Just another extraordinary day.

Reading Time: 3 minutes

One day as Jesus was walking along the shore of the Sea of Galilee, he saw Simon and his brother Andrew throwing a net into the water, for they fished for a living. Jesus called out to them, “Come, follow me, and I will show you how to fish for people!” And they left their nets at once and followed him. A little farther up the shore Jesus saw Zebedee’s sons, James and John, in a boat repairing their nets. He called them at once, and they also followed him, leaving their father, Zebedee, in the boat with the hired men. Mark‬ ‭1‬:‭16‬-‭20‬ ‭NLT‬‬

The calling of the first followers. Mark’s gospel has Jesus seemingly, randomly, asking men to join him in mission. We know this mission would be exciting at first, but eventually move towards a frightening, grief-stricken ending. We also know that each one of these first followers would later be called to martyrdom!

I don’t know if Jesus knew every detail of his life ahead in these first moments, or if he found out as he went along. If you’re wondering about Jesus’ omniscient ability as God, the Apostle Paul tells us in Philippians 2, that Jesus laid that down to fully live as a human being.

I do believe that Jesus received guidance, inspiration and power through the Holy Spirit, just as he would expect his followers to do (us as well). Maybe it was just a morning stroll, talking with God and enjoying the stunning vista of the Sea of Galilee- it is amazing. I find that God often speaks and leads in all kinds of situations. An S.S.A. (situational Spirit awareness) is required.

As God guided Jesus, he still had to SEE Simon. Jesus still had to SEE the Zebedee boys. And once he did, he called them out. Somewhere in there, I believe the Holy Spirit said “There they are. That’s them. You know what to do!” or something similar. Of course, we’re not told any of this, I just want you to know God moves in both very spiritual AND very ordinary ways at the same time.

Jesus saw them, he called them and they left everything to follow Him. Do you think maybe the Holy Spirit had been at work in their lives before that morning moment on the beach? I do. I am learning that God is ALWAYS at work (the Bible says so – John 5:17, Rom 8:28). God handles the hard part of working in the human heart! God also handles the providential details that astound us. When Jesus listened and obeyed the Holy Spirit, He was showing us that this is how easy it is to join God in His mission! Yeah, Jesus had to call them out – okay, that part is challenging for many of us. But God had already set the entire situation up for each one of those “yeses” to happen.

It takes a little practice to hear the whisper of the Holy Spirit leading and guiding us to be used of God. It takes a little practice to see God at work. And it does require the response that pleases God more than anything else – FAITH! But, come on, look at what happened when Jesus was obedient – those guys helped change the world. Jesus didn’t turn these ordinary men into extraordinary men. Jesus taught them to do just as he did, SEE, LISTEN AND OBEY. God did the supernatural, phenomenal miracles through them!

Next time you take a stroll, shop for snacks or get stuck in a line at the DMV, look around, listen for the Holy Spirit and wait to see if God might have a supernatural assignment for you. Then make God smile by believing and obeying his offer to join Him on mission. Just do it!


I get giddy watching you weave a plan together and marvel at watching you work! Sometimes I look around and see a sea of people and remind myself, you are working in that life, and that one, and another one over there, buying lottery tickets. Oh how I love it when a good God plan comes together. It’s like I am peeking into a whole other realm, an other-world experience that happens on the heart level in every human. It gives me Spirit chills to think that you invite us into that kind of Holy mission. Thank you for not just working in me, but working through me as well. Heaven will be filled with glorious stories of our great God! I can’t wait to see it all come together. Amen.

Adversarial distress much?

Reading Time: 2 minutes

”God is our refuge and strength, always ready to help in times of trouble. So we will not fear when earthquakes come and the mountains crumble into the sea. Let the oceans roar and foam. Let the mountains tremble as the waters surge! Interlude“ ‭‭Psalms‬ ‭46‬:‭1‬-‭3‬ ‭NLT‬‬

The Blue Letter Bible says that this Psalm was written after Jehoshaphat wins a battle in 2 Chronicles 20. However, this Psalm begins with an ominous reminder for all of us over the span of history here on the earth. We are not the only ones groaning in anticipation of finality!

The Apostle Paul wasn’t a scientist nor a meteorologist, but he knew the signs of the times when he wrote, “For we know that all creation has been groaning as in the pains of childbirth right up to the present time.” Romans 8:22. It is interesting that adversarial distress or “trouble,” as the Hebrew word, “tsarah,” suggests, comes from more than just the evil and brokenness of our human relationships. When we sinned, past tense, as in the first couple; when we still sin today, several relationships are damaged and continue in a fractured state.

Our relationship with God was broken, our relationship to other humans was broken, and our relationship with the earth itself was broken. Anyone that has spent even a few years with their marriage mate, family or close friends should immediately realize – relationships are TOUGH. Love is a choice, but it’s also a battle of wills, expectations and constant forgiveness! God gave us the job of tending to the earth itself, but she’s not always a happy camper, right?

Flip on the news and watch the global devastation of volcanoes, earthquakes, floods, fires and funnel clouds. Our own San Diego, California was just shockingly overwhelmed with this random rainstorm and flooded! The psalmist reminds us, even when we battle to regain the beauty of the eden moments, the earth is a wild, untamed beast!

But we should not fear, God is still our refuge and strength. God is willing and able to help us even in these tribulative times of trouble. Even in the chaos of fractured moments with God, each other and the angry earth, God is here among us! God is for us, not against us. God moves towards us, not away from us. God leans in when we recognize our brokenness and humble ourselves before Him. In that holy space of prayer, confession, praise and thanks – God is near and we should not fear. Let the mountains crumble, let the ground tremble, let the waters surge- God is at work redeeming and restoring us and all of creation to himself!


We are certainly surrounded by stories of human devastation as well as local and global disasters. We sense the tension in our relationships with each other and this beautiful planet we were commanded to care for. We ache and groan for the completion, the finality of Your Kingdom coming and setting all things right. Our relationship with you, each other and the earth. The work, the ransom price for our sin has been paid, so now we wait. Maranatha – Come quickly Lord Jesus. Amen.

God rattles the religious?

Reading Time: 3 minutes

”When they heard this, the high council was furious and decided to kill them. But one member, a Pharisee named Gamaliel, who was an expert in religious law and respected by all the people, stood up and ordered that the men be sent outside the council chamber for a while. Then he said to his colleagues, “Men of Israel, take care what you are planning to do to these men!“ ‭‭Acts‬ ‭5‬:‭33‬-‭35‬ ‭NLT‬‬

The high council, made up of smart, well-bred, wealthy, powerful, RELIGIOUS men were furious! And that anger pushed them to yet another evil, demonic decision – let’s kill these guys as well.

An Angel of the Lord, not only miraculously freed the imprisoned apostles, but told them to get back out there and tell the people the truth – the word (rhéma) of life. Under direct orders from God, they obey and this re-ruffles the feathers of the Sanhedrin (the senate of the Jewish political system). How could the religious get on the wrong side of God Himself? This council of men supposedly worked FOR God, representing His will and His ways.

The Jewish people had a long history of those who would lead them. First it was just Moses, speaking on behalf of God. The people grumbled and complained about him and God had holes swallow some of them up and diseases ravage their bodies until they said they were sorry. Then judges, Godly men AND women (Deborah) to lead and manage the massive 12 tribes of Israel. But Israel wanted a king. So God gave them Saul. There was hundreds of years of kings, some good, but many corrupt and evil. Then, after the last king, Zedekiah, it was the prophets, spokesmen for God. Almost all of them were murdered. Then nothing. No one leading. Silence from heaven, God just quit speaking and quit sending people to guide the nation. So where did this council, this Sanhedrin senate come from?

I believe this council, this “synedrion,”Greek for “sitting together,” came together out of Moses original plan to assemble a group 70 men to help hear the issues, complaints and problems of the people. So, along with Moses it equals 71 men. This group, now exclusively made up of rabbis, scribes and legal experts made up the New Testament’s senate over Israel. There were of course several disagreeing factions even within the Sanhedrin, some known as Pharisees and Sadducees – based on their deeply held theology and theories about God. It was rare for the whole group to agree on anything! Yet, when it came to power, control and upholding the law of God (as they interrupted that law) they were in unity.

Their interpretations of God’s law got so out of control, so filled with anger and judgment, showing no mercy, that they used their interpretation as the standard by which they killed their own promised Messiah. They killed the God they worked for! It makes sense then, if they were to protect their version of the law, they would have to eliminate all challenges and kill all rebels. They thought they put this “false messiah” rebellion, this coo to rest by killing its leader, Jesus. Gamaliel states this himself, there were others who tried and failed. Once the leader was killed, the followers faded. But not with this one, this Jesus, He was different. Gamaliel recognized, it could continued to grow, he said, “But if it is from God, you will not be able to overthrow them. You may even find yourselves fighting against God!” Oh, how true that is!

Reminds me a little bit of the current factions and disagreements in the big “C,” Church today. In this environment of heresy hunting, cancelling pastors right and left, and pursuing a social media trial and conviction to bury ministries, it feels like we’ve got our own self-righteous, self-declared Sanhedrin all over again. It’s a big black eye on the Church of Jesus, I can tell you that much. It’s embarrassing to watch or hear the juicy gossip, the viral podcasts of those who have fallen or been publicly flogged. Yet, in the midst of us behaving badly, chasing religious zealots or modern day Pharisees, Jesus’ Church keeps going.

The Church of Jesus beats the odds, comes through triumphant and miraculously emerges without spots or wrinkles! Why? Because Jesus said it would! And, despite our internal, self consuming drive for perfection or our interpretation of keeping the NEW COVENANT – God continues to bypass the religious denominations and pours out His Spirit on ALL flesh, rescuing and redeeming thousands of people we deemed irrelevant or disreputable. Men and women leaders of the Church, take care what you are planning to do to these Pastors or ministries! You may find yourselves fighting against God.


Oh, what a time to be alive! What a time to see you move and miraculously rescue us, despite our differences, our theological theories. How exciting to know that You are in control and You never fail! How humbling to know that we are still just broken humans slowly being mended by Your grace. Help us Oh Lord – Your Kingdom come, Your will be done! Amen.

God chooses outliers.

Reading Time: 3 minutes

”The Lord had said to Abram, “Leave your native country, your relatives, and your father’s family, and go to the land that I will show you. I will make you into a great nation. I will bless you and make you famous, and you will be a blessing to others. I will bless those who bless you and curse those who treat you with contempt. All the families on earth will be blessed through you.” ‭‭Genesis‬ ‭12‬:‭1‬-‭3‬ ‭NLT‬‬

Just to be transparent. These exact verses came up a year ago, but I have recently been in a sermon series called, “Stepping into God’s Story,” so I’ve been marinating in Abram’s call all week. I’m copying over some discoveries from my notes, because it is absolutely fascinating to see how God chooses and who He chooses to allow them to partner with Him to save humanity. Here’s what we know about Abram…

▫️His dad was an idol worshiper. The Bible confirms that his father, Terah, was an idolater, worshiping other gods (Joshua 24:2)
▫️ He was considered to be a pagan, a non-God or multi-god believer.
▫️ God pursues him, speaking to him, promises are made.
▫️ At 75 years old – he listens, believes, and obeys God.
▫️ Abram was wealthy.
▫️ Sarai was stunningly beautiful, but barren, she could not have children.

And even though God reminds Abram several times that He will keep His promises, Abram still has a lot of questions. He BELIEVES, but tries to figure out how the promise could be fulfilled because he and Sarai were barren and old! Abram asks God how it will happen!

Maybe you were taught or believed that you could not ask God questions. Maybe you were taught that questions equal doubt or disbelief. I am here to tell you – that’s just not true. Here we have the most famous, ancient patriarch of Judaism asking God a lot of questions! Now, I realize, God did not answer him with specifics, but continued to reinforce His promise and His ability to fulfill that promise. It’s almost a comical dance that takes place when Abram asks about his future kids, God says “look at the stars, count them – that’s how many kids you’ll have.” God didn’t give details He gave an object lesson in truth and trust! Isn’t that beautifully FRUSTRATING! We want details, God just says, “TRUST ME.” Faith over form! Let God handle the details. Thats hard for us as “checklist,” scheduled, calendared people! We want to control the details and the timeline, but that is not our job. Our job is to believe and obey!

Abram and Sarai get themselves in the biggest mess by trying to circumvent or help God with His plans! Sarai gets weary of waiting, gives up on God’s plan, and makes her own. She convinces Abram to use their slave girl as a surrogate to produce an heir. The Ishmael/Isaac story is one of the most famous feudal fiascos of all time! And, we are STILL paying the price for that decision thousands of years ago.

A couple of things we can learn from all this: 1. God often chooses the least likely people to accomplish His purposes. Maybe God is calling you to listen, obey and follow, no matter where He leads. 2. God makes and keeps His promises. Through the Holy Spirit, God wants us to listen for His voice, His leading. God wants us to believe and have faith in Him. God wants us to obey and follow him, even if no one else does.


As I read Your living Word, sometimes I have to remind myself that life is, or can be, very simple. By listening, believing and obeying – it becomes so uncomplicated. Not easy, but simple. Faith is difficult but also very freeing. Looking back on my life I know this to be true because you chose me – the outlier, the underdog, the underperforming nobody. This alone brings gratefulness and joy. It brings a humble confidence, not at all in myself, but in you. It also has me convinced, if you can do this wondrous work in my life, you can do it through anyone! It has not been easy, but it has been good, because you are good. Amen.

Compelled to go?

Reading Time: 3 minutes

The Spirit then compelled Jesus to go into the wilderness, where he was tempted by Satan for forty days. He was out among the wild animals, and angels took care of him. Mark‬ ‭1‬:‭12‬-‭13‬ ‭NLT‬‬

I have read this story, and these words, dozens of times. Mark’s gospel is gritty and filled with gut-wrenching reality checks – if we slow down and read it without the preconceived, sermonized pictures in our head, it’s powerful. Mark’s short, punchy delivery is what makes it so shocking! Just a couple verses ahead of the Spirit compelling, Mark has Jesus being baptized, heavens splitting, the Holy Spirit descending and a voice from heaven declaring the Father’s love for his son! Whhhhhaaaattt? Then… the Spirit says GO!

Of course, the other gospels take much more time to develop the details of these moments. Matthew gives the baptism five verses, with a lot of background on John the Baptizer. Luke gives us two verses on baptism, but thirteen verses on Jesus temptation in the desert. John has six verses about Jesus baptism, but none on his desert experience. All three Spirit compelled journalists write about Jesus’ being led (anagó or agó), but Mark chooses a different word to describe what the Spirit of God did to lead Jesus’ to His missional, next steps. Mark writes, the Spirit compelled (ekballo: I throw, cast, put out, banish) “ballo” to throw or cast and “ek” is just out. Obviously, the Spirit “leading” is so much more gentle, even delightful.

Mark wanted us to know it was much more forceful, kind of like God kicking the first couple out of Eden and facing life with their newfound “knowledge” of evil! No more walks with God in the cool of the good and gorgeous environment of Eden, it’s the hard knock life of toiling and the reality of facing a formidable enemy! Jesus was banished to the wilderness by the Holy Spirit.

Why I am being so dramatic about Mark’s brief, but powerful word-choice picture? Hello! If we think for one moment that God would take His own Son and banish him to face the struggles and challenges of a wilderness experience. Then leave him to have a world-class showdown with Satan himself at Jesus’ weakest moment in body, soul and spirit. Why would we believe that God would not or will not do something similar with us? The Spirit of God pushed Jesus out there!

For those who know God, listen to God, and choose to follow Him there could be a Spirit-compelled invitation to walk with Him in a wild-wilderness, even a sifting, shaking temptation season of our life! It seems, this experience was the first step on Jesus’ agenda to be on mission! Go out and begin to RECLAIM Eden for all of us! For Eve, the tree was beautiful, delicious and would give her wisdom. For Jesus, the bread loaves were beautiful. The ideation of his indestructible durability was irresistible. And, the promise of ultimate control and power was palpable. The snare of taking a shortcut was set – there was a better way, a less painful way, an easier path if Jesus so desired. The good life on this planet could be his and humanity would be lost forever.

God sent Jesus out there, would I go? Would you? Because Jesus faced those temptations, we will too. However, because Jesus won those battles, we can too!


Whew! What a powerfully deep thought for the day. I can’t say that I have been compelled or pushed out into a wilderness to purposefully be exposed and exhausted. Then to face the lures and snares of Satan, designed specifically to my longings and desires. I certainly don’t remember a season like that. But I do know what it’s like to hear, see and feel the glitter of those shiny-lights of promise to just have my own way and yield to, give into, whatever my flesh (as Paul puts it) wants. I am definitely aware of those battles! It gives me hope that Jesus willingly accepted the challenge to reclaim Eden and win back even the ability for me to say “NO” and walk away. I am thankful for your mercy! Amen.

God is listening.

Reading Time: 3 minutes

Bend down, O Lord, and hear my prayer; answer me, for I need your help. Protect me, for I am devoted to you. Save me, for I serve you and trust you. You are my God. Be merciful to me, O Lord, for I am calling on you constantly. Give me happiness, O Lord, for I give myself to you. O Lord, you are so good, so ready to forgive, so full of unfailing love for all who ask for your help. Listen closely to my prayer, O Lord; hear my urgent cry. I will call to you whenever I’m in trouble, and you will answer me. Psalms‬ ‭86‬:‭1‬-‭7‬ ‭NLT‬‬

What would you like to say to God? What do you want to tell Him?

David, the beloved King of ancient Israel was no saint. It’s hard to say, but likely he was a way better sinner than you or I will ever be! Sure he was brave (or arrogant). Sure he was confident (or cocky). Sure he was charismatic (or manipulative). But, David gave us more insight into his own life AND a more authentic prayer life than any other character in the Bible!

David was prolific in being real before a Holy God! This Psalm is one of many where David is hurting and afraid, yet it does not stop him from pouring out his heart and soul to God. “Bend down, hear me, answer me – I need your help.” It’s raw and unfiltered, he’s certainly not pandering for spiritual points, trying to make it look like his life is all together!

It’s because these prayers, these pursuits of conversations with God that we too can let it all out, say what we’ve got to say, and know we are safe in our relationship with God. There is SO MUCH to learn from Psalms like this one. My question is, “do I talk with God with as much unpolished presence as David?” God is listening! I can’t say that God is waiting around, fretting about our prayer life. But I can confidently say this – God wants to hear from us when we are at our best and our worst.

When things are good, give God a shoutout of praise. Thank Him for His mercy and grace, blessing and favor. And when things are bad, TELL HIM. If you need some help with verbalizing or converting a mess of emotions into words, then PRAY David’s prayer in this Psalm. Don’t just read it – PRAY IT – OUT-LOUD. God knows our heart, He is willing to hear the wrestling in our soul. Talk to Him while driving through traffic. Talk to Him when you wake up in the night. Greet Him in the morning. And, say goodnight before you close your day. Just pray – He is listening. Maybe He will speak to you in the storm, in the quiet, in the battle, in the confusion or raging anger. Get it all out, then quiet your soul and listen.


I know you hear me when I pray! I know you answer me when I feel trapped, surrounded, overwhelmed or afraid. I am so thankful for your love and patience with me. I am so grateful that you know my sin and my frailty. I love everyone one of the moments when we talk. I pray, you listen. I listen and you speak to me through Your Holy Spirit. I am comforted by Your presence and have never regretted our time together. Plus, I can’t wait until I see you face to face and spend all of eternity with you and the people who love you. Amen.

Dare to mess with the Holy Spirit?

Reading Time: 3 minutes

But there was a certain man named Ananias who, with his wife, Sapphira, sold some property. He brought part of the money to the apostles, claiming it was the full amount. With his wife’s consent, he kept the rest. Then Peter said, “Ananias, why have you let Satan fill your heart? You lied to the Holy Spirit, and you kept some of the money for yourself. The property was yours to sell or not sell, as you wished. And after selling it, the money was also yours to give away. How could you do a thing like this? You weren’t lying to us but to God!” Acts ‭5‬:‭1‬-‭4‬ ‭NLT‬‬

Luke writes this book to tell the story of the early church and the Apostles who led them. Some believe this entire book was a testimonial account, written for Paul to deliver to Caesar himself. It reads very much like a continuation of the gospels (Matthew, Mark, Luke and John) recording the acts and stories of Jesus.

Luke writes, ”Then the apostles returned to Jerusalem from the Mount of Olives, a distance of half a mile” (Acts 1:12). It is explosive reading from a “well, what happens now?” perspective. Acts 2, the Church explodes on the scene with the Holy Spirit bringing supernatural signs and wonders. Peter finds his voice, preaching to his own people, the Jews, and sounding very much like the Prophets of old. As a result, there is transformation in the lives of thousands of people. Even among the rise of persecution for being a Christian, the Church grew rapidly. The rulers, elders and teachers of religious law even met together, still hell-bent on crushing this “new” faith and belief in Jesus. Yet, more decisions, now an additional 5,000 people following the ways of Christ!

Luke records the “believer’s” prayer, and it is powerful. They prayed for God to, ”Stretch out your hand with healing power; may miraculous signs and wonders be done through the name of your holy servant Jesus” (4:30). And God answered with this, “After this prayer, the meeting place shook, and they were all filled with the Holy Spirit. Then they preached the word of God with boldness” (4‬:‭31‬).

It with this context that Luke records that the Church came together with an incredible sense of unity, writing, “All the believers were united in heart and mind.” Chapter five seems to come out of a story that points out that there were some who were kind of faking it? Just regular folk who may have had good intentions, desperately wanting to be a part of this supernatural move of God in the community of faith. Maybe they were just caught up in the excitement, an electricity in air, where God was doing miracles. Seized with this fervor, they also sold some property and decided to give it to the community fund that was used to both help the poor, but also pay for any expenses that this new and expanding Church would need.

But there was a problem, deep in the heart of this couple. They wanted to sell the property, but didn’t want to give ALL of the profits, believing that some or most of the proceeds would suffice. To be clear, there wasn’t, there isn’t, anything wrong with selling property, giving some of the profits away and keeping some for themselves. The decision, on both their parts, was to make it look like they sacrificed to give it ALL away. Ananias and Sapphira brought part of the money to the apostles and CLAIMED it was the full amount!

As Ananias handed the money over, the Holy Spirit must have told Peter there was something very wrong with this particular gift, this transaction. It was given with subterfuge! Peter called it and spoke it out, “You lied to the Holy Spirit!” When Ananias heard Peter openly reveal the content of his own heart, he dropped dead! Peter, then knowing how this “gift” came to be, gave Sapphira a chance to come clean. Like a parent who already knows what happened before they ask their child, Peter asked, “Was this the price you and your husband received for your land?” “Yes,” she replied, “that was the price.” At this point, it was pretty Bold for Peter himself to let her know that God would also deal with her – O.T. style 😳. Saying, see those guys with the sheet…they just buried your husband and now they are here to help you – TO THE GRAVE! Whoa. This story also went out in the faith community – don’t mess around with the Holy Spirit!


You give us a ton of grace, mercy and patience. Yet, you will discipline those you love! And, I know your love for the Church is just as passionate and powerful as it was then. I’ve seen some friends of mine, uh, “drop” way earlier than expected because the motives and games that were being played in their heart, completely disregarding your Holy Spirit and presenting absolute lies to the body of Christ. You are faithful and just to forgive, but also faithful and just to bring out truth and keep the shady shadows out of your Church! Thank you for loving us and loving Your Church!

If only it was this simple.

Reading Time: 3 minutes

”Then Samuel took a flask of olive oil and poured it over Saul’s head. He kissed Saul and said, “I am doing this because the Lord has appointed you to be the ruler over Israel, his special possession.“ ‭‭1 Samuel‬ ‭10‬:‭1‬ ‭NLT‬‬

This whole story of God relenting and giving Israel what they were BEGGING for – a KING, is amazing. Like little kindergartners in the global playground, Israel’s leaders wanted to be like all the other nations surrounding them. Samuel warned them that they did not fully understand what they were asking for, but they wanted a King nonetheless. Here in these chapters is the process by which God selects their first King FOR them. God only does this kind of selection a couple of times, before Israel decides for themselves. I am fascinated of how gracious, kind and thorough God is in this process of their first King appointment.

God’s spokesperson, Samuel, is given the responsibility of setting up a private meeting with a young man named Saul, and telling him exactly what God will do in him and through him. When we read these verses, 10:2-6, we find four specific moments that Samuel tells Saul exactly what will happen and who it will happen with and where it will take place. Amazing! The who, what, when and where of God’s plans for Saul’s life at the start. If it were only this simple today!

Samuel explains what would happen next, in perfect order: First two men at Rachel’s tomb and what they will say. Then three men at the oak of Tabor, and what they will say (plus! the bonus of a couple loafs of bread – always a treat). Then at Gibeah, a band of prophets, along with the instruments they will be playing. And finally, the Spirit of the Lord will come on him and Saul will prophesy with the band! And, Samuel tells Saul “you will be changed into a different person.” It happened exactly as Samuel said it would. Saul did not tell his father about any of it!

Yet, even with all that detail, and powerful confirmation moments that God is choosing Saul to be Israel’s first King, what happens when the big announcement goes out and Samuel wants to present God’s choice to the people? Saul goes AWOL. ”So Samuel brought all the tribes of Israel before the Lord…” Even though Samuel knew who God’s choice was, he still went through the process of using Urim and Thummim (polished round stones that were a part of the High Priest’s robe) to “cast lots.” Family by family, until finally down to one individual was determined. Of course, it was Saul. But where was Saul? He was HIDING! When it came down to it, even after all the supernatural confirmations that God was leading him – Saul was terrified, scared to death to be chosen. The people found him, cowering, hiding, and brought him out to be their King.

There is so much here about why and how God chooses individuals to lead. There is so much truth about how many of them have a difficult time believing it, even with overwhelming proof. Saul is not the only one who struggled with such an overwhelming calling on his life. What has God called you to be, to do? What is God supernaturally laying out before you to convince and confirm to you that He wants to use you in His great plans in the Kingdom of God. No, it may not be the position of a king, but who knows? Saul had everything laid out for him, yet still he had enormous doubts. Even his friends and family kind of mocked him after he went home. Sure, Saul was tall and handsome, but people could clearly see that he was no leader! But God, right? Same with you and me. Maybe you don’t see it. Maybe your family and friends don’t see it. But God sees it, he sees you and who you will become!

It’s funny to think, “yeah, if all those crazy things happened to help me believe… then I’d say yes.” Really? Those things did not convince Saul either. I said this in a sermon yesterday, “Know God. Believe God. Follow God.” He is trustworthy to believe and God knows what He’s doing. Just say YES and start moving forward.


I still remember how hard it was for me to say “yes.” I still remember feeling awkward and uncomfortable, not really knowing what I was saying yes to! It took years to figure out, I wasn’t saying yes to a position, calling or pursuit, I was simply saying “yes” to You. The more I tried to figure out what I was supposed to do, the more I had to learn to listen and obey you. I wanted a supernatural roadmap of how my life would go and the only thing I discovered was I needed to get better at listening, not actually leading anything. You have been faithful. You are still faithful. Others get impatient that I don’t lead or do what they expect, but I am only called to please YOU, by obeying You. Thank for your grace and mercy as I muddle through this wonderful life of mystery.

Think Different.

Reading Time: 3 minutes

”Later on, after John was arrested, Jesus went into Galilee, where he preached God’s Good News. “The time promised by God has come at last!” he announced. “The Kingdom of God is near! Repent of your sins and believe the Good News!”“ Mark‬ ‭1‬:‭14‬-‭15‬ ‭NLT‬‬

Mark’s gospel quickly references Jesus being baptized, then a brief sentence about Jesus going out into the wilderness to be tempted, saying nothing about fasting for forty days. Mark gets right to it.

When Jesus came into Galilee, a favorite location on the shore of the lake, he immediately announces the Kingdom of God was near, it’s coming, he says! The four gospels are called gospels because of what Jesus said. Jesus preached the good news. He says he brings “euaggélion: – the Gospel – literally, “God’s good news.”” This amazing Greek word that comes from the root word, “euaggelizó,” meaning a messenger of goodness or wellness. It’s where we get the word “evangelist,” or “evangelize” or “evangelical” – those words have some powerful, cultural connotations! How far we have fallen when “evangelical” has been redefined as a political, social group instead of the real meaning of bringing a good message?

Jesus came on the scene announcing that the fulfillment of God’s plan was here at last. And, if we think about it, a longtime promise fulfilled is a joyous occasion, right? Proverbs reminds me, “Hope deferred makes the heart sick, but a dream fulfilled is a tree of life.” (13:12). Jesus was saying the time had finally arrived, the earth itself and all nature groaned in anticipation of that day – and so did the Jewish people (Romans 8:22).

Jesus told us what to do when this good news of God’s Kingdom became a reality. Repent of our sins and believe. What does repentance have to do with receiving and believing this fulfillment of a very long promise? We’ve always seen “repentance” as a religious word, a spiritually powerful word, laden with stereotyped-stories and pictures of wearing gunnysacks and whipping ourselves. At least that’s what comes to mind for me. If you’ve been a churched person, in a protestant expression, you know that repentance has not been taught that way. But even in the protestant tradition, repentance is still seen as a physically humbling act of emotional tears and deep sorrow. I get it, that’s not a bad response for realizing what a turd I’ve been and the awful destructive things I’ve done.

Jesus was joyfully announcing another picture. It’s more like the picture of someone who has driven several miles past their exit on the freeway and realized they were not paying attention and are heading the wrong direction! Have you ever done that? If you’re alone, you just angrily beat yourself up for being so unaware. But what do we do then? We exit, we figure out how to get back on the freeway, going the opposite direction. We’ve have turned around to get to our intended destination. This is what the original Greek word, “metanoéō” means. It’s two words, “after-effects” and “thinking,” – think differently afterwords. It’s been described as a 180° turn around because it’s easy to understand, but it really means “the effects of changing our minds.”

Of course we have to change our minds if we are going to even begin to understand what God has really done for us! We absolutely better think and behave DIFFERENTLY after we see our sin and the consequences of what it has done in us and others. Steve Jobs, in 1997, came out with Apple’s grand-slam marketing slogan, “Think Different,” but that wasn’t really his idea. It was Jesus who said, think different and believe the good news. Salvation, rescue, exoneration has come to save us from ourselves and free us from prison of pursing whatever we feel like doing, no matter the consequences. This was and still is explosive, headline news! Think different and believe. Hmmm, sounds catchy.


Sometimes I hardly recognize myself! I’ve got a long ways to go in looking like Jesus, but I have come so far since I first believed. I am not who I was, but still not completely who I want to be. I find it interesting that I’ve had many times I still need to repent. Not just of sin, but realizing that I wasn’t going in a godly direction and had to think different to change that. I am so thankful for your amazing good news. It has definitely changed me, my life, and those around me. This whole experience of repentance and belief has been the greatest thing ever to happen to me.

What’s beyond church hurt?

Reading Time: 3 minutes

“O God, you know how foolish I am; my sins cannot be hidden from you. Don’t let those who trust in you be ashamed because of me, O Sovereign Lord of Heaven’s Armies. Don’t let me cause them to be humiliated, O God of Israel. For I endure insults for your sake; humiliation is written all over my face. Even my own brothers pretend they don’t know me; they treat me like a stranger.” Psalms‬ ‭69‬:‭5‬-‭8‬ ‭NLT‬‬

King David, writing much of the psalms, had some real self-reflection, self-awareness moments throughout the book of songs. Oddly, this psalm was an actual song David sung, because the Bible translators give an accompaniment – to the tune of “Lilies.”

We might think that leaders across the spectrum of all our own societal structures as stalwart, solid, sure and absolutely arrogant in their bravado. At a time when trust is at its lowest, I wonder if David’s honest humility might be more appropriate, even in modern times of crisis. David writes and sings these psalms of confession, these admitted weaknesses and failures. This is such a loud voice in these seasons of “church hurt.” David’s line jumps off the page when I think of our own context today, “Don’t let those who trust in you be ashamed because of me, O Sovereign Lord of Heaven’s Armies.” I was just talking with a friend and saying something similar. Leaders, like church folk, are not perfect! Mistakes will be made, hot words will be spoken and slow responses to bad actors in the body of Christ will be apparent. Will I be the leader, the under-shepherd/pastor to hurt others? Maybe it’s inevitable. But can I own the fact that I have and will make mistakes, behaving un-Christlike in the way I handle people. Can I admit when I’m wrong, own it and apologize? These are apparently rare traits in societal leadership today. It’s more like blame, coverup, and lie your way out of it!

David owned his sin and his failures. He even put some of them to song! However, earlier in this psalm he wrote a lot about sinking in a sea of misappropriated responsibility. He owned up to his part, but would not take the fall for his enemies lust for power and control.

I love this phrase he writes, “Even my own brothers pretend they don’t know me; they treat me like a stranger.” Have you ever sinned and had to face the consequences among friends and family? Have you ever made horrible choices that almost destroyed your life and hurt those around you? Uh… David did as well. Most people feel as though they can’t face the people that knew them BEFORE things fell apart. They feel the shame-stare moments, believing that all eyes are on them in judgment and dismissal. David felt that. He even had this as a line in his song, “I am the favorite topic of town gossip, and all the drunks sing about me” (vs 12‬). Read the rest of Psalm 69, you’ll discover you are not alone. It wasn’t the end of David’s life, nor will it be the end of yours. Come back, come home, endure the pain, push through the shame and do what David did, “…I will praise God’s name with singing, and I will honor him with thanksgiving.”


I do not want to be the kind of pastor that makes mistakes, especially when it comes to hurting others – but I know I have and will continue to do so. I can’t promise to not make them, but I can promise to try to own them and humbly apologize and reconcile when I do. However, I decided early on, that I will not let anyone or anything create distance between you and me! I will not allow anyone’s bad behavior to wedge into my relationship with you. I will not give the enemy that kind of foothold into my life! Help me, help us, Oh Lord to continue to be people of forgiveness and reconciliation. Help me show mercy, even as you have show me mercy. Show grace, because you gave me grace. Amen.