The Exodus story lives on in us.

Reading Time: 2 minutes

“But the blood on your doorposts will serve as a sign, marking the houses where you are staying. When I see the blood, I will pass over you. This plague of death will not touch you when I strike the land of Egypt.” ‭‭Exodus‬ ‭12‬:‭13‬ ‭NLT‬‬

When one looks closely you can see the story of death, sacrifice and blood from Genesis to Revelation. God himself killed the first animal to clothe the couple in the garden, covering their nakedness (Gen 3:21). Some scholars disagree, but I believe it subtly showed up with Adam’s sons, Cain and Able. Able chose to give God the best of his flocks, the firstborn of his lambs. Cain just gave some of his crops (Gen 4:4). One was a blood sacrifice, one was not. God chose this object lesson about blood to span the eons of time for humans.

The Exodus is an eternal story of redemption and sacrifice that points to the Messiah, Jesus, and beyond. Yet, even after Jesus’ own innocent blood become the markings on a wooden cross for us, death did not pass over Christ. Jesus gave his life as the one and only perfect sacrifice for anyone who would believe and recognize his death, his blood, as payment for their sin. Remember, anyone who eats the fruit of the tree of knowledge will die! The couple ate and immediately, spiritually died and eventually physically died as well.

Every human being has also eaten of the forbidden fruit since! Every human being, ever born, has believed the lie, eaten the fruit, and disobeyed God. Thus, every human is destined to die both spiritually and physically. Jesus death, his blood becomes the “sign,” the covering, on the doorposts of our heart and our life. To believe means that through faith, we have applied that covering so the death angel will pass over us as well, because we are marked (the New Testament uses the phrase, sealed with the Holy Spirit).

In the final book, Revelation, the ending of all things, we see the same theme of the blood as an end-cap to God’s grand story of redemption, of exodus, of completion. A loud voice declares that believers in Jesus have conquered the slanderer by the blood of the lamb (Jesus) and the word of their testimony (they lived and spoke of – not their own truth, but of Christ’s truth). We actually “bear witness” through belief and telling of our own story of being rescued! The Exodus story still lives on, in and through our lives today. Once I was blind, but now I see. I was lost but now I am found. Amazing grace how sweet the sound.


What a grand story we are living! I am so thankful to not just be alive today, but to be a part of Your very long story.

Bravo God 🙌🏼 🙌🏼 🙌🏼.

When I was young in faith and in understanding of who You are, I thought these themes of sin, death and blood were so dark and creepy. Now, as I have matured, I see them as marvelously mysterious! I am not a huge fan of blood, I get pretty queasy, but I am a huge fan of being rescued and restored to a full and amazing life. I see more clearly now than ever before. And, I am hundreds of times more grateful.

When God feels distant.

Reading Time: 2 minutes

“O God, do not be silent! Do not be deaf. Do not be quiet, O God. Don’t you hear the uproar of your enemies? Don’t you see that your arrogant enemies are rising up? They devise crafty schemes against your people; they conspire against your precious ones.” ‭‭Psalms‬ ‭83‬:‭1‬-‭3‬ ‭NLT‬‬

Asaph records this Psalm after the Assyrian army tore through the land, wiping out almost everything and everyone. Asaph’s basic prayer is “God do something!” The enemy is loud and arrogant, he says. Can’t you hear them… because we sure do! It is hard to watch wars and evil atrocities rise up then, in ancient times, and now in modern times. We face enemies within and enemies without. We are constantly fed news telling us – someone or something is always after us. Bombings in other countries and violence, either in weather or crazy mobs here at home.

I can hear myself asking God similar questions. “Don’t you hear the uproar?” There seems to be a basic baseline of irritability and incivility. News about levels of uncertainty are rising. Why would a woman, simply denied a refund at a clothing store, go home and return with a rifle? We are all desperate for someone to intervene. Politicians and police are not going to do it.

I agree with Asaph! God, we need you to not be silent, but to rise up. Isaiah prophesied in 59:19, “So shall they fear The name of the Lord from the west, And His glory from the rising of the sun; When the enemy comes in like a flood, The Spirit of the Lord will lift up a standard against him.” God, we are flooded with evil all around and it’s overwhelming. Help us. Save us. Show up in your mighty mercy and grace to stop the rising tide of chaos, anarchy and instability. Asaph asked God to “scatter them [the enemy] like tumbleweed, like chaff before the wind!” in verse 13. Come near to us Oh God!


We are not better than anyone else in this country, but my concern is not just for those who walk with you. My heart breaks for the wickedness towards the innocent, our children our poor, our seniors and widows who struggle. There are insidious plans laid out for our littles one – destroy those plans! There are pressures and financial struggles for the poor and those on fixed income – rush to their aid! Give us wisdom and courage with effective plans to help them. Give us leaders who make wise decisions of justice and remove those who are in it for personal gain and selfish agendas. Rise up Oh God!

Lessons from an introverted leader.

Reading Time: 3 minutes

“But Moses pleaded with the Lord, “O Lord, I’m not very good with words. I never have been, and I’m not now, even though you have spoken to me. I get tongue-tied, and my words get tangled.”” ‭‭Exodus‬ ‭4‬:‭10‬ ‭NLT‬‬

Moses, the man, the legend! Moses’ life is a great example of God’s calling on a person. His story is famous, but his journey to fulfill God’s call is often overshadowed by the amazing scenes of miracles God did through his frailty. Moses wasn’t a weak man, not in grit or girth, but in his self confidence he was weak. His view of himself was not at all what God saw in him.

At eighty years old, God catches Moses’ attention out in the middle of nowhere. And, God waited forty years to approach him. Forty years is plenty long for the death of one’s dreams. At forty, Moses’ anger had finally boiled over when he murdered an Egyptian foreman because the man was mercilessly beating one of his own people. Moses escaped and fled to Midian, the desert where people can disappear. Now at 80 years old, he curiously checks out this crazy fire-bush.

A casual conversation with God on the side of a mountain takes place. God tells Moses his plan. He says, “I’m getting my people out of Egypt, out of slavery and setting up a new place they will call their own. A beautiful place fill with plenty, but there are some folks already there, but I’ll move them out to make room for my people. I’ve heard their cry and I am ready to send someone to lead them out. I am sending you!

It was all a nice conversation until it came down to a command. It wasn’t a question, like with Isaiah, “Whom should I send?” No, it was an order. Moses protested! Moses asked the most telling question of anyone who has ever been called by God. “Who am I?” This wasn’t humility, this was truth. Moses saw himself as a nobody because he was a nobody! He was living a quiet, simple life with his whole new family. He was married, had a kid; Egypt and his former existence was a lifetime in the past. Yet, God would not take no for an answer, because it wasn’t a request, it was a command. God’s patience is sweet, but He would have his way. Moses protest goes on for a very long time, from 3:11 to 4:17, you’ll find every excuse presented and dismissed. But you’ll notice a shuttle shift in wording in verse 10. Moses changes his method from “protest” to “pleading.” Three specific protests and two pleas! The final one, “But Moses again pleaded, “Lord, please! Send anyone else.”” God relented and Moses thought he was off the hook, God said, “fine,” I’ll let your brother, Aaron do the talking, but YOU are still going! What an incredible exchange between the God of all creation and this broken, wash-up, now invisible man, living in the desert.

Who can tell God no? The fears and frailties are real. The common misconception is that God “prepares” those he calls. Ha! That’s funny. Yeah, God prepares alright! He says, “Here’s what you’re going to do… now obey me and get going!” That’s the prep! I don’t know who started this nonsense that somehow miraculously one slowly grows into what God sees in them, when they cannot see it themselves. I can tell you from my experience, I grew and learned through OBEDIENCE. There was no model, no template, no lectures on methodology and no practice test. There was only, “Here’s the plan, go and be obedient.” It required 100% faith to cut through the overwhelming fear that I was not enough. I was not old enough, experienced enough, nor knowledgeable enough. I learned about leadership through obedience. You can take dozens of classes. Listen to hundreds of podcasts about how others did it. Follow a more experienced person and try to emulate what you saw. NONE OF IT compares to obedience and faith. You just have to DO IT.

Moses obeyed and told his father-in-law, then Aaron, then the leaders of Israel, living in Egypt, then finally Pharaoh himself. He became an extraordinary leader, not perfect though. I still see the pattern in Moses’ life… God speaks, he obeys.


Obedience is better than sacrifice. Obedience is faith in action. Obedience is not in my beliefs, it’s in my behavior. I can imagine that I am obedient to your will, your way, all day long, but until my behavior follows through, it’s just a game, a pretense. Thank you your patience, grace and kindness as I get over myself and learn to just do what you say.

We are what we speak.

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Fine speech is not becoming to a fool; still less is false speech to a prince. Proverbs‬ ‭17‬:‭7‬ ‭ESV‬‬

Proverbs is so good at comparing and contrasting concepts and character. ESV (English Standard Version) translation captures the punny play on words here, with the words “fine” and “false.” In this little proverb, there is a lot of truth packed into the words and rhythm of speaking it out loud. Just say the words, fine, fool and false out loud.

Words that describe us as humans, are a glimpse of our character, and become pretty sticky and consistent over time. In other words, people get to know us by our words. And, either the words we use match our behaviors, or they don’t – both outcomes are very telling!

The wisdom writers point out that you should not hear trash-talk coming from true royalty, or a leader for example. They use the comparison between a fool (nabel: wicked, stupidly evil – used 18 times in the Old Testament, only 3 of those in Proverbs), and a Prince. They juxtapose “nabel” with “nadib.” Nadib is used for nobility, a prince, a leader. The word Prince means one who generously incites to good. The noble lips drip with “yether,” abundant excellence, the evil fool with “sheqer,” lies and deception.

Does our character define our vocabulary or do our words define our character?

Rant warning! Is it just me or has there been a massive increase in public potty mouth? It’s not just F-bombs either. Folks used to apologize for potty-mouth words! My grandmother was a cusser. She would would go off with a Sailor’s string of profanity, but often end with “excuse my french.” I didn’t think those words sounded French, nor did I know if the French were constantly using swear words in their country. We have lost our “ability of civility” to control our potty mouths! It’s just not cute to hear a five year old drop F, S, or B words in casual kindergarten conversation! The only reason swearing isn’t on “public” television or “OTA” (over the air), is because the FCC (Federal Communications Commission) fortunately, still makes it illegal. Cable, satellite and streaming are not held to any standards even though the content is sent directly to homes with children watching! BTW, it’s ridiculous that somehow “Christian” freedom has been cited for believers to sound like trashy potty-mouths! End of rant.

Proverb’s wisdom still speaks today! The trust in leaders has been completely eroded away in our culture! We know that when a politician, media spokesperson or anyone defending themselves in the spotlight opens their mouth they are LYING. Do we want good character? Then we should should quit sounding like fools!


Oh my goodness, we’ve got ourselves is a mess! It’s a mess that only you can resolve. Help us O’ God. We ask for your forgiveness, your mercy. As we yield to you, renew and restore our sense of right vs wrong, truth vs lies, good words vs evil ones. We cry out to you. Lord, hear our prayer.

Keys to the cypher.

Reading Time: 2 minutes

“Then, leaving the crowds outside, Jesus went into the house. His disciples said, “Please explain to us the story of the weeds in the field.” Jesus replied, “The Son of Man is the farmer who plants the good seed. The field is the world, and the good seed represents the people of the Kingdom. The weeds are the people who belong to the evil one. The enemy who planted the weeds among the wheat is the devil. The harvest is the end of the world, and the harvesters are the angels.” ‭‭Matthew‬ ‭13‬:‭36‬-‭39‬ ‭NLT‬‬

Jesus told many parables, stories with hidden meaning. These stories were perplexing and mysterious. The curious, the learner would listen and think about these words and concepts for days, maybe even weeks. This is one of the ways Jesus revealed himself as God as well as shared the soon coming Kingdom of God, which he ushered in back then. The Kingdom is both here and still yet to be fulfilled, even today. This is also a mystery. Matthew writes, “Jesus always used stories and illustrations like these when speaking to the crowds. In fact, he never spoke to them without using such parables.” Vs. 34‬.

Privately, Jesus would sometimes pull his disciples aside to explain the parable, thus giving his followers the keys to the cypher. In this parable about the wheat and the tares, Jesus gives the key characters, unlocking the puzzle of who he was talking about. He describes himself as the planter of good seed. The field is the world in which we live. The seed itself, Jesus says is the people in the Kingdom. Many would suppose that the seed is the Word of God, but in this story Jesus says it is the people who believe and make up the residents of the Kingdom. The weeds are also described as people, but these are folks who belong to the evil one. Here, Jesus uses an interesting word for “evil one.” Sons of the evil one are the “ponéros: toilsome, bad,” derived from “pónos,” – pain, laborious trouble, pain-ridden, emphasizing the inevitable agonies (misery) that always go with evil. And finally, the weed planter is none other than satan, the “diabolos” – slanderer. Jesus goes on to describe, what many modern pho-theologians deny, as HELL. He says the weeds along with the weed-sower will be burned in the fire, thrown into the fiery furnace, where there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth.

There is a point to this entire chapter of parables. Those who want to find God, know God and have a relationship with him… will find and can KNOW, becoming a person of the Kingdom! Yes, it’s a narrow gate, a miracle, and it will cost one everything, but it is possible. God is not hiding so that one cannot find him. He wants us to seek, knock and pursue him. God is already waiting and already made a way!


I ache for those who are miserable and blame you for it. My heart breaks for those who have suffered or are suffering and see nothing but darkness and doom ahead. But, I also know that you are there for them, if they will turn and lean in to find you. Thank you for doggedly, constantly, consistently pursuing us by your grace. Come close to the broken, that they may be healed and find peace.

Tonight’s BIGGEST nightlight show on earth!

Reading Time: 2 minutes

When I look at the night sky and see the work of your fingers— the moon and the stars you set in place— what are mere mortals that you should think about them, human beings that you should care for them? Yet you made them only a little lower than God and crowned them with glory and honor. You gave them charge of everything you made, putting all things under their authority— the flocks and the herds and all the wild animals, the birds in the sky, the fish in the sea, and everything that swims the ocean currents. O Lord, our Lord, your majestic name fills the earth! ‭‭Psalms‬ ‭8‬:‭3‬-‭9‬ ‭NLT‬‬

You have the opportunity of seeing Psalm 8 in the night sky. Tonight’s show (8-30-23) can be seen just before 8pm PST. There is another August Super-moon. From NPR – A perigean full moon, better known as a supermoon, happens when the moon is full during the closest point in its orbit around Earth. This means it’ll appear about 8% larger than a normal full moon and 15% brighter than a normal full moon. So it’s rare for us on Earth to see two full moons in the span of a single month. When we do, we call it a “blue moon.” Tonight, this Psalm will be spectacularly displayed in full color.

The Psalmist declares this intense moment when every human being on the planet can simply look up at the night sky and actually see the glory of God displayed in wonder! Saying, “when I look and see,” it’s all there. Then, as though the psalmist allows his gaze to drift downward, he also sees his friends, possibly standing with him, also looking up in the night sky. He writes about God’s care for “mere mortals,” mankind that God should attend to/care about. God made humans just slightly lower than the angels, yet he crowns us with his own glory and honor. God shares some of what he is with human beings! God charged us and gave us the authority over everything he made. God made us the caretakers of this planet. He entrusted us to keep the beauty and sustainability of this beautiful blue planet! How are we doing with that? God declared what he made was good and gave us the job of keeping it good. Believers in God, followers of Jesus, should be the absolute best caretakers on planet! We should be the smartest, most fierce environmentalists ever known. Not because of politics! Not to fall prey to the lies of the Slanderer in believing the earth is to be worshipped, therefore bowing to sun, moon and stars. NO! But to acknowledge that this is our responsibility to manage what God has clearly given us the authority to maintain. We don’t look at a gorgeous blue moon and see an object to worship. We don’t study the stars, the monkeys or the whales because we are just in awe of them. We are overwhelmed by the God who created all things and gave us charge over all of it! When I look up at night, I see God’s glory. When I look around in the daylight, I see God’s glory. And, when I look at you, I see God’s glory!


Let everything that has breath praise You! As I look upon the wonder of a super-moon moment tonight, I will lift my voice to the heavens and declare that you are worthy of praise and all glory and honor is due to you and your majestic name fills the earth.

Advising God?

Reading Time: 3 minutes

“Oh, how great are God’s riches and wisdom and knowledge! How impossible it is for us to understand his decisions and his ways! For who can know the Lord’s thoughts? Who knows enough to give him advice? And who has given him so much that he needs to pay it back? For everything comes from him and exists by his power and is intended for his glory. All glory to him forever! Amen.” ‭‭Romans‬ ‭11‬:‭33‬-‭36‬ ‭NLT‬‬

The Apostle Paul has laid down the long and intense history of how God chose and used Israel to be his own. The Jews were known as the people of God. He led them, blessed them, disciplined them and loved them. Paul makes the point very clear – God is not finished with them. Paul also segues into another fact, God’s intention all along was to bring salvation to the whole world through the Jewish people. This baffled the Jews and pleasantly surprised the Gentiles (non-Jew).

In this discussion, it becomes clear that God has plans and ways that are not just mysterious to us, they don’t make sense at all. I don’t know if you have ever thought about someone else’s decision processes as bad or wrong, but many times we think, “I would not do it that way!” In a puny, Pauline way, he writes, “who knows God’s thoughts?” Or, “who advices God?” Just the thought that God might OWE US for some plan or brilliant idea is ludicrous!

Paul makes this amazing, declarative statement that may bristle and bruise our own fierce human pride, “EVERYTHING that comes from God and exists from his power is intended for his glory!” It is all about God, it always has been, always will be. Just the fact that God has not only decided to create us and love us, to be in a relationship with him; but also, that he has included us, and wants us to engage in his plans is a mind-blowing, mercy-filled idea!

As humans, we can cry, whine, complain or threaten God, but it won’t change who he is or how he works among us. Contrarily, we can also laugh, celebrate and cooperate with him, which still won’t change God, but it will change us. Of course we make the mistake, thinking it IS about us, that we (or I) am the center of the universe, but that is far from the truth. I can understand that when I think about God’s love towards me, I can misunderstand and believe it is about me – but it’s not. It’s about God.

Here’s the real mystery, God designed humans to be fierce, independent, creative and even domineering! Sin has made us take those characteristics and push them to the extreme, making it all about us and keeping those qualities all to ourselves. However, when we submit to God’s grace and receive his forgiveness, it brings us back to his own character of grit, determination, inventive, interdependence and even powerful under his authority. Instead of consuming those traits unto ourselves, we use them to serve, love and protect those who are weak and struggling, those who don’t see God or know him. We become agents of grace to those who do not feel powerful or valued. Of course it’s a choice, God’s will, God’s way or our will, our way? One leads to life, the other death. For me, I’m just not qualified to advise God and for sure I’m not going to be shaking my little fist at him as I slip into the abyss, permanently separated from him! No, I plan to trust and obey – there just is no other way.


After reading Paul’s words and understanding his point (your truth), I just feel like I must be the most selfish person in the world. Even for one second to think that I know better about running my own life, someone else’s or (big laugh) the world itself. It is so important to keep the perspective of who you are and what you want to accomplish in this world. I choose to submit! I choose to bow and come under your authority and your grace. I bend my heart and knee before you! Your will, your way Oh God!

Slavery and infanticide as a population control plan?

Reading Time: 3 minutes

“Eventually, a new king came to power in Egypt who knew nothing about Joseph or what he had done. He said to his people, “Look, the people of Israel now outnumber us and are stronger than we are. We must make a plan to keep them from growing even more. If we don’t, and if war breaks out, they will join our enemies and fight against us. Then they will escape from the country.” ‭‭Exodus‬ ‭1‬:‭8‬-‭10‬ ‭NLT‬‬

History can be most creepy when one sees it repeat! Ancient kingdoms, ancient leaders and people circle and recycle over time; but what has really changed? Technology? Modern adaptation and advancement? Sure. The human heart… not so much. We believe ourselves to be so advanced, so much more humane and good. Ah, but “the human heart is the most deceitful of all things, and desperately wicked. Who really knows how bad it is?” Jeremiah 17:9. God knows it. And, if we’re honest we know it!

This new Pharaoh in Egypt simply saw a problem brewing on the horizon. And, not knowing that God had a plan for the Israelites, he assumed their multiplication had evil intent. Have you ever known a leader or social group who saw population growth in a specific ethnicity as a threat? Yeah – many times over, right? God was building a people group for a purpose, but it wasn’t to take over Egypt or to conquer the pharaoh, it was a long story of redemption itself.

This Egyptian leader, like many other leaders, took this population explosion as a threat to his own plans. Pharaoh’s plan to control was diabolical and pure evil. His answer, enslavement and infanticide. Make the Jews slaves through force and murder all the males to try to stop Jewish people from reproducing. You may remember these two deplorable actions have been repeated multiple times through our human history. And, in modern times, some still blatantly use this methodology.

Of course, with America’s sophistication, education and wealth, we don’t come right out and enslave other ethnic groups, right? And, course, we wouldn’t stand for murdering infants just because they may stand in the way of OUR plans? No, never! Oh Pharaoh, what lessons have we learned from your grand social experiment? How did it go? Did it work out like you planned? Pharaoh was wrong. And every world leader, every political, social leader has been wrong in thinking that they could just enslave and murder other human beings to keep them from “taking over!”

Pharaoh, Pharaoh, Pharaoh – you did get exactly what you didn’t want. A war. A war, not fought from the mistreated slaves in your care. No, a war from God himself. You invited the judgment and justice of God! Your selfish, hubris power became your own downfall. God came against Pharaoh and God caused Pharaoh to give the Israelites all the treasures they could carry, as they escaped from the county they helped build and helped prosper! We should heed history’s warning. Our own country, our own leaders, should be aware that God’s judgment and justice is not something to mocked nor to foster some social experiment. Power and wealth has blinded our social sense of right and wrong. It has twisted justice to suit the advantaged, not the poor, not the widow or orphan. It’s a grand lie, not new but always fashionable. A new king came to power in Egypt and God used him to bring about the exodus of His people and the architecture of what freedom costs, the death of the firstborn son. We will discover exactly what Pharaoh discovered, his coming to power and nefarious plans are all subject to God’s will. My prayer is that those who have believed the lie, that big lie of doing whatever we want, whenever we want to do it is not new, but very, very old and dark. Living that lie has horrible consequences, both in our lives and the lives of our children. But God will also have the last word! He will supernaturally pour out His Spirit and truth that will opens the eyes of the blind, depressed and enslaved. God’s mercy will flow in abundance in the last days, and many will turn and be rescued.


Help us. Have mercy on our souls. Forgive us of selfish pursuits that wreck personal and communal havoc on ourselves. Bring down the modern-day pharaohs that desire to steal your glory and desire to become gods. Protect the innocent. Bring justice to the poor and weak who have no time nor money to rescue themselves. We ache for truth and life to be known. Amen.

Sanctity and safety of family meals

Reading Time: 2 minutes

“Better a dry crust eaten in peace than a house filled with feasting—and conflict.” ‭‭Proverbs‬ ‭17‬:‭1‬ ‭NLT‬‬

Memories of my own family meals growing up were filled with tension of one sort or the other. Truth is, there were probably many, many meals that weren’t chaotic, Dad wasn’t drunk and table was filled with laughter. However, I can’t remember a single one of those meals. I only remember the traumatic ones. Honestly, there are a lot of holes in my memories, black boxes of time, filed with things my body chose to store, but my mind put up barriers. I’m told this is just how childhood works.

As Robin and I began are own parenting journey, we were determined to make meals happy memories. Hopefully when our adult children look back, they’ll see and feel peace and lots of smiles. Sure there were the normal standoffs about eating certain foods like tuna, homemade mac-n-cheese and quiche with carrots and broccoli. But overall, there were many meals shared around the table or out at quick serve restaurants, surrounded by church family – in fun! We were able to eat crust, as in pizza crust, tacos, hot dogs and hamburgers in peace. They were pleasant feasts to us. Tonight, in Tahoe, we’ll celebrate a custom we created years ago – pizza on the dock. We changed it to a outdoor picnic when our littles came along. I am thankful for our family meals, where we all come together. There’s been almost no drama, trauma or conflict in our gatherings. If you get a chance to make peace happen at mealtimes, changing the habits of complaining, whining and being snarky with each other. I believe you can do it! It’s never too late to start. Make a family pact and stick to it. Eat without conflict, talk about the highs and lows of one’s day, feast in peace!


I am so very thankful for the chance to not only live different from my childhood, but also to give our family, our children much more than tension and trauma around the table. Even through my many failures as a Dad, you were still able to give us a peace that allows us to regularly get together even as adults. The laughter and joy is palpable, giving us hope that our grandgirls will experience the same for their future families.

Quit pulling up good grain.

Reading Time: 4 minutes

“Here is another story Jesus told: “The Kingdom of Heaven is like a farmer who planted good seed in his field. But that night as the workers slept, his enemy came and planted weeds among the wheat, then slipped away. When the crop began to grow and produce grain, the weeds also grew. “The farmer’s workers went to him and said, ‘Sir, the field where you planted that good seed is full of weeds! Where did they come from?’ “‘An enemy has done this!’ the farmer exclaimed. “‘Should we pull out the weeds?’ they asked. “‘No,’ he replied, ‘you’ll uproot the wheat if you do. Let both grow together until the harvest. Then I will tell the harvesters to sort out the weeds, tie them into bundles, and burn them, and to put the wheat in the barn.’” ‭‭Matthew‬ ‭13‬:‭24‬-‭30‬ ‭NLT‬‬

It may not seem like the most appropriate object lesson for Jesus’ series on the Kingdom of Heaven, but it is soooo TRUE.

Why are we risking the health of good wheat by chasing down bad weeds? First of all Jesus told his followers, the enemy sows weeds right among the wheat! This “enemy” has to have double meaning.

I am positive that people being people, means that your farmer neighbor might feel the need to passive-aggressively send you a clear signal that he’s tired of the loud, weekend bonfires you host way too often. Thus, having his field workers run willynilly through your fields flinging weeds (tares). My understanding is that tares look a lot like wheat when they begin to grow. Jesus must also clearly be stating that there is an enemy of all enemies, the slanderer, the liar is also sending his little demon imps throughout the world generously distributing weeds, in the form of well placed lies, right among the good seed of the gospel.

Since the early results of both the good seed and the impostered-lies seed look similar when starting out, it’s hard to tell right away. But as the farmer and expert field workers watch both wheat and tare grow to maturity, they easily spot the difference. The natural response would be to PULL THE WEED! Farmers hate weeds, we hate weeds. We only want to see the beauty and benefit of what we planted! Whether it’s food or flowers, we don’t want to be reminded of sin, evil, or purposeful perpetration scattered around our perfect field or flowerbeds!!!

We must pull the weed to satisfy our idea of how evil must immediately be eradicated! Get it out now. The kindness of Jesus telling the story comes out when he says the field workers asked, “should we pull out the weeds?” Now, there’s a lesson in great management. When in doubt, ask. Ask, until you learn the owner’s ways. The owner (personified as wisdom) answers, “No!” He says wait. Why wait? But but but…weeds are evil and despised, they’ll make more weeds and take over the whole field and destroy the whole world….🤯. Why wait?

Why not pull those evil broods of fakery? Jesus said, “because you’ll uproot the good wheat.” In trying destroy the evil stalk of satan, you’ll pull the good out with it! In what seems so counterintuitive, Jesus says, let them grow together – and wait until harvest! What, did he say, let them grow? Together? What? The thought of letting an evil seed grow is just not possible in my limited understanding of justice.

In the Church world, in our understanding of the gospel and God’s righteousness, we do this all the time. We hate evil. We hate lies. We hate fake, slick, propaganda and small amounts of truth laced with deception! I’m sure this doesn’t extend to ALL EVIL, but think about how much damage we do to the gospel and the Church when we don’t obey Christ’s illustrative object lesson. We hunt down error and evil like weed-seeds sown across the globe. We have whole sects of heresy-hunters scouring every recorded sermon, every book written, every tasty sound bite lifted from some obscure interview. Their job, as they see it – PLUCK EVIL where ever it be found! And, in doing so, we often uproot the young, sprouting seeds of the gospel.

Dear heresy hunters: you can’t stop evil by pulling it out for everyone to see without uprooting the young shoots of gospel good. Heresy existed then, it exists now. Evil seeds existed then, they exist today. Be careful when examining the fields of belief across our land. Let the harvesters sort out the weeds later. Let the Bible do its work. Let the local pastors sort out the weeds from the wheat. Folks are already hoping from one church to another because they are absolutely obsessed with the perfect church with the perfect theology. It’s not helping matters that some are policing every sermon of those they believe are receiving too much attention or have too large a following. Quit trying to foster a christian cancel culture by sowing seeds of disunity. Thank you.

Dear believers: read the Bible for yourself. Listen to the Spirit of God who primarily speaks through the Word of God. The Holy Spirit can and will lead you into all truth, if you’ll listen and obey. Don’t get caught up in church’s or denominational differences, listen and follow the core beliefs of Christianity. We are one Church under Jesus Christ. And don’t mistake various preferences of churches as contrary to the gospel, but just as practics of how things work within that particular community of faith.


Am I wrong for wanting unity in the body of Christ? Of course solid theology and doctrine is important, but at the expense of sacrificing love and the commands of the one anothers? We are all under the one banner of Jesus, right? Forgive us God. Help us in these last days to be one in the Spirit.