12. Forgive – One Another

Reading Time: 2 minutes

(eusplagchnos – Inwardly passionette, sacrificially, give freely, charmingly, favor)

Eph 4:32 Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you.

Col 3:13 Bear with each other and forgive whatever grievances you may have against one another. Forgive as the Lord forgave you.

The giving of a gift.

Granting grace.

Raise your hand if you’re one of those people that just has a hard time letting go of a wrong or a hurt done to you. I would be in this category, but I just don’t have the memory space in my brain to store wrongs alongside the things necessary to live life!

Forgiveness, it seems, has been given a bad reputation. Here are some common misperceptions:

We still think it’s…

  • letting someone off the hook.
  • allowing them to get away with it.
  • forgiveness means forgetting.

We actually think we are in control of another person’s happiness, future or behavior.

We think, by sheer will, that holding onto the memory will punish the perpetrator a bit longer.
How exhausting that must be. It turns out that un-forgiveness is a bitter poison that goes down easy and then like a cancer cell destroys from the inside out. I’ve seen the hollowed souls that have become a shell of what they used to be – because of not practicing this powerful word.

In the letter to Ephesus Paul says to forgive if you have any blame or fault with someone.


– now that’s a word that needs a whole different discussion. Blame is easy to grab when you’re hurt or something goes wrong.

The bad news; having it, holding it or wielding it never helps YOU. It’s just a lousy weapon to pickup.

Well I like to end on the truth about the word forgiveness. It comes from the word “grace” or gift. So bottom line… forgiveness the act of giving a gift.

I’m sure that’s the last thing you want to think about when you have been gossiped about at church and sister vomit has turned all your friends against you. Or walk into church one day and find out that everyone knows you have an IRS lean because your Christian accountant felt it necessary to “inform” the Pastor of your financial problems.

Yeah, that’s the kind of environment where this word has to work and has to be real.

I can’t begin to tell you how many issues are masked under the guise of DOCTRINE, THEOLOGY or POLICY just because there have been hurt, wounds and NO FORGIVENESS. And apparently the higher up on the church-food-chain you are the less expected or less likely that forgiveness is given or asked for! If there were more forgiveness between each other there would be a better chance at unity and a better reflection of Jesus to the world and to new believers.

Father, even though I know your word says to forgive I still have a difficult time practicing this one. Please help me give gifts of grace to my brother just as you have given to me.

next week… speak to one another

11. Be Kind – to One Another

Reading Time: 2 minutes

(chrestos -good,upright,honest)

Ephesians 4:32 Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you.

To be compassionate means to provide what is needed. The word compassionate comes from the word for spleen. You feel it deeply in your gut. The spleen filters blood and keeps the body from being poisoned.

And right at that moment they needed a pen! My wife and I were traveling internationally. As we approached the customs check point at the airport we discovered that several of us had not completed the final section on the travel forms. The tension was high as the woman who was checking off the forms was holding up the line. We had suitcases and carry-on bags so our hands were full.

She expected us to fill out a form WITH A PEN???

The couple next to us had a toddler in a stroller and they were panicked. I could hear the tension rising in their voices. Blame and frustration was about to explode into an angry outburst. At that moment I realized that in my small backpack I “happened” to have two pens. You need to know – I NEVER carry a pen because I’m a digital guy. For me to have two pens is nothing short of a miracle. I quickly grabbed the extra pen and gave it to the husband, who was in the greatest need of this miracle, since he was the more anxious of the two. BOOM – That is kindness.

Kindness is providing something when it’s needed most. You see, kindness is about being perceptive to those around you and taking advantage of the timing. It’s like FLASH LOVE! Maybe Paul connected the word compassion with the word kind because compassion is feeling a need in your gut. The word comes from “Spleen” – wild huh?

So be a good spleen and make those moments count by being kind to a brother. Act quickly, you may miss the fun!

Father, it would be so fun to do something unexpected and totally acting like you. Could you arrange for me to see a need and then help me be bold and follow through with an act of kindness toward my brother or sister. Amen

7 Words to Lead By

Reading Time: 5 minutes

7 Words to Lead By

1. Think

Thinking takes time.

Time to ponder.

Time for wonder.

Time to un-focus.

The brain works better when it’s not crowded with multiple thoughts or priorities. The brain loves to free think – enjoying a beautiful scenery, smelling a pungent spice, hearing a bird sing. How many times have you had to quit obsessing over something specific to get to an answer – like that singer’s name or the title of a movie? The best ideas come when we are a little distracted by a grand experience and playfully relaxed.

Leaders think and take time to do so.

2. Listen

Listening is not just a skill, it’s a gift. Listening allows a leader to learn from others.

Learn what’s important to others. Learn wisdom through a friends experience. Even laugh at someone else’s funny mistake – making a note not to do what they did.

Leaders listen before speaking, not preparing something to say while listening.

3. Learn

Learning is the curiosity of life, it’s interest in current news as well as cyclical history.

Learn from the rich and the poor, the bright and the simple. Learn because it’s good for your brain and your soul. Learn because it’s good for your best friend, your sons and daughters and those who choose to look up to you. It’s not about showing off with useless facts or snotty knowledge – it’s about a passion of exploration.

Leaders are life-long learners, humble and curious.

4. Read

I heard someone say (probably John Maxwell) “Leaders are readers” and I knew it was true but I wasn’t good at picking, reading and actually FINISHING a book. Then I had a edu-piphany – aka – Master’s Degree.

One of my professors, Roger Hueser would say, “you’re studying to master a subject, shouldn’t you know the subject?” or something like that. I was forced to read, process and write far more than I ever imagined. Going through five thick books every semester did something interesting to me. After graduating and a short sabbatical of no reading what-so-ever I found reading enjoyable!

Now it’s fun to pick, read, finish and process a book.

I love books that move me to action – oh, do not read Bob Goff‘s book, Love Does unless you want to actually do something. I read that guy’s book and gave away my car!

I love books that make me interact with the author. That means either agreeing or disagreeing in a way that lights my brain on fire. That happened with Jedd Medefind’s book, Upended. I highlighted, underlined and wrote notes more in that one book than any book I’ve read. I also love flip-your-brain books like: Heroic Leadership, Richard Stearns, The Hole in the GospelWhen Helping Hurts, or Made to Stick.  Reading words has a way of  allowing ideas to wander into your thoughts and allows you to see things from a different perspective.

Leaders read because they recognize there is a much bigger world out there.

5. Give

Generosity keeps us from becoming who we really don’t want to be. Who really wants to be a stingy, selfish, self absorbed individual? Giving allows us to push back against our own nature – well, maybe it’s just my nature.

Yes, give involves money but it’s not at all limited to that. Give means generosity of time, talent and treasure.

Time has become the most expensive thing I can give and the absolute hardest one to practice. I’m not financially rich, but I am dirt poor when it comes to time.

Talent. If I have learned something that would be beneficial to a friend I want to give them the tip or the trick. I want them to see how easy it is to master tech or wire up a network or get rid of pesky program bloat. If it saves you money or time or heartache – I want you to have it! Hey, once I learned how to share French Fries the rest became easy.

Treasure. I have enough. Whew, there I said it. I did not say, I have everything I want or even need – but I have enough. I still would much rather be in the position of giving instead of receiving. I believe that servant leaders are givers. My life is not proprietary, it is not my own. I exist to give more than I was given – which becomes an impossibility. I’ll keep trying though.

Leaders are generous because they know they are where they are because others gave to them.

6. Lead

Heres a list of things I believe about the word lead:

  • Decisions must be made to move forward.
  • Conflict is a sign that change is inevitable.
  • Feelings get hurt no matter how “good” or “necessary” decisions might be.
  • Great relationships all go through “tunnels of chaos” (thanks Bill Hybel). I used to think it always had to be conflict, but chaos describes it much better. So don’t let relationship issues be an excuse for not leading.

Lead also means: no one really does understand, facing fears, taking criticism as a compliment, change, making hard decisions, receiving input without losing site of the goal, getting things done, ship (from Lynchpin), sometimes letting go of good people, not allowing dysfunctional people rule the final decision, not taking everything personal, more we than me, more wins than losses, more apologies than excuses, more responsibility than blame, more truth than consensus, more fierce conversations than gossip, more face to face than emails, more open doors, open meetings, open feelings and open ideas and honest numbers.

Leading is adaptability and calm in chaos.

Leading is only as good as it’s goal.

If you are leading a field trip to the homeless shelter, a ball game or a church service don’t disrespect followers by ranting about low turnout. Why are you asking them to die for those things?

But if you are changing the world or culture, bringing love and justice to the broken and revolutionizing your community…. by all means – throw down the challenge to come and die. Lead well, boost someone else above you or die trying. Or a more direct quote…

Lead, follow or get out of the way – Thomas Paine.

7. Love

A very long time ago (in the 1500’s) there were a couple guys who became leaders. One by climbing the political ladder and scratching his way to the top, the other lived a horrible life, experienced tragedy and had a conversion experience.

Niccolò Machiavelli felt that “princes” should rule through power, fear and even brutality if necessary. Wikipedia’s article states, “Machiavelli believed that public and private morality had to be understood as two different things in order to rule well. As a result, a ruler must be concerned not only with reputation, but also must be positively willing to act immorally at the right times. As a political theorist, Machiavelli emphasized the occasional need for the methodical exercise of brute force or deceit.”

In the same time period Ignatius of Loyola initiated a society (Jesuits) based leadership on four simple values: Self Awareness, Ingenuity, Love and Heroism. Chris Lowney in Heroic Leadership writes, “We perform at our best in supportive, encouraging, and positively charged environments so we must create a place where we have greater love than fear.”

So interesting that Jesuits trained all recruits to lead, convinced that all leadership begins with self leadership.

Two leaders, two very different models. And yet, there are many leaders in business, churches and non profits that often choose one model over the other. Love is honestly a more difficult way to lead. Especially because fear and power/intimidation has seemingly quick results.

Love takes risks and dives into the messy recesses of relationships, personalities and even private lives. Love makes decisions based on what is good and right and kind.

Leaders love because, as it turns out, it does matter how you get there!

10. Put Up With – one another

Reading Time: 2 minutes

(anechomai – endure, take up, puts up with)

Eph 4:2 Be completely humble and gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in love.

Remember the time you got your feelings hurt by someone at church?

Or maybe there was just an annoying sister that got on your last good nerve and rode it all the way down.

Anyway, you might have said to yourself, “I don’t have to put up with the way I am being treated at this church.”

Well… it turns out… you do.

I know.  I can’t believe this is even in the Bible! King Jimmy’s version makes it easier to ignore because it’s stated so elegantly – “forbearing one another”.

That phraseology creates a beautiful picture in our mind.  We see ourselves holding up a weak brother’s faith so he can continue to fight on.  It’s a noble thought and not a bad picture.

The trouble is that it’s not the complete picture that Paul intended.

Modern English: PUT UP WITH one another.

It’s the sticky, enduring, suffering kind of “putting up with” that he is talking about.  It is MESSY. It’s all about follow through.  Will we commit to sticking with this person until the work is complete? Paul neatly couples that lovely “patient” word in front of it for emphasis.

I have to ask myself, “Am I a support or a column?” when it comes to “Putting Up With” a brother or sister.  As a support I can function as a temporary solution until more permanent girding can be found. I question whether I can be a column, a permanent part of the structure in someone else’s life.

This issue of real support is where the body of Christ functions in true community.  We come together to communicate and bring a system of care. Some churches are really strong in offering this kind of help. Maybe yours is one of them. I’ve seen three different kinds of crisis to deal with in the church:

  1. Critical Crisis – there should be immediate consolation & comfort.
  2. Chronic Crisis – there should be counseling.
  3. Constant Crisis – well, honestly, there should be confrontation.

Prayer: Jesus, maybe my patience and ability to put up with a sister isn’t where it should be. Would you help me (and I know that means real work involved) to up my game when it comes to supporting and loving fellow believers? Amen

9. Serve – one another

Reading Time: 2 minutes

(douleuo- Slavery,complete dependance,compulsory service to)

Gal 5:13 You, my brothers, were called to be free. But do not use your freedom to indulge the sinful nature; rather, serve one another in love.

Free to serve – what a concept! It sounds like a modern day commercial spinning bad news into a positive “be a better you” pitch. The Apostle Paul is genius! The freedom spice has been part of the human cookie dough since the beginning of our existence. And it is not easy to control! Though God created us with free will, we don’t always let Him have His way with our lives.

Freedom isn’t a new concept but neither is slavery. Our thinking says freedom equals autonomy and slavery equals a burdensome weight like being chained to an anchor.

Who would limit their options and shackle down their God-given rights to the most precious natural resource on the planet – CHOICE? Why would anyone purposely surrender themselves and their free will to serving others? Does it make sense to let go of our personal preferences when serving requires us to go against our human nature? Why is love so compelled to be restricted in this way?


wait for it…

the Kingdom of God is crazy backward from our stinking sin-stained thinking!

God’s freedom is love-bonded and restrained to righteousness. In The Kingdom of God we are called on to love one another with love and service that goes beyond human reasoning. We are in the process of becoming like Jesus. We define righteousness by looking at Him and doing what He did. He did not come to be served but to serve and give His life as a ransom for many. In this way we lead others into His righteousness. This is the greatest service of all.
Paul says…Yeah, you’re free. Free to do as you please. But remember, there’s a Person and a purpose behind all those expansive options, His name is Jesus.

So, rather than splurge all that new-found fun on door number one “You and your lusties”, I challenge you to blow it all on door number two – “Serve one another”.

USE freedom.
WORK those opportunities.
GO NUTS spending … on one another.

It reminds me of the previous look at Honor one another that Paul promoted in Romans 12:10. If there’s one area believers should compete in – it’s love: outdo each other in love.

I challenge you to put all that wonderful, powerful self will on the starting block of tomorrow morning’s race. When the starter pistol fires, release your freedom to serve into a focused effort to help a struggling brother or sister reach the finish line.

Prayer: Father, I’ve never thought about using my choices and opportunities to serve someone else. I thought I was supposed to look after myself. Would you help me figure out how to serve someone out of my abundant options?

8. Agree – with one another

Reading Time: 2 minutes

(lego -speak the same thing) (I Cor 1:10)

1 Cor 1:10 I appeal to you, brothers, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, that all of you agree with one another so that there may be no divisions among you and that you may be perfectly united in mind and thought.

If you read Paul’s instruction regarding the church, then look at the condition of today’s Church, you might assume two things.  Either that his instruction is impossible,  or that we have failed miserably in following biblical instruction.

There are approximately 41,000 Christian denominations in the world in the world today.  The majority of that growth took place after the year 1900.  Prior to that there were only 1600.  Taken from, Eric Hatfield’s Blog,

No matter how you look at it, this number reveals a deep problem.

41,000 different denominations does not sound

at all




Okay, now that I’ve vented a little bit…

Paul’s uses of the word “agree” are not meant to portray Christians as mindless programmed parrot puppets reciting doctrinal truth. When Christians speak of Jesus they should sound like they are talking about the same person.  When friends spend time together they think similar thoughts and have similar passions.  It’s the same way with Jesus, when Christians hang out with HIM, they take on His character and His passions.  They know His mind and think His thoughts.  They are like married couples who can finish each other’s sentences after years of living together.

The result of our deep connection with Jesus should be that when we hang out with each other we should be speaking the same language. It should sound and seem familiar because we have the same BFF (Jesus).

Paul reasoning is that our agreeing with each other is for the sake of UNITY!  We are not to be self promoting but unified in promoting HIM.   If we were truly focused on Him we would not be splintering into countless factions, like an out of control cancerous growth!

So, I tell myself to think twice before blabbing my independent and perhaps unfounded thoughts about God.  I need to focus on Jesus, His word, His church and His people.

Prayer: Jesus, I cannot unify 41,000 different denominational issues, but I can unify my heart, mind and unruly mouth to agree with my brother. Help me sound like you today.


7. Embrace – One Another

Reading Time: 2 minutes

(greet, kiss, shake hands, give greeting)

Romans 16:16; 1 Corinthians 16:20; ​2 Corinthians 13:12; 1 Peter 5:14;  Romans 16:16; 1 Corinthians 16:20; 2 Corinthians 13:12; 1 Peter 5:14

The concept of “Embrace” is fun, but not for everyone.  For some, the idea of “Embracing” can be complicated.

Not everyone likes to be hugged, and not all of us are “touchy feely”. I get that. In fact growing up, my family did not hug at all.  When I was dating my wife and she would give me a hug and I would just stiffen up with my arms straight at my side.  I didn’t know what to do. When she would grab my hand I would reflexively flinch and pull away before I realized what I was doing.

Touch is such a powerful way to communicate love and tenderness.  Paul, uses this very physically expressive word for greeting, and it is not surprising at all. He’s instructing us to “enfold one another in the arms” – HUG!

There is now physical evidence that a 10-20 second hug actually increases some of the brain’s neurotransmitters. That alone has huge effects on blood pressure, cellular health and general well-being. It turns out that hugs are healthy for you!

I’d like to say to all those who just can’t stand hugging to “Get over it!”.  However, I truly understand it’s not that easy.

Oh, by the way, I am a hugger now. With guys I just give them a bear hug.  With the gals I give a safe side hug, but not before asking permission!  If I sense they may be uncomfortable, I just revert to a handshake because I want to respect their boundaries.

A handshake is nice, if done well. But, it just doesn’t communicate love like a hug can. Who wants to just shake Grandma’s hand?

Truthfully, you should consider yourself fortunate on this one! Most translations say to greet with a HOLY KISS! I have not seen much of that in our culture. Although I’ve been to Chile and Italy – it’s just normal there.

Prayer: God sometimes I know a welcoming hug is just what folks need. Help me be safe and brave enough to bring a friendly touch when I see someone who is like family to me.


6. Accept – one another

Reading Time: 2 minutes

– proslambano (Rom 15:7)
Rom 15:7 Accept one another, then, just as Christ accepted you, in order to bring praise to God.

Let me be honest. I immediately know when someone likes me and accepts me. Call it a feeling, a vibe or impression. I can tell if someone is just putting up with me, or just pretending to be polite.

There could be other things contributing to their attitude such as being distracted, something else is on their mind, or they are just not in the mood to talk. Nonetheless, I can tell right away whether I’m accepted or not. It’s alright.

I just want to let you know that your body language is much more evident than you think. And there’s something about a phony smile too. Oh, and the drifting eyes that just can’t see to focus on what someone is saying for like two seconds. Like the politician-handshake that has moved on to the next constituent before you’ve had a chance to be supportive.

All of this, and more, is telling people that you could care less and you do not accept them. Yeah, its a feeling. Yeah, you say, “it’s not true.” But, what if it’s more than a feeling. There are desperate folks who just need to have a moment of human contact and they will ignore the fact that you are trying to get rid of them. Even they need acceptance.

So, how is it done? How do you know you are “accepted” by someone in the family of God? Is it time? Attention?

Is it just as simple as using your name? I love the quote, “how do you spell love?- you spell it T. I. M. E.”

How do we get to the place in our relationships where we truly accept each other? What does that look like? The literal meaning is to “take to oneself” or receive. That seems pretty open, even non-judgmental. I think it would be hard to accept or receive someone and reject them at the same time.

Sometimes the simplest words to understand (by definition) are the hardest words to put into practice. This is one of those words.

And this acceptance brings praise to God? Wow! That’s wild!

Prayer: Lord, you know it’s hard for us to let certain folks into our lives. Give me opportunities to try this idea out so I can be better at accepting my brother or sister.

If you have a story of how you have shown that you accepted someone, PLEASE share it in the comments area. We all need help in this area.

5. Harmonize – with one another

Reading Time: 2 minutes

(phroneo – same opinion/mind)

(Rom 12:16;I Pet 3:8)

Rom 12:16 Live in harmony with one another. Do not be proud, but be willing to associate with people of low position. Do not be conceited.

1 Pet 3:8 Finally, all of you, live in harmony with one another; be sympathetic, love as brothers, be compassionate and humble.

Oh, you’re going to love this one!  Listening to music we don’t like can bring out the worst in us. We all have our personal preferences. Not everyone likes rock, classical, jazz or even county music. However, when harmony is added to a sound, no matter what genre it is, most of us will be able to tolerate it, and maybe even enjoy listening to it. Harmony adds depth and appeal to an otherwise dissonant sound. And dissonance can actually make people ill!

Listen to this — (dissonance) Do you really think those sounds should hit the road and go on tour together?

Now listen to this — (consonance) Big difference, right?

Our lives can either be in constant dissonance with each other or we can figure out how to act on these instructions to blend and fit together out of obedience to Christ. Say it with me, “blend and fit, blend and fit.”

The word is phroneo.  It means, “same opinion and same mind.” It does not mean “be identical, alike or copies”.  From this we learn we are to work together.  Active word here – WORK. It takes work for this word to be a part of the Christian experience. We need to fit or synchronize with each other.

I love the fact that Paul and Peter used the same phrase – “live in…” .  It’s not supposed to be a onetime occurrence. It’s a process of figuring each other out and working to fine tune our pitch for the best sound. That way everyone in the room will be able to sense the pleasantness of unity.

This behavior benefits ministry as we work together.  A friend and I would visit people in their homes in our community just to pray with them and encourage them. As we talked I would watch my friend’s facial expression change as he talked about their pain or delighted in affirming them. I would be so encouraged to hear tender wisdom coming from my friend. I would add a few comments and we would both finish up our time by praying for the person. I felt like we were in harmony, though we had not planned ahead about what we would say nor we saying identical words.

I also believe this behavior works well in conflict too! It is powerful to start out a heated argument with this thought, “Jesus loves this person and I love this person.” Can you disagree and still be in harmony? Of course you can, it’s called Jazz!

Prayer: Jesus, I would love to be a person that brings harmony and not dissonance. Help me bring a fitting word to a brother or sister that is experiencing chaos.  Give me wisdom to bring a peaceful perspective to a messy problem.

If you have a story of harmonizing with someone and it turned out somewhat pleasant , share it in the comments area and encourage someone to work on this area of their life.

4. Instruct – one another

Reading Time: 2 minutes

(noutheteo – caution, to impart understanding,to set right,lay on the heart of will and disposition, direct one’s mind)

(Rom 15:14;Col 3:16)

Rom 15:14 I myself am convinced, my brothers, that you yourselves are full of goodness, complete in knowledge and competent to instruct one another.

Col 3:16 Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly as you teach and admonish one another with all wisdom, and as you sing psalms, hymns and spiritual songs with gratitude in your hearts to God.


I love the thought here… “to put in mind.”

I have some basic principles I live by. One of them is this: If I know you well enough and really care about you; I will tell you about something I see in your life that may be a blind spot to you.


It’s the true friend that risks telling you that you’ve got a booger hanging out of your nose or that your fly is down.

That may be a silly example, but it also applies to much more serious areas in our life.

I love it when someone cares enough about me to take the risk of warning me when I’m about to go off the boundary rails! I don’t think we do this enough for each other.  Or when we do, it is done in a hurtful way and not in a spirit of love.

Here’s a free tip: if you are going to instruct – GO THE DISTANCE. Commit to the long-haul process of helping. Pointing out a problem is simple compared to sticking around to solve one.

This word is NOT about judging, it’s about loving!

And this is not a hierarchical word used or abused by church authorities to keep the sheep in line. This is a ONE ANOTHER principle. Are Pastors and Elders the only one to speak words of instruction?

If you may be thinking, “It’s not my place to say something,” or “It’s none of my business.” Let me just correct you right now. It IS your place and this IS our business!

What are you afraid of? Rejection? Being labeled? When we instruct in love, it is a risk – it does take guts. I think the body of Christ needs to move beyond middle-school mentality and maturely act like followers of Christ.

To the church in Colossae Paul goes on to write about songs and hymns to God. Could we sing our gentle warning to our friends as we try to enlighten them about their blind spots?   Now that’s not something you hear every day at church! “Brother, I’m going to sing you a song about your temper and it goes like this… “

Prayer: Father help me to care enough to correct with love and be willing to receive that same kind of correction from those who care about me.

If you have a story of instructing someone and it was a great experience for both parties, share it in the comments area and help others be bold.