when your will is done on earth as it is in heaven. Your ways are accomplished through me. Then, and only then, can I be innocent and just in my pursuit of your plans. May it be said of me that I do trust, do delight and desire you with all my heart.

Skimming, cheating and gambling on God’s goodness

Reading Time: 3 minutes

“Look here, you rich people: Weep and groan with anguish because of all the terrible troubles ahead of you. Your wealth is rotting away, and your fine clothes are moth-eaten rags. Your gold and silver are corroded. The very wealth you were counting on will eat away your flesh like fire. This corroded treasure you have hoarded will testify against you on the day of judgment.” ‭‭James‬ ‭5‬:‭1‬-‭3‬ ‭NLT‬‬

James, the brother of Jesus, and the heir-apparent leading the new wave of Christianity called “the way,” writes to the church in general, reaching out to Jewish Christians and what James referred to as the “twelve tribes” in the diaspora (dispersion). This letter was written before the big Jerusalem Council in Acts 15 where James, Peter, Paul and Barnabas are the leading voices in the new structure of the Church going forward.

James pulls no punches and delivers this scathing letter filled with warnings and strong admonishments about what following Jesus should look like. When you want fire, not for warmth, but for passion – you read the book of James.

He has already confronted the idea of wealth and how it should be used for the Kingdom and not self gain. Here, in this little passage titled, “Warning the Rich,” he spells it out! James puts the whole community on blast writing, “look here, you rich people!” I have a big question, “who had money during that season?” And, “where did they get it?” Am I to assume that most of these were Jews who had become Christians? If so, then their wealth had to have come from owning land and rich production of grains, fruits and lots of olives!

It is difficult for me to see how folks can make money when their entire socio-political structure was breaking down during this time. Rome, with its maniacal, psychopathic rulers was falling apart and there was a lot of persecution of Jews and these new Christians during this time. I’ve never been good at “making” money in a downturn or recession. Who was making all that money? They say the best way to maintain job security is to work in a field that is always in demand! In this case, food production must have been a boon because people have to eat?

James gives us hints that this is what he was so furious about when he writes, (vs 4) “For listen! Hear the cries of the field workers whom you have cheated of their pay. The cries of those who harvest your fields have reached the ears of the Lord of Heaven’s Armies.” It wasn’t just that these wealthy land owners we’re raking it in, they were cheating their work force to live like kings. This is a very Old Testament theme that repeats itself throughout history and even in today’s modern economy – quit ripping off the poor and the working class! Quit underpaying those who make you wealthy.

Notice James doesn’t preacherize these abuses by telling them to give more because they make more. He is speaking for God when he says, pay people fairly first! We can’t cheat people and then brag about our philanthropy! God watches and is taking account of how wealth is accumulated and how it’s distributed. In a complete reversal of one of his brother’s famous sermons on money James writes, “this corroded treasure” will testify against them on judgment day. Jesus said, store your treasure in heaven. James says if you store up your dirty money here, it will be used as a witness against you.

Do we have money that was not received through the blessings of God? Did we make money by mistreating or cheating others? This sounds like a dangerous means of acquiring wealth and it feels like we would be gambling against God himself, like He doesn’t notice or care. No wonder James was so worked up about it. I still wonder if some folks who read this part of the letter were scratching their heads asking, “who’s got money, who is James talking about?”


I am definitely one of those who asks the question, “who has that kind of money?” I’m certainly not wealthy and neither have I come from a wealthy family. I’ve never run my own business or own a bunch of land. However, I can see that cheating people, especially those who might work for me would be wrong. And then flaunting it or bragging about it would seem pretty egregious on top of it. I’d be mad too. Thank you for James’ courage and passion to point it out,

Oh Little Town of Barley Bread

Reading Time: 3 minutes

“Then Elimelech died, and Naomi was left with her two sons. The two sons married Moabite women. One married a woman named Orpah, and the other a woman named Ruth. But about ten years later, both Mahlon and Kilion died. This left Naomi alone, without her two sons or her husband.” ‭‭Ruth‬ ‭1‬:‭3‬-‭5‬ ‭NLT‬‬

Three verses describe the most devastating story for a woman to experience in ancient times. Famine causes the couple to leave home and go to a foreign country, a country with more resources than their own. It was either starve or move. Elimelech and Naomi decided to move.

They make the roughly a 50 mile trip taking two weeks to travel on foot. The couple left Bethlehem, the house of bread to go to “the seed of my father.” The name Moab means “he is of my father,” a perpetual reminder of Moab’s incestuous beginnings of Lot’s daughters getting their father drunk so their lineage would not die in the desert. Interesting comparison to the two cities.

Elimelech and his wife survive the famine, only to succumb to something worse – all the males in their family die in Moab. Naomi is not just widowed, but her and her two daughters in law are alone.

What looks like the worst possible outcomes in a string of tragedies, is the backdrop of our own redemption!

Naomi had heard that her little bread town had sprung back to life, producing much of her nation’s barley supply. So she decides to make the trip back home. Even in her bitter state of mind there is grace when she tries to convince her daughters to go back to their families, try to find husbands, so they might have another chance at a life and family. There is an odd sense that Naomi feels responsible for her sons’ death and leaving these girls destitute without a future. Both girls wept, wanting to stay with Naomi. Then one of them decided it might be better to just go home, so Orpah left Naomi in tears. But Ruth wouldn’t leave. She too felt a strong bond with her mother in law. Samuel adds a critical detail, Naomi says, “your sister-in-law has gone back to her people and to her gods. You should do the same.” Ruth declares that she is not just staying with Naomi for her sake, but also because she has made a declaration, a decision that Naomi’s God would be her own God as well.

After returning home, back to the little town of Bethlehem, the story dramatically turns into a beautiful, romantic love story involving Boaz as Ruth’s “kinsmen redeemer,” the family redeemer of the Elimelech’s bloodline and legacy. What starts out as one of the worse tragedies in the Old Testament is cloaked in one of the critical moments in the historical birthright and lineage of Jesus, the Messiah.

Yet another example of God choosing a Gentile, a Moabite, a non-Jew to carry the family story. This gives me hope. My lineage, my family name, both of them – Spear and Garvin were not all that stellar when I received the baton. Yet, because of Christ, God has redeemed and restored my own family name to a place of honor and godliness. It’s all because of His grace!

What’s your story? Are you living in tragedy? Or have you come from some shameful stock such as Ruth, who’s relatives came from Lot and his own daughters? God can and does restore and redeem our travesties and turns them into triumph.


Wow! What a grand story 🙌🏼🙌🏼🙌🏼. You make all things new. You can make all things right. You can turn our mourning into dancing, our fears into faith. There are so many lessons to be learned here from Naomi, Ruth and Elimelech. Naomi, who wanted to change her name to Mary, found that although she came through bitterness, her life represented one of the sweetest parts of our Savior’s story. Thank You for being such a amazing weaver of good stories.