Leaders carry extra loads.

Reading Time: 3 minutes

“Dear brothers and sisters, honor those who are your leaders in the Lord’s work. They work hard among you and give you spiritual guidance. Show them great respect and wholehearted love because of their work. And live peacefully with each other.” ‭‭1 Thessalonians‬ ‭5‬:‭12‬-‭13‬ ‭NLT‬‬

The Apostle Paul wouldn’t ask this for himself. But for others, like Timothy, Titus, and the local pastors and deacons in the church, he reminds them – honor their position. Great pastors do exactly what Paul writes about, they “WORK hard among!”

A few of the elders at my own church pretend to sniff me once in a while. When I give them a puzzled look, they say, “just making sure you smell like sheep!” It’s true, right? What shepherd doesn’t smell like those in their care. Paul uses the Greek word for “work hard,” kopiáō: exhausting labor – to labor until worn-out, depleted. It’s a physical and mental depletion. The New Living Translation says it’s because pastors give spiritual guidance, but Paul’s literal word is proístēmi: they are diligent to take the lead.

Why is leading so hard? And, why are leaders are harder to find in this current culture? Because of two reasons: One, whoever even thinks about leading observe how church folk treat pastors and decide, “it is not worth it!” Two, there is such a deficiency of trust that makes it ten times harder to lead change! I know, many might think pastors create their own moral sink-holes and deserve to go down in them. But think about it. What are pastors trying to escape from? Why are they making horrible choices in their personal lives? Maybe they’re just trying to fill the void, dull the pain, use the escape to get away from you (and the overwhelming emotional trauma of leading other humans in spiritual endeavors). Many of them have no emotional reserves, no margin because they’ve given it away to others. Who wants to live as an empty shell of a person?

Paul’s spirit-led wisdom tells the church, show them esteem – hēgéomai: a leader who carries important responsibility and hence “casts a heavy vote” (influence) – and hence deserve cooperation by those who are led. Again, NLT uses the word “respect,” but it it’s not just honoring them with a nod and a smile. It’s working with them, alongside them without ADDING to their load, but instead, helping lessen it! And, in this kind of esteem for them, we should show them a “hyper-love,” huper (beyond) love.

It’s also Paul’s last little admonishment that gets my attention. I think it should be emphasized! Paul writes, eiréneuó: to bring to peace, to be at peace with EACH OTHER! I don’t know the statistics on this, but an enormous amount of time and emotional energy is spent on trying to resolve or at least manage CONFLICT among church folks. Pastors beg of you… forgive, reconcile, stop gossiping about each other – be peacemakers rather than poop spreaders. That alone would go a long way in helping and respecting your pastor. Paul shares this out of love and his apostlistic responsibility. Pastors don’t just carry their own life, their own family and their own responsibilities. Remember, the “extra” load pastors carry…. is YOU and your family!


We need more pastors, not less. We need more men and women who seek this leadership responsibility in the Church, not less. In these days of spiritual recession, we need your grace even more. We need an outpouring of your Spirit to revolutionize our Z’s and Alpha’s to answer that calling to ministry. Could you supernaturally speak to them and call them up to leadership just like you did for me? Thank you!

No coincidence, only providence.

Reading Time: 3 minutes

“Soon Pharaoh’s daughter came down to bathe in the river, and her attendants walked along the riverbank. When the princess saw the basket among the reeds, she sent her maid to get it for her. When the princess opened it, she saw the baby. The little boy was crying, and she felt sorry for him. “This must be one of the Hebrew children,” she said.” Exodus‬ ‭2‬:‭5‬-‭6‬ ‭NLT‬‬

Moses records his own origin story. It is remembered and written in such a gentle, peaceful style. However, living in those moments were not peaceful, nor gentle. The situation was dire and filled with fear of an unknown future. We read this as history, but honestly it’s telling of a fact: Nothing is coincidental! We have to shift our thinking to the truth – EVERYTHING is providential. Everything, you ask? Yes, everything. Our limited scope of time and understanding of eternity makes this difficult. Plus, our distrust and awful stereotypes of God put us at a huge disadvantage of seeing God as GOOD. God is always right, true and good. We tend to review every crisis, death, loss or disaster as either random or predetermined. God’s foreknowledge and sovereignty does not equal predetermination of evil that is perpetrated on humanity. God did not create humans to delight in destroying them! His delight is in loving us and being intimately involved in our lives.

Moses birth story and his entire life story is an amazing story of providential miracles to tell US the bigger story of God from Genesis to Revelation. The Pharaoh, over the largest superpower civilization of its day, made a self-determined decision that the Jewish people were a threat. The same people that God used Joseph’s own difficult path to save the Jews and SAVE Egypt. This Pharaoh, not the Joseph Pharaoh, FEARED the hardworking, humble, grateful Jewish people would rise up and take over his kingdom. God, of course had completely different plans for his people, and it wasn’t to take over and occupy Egypt. God had another spot on the earth for the Jewish people to call their own.

Pharaoh, using genocide as a population deterrent, ordered the killing of all Jewish baby boys. From early on, we can see Satan’s plan to stop God’s plan of redeeming humans by starting with the elimination of God’s people, God’s plan and God’s promises. God made promises to His people and to the entire planet. Satan’s plans always include trying to make God out to be a liar and a promise breaker! It never worked and it never will. God is truth, His promises are guaranteed. If even one of them is not fulfilled, God would not be God.

Pharaoh’s decree was followed and an unknown amount of baby boys were put to death. We see this evil, genocidal plan repeated all throughout human history! But God saw Moses and what Moses would become before time ever began! From the moment Moses’ mother, Jochebed, had the brilliant idea of putting her baby boy in his own boat and float him down the river, (technically “throwing the hebrew boy” into the river, as Pharaoh had commanded) to the delightfully providential surprise that one of Pharaoh’s own daughters would find him. It’s all in God’s hands, His will was directing the entirety of Moses’s story.

Wow! Following even a fraction of Moses’ life story is amazing! The miracles, the drama, the detail – I love it. It makes me think of my own life, from beginning until now. To just realize that none of it was coincidental, none of it an accident or a mistake – is pretty overwhelming! But for me to take all that I know about God and all that I know about my own history and realize that God is not just deeply involved, He’s fully in control. And, to think about that same God inviting me to be a part of His grand story is humbling and encouraging. Our lives are a small part of what God is doing to bring about his will on earth as it is in heaven! To allow our sin, sorrow, brokenness and redemption to serve His BIG plan is so cool. It’s more than cool – it’s providential.


First of all, bravo on the amazing ways you have kept and recorded your story in oral, then written form that has survived and flourished for thousands of years! Your Word has endured, just as you promised that it would. I am thankful that you have always been in control, and always be in control over ALL things – including my own life. I am grateful to be a part of Your story and that my own story might be useful to You and anyone else.

Missional detour to talk divorce.

Reading Time: 4 minutes

“When Jesus had finished saying these things, he left Galilee and went down to the region of Judea east of the Jordan River. Large crowds followed him there, and he healed their sick. Some Pharisees came and tried to trap him with this question: “Should a man be allowed to divorce his wife for just any reason?” Matthew‬ ‭19‬:‭1‬-‭3‬ ‭NLT‬‬

Matthew, being a disciple of Christ, and the “disciple of detail,” captures and compares the moments of Jesus’ mission and contrasts that with our incessant need to preserve our loopholes.

We all have our heart detours to get around the principles and the will of God. What do I mean? Matthew clearly tells us that Jesus was busy fulfilling his purpose and mission from God. Jesus stated before, he was here for the sick – and were not talking purely physical illness. “Large crowds followed!” Why? Because humanity has a lot of needs – we suffer! And, Jesus being Jesus, He healed them. On mission – exhausting work, but WORTH IT! The very next scene appears to be in direct conflict with Jesus’ mission. But maybe it’s not?

Religious leaders also show up, but they don’t show up needy or appear to be suffering. They are sick as well, but don’t know it. They come with tests, traps and spiritual controversies. They have obviously thought through their questions carefully, choosing the ones that would catch Jesus conflicting or twisting God’s own rules.

The Pharisees bring up an interesting question, one that is both very old, yet very current even today! DIVORCE. Oh, the learned, crafty men don’t ask about the pain and suffering of divorce. They don’t ask about the division of families or leaving women destitute after the marriage ends. They don’t even talk about the deep shame of relational failure – when one or both men and women have to live with or hide away in their souls. They want to know if it is permissible, if it’s acceptable to get around or get away with breaking one of God’s earliest relationship rules. That’s why Jesus made a quick joke about the question. “Oh, you haven’t read the scriptures,” Jesus says, trying not to smirk a wry smile. Oh, they knew the one Jesus was referring to. The Genesis 2:24 reference, the “leave and cleave” idea, often still used in many marriage ceremonies. The whole idea of marriage between a man and a woman is this idea of becoming one! They are united, together, a beautiful blending of wills and ways in body and soul. One can imagine the pain and suffering after tearing a whole and unified person apart. Physically, it would be excruciating and it would be a miracle if both halves survived. It is as dangerous and rare as separating conjoined twins! However, that’s not what the Pharisee’s were asking. And that’s not what they wanted Jesus to talk about. No, they were more interested in Moses’ loophole around God’s will, His intent in marital relationships.

Moses, the superhero, the patriarch and leader who brought Israel out of slavery. The man who met with God, talked with God and brought the “big-ten” commands of God down from the mountain. It was this Moses that gave the “command,” allowing a bill of divorce. Yep, in Deuteronomy 24:1 Moses writes his own commentary on getting out of a marriage! Of course, Moses had just finished telling the Israelites about the seriousness of making a vow and keeping a promise. But then he immediately tells the men how to get out of their own marriage vow. For starters, Moses may have referred to fraud in the marriage vow, it certainly wasn’t adultery because that was punishable by death! If you read the verse, it does seem very pro-male and disrespectful to women, “When a man takes a wife and marries her, if then she finds no favor in his eyes because he has found some indecency in her…”

The Pharisees mistakenly quote Moses’ allowance as a LAW! Jesus, who is the best possible authority on giving truth and commentary about all things, corrects the misinformation that permeated the religious culture in that day. Jesus takes time away from one mission, while the crowd has gathered, seeking and hoping for healing, to another mission. To try to admonish and correct faulty theology and practices of the religious leaders. This was grace extended, to them and corrective truth, to any who would be trying to use the Moses’ loophole to hastily justify divorce and destruction of families.

Jesus spoke right to their own hearts, saying, “Because of your hardness of heart, Moses allowed you to divorce your wives, but from the beginning it was not so.” Notice the liberal use of “you,” and “your”? It was absolutely true then as it is still today – divorce is awful, messy and expensive for husbands and wives. It is devastating when children are involved. If you, family or friends have been through divorce, you know it’s true. There is no need for shame, but we should quit pretending it’s a good thing, an easy thing. Please don’t minimize or idolize divorce. It’s hard. It’s emotional. It’s traumatic. But it should never be trivialized! I don’t just say this just because it’s true. I say this because I am the product of multiple divorces in my family – both birth family and adoptive family. I count four of them!


You’ve tried explaining that we hard hearts and stubborn desires to get what we want. But it feels so odd that in this story, Jesus us healing those in pain on one hand and begging people to quit causing pain on the other! We must be quite the oblivious spectacle to look down on. Help us. Forgive us. Thank you that your mercies are new every morning, because we are a big bunch of sin-spenders!

Generational memory loss.

Reading Time: 3 minutes

“For he issued his laws to Jacob; he gave his instructions to Israel. He commanded our ancestors to teach them to their children, so the next generation might know them— even the children not yet born— and they in turn will teach their own children. So each generation should set its hope anew on God, not forgetting his glorious miracles and obeying his commands. Then they will not be like their ancestors— stubborn, rebellious, and unfaithful, refusing to give their hearts to God.” ‭‭Psalms‬ ‭78‬:‭5‬-‭8‬ ‭NLT‬‬

Asaph’s plea to remember. This psalm, inserted in the book of Psalms, late in David’s life, has a certain reminiscence, a way of not forgetting. And, most importantly, telling the story of God to each generation.

Generational stories, both how and when they are told, is an interesting phenomenon. I can’t speak for my entire generation, being born at the outset of the sixties turmoil and revolution – the results of the fifties not so subtlety questioning all authority. I was raised around senior retirees, spending my summers with my grandparents. I grew to love their stories, their connections with neighbors who became friends. Time passed very, very slowly for me while they talked about life and current events. They not only taught me about the senior pace of life but also the senior patience, learning to listen and build deep and meaningful connections. Was I just an “old soul,” as they say? I don’t think so. My grandparents taught me to love people’s life stories, a mix of triumph and tragedy. They were not followers of Jesus either!

When I read Asaph’s words and the passion for God and His commands, I think about the stories I tell my own children and grandchildren. Do I have the time, patience and courage to teach my progeny to listen well? Sometimes, I feel that stories are all I have to offer! My words, ways and cultural differences are glaringly “old school,” “OG,” as they say. “Oh Dad and his classic, retro thoughts and stories,” they aren’t current or progressive. They are certainly not meme or reels worthy! I find myself pushing through the blowback comments, common among those trying to tell their story – “Dad, we’ve heard it before.” Sadly, I find myself repeating a similar response to my own aging father-in-law – “Dad, I’ve heard that one before.” Much of content containing the overused, “dad-jokes” category.

Asaph had a good point to make, a godly point to remind us of. The stories help each generation set its hope anew on God! Was it just about remembering all the rules? No, it was far more than that. It was all about remembering God’s glorious miracles too! All of this was a way to help future generations to NOT be stubborn, rebellious and unfaithful. God help us if one generation produces a stubborn, rebellious, unfaithful group of children, teens, young adults and possibly parents themselves! A future generation that refuses to give their hearts to God.

Generational cycles happen. We clearly see this in the leadership lineage of Israel. One godly king may produce an ungodly or godly son and future king. It seems like an unpredictable pattern. Yet, through all of that zigzag, rollercoaster-ride heritage, eventually came the Savior, Jesus came out of similar generational milieu that we face today. This gives me hope. This inspires me to tell the big God stories, to hold on His truth and obey His commands. I will not forget to tell of God’s miracles!


I could never forget! I will never forget where I came from, nor who I was when you found me, received me, adopted me and changed EVERYTHING in my life. I will tell of your miracles. I will tell of your mercy and patience to father me. I will tell of your Word that is perfect, true, reliable and beautiful!

Gap Fillers.

Reading Time: 3 minutes

“How we thank God for you! Because of you we have great joy as we enter God’s presence. Night and day we pray earnestly for you, asking God to let us see you again to fill the gaps in your faith.” ‭‭1 Thessalonians‬ ‭3‬:‭9‬-‭10‬ ‭NLT‬‬

If you want to read the Apostle Paul’s most genuine, generous and gentle letter to a church – read Thessalonians. Paul was only able to stay with this new church plant for a few weeks. And, although it was difficult, he had to leave them. His young sidekick, Timothy, kept the Apostle in the loop as to what was happening in this baby church.

Soon after Paul left there was horrible persecution. It was so bad that Paul often wrote about the wonder and glory of end times, of heaven, to help them deal with suffering. God had not abandoned them, God was WITH them in the struggles, even in martyrdom! Paul wanted to return in person, but that never happened. Oddly enough, Paul tells the church that their perseverance, their dedication brought joy to his heart. Like a proud papa, Paul extended his own faith in deep and sincere prayer for them.

Paul used an interesting phrase and a word to describe how desperate he was to see them again. The New Living Translation gives us a glimpse into Paul’s thinking, he wanted to “fill in the gaps” in their faith. The other translations use the direct translation from then Greek word, husteréma, which is lacking, a defect or shortcoming. The root word, hustereó, helps a bit more. This word means to come late, be behind or come short. What was lacking? What did Paul want to catch them up on?

The general consensus is that Paul was able to share the gospel, how one is saved through faith and given grace as a gift, not through works of our own. But, he was not able to instruct the new church about end times. Since people in the church were being put to death, there was a lot of questions about where they would go and how long it would be until Jesus came back. They had heard the part about Jesus returning, but when. They had hoped it was very soon.

Where most people see the apocalypse, or end times, as terrifying, folks who were under extreme persecution saw it as HOPE. Hope for justice for the innocent, hope for a better life than struggling in starvation or constant mocking of their faith. The Thessalonian church was eager for it all to be over and get on with eternal life! The gap fill was a proper understanding on suffering, perseverance, persecution and what life AFTER death looks like!

Do we know what life after death looks like? Does our friends and neighbors understand that life, our physical body and soul continue to exist? There are few choices to be made when our culture removes God – the God – out of the equation. One is reincarnation, coming back again and again – trying to get it right. One lives “good,” and you come back as a “higher” existence as a more advanced creature. A horrible person comes back as a despised creature, like a mosquito or a tick! The other is the idea of annihilation, where nothing and no one exists at all. It’s just over and you’re gone.

Believing God means that there is life after death! However, this life and definitely the afterlife has consequences attached to it. For the church folk Paul was writing to, they did not have answers or proper teaching on life after death, so they were very concerned. Let me just ask? What are the gaps in your faith? What are things you’ve heard about and wonder if they are true? What questions do you have that you’re afraid to ask, because someone might think you’re silly or too simple? Do us all a favor – ASK anyways! One of the biggest regrets I have in the church is for folks to be shamed or silenced into not asking questions. This is not of God, and it is wrong. Ask me if you’d like. I can’t guarantee I’ll have the answer, but I won’t think less of you for asking – in fact, I’ll be proud of ya.


I sure had A LOT of questions as a new believer. I wasn’t afraid to ask! I think people knew that I was new in my faith, so they didn’t shame me. However I did get a ton of over-simplified answers and Bible references that didn’t make sense and had nothing to do with my question. I would have rather them be honest and tell me they didn’t know the answer. I want people to feel comfortable with asking to fill in the gaps of their understanding of You. I don’t want folks lacking in their faith because it leaves them unsure of their future or relationship with you. Help me, help us be better gap-fillers for others. Amen.

When God goes silent.

Reading Time: 3 minutes

““The time is surely coming,” says the Sovereign Lord, “when I will send a famine on the land— not a famine of bread or water but of hearing the words of the Lord. People will stagger from sea to sea and wander from border to border searching for the word of the Lord, but they will not find it. Beautiful girls and strong young men will grow faint in that day, thirsting for the Lord’s word.” Amos‬ ‭8‬:‭11‬-‭13‬ ‭NLT‬‬

Amos isn’t famous, rich or educated, but he just had enough of Israel’s abundant flaunting of wealth and hubristic treatment of the poor. Being a shepherd and a fig tree farmer didn’t stop him from hearing from God, putting together his sermons and messages about what he heard and delivering it in Bethel, where there was a large temple.

Israel, under Jeroboam 2, had become extremely powerful and wealthy. The king had won a lot of battles and secured Israel’s borders so that everyone prospered. Everyone, except the poor. The rich got richer and the poor not only got poorer, they became slaves to the wealthy families. And because they were poor, there was no representation or help when cheated in transactions. All the while, the Jewish well to do continued to go to temple, pay their taxes, and party hard in the religious celebrations. And, worst of all the people did all of this while experiencing and expanding their worship of idols. In the people’s eyes, the nation was flourishing and the wealthy were happy to add Jehovah to a list of other gods as a part of their cultural, religious experiences.

This average Amos guy comes into town with big warnings and harsh words for the privileged and those who just wanted to live the good life without giving a second thought to God or his rules. Earlier in chapter 8, God shows Amos a basket of ripe fruit, figs most likely. God says that the ripe fruit represents the people being ripe for judgment. In one verse God says “You can’t wait for the Sabbath day to be over and the religious festivals to end so you can get back to cheating the helpless. You measure out grain with dishonest measures and cheat the buyer with dishonest scales.” (8:5‬). Just normal folks, playing a dangerous game of living high while behaving horribly to their fellow (poor) Israelites.

In these verses, God tells Amos, the next big famine that God will send on them will be worse than the ones before. What is worse than a food famine or a disastrous drought? God will quit speaking. There will not be any words, no communication, no messages from heaven – God goes silent. If we lined up all the Old Testament prophets, the spokespersons for God, they were all speaking, warning, pronouncing both judgment and hope. Most of them were murdered to subdue their silence. This time, God would go silent for 400 years! From Malachi to Matthew, God did not speak.

What happened in that time period? The world experienced a mini apocalypse, just a foretaste of what men of war and humanity would be like without God intervening or speaking. Just a note, in the future God will not be silent. You would think that the non-God crowd, the atheists or pantheists would celebrate. But the world got very dark, brutal and wicked. Honest historians admit, this period of time led to the worse treatment of humans and the poor ever! People who think Judaism is restrictive, or that Christianity is a straitjacket of thought, morality, and science – even promoting sexism, patriarchal oppression and hate, does not know history. This period of time, the 400 years of silence was a free for all of power, wealth, abuse and domination over the weak, the poor.

It was the worse time in history to be a woman or a child! Read Tom Holland’s book, Dominion. Holland, an atheist himself, concludes that Christ and Christianity was the turning point and salvation of human morality and treatment of the poor, the weak – especially for women, children and the family structure. Modern culture seems to beg for the removal of constraints and restrictions of Christianity, of any sense of God, but we do so to our own peril, our own destruction.


I feel the conviction and passion of Amos’ words even today. Our “king” and country is wealthy. And, I see a lot of folks pursue whatever god promises the biggest financial bonus or fame. I also do my Sunday duties and too often continue to treat the outliers and outcasts with disdain. Father God, you’d prefer mercy over sacrifice wouldn’t you? I also know that I tend to focus on things that perpetuate instead of prevent further harm or injustices. I need the boldness of Amos’ passion to work first in me. I don’t need to look far from my own frailties. Forgive me. Help me Holy Spirit; to yield and move towards you, not away from you. In you, Oh Lord, will I find right living, peace and joy! Amen.

Wisdom breaks the fourth wall.

Reading Time: 2 minutes

“Listen to the words of the wise; apply your heart to my instruction. For it is good to keep these sayings in your heart and always ready on your lips. I am teaching you today—yes, you— so you will trust in the Lord.” ‭‭Proverbs‬ ‭22‬:‭17‬-‭19‬ ‭NLT‬‬

The wisdom writers work hard to give us knowledge and understanding about how life AND God, as well as life IN God, works.

However, the whole key to this idea of doing life well, is all about application. It’s applying what is learned directly into how one should live. Knowledge isn’t enough. One example is the label on cigarette packaging. It’s right there, telling us what these things will do to us, beckoning, begging us, to NOT smoke them. Why? Because they will kill us! My family were smokers, and I heard it hundreds of times, my mom would say, “I know these things are gonna kill me, but I do it anyways!” The knowledge, the warning, did nothing to stop her from doing what she wanted to do. Contrarily, just knowing I should walk, stretch and just move my body more does not always translate into exercise. In fact, in many cases, knowledge itself can be counterproductive to wisdom because it just turns into some random Snapple Cap, or trivial conversation at some boring dinner party.

Proverbs does encourage memorizing godly principles, just like it is wonderful to memorize God’s Word. But I love the reason, the why behind the idea of handily having quick access to truth. So that… I might not sin against God. Or, in this case the writer’s break the fourth wall and uses a cool literary trick to get our attention with a writing aside. Wisdom directly reaches out to the reader by saying, “I am teaching you – today.” Then, emphatically repeats, “Yes, you!” In this case the why of applying and committing these principles to memory is so YOU will trust in the Lord. The more knowledge is applied, becoming a reality in our behaviors, the more we grow in wisdom. Bonus, it further builds our trust in Yahweh.


How wonderful is Your Word! And, how amazing it is to see it work in my life and through my life. I love KNOWING your ways, but love LIVING your ways and behaving in godly character even more. I love it because I can feel and see the results in my life. May I continue ALWAYS – to be curious, to be childlike in a lifetime of learning. But may I reflect the beauty and wonder of your light and love in the world around me too!

The Jesus process of correction.

Reading Time: 4 minutes

“If another believer sins against you, go privately and point out the offense. If the other person listens and confesses it, you have won that person back. But if you are unsuccessful, take one or two others with you and go back again, so that everything you say may be confirmed by two or three witnesses. If the person still refuses to listen, take your case to the church. Then if he or she won’t accept the church’s decision, treat that person as a pagan or a corrupt tax collector.” ‭‭Matthew‬ ‭18‬:‭15‬-‭17‬ ‭NLT‬‬

WARNING! NSFC – not safe for church

By now we are painfully aware that we are ALL sinners! The religious, the puritan, the pagan – we’ve all sinned and fallen short of God’s glory! Jesus’ words are not a matter of a saint correcting a sinner. This is a believer, a Christ follower, reconciling to another of the same. This is a sinner to sinner situation. Jesus, being perfect, holds the authority to tell us how this should be done.

The steps are simple enough.

  1. A believer sins against you. Ah, but defining “sin” in a church culture is tricky, right? Is it a sin, sin – or a religious preference of opinion? Sins are fairly defined unless we make up non-Biblical offenses, then it becomes super awkward. Someone cheats you, defrauds you or spreads a lie about you…that’s a sin. Someone wears stylishly shredded blue jeans with holes in them to church on Sunday… that is NOT a sin. Having a “sin” conversation about one is very different to having one about the other. Let’s continue.
  2. Go privately. The whole idea is reconciliation between two believers. It’s not a public matter at this point. I find it interesting that Jesus comments AFTER this process and mentions some insight about how God feels about proper behavior and a sense of unity within the community of faith. Jesus uses two examples that we have forever taken completely out of context!
    • One, the idea of “binding” and “loosing.” Whatever we bind on earth will be bound in heaven and whatever we loose on earth will be loosed in heaven. What in the world is Jesus talking about? And why have preachers forever used this verse to represent agreement on casting out demons or claiming cash as a blessing from God? Maybe we should look into this verse a little more for ourselves. One of my favorite commentaries believes, “It has to do with admission to and rejection from the membership of the Church.” Whoa! Another suggests that it is more than an “ecclesiastical authority,” it’s a disciple’s authority to deal with sin – thus power to forgive! It is certainly not a freedom to bind or loose whatever we want!
    • Two, Jesus also lets us in on this beautiful truth, that has also been twisted and tweaked beyond its intent. The power of Jesus presence! Jesus remind us that this process of correction and reconciliation is so important that He promises that the outcome can be extraordinarily supernatural. “I also tell you this: If two of you agree here on earth concerning anything you ask, my Father in heaven will do it for you. For where two or three gather together as my followers, I am there among them” (18‬:‭19‬-‭20‬). This agreement to settle a grievance is godly, it is holy. And to prove it, Jesus says, when we do things God’s way and not our own – BOOM – Jesus himself is present! This isn’t about a church gathering folks, it’s about the difficult, nitty-gritty grind of reconciling sin!!! It is so powerful and so healthy and good that Jesus personally adjudicates the interaction Himself! So it must be about someone really sinning against us. And, it must be done privately, at first. If there is no confession, no remorse, no admission to SIN, then and only then, can we bring in others to witness and confirm the situation. There’s even a fourth step, if it’s a sin, confronted privately, then with two or three others and there is still no change in owning the sin, no change in behavior, then the church is to be informed that we love a person enough to not allow them to fellowship with us. We give no opportunity to let someone fake their Christianity among us by ignoring, mineralizing or normalizing sin! Jesus basically says, let them go live their life as they please, be it a pagan or corrupt tax collector. They have been put out of the gathering, the fellowship.

We dislike this whole concept of confrontation, confession and correction that we just throw out Jesus words here in these verses. Oh, the words are still there and they are true, but it is so difficult for us to follow, that we just pretend they don’t exist. And, if for a moment you think, “well, as a pastor, you should be the one to obey it.” Or, “as a pastor, you should make us follow the words of Jesus!” Right. That’s worked so well over the past couple thousand years.

These are the rules of faith and behavior as BELIEVERS, as followers of Jesus. We all have the responsibility to listen and obey. This is another reason we have so many problems and issues within the church. This is why we lack unity – because we lack obedience to the Lord’s commands. We have 40,000+ denominations, all fractured and fragmented because we don’t follow the rules of restoration! Instead of obeying the words of Jesus, we have dysfunctional workarounds, subverting God’s will. We triangulate (securing others for our case and cause) and gossip, spreading poison and infecting others. We stay in our churches holding onto bitterness, grudges and un-reconciled relationships. OR, we pickup our spiritual toys and move to another church to start the process all over again. It’s embarrassing! All because I won’t tell you privately, you sinned against me – you hurt me, and I love you and God enough, to tell you. We can do better, right? I know… It starts with me.


What can I say? I’m horrible at this. This is so difficult to practice. I have excused my lack of faith and obedience in this area for far too long. Forgive me. Help me, not just hear your Word, but obey it! Amen.

Surrounded by a shield of favor.

Reading Time: 2 minutes

“But let all who take refuge in you be glad; let them ever sing for joy. Spread your protection over them, that those who love your name may rejoice in you. Surely, Lord, you bless the righteous; you surround them with your favor as with a shield.” ‭‭Psalms‬ ‭5‬:‭11‬-‭12‬ ‭NIV‬‬

David ran and hid from his enemies for many years of his life. He fled from the mad-king Saul, David’s onetime boss, and father-in-law. Many of the Psalms are written while he pursued. Then, in a sad, dysfunctional turn within his own family, David finds himself running for his life again. This time from his own son, Absalom. David and his son, Absalom have a complicated relationship. Absalom had murdered one his brothers in revenge for the terrible act of raping his sister, Tamar. Obviously David’s own sons had plenty of character issues. You should read about it in 2 Samuel 13-15.

Handsome Absalom had stolen the affection of the people right under David’s nose. When the time came, Absalom declared himself to be king and David knew he and the entire royal court had to run for their lives. David writes these Psalms, 3-5, while Absalom was in pursuit to take David’s life.

Knowing that, we can see David’s words jump off the page and become a reality under this massive conflict and stress. Here he is the King and he’s still running for his life! It is amazing to see David’s faith, confidence and determination in these words. He declares this idea of taking refuge in God and while safely hiding and he praises God with singing! Wow. Isn’t it amazing, while under threat, loss and fear, those who know God can find safety, protection and even favor from God?

David poetically writes, “you surround them with favor as with a shield.” Thou, Oh Lord, are a shield about me! His banner, His presence surrounds me! Whew, gives me chills to compare and contrast David’s desperate situation with the shielded love of favor surrounding him. That can be ours as well. In the darkest, most deadly circumstances, the righteous can find peace, rest, love – even singing in confident joy because the Lord also surrounds us with His favor. I know our family situations can get sideways and so dysfunctional it becomes overwhelmingly dangerous. I would say my own family background had some terrifying moments. It’s good to know that David, full of sin and yet still a man after God’s heart, experienced the highest of highs, as well as the lowest of lows. In those really awful moments, he cried out to God and God listened. God protected David many times over. God can also do that for us today.


How wonderful to read the tragic stories of real chaotic family situations in your Word. These stories have always been encouraging, not because it glorifies the decisions of those who determined to do evil, but because it glorifies you in your mercy, grace, forgiveness and salvation! You are great Oh Lord, and greatly to be praised! Thank you for similar times of surrounding me with favor even when I did not deserve it.

Spirit Time Out

Reading Time: 3 minutes

“Saul, also known as Paul, was filled with the Holy Spirit, and he looked the sorcerer in the eye. Then he said, “You son of the devil, full of every sort of deceit and fraud, and enemy of all that is good! Will you never stop perverting the true ways of the Lord?” Acts ‭13‬:‭9‬-‭10‬ ‭NLT‬‬

First trip out and there’s both opportunity and barriers. A few guys meet together for prayer, then BAM – the Holy Spirit speaks to them! The group had some men gifted in the prophetic and teaching. Barnabas, Simeon, Lucius, Manaen, and Saul met in Antioch. The Holy Spirit speaks to them and says that Barnabas and Saul should be sent out on special assignment – the beginnings of many missionary journeys.

Then, on this little island of Cyprus, some big stuff is about to happen. Barnabas, Paul and John Mark get invited by the governor, Sergius Paulus, to hear the Word of God. Fantastic start, right? It’s interesting that there was already a subterfuge planted in the story, “But Elymas, the sorcerer (as his name means in Greek), interfered and urged the governor to pay no attention to what Barnabas and Saul said. He was trying to keep the governor from believing.” This guy was actively PREVENTING God’s work from going forward.

Have you ever seen this while on a mission’s trip, or in the church? There are folks subversively working against the gospel! Saul/Paul was not the kind of guy to just let that nonsense go. Paul looks the man in the eye and calls him out! He names the man as the source of what could be blocking the governor from believing in Christ. He calls him a son of the devil – sound familiar? It’s similar to what Jesus called the religious leaders.

Elymas was playing for the wrong team. Paul, under the influence of the Holy Spirit, calls out the content of this guy’s heart and motives. Elymas was full of deceit and fraud and an enemy of all that is good. Elymas was perverting, distorting, corrupting the clear, straight ways of God. Paul then puts Elymas in a time out – since, the man was already working in and for darkness, it seemed only fitting that his correction be BLINDNESS for a while.

There are so many times I have seen men and women subvert and attempt to block the Word of God, to distort the gospel, but we’ve become so accustomed to kindness that we fail to correct. Elymas wasn’t being kind, he was deceiving and perverting! As Pastors and under-shepherd’s we’ve given up our call to protect the flock and simply confront the wolf. Let’s think about this. This could be some of the reason folks are so wary of going back to church, because they have found no protection from guys like Elymas. The results – people end up blaming the pastor or church leadership for the harm done to them. I’ll be the first to admit, there has been a lot of bad decisions in the inner-core of church leadership. But I have seen more bad actors, pretending to have good motive, who have been allowed to get away with deceit and fraud.

Elymas had to be put in timeout to allow Sergius Paulus, who was an intelligent man, to hear the truth of God’s Word! In all love and patience, our church folk have got to see that correction is just as godly as mercy! By the way, Paul didn’t drop Elymas like Peter had done with Ananias and Sapphira!

How did Paul know what was going on in Elymas’ heart? Luke tells us, Paul was, “filled with the Holy Spirit.” For all you non-pentecostals, you ask, “isn’t that risky?” or worse, some believe that these bold actions of being led by the Holy Spirit today are even of the devil! Which is worse, confronting and correcting a bad player or allowing them to freely cause pain and confusion in the body of Christ? Elymas, and the likes, work subtly, sneaking around with whispers, half-truths and gossip, interfering and urging people to listen to them. For the sake of the gospel and the safety of the flock – Pastors need to be bold in the Spirit and look the Elymas’ in the eye and call out truth.


You know me. As much as I can’t stand bullies in the church, those who take advantage of the innocent, I can’t stand slippery deceivers as well. Help us Oh Lord to do our job as shepherds, protecting the flock. Give us wisdom and boldness to hear your Holy Spirit and confront those who subvert what is right to suit their own desires. Give us grace and protect us from evil from within.