The Powerful Messiah.

Reading Time: 3 minutes

“The Lord said to my Lord, “Sit in the place of honor at my right hand until I humble your enemies, making them a footstool under your feet.” ‭‭Psalms‬ ‭110‬:‭1‬ ‭NLT‬‬

This Psalm, written by David, sometime after his fall from grace, speaks of the future where Jesus sits at the right hand of the Father and is given the power to rule, reign and crush the enemies of God.

Jesus himself picks up this Psalm in a discussion with the religious leaders in Matthew 22:41-46. Jesus stumps the Pharisees by asking them who they thought the Messiah might be, “What do you think about the Messiah? Whose son is he?” They replied, “He is the son of David.” They agreed that the Messiah would come through the bloodline of David, but Jesus pressed them further when he quoted this Psalm. ”Jesus responded, “Then why does David, speaking under the inspiration of the Spirit, call the Messiah ‘my Lord’?” How can a father refer to his son as “Lord?” ”Since David called the Messiah ‘my Lord,’ how can the Messiah be his son?” So what’s the mystery, what’s the point?

One, David is prophesying about the Messiah, who will come and judge all things on the earth.

Two, it is clear that no one could figure out exactly what or who this Messiah would be. The war-language of enemies and footstool only lends itself to the idea that the Messiah would be a mighty warrior, a conquerer. The only problem with that is, as humans, we only interpret that as a world leader, bringing peace and prosperity to the people in the Messiah’s kingdom. But, do you remember Jesus saying, “My kingdom is not of this world,” in John 18:36? I wouldn’t be so hard on the Pharisees for being confused. The war-language, the battle over good and evil is far more than just bringing justice to bad actors of this world. It’s not like the warmongering doesn’t deserve judgement, because it does. And, it’s not like we don’t deserve death for our individual and collective selfish choices, because we do. What is far more powerful is that the Messiah, Jesus has conquered and made sin and evil itself his footstool – which is totally a reference to the earth itself as well (Isaiah 66:1). The Messiah has the power to create the new heaven and new earth, setting justice and God’s ways back to order.

Three, the Messiah has come to free the earth and its inhabitants from the ruler who had taken over the planet – Satan! We read the word, “enemy” as if it’s the people Jesus died for! We see the word “judgement” as though God wanted to rid the earth of people. Jesus has come to free people from sin, rescuing and redeeming our lives destined to destruction by our own choices of joining with Satan.

When Jesus returns, to fulfill the finality of all things, He brings justice and judgment to end evil and end the reign of terror on the planet from its ruler – Satan. When David wrote this Psalm, he had real enemies and Israel had real enemies as well. Those enemies were countries, tribes and people under the curse of sin as well as the spell of Satan. These groups were led and driven by ambition, gain and lust for more. Most of these countries and tribes had committed themselves to very real demonic influences, all of which God classified as idols. Behind the wooden and stone poles and statues of Ashtoreth, Baal, Chemosh, Dagon and multiple Egyptian gods there were very real demons desiring to lash out at God and destroy humanity. Even then, the enemies behind the maniacal, narcissistic men were all variations of Satan and the angels who rebelled against God. The Messiah would conquer the issue of human sin and death first. Then He will bring all evil to justice, starting with the prince of the power of the air, as Paul makes reference in Ephesians 2:2. I look forward to that day!


I know that evil permeates every part of the world. Evil is not an isolated, “American” problem, it’s global – every country, tribe or town has bad actors, making evil decisions. However, behind our human choices and behaviors, I also know there is a very real enemy that works to seduce and enslave us! It is that entity, that liar which is laying the foundation of enmity between us and you. Thank you for the Messiah that did not just come to save us, but will return to finally put evil, injustice, hate and destruction under His feet. Thank you that a new heaven and a new earth is coming. Your Kingdom come and thankfully your will be done! Amen.

Wisdom Authentication.

Reading Time: 2 minutes

”If you are wise and understand God’s ways, prove it by living an honorable life, doing good works with the humility that comes from wisdom. But if you are bitterly jealous and there is selfish ambition in your heart, don’t cover up the truth with boasting and lying. For jealousy and selfishness are not God’s kind of wisdom. Such things are earthly, unspiritual, and demonic. For wherever there is jealousy and selfish ambition, there you will find disorder and evil of every kind.” James‬ ‭3‬:‭13‬-‭16‬ ‭NLT‬

Right now, many of the logins to apps or websites want absolute proof of verification that it’s really me. One of those verification tools is called an authentication app. It’s an app that produces a random number every few moments and that number has to match the login request. It’s a high tech authentication process!

James writes that wisdom also requires authentication. The verification that one is both walking in wisdom and understanding God’s ways is what? Behavioral proof! James, the brother of Jesus watched, first hand, the way Jesus lived, probably closer than others. Jesus spoke a lot, he taught, he preached, and he prayed. But the most powerful lessons were learned by how he treated others. James had a premier seat to observe God’s wisdom being lived out in Jesus!

Doing good works with humility verses boasting, lying and living a jealous, selfish life is an amazing authentication process of true, godly wisdom. But James pushes the message of human wisdom even further. He basically says that human wisdom reeks of jealousy and self ambition and it is epigeios: earthly, psuchikos: carnal or sensual, or daimoniódés: demon-like! Demon-like? Whoa. Where you find this boiling zeal of self, this carnal ambition, James writes that you will find nothing but disorder, instability, disturbance and anarchy in the moral sphere.

Our culture is currently filled with human wisdom today! This human wisdom has eroded all sense of honor and good and looks much more sensual, selfish, even demonic. God’s wisdom is clearly contrary to our human desires. And, God’s wisdom shows up, not in hot words spewed in judgment, but rather living and behaving in honor and humility. In these culture wars and outbreaks of rampant social viruses, our authenticity is found in doing kalos: beautiful, attractive, good anastrophé: behavior or conduct. If I want to really be wise, I must convert my good words into great behavior and live it consistently.


May the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be pleasing to you (and others) Oh Lord! Help me translate and convert all the good things I know about Your wisdom into behaviors to those around me. It may take longer, but it will have a much more eternal effect on me and those around me. Thank you for your wisdom, operating in mercy and grace for us! Amen.

Tis the Season

Reading Time: 3 minutes

”Yet God has made everything beautiful for its own time. He has planted eternity in the human heart, but even so, people cannot see the whole scope of God’s work from beginning to end.“ Ecclesiastes‬ ‭3‬:‭11‬ ‭NLT‬‬

Solomon writes about his experiences with being one of the wisest human beings of all time. And, he does so in this beautifully written genre known as wisdom literature. Wisdom literature is concerned with the application of truth (from creation and the Law) to daily life and choices. Chuck Swindoll writes, “The title “Ecclesiastes” comes from a Greek word indicating a person who calls an assembly, so it makes sense that the author identified himself as the ‘preacher’.”

In this famous chapter, Solomon reflects on seasons, poetically posturing this phrase, “A time to…” ”For everything there is a season, a time for every activity under heaven,” ‭(3‬:‭1‬). Then Solomon lists the most common highs and lows of life itself. Fourteen contrasting circumstances of what it means to be human and to live the human life. The powerful lesson, seasons come and go… they don’t stay forever! The extreme highs of harvesting, healing, laughing, dancing, embracing and loving are countered by NORMAL seasons quite opposite. Hard seasons of planting, war, crying, grieving, pushing away and even hating are just as much a part of the spectacular life we get to live. Yeah, no one likes or celebrates crying, quitting, throwing out, walking away, or tearing down. But maybe we should recognize, life here on earth, even with all its wonder and beauty is still considered to be the “dark planet” because of our sin the effects of humans desiring to have their own way.

I do not celebrate war, the loss of life and the devastation of cities or entire countries. But, I can be grateful that war is not forever. Just to give a proper perspective, the longest recorded war is human history was the Reconquista war lasting 781 Years! It was fought by Spanish and Portuguese forces against the Muslim rulers of the Iberian Peninsula. The shortest war, on the list of top ten, the Mexican Indan Wars refer to a series of conflicts between Spanish conquerors and the indigenous peoples of Mexico and the surrounding areas lasted almost a half millennium (414 years)! We make the mistake of stereotyping countries and people groups believing they are the epitome of warmongering! Wars have always existed, but they don’t eclipse the entirety of human experiences on this planet. Truth, as long as there is sin, there will be war! The Psalmist declares that God is the only one who will bring peace and put an end to all wars – Psalm 46:9. Yea God!!!

We live in seasons of good and bad, easy and hard, hilariously joyous and grievously sad. This is the human experience! If you are in a bad season, know this truth, it will not LAST. If you are living high on life and wondering when the “other shoe” will drop – stop ruminating and just enjoy the season of good, without ruining it by looking for bad.

When we are in a good season, we should thank God and celebrate. When we are in a bad season, we can still thank God – not for the circumstances, but for his grace, mercy and comfort. The silver lining, if we are savvy, we’ll grow and appreciate more in seasons of struggle by asking “what have I learned,” after coming through it. And God’s honest truth – you will come through it…don’t give up!


I have seen you active and working in all the seasons of my life! Even in the darkest, hardest times, you were with me and I knew I was not alone. Even in the overwhelming emotions of crushing fear, you were holding me in the comfort of your presence. I will never forget those moments. Thank you for the high seasons of joy, but thank you also for the moments of peace in the depths of despair. I am not alone, YOU are with me.

The Prophetic Puzzle.

Reading Time: 3 minutes

”After the wise men were gone, an angel of the Lord appeared to Joseph in a dream. “Get up! Flee to Egypt with the child and his mother,” the angel said. “Stay there until I tell you to return, because Herod is going to search for the child to kill him.” That night Joseph left for Egypt with the child and Mary, his mother, and they stayed there until Herod’s death. This fulfilled what the Lord had spoken through the prophet: “I called my Son out of Egypt.” ‭‭Matthew‬ ‭2‬:‭13‬-‭15‬ ‭NLT‬‬

If you look at all the pieces of prophecy spoken about the Messiah, hundreds of years earlier, you begin to understand the amazingly complicated movement it took to get all the key figures in place to fulfill every single promise made by God.

Jesus was from Nazareth, born in Bethlehem, but came out of Egypt? How was this all supposed to work? At one point, Jesus was just a baby in womb, a newborn in Bethlehem and a toddler in Egypt, how did the God-child get around? Jesus even made a quick trip to Jerusalem at 8 days old, to fulfill that prophecy as well and meet two very special people that God promised would see the messiah, Simeon and Anna.

It is a wonder to behold that God carefully orchestrated Joseph, Mary and Jesus to be exactly where they should be, exactly when they were supposed to be there! These are just a small grouping of miracles that took place. I have already commented about Jesus coming from a sordid family in the past. And, I’ve already commented about how difficult it was on Mary and his foster dad, Joseph, who were already poor and from a small village known as Pitville (Nazareth was strangely known for lots of holes in the ground). Jesus was born into a brand new loving environment, but it was not comfortable and certainly not what would be expected for the King of Kings and Lord of Lords! But remember the extraordinary places Jesus had to be at, timed perfectly!

“Flee to Egypt,” the angel told Joseph! And they did. After Herod died, the family would return to Nazareth, where Jesus’ journey would lead him to fulfill every single prophecy, many say at least 300 of them! What are the odds of that? I read that just fulfilling 8 of them is 1 in 10 to the 17th power or 1 in 100,000,000,000,000,000! I don’t get super excited about the incredible odds, I get excited about God telling us what He will do to save us and Him following through with every single one of those promises! He is faithful and true! I can absolutely trust Him because He has proven His trustworthiness.


Honestly, I trusted you well before I knew any of these stories. I believed before I knew you had a perfect track record since the beginning of time. I committed my life, ALL OF IT, to you because you offered me something no one else could give. A life! A life different from the one I saw played out in my broken family connections. One different than the chaos, fear and sadness that surrounded me as a child. You offered me hope – and I believed You. My life is a miracle of your grace. The odds of me being anything other than what my family origin story would have predicted are outrageous. But You changed all that. All these promises you’ve kept are amazing, but I only needed one promise kept – that you would be my Father and I would be adopted into Your family. The promise You kept. Thank You.

THE Psalm of Psalms.

Reading Time: 2 minutes

”Blessed is the man who walks not in the counsel of the wicked, nor stands in the way of sinners, nor sits in the seat of scoffers; but his delight is in the law of the Lord, and on his law he meditates day and night.“ ‭‭Psalm‬ ‭1‬:‭1‬-‭2‬ ‭ESV‬‬

Most likely written by David and placed here as the “preface,” the anchor of the Psalms. This Psalm, especially this verse, is one of the most memorized psalms written. The normal three ways of getting and gathering wisdom among others is while walking, standing or sitting around. Psalms emphatically teaches that this should NOT done in the company of the wicked, sinners nor scoffers! The worst way to gain wisdom is following the advice of friends who do know God, but openly mock Him. However, as Deuteronomy also writes, there is another way to gain wisdom! It says, “as you love the Lord your God with all your heart, soul and strength,” Talk about them with your children as you sit, walk, lie down and get up! Psalms declares how to GET wisdom and Deuteronomy explains how to give it away.

Happy is the one who takes delight in God’s law, His ways. And learns to meditate on God’s law day and night. The comparison of company we keep to gain the wisdom necessary to live life well does not come from those who gawk, mock and scoff God’s truth! It comes from humbly and consistently soliloquizing, speaking, musing and muttering God’s law. If you’ve been to Israel and watched orthodox Jews, especially at the wailing wall, you’ll see and hear them still do this today. Quietly, just under their breath they are reciting the Law, praying the Psalms and speaking the Words of God. They are still practicing this ancient Psalm! We think of meditating as quiet, reflection, but the Hebrew mindset is of speaking God’s word. Not mumbling nonsensical sounds, but the eternal, powerful truth of God’s Law. Happy – blessed is the one who desires and takes pleasure in doing this.

Do you want to learn wisdom? Then learn God’s Word – memorize it, meditate on it. Post it on your bathroom mirror, your refrigerator. Do you want to teach it to others? Give it out while you sit, walk, lie down and get up!


Your Word is not only a light to my path and my feet, it is life and wisdom for my soul and health in my body. Your Word brings comfort, guidance, clarity, truth and strength to my life. I am forever grateful for Your Word and so thankful that it has been recorded and passed down for us today. Your Word will never fail. It will accomplish everything that You have determined it to do!

Eliminate the middleman.

Reading Time: 3 minutes

”But this is the new covenant I will make with the people of Israel on that day, says the Lord: I will put my laws in their minds, and I will write them on their hearts. I will be their God, and they will be my people. And they will not need to teach their neighbors, nor will they need to teach their relatives, saying, ‘You should know the Lord.’ For everyone, from the least to the greatest, will know me already. And I will forgive their wickedness, and I will never again remember their sins.”‭‭ Hebrews‬ ‭8‬:‭10‬-‭12‬ ‭NLT‬‬

The author of Hebrews does a deep drive into the efficacy (effectiveness) of Jesus as our High Priest. Don’t let that phrase “high priest” freak you out. If you’ve not been raised in Church or in Catholicism, this phrase may sound like a lyric-line out of a heavy metal band. A priest was just a designated male given the responsibility of being a “go between,” a mediator between God and human beings. The High Priest had special and enormous responsibility of being in a very sacred place called the Holy Holies in the tabernacle (God tent), then later the Temple (God’s temporary place to visit). Let’s just say that the priest and High Priest had very specific religious responsibilities that God setup to help Israel keep His laws. And, when those laws were broken, aka, sin – there were specific rules to rectifying those sins.

When Jesus was born, lived and gave his life on the cross, He not only fulfilled the Old Testament rules of rectifying everyone’s sin, Jesus also was the final High Priest, eliminating any need for anyone to fulfill that role ever again. In short, Jesus cut out the middleman between God and humans!

In these amazing couple of verses, Hebrews goes even further, describing the way God would interact with ALL HUMANS. God put His laws, His rules in the minds and hearts of every single human! There will be no need for a “go between,” a negotiator or mediator ever again. Boldly, Hebrews declares, in reality, no one will need to say, “you should know the Lord.” EVERYONE will already know Him. Why? Because God put himself in every human heart, His Spirit whispers to the deep recesses of who we are. Ecclesiastes 3:11 hinted at it thousands of years ago, God “set eternity in the hearts of humans.

These verses do not mean we have no need for people gifted at teaching the Bible, but rather there is no need for ANYONE to play middleman to God. God can and does a fantastic job consistently and constantly pursuing the hearts of our friends, our family members. God is working all the time, wooing the hearts of human beings all over the globe, regardless of their culture, religion, or beliefs. God, being creator of ALL things means it’s His rules, His ways. Does that mean we don’t need to tell others about Jesus, the gospel – God’s rescue plan for us? No, not at all. We absolutely need to live, love and share about the things of God. Followers of Jesus should always be telling of God’s grace and how it works in our own life. We should also be behaving just like Jesus did, in the way He treated others. Hebrews point is that our words and behaviors, even invitations to confess, believe and follow Jesus will be done in such a way as to match the conversations, convictions and circumstances that God has already been doing in their life.

The Holy Spirit has and will do all the work revealing God, our job just becomes a confirmation and connection with other believers. We say it often, but I’m not sure we really believe it, we don’t “save” anyone! Jesus saves, redeems, restores and converts! I am thankful that I am not and you are not anyone’s priest, let alone their High Priest. That’s Jesus job and He’s already done it. When we are kind, loving and helpful – we are reminding folks of their deep connection with God. When we pray with someone it is a huge confirmation that they are not alone and that God sees and knows them. Simple, right?


What a relief! I could not pull off the responsibility of being a priest, or any semblance of perfection – that’s all on you. I’m just a sinner, a lost and hungry soul pointing to where another might find bread! Thank you for your grace. Thank you for putting eternity in our hearts. Thank you for the whispers and still small voice of love, correction and discipline you bring into my life and every other life who will listen.

Backsliders Beware.

Reading Time: 3 minutes

”Backsliders get what they deserve; good people receive their reward.“ Proverbs‬ ‭14‬:‭14‬ ‭NLT‬‬

The only reason I am highlighting this verse is because I am SHOCKED that the word, “backslider” shows up in the Bible. I thought it was just a churchy word, used for people that once had a relationship with Jesus, but then fell away, aka – slid back to their former life! This really bothers me!

It bothers me because I often heard this word easily roll out of the mouths of folks who dismissively described a person struggling in their faith, going through hard times or even rebelliously denying Christ. I would ask, “what happened to Bill?” Answer, “oh he backslid.” The Hebrew word is real and simple, it’s “sug: to move away, or backslide.” It is often just written, “turning back.”Translating the whole Hebrew thought written out, was much easier to grasp, the “backslider is one who moves away from God because he wants what is in his own heart, more than he wants God.” Okay, I see that happening, in some degree or another, in a lot of people – I even see it show up in my own heart as well! This idea that we are either moving towards God or away from God is a powerful lesson, a warning. I think the Old Testament writers talk about it in terms or softening or hardening our hearts towards God – and His will, not ours.

A heartbreaking picture is shown in C.S. Lewis’ little parable book, “The Great Divorce.” A story about God sending a bus from heaven to hell to pickup anyone that would want to a glimpse of heaven, kind of seeing what they missed out on – like a day trip. But in the story, Lewis describes the community members in hell itself. They seem to all arrive at this “bus stop,” but in complete anger, hate and rebellion immediately make their journey to the interior of hell’s estate. The most evil, he writes, are not only desperately trying to get as far away from God as possible, but far away from any other human contact as well. It’s as if hell is an eternal drive to get further and further away, thus isolating themselves in their own misery. I’m not sure that’s how the Bible describes hell, but I can tell you this, I often see people vehemently trying to get as far away from God as possible! They are often very open, almost proud of it! Many self-disclose hurtful things like saying, “I NEVER really knew God,” like they were lying or faking it the whole time.

Given the context of this backsliding, it is a very sad realization that God allows us to move away, go back, harden our heart, or turn from His grace and mercy. God gives humans this choice! People often complain that believers are trying to “cram religion” down people’s throats. It seems impossible to do so, knowing they have the ultimate choice, not about religion, but about acknowledging the rescue float while they are drowning in the deep sea of their own despair! Since I became a believer at fifteen I have heard this truth, “God does not force Himself on anyone.” I believe that’s mostly true. What I believe is that God still accomplishes His will through humans; His plans and intentions are to save us and all of humanity. And, even though we will fulfill what God has planned, in those moments we are still given a choice to accept or reject Him. What do you think about this?


It is hard for me to imagine rejecting you after all you have done for me, in me and through me. Even through my own sin, my desires are for you and NOT to fulfill the disordered desires in my heart. I am crushed thinking of those who knew you and then make a decision to reject you. I think of the warning in Hebrews, “it is impossible once they have tasted and seen to bring them back to repentance.” God, help us be steadfast in our commitment and keep our hearts soft and obedient in all things before You.

The Sordid Past of Jesus’ lineage.

Reading Time: 2 minutes

”All those listed above include fourteen generations from Abraham to David, fourteen from David to the Babylonian exile, and fourteen from the Babylonian exile to the Messiah.“ ‭‭Matthew‬ ‭1‬:‭17‬ ‭NLT‬‬

The disciple, journalist and author, Matthew, is extremely detailed in his historical and genealogical record of Jesus. Even though we plow through a long list of names, there is a story behind each one of them.

Notably, Matthew listed the names of five women – an unheard of move at the time. And in those five women, we have pictures of either their sinful past or their horrific, unjust circumstances. Tamar disguised herself as a religious prostitute and tricked her father-in-law Judah into getting her pregnant. Rahab was a prostitute and a Gentile. Ruth was a Moabite, again a foreigner, forbidden to marry for a Jewish male. Bathsheba, she is the woman King David raped, forcing an adulterous relationship with her and murdering her husband, Uriah, one of David’s previous “mighty men” crew. Then, of course, Mary herself, who was “found to be pregnant,” and Joseph wasn’t the father of the child! This is just some of Jesus’ “mom’s” story.

The men, through Jesus’ foster dad, Joseph, didn’t fair much better. In the list of Israel’s great kings, more than half were wicked leaders! Six were good kings, great men. However eight were awful! One of those worst kings, Rehoboam, listened to his young friends’ advice and it split the twelve tribes into two factions – Judah (10 tribes) and Israel (2 tribes).

In a sermon series called, “Coming Home,” I ask a couple of questions, “Why didn’t Jesus’ heritage come from a long and consistent line of righteousness, upstanding men, and women?” and “How does knowing that Jesus came from a sordid past give hope to those with imperfect families or pasts?” I really wrestled with some difficult questions in Jesus’ birth story. Why did God CHOOSE to do it this way? We’ve glamorized the Christmas Story in so many ways and I agree it’s a cute, wonderfully fuzzy tale to tell. The truth is much darker, mysterious and definitely not safe for young children – and apparently not safe for the church either!

It’s because in ALL THINGS, Jesus was human says, Hebrews 4:15. That included a some seedy family struggles that were not hidden in history, but openly listed to give us hope! If you have come from an imperfect family story, this should give YOU hope. Quit comparing yourself to the false narrative that church families have it all together and have some kind of holy, supernatural perfection in their family story. The only miracle we ALL share is that God’s grace is enough to change and redeem a broken family story and make it brand new!


You can and do make all things new! Even years of horrible family origin stories filled with pain, shame and struggle. But that’s why every one of the broken people, listed in Jesus’ genealogy were highlighted. In the darkest of situations, you shine bright with full disclosure and grace. Our stories, even filled with shame, should not be hidden, but should be told in light of your grace. It is not what we’ve done in sin, but what you have done in redemption! Let Your story eclipse ours, bringing light to shadows and our dark history. Thank you for your grace, mercy and enormous light that dispels darkness.

May we all have peace!

Reading Time: 2 minutes

”Those who trust in the Lord are as secure as Mount Zion; they will not be defeated but will endure forever. Just as the mountains surround Jerusalem, so the Lord surrounds his people, both now and forever. The wicked will not rule the land of the godly, for then the godly might be tempted to do wrong. O Lord, do good to those who are good, whose hearts are in tune with you. But banish those who turn to crooked ways, O Lord. Take them away with those who do evil. May Israel have peace!“ ‭‭Psalms‬ ‭125‬:‭1‬-‭5‬ ‭NLT‬‬

This Psalm, written by Ezra the scribe, as the people return to Jerusalem after being exiled in Babylon for 70 years. There are quite a few psalms dedicated to this “returning.” What stands out is that the city is a permanent archetype for all times, a perfect example of God’s presence in His most beloved place on earth. The people returning, are returning to God’s hometown.

How are we to interpret and integrate this in modern times? Is God still surrounding His people as the mountains surround Jerusalem? I believe the answer is yes. The book of endings/beginnings says “Then I saw a new heaven and a new earth, for the old heaven and the old earth had disappeared. And the sea was also gone.” Rev. 21:1. The chapter just before the last chapter is all about this new city, where “”I heard a loud shout from the throne, saying, “Look, God’s home is now among his people! He will live with them, and they will be his people. God himself will be with them. He will wipe every tear from their eyes, and there will be no more death or sorrow or crying or pain. All these things are gone forever.” Revelation‬ ‭21‬:‭3‬-‭4‬ ‭NLT‬‬

I see these writings in Psalms, written thousands of years ago. Then I see the writings in Revelation, also written a couple thousand years ago, and immediately understand God’s beloved city is a major character in God’s story! Except that Revelation isn’t history itself the FUTURE! Ezra, declaring that Israel, the people of God, in the city of God should have peace and seeing that God brings it full circle, in the very end of time itself – Israel will have peace. The city of Jerusalem will eventually be the perfect picturesque city of peace!

This gives me hope in 2023 as we wrap up the year. This year has certainly come with enormous global conflict and wars, men forcefully, violently taking land and spilling innocent blood, killing human beings to advance their cause, their dominance. This has been a bloody year, and Israel as well as the beloved city of God has been the front page news and headline for 73 days. We are watching history and the future happen simultaneously. May Israel have peace. May the world have peace. Peace on earth, and goodwill towards humanity!


The waves of violence and wars seem unending. There seems to be a desperate need for justice and peace to replace the insolent deeds of men. Our hope is in you! Our peace, Oh God is knowing that you will make all things right in the end. The final words in Revelation echo our world’s desire for an end of wars, the end of evil perpetrating on innocence. I understand these words so much better now. Jesus said, ”Surely I am coming soon.” And, I agree wholeheartedly with John in saying, “Amen. Come, Lord Jesus!“

What is your need?

Reading Time: 3 minutes

”As Jesus and the disciples left the town of Jericho, a large crowd followed behind. Two blind men were sitting beside the road. When they heard that Jesus was coming that way, they began shouting, “Lord, Son of David, have mercy on us!” “Be quiet!” the crowd yelled at them. But they only shouted louder, “Lord, Son of David, have mercy on us!” When Jesus heard them, he stopped and called, “What do you want me to do for you?” “Lord,” they said, “we want to see!” Jesus felt sorry for them and touched their eyes. Instantly they could see! Then they followed him.“ ‭‭Matthew‬ ‭20‬:‭29‬-‭34‬ ‭NLT‬‬

Matthew records that Jesus and his guys were leaving Jericho. The huge historical, famous city of jericho! Robin and I have been to Jericho, it is way out there in the desert. The biggest attraction, a section of the original wall that had been excavated. Just a portion of a very old wall! However, we were in an ancient city, and just touching a piece of history that old was exciting. Jericho is in the West Bank and still under Palestinian control. Driving into the town was like entering a war zone. The guard towers and barbed wire was intimidating and I noticed the hardware changed to AK47’s. Jericho, by the way, had become kind of a highly religious community back in Jesus day. Many Jewish priests and religious leaders resided there.

Leaving the town, Jesus had a crowd following him, he was now a known person. Two blind men hearing the commotion, must have guessed that this the Jesus everyone had been talking about. They didn’t want to miss their moment. They screamed out, the crowd censured or rebuked them. The men screamed louder, Jesus heard them above the crowd’s disapproval. The next few moments are brief but powerful. Jesus stopped and asked them a question. “What do you wish I would do for you?” Jesus knew who they were- beggars. And, he knew what they needed – to see again. Yet he asked them. Of course they answered back, “we want you to open our eyes.” A nice way to say, they would really like to see and not be blind anymore. Matthew writes a word that became synonymous with Jesus’ attitude emotions for those who were suffering. Jesus was moved with compassion, “splagxnízomai” – “from splanxna, ‘the inward parts,’ especially the nobler entrails – the heart, lungs, liver, and kidneys. It was a medical term that became the way people would describe the inner turmoil of feelings – as in feeling it in their guts! Jesus felt this deep, gut-check and immediately touched their eyes. They would now become sightseers instead of blind beggars. Then the men followed Jesus.

Jesus had become known for being someone moved to this gut-checked emotion called compassion. This compassion, equally mixed with mercy, would become the picture of who God really is, contrary to the harsh, quick-to-judge religious leaders of the day. Contrary to the fake stereotypes about God, even today. What would it take for me to see people like Jesus sees them? Jesus was busy, on mission, and had very specific divine appointments directed by the Holy Spirit. Yet, when he heard these men cry out, he stopped, felt their struggles, and healed them. Can compassion be a precursor, a prerequisite to a miracle?


Do I see the world around me like you do? Do I take or make time to listen and be led by your Holy Spirit? Do I have compassion for those suffering around me? My own city, up and down my own streets, may not be filled with blind beggars, but they are filled with individuals who have completely spiraled down to a horrible existence. They have become almost invisible to me and there are so many of them. Help me to have compassion, mercy and maybe just enough courage and time to see them, hear them and ask what they might need.