Our Grand Globe

Reading Time: 2 minutes

O Lord, what a variety of things you have made! In wisdom you have made them all. The earth is full of your creatures. Here is the ocean, vast and wide, teeming with life of every kind, both large and small. See the ships sailing along, and Leviathan, which you made to play in the sea. Psalms‬ ‭104‬:‭24‬-‭26‬ ‭NLT‬‬

The Psalmist often writes about God’s majesty and compares it to the grandness of the oceans of the world. I never get tired of looking out over the vast beauty of the sea! Whether I sit and gaze from a cliffside perch, dig my toes in the sand where the waves continually crash upon the shore, or look out from the bow of a ship sailing the deep blue depths where the horizon goes on forever. It is always an ominous moment. And, because I agree with the Psalmist of who created the massively vast ocean, I too am overwhelmed with God’s creativity.

Imagine sailing a great ship in ancient days and seeing a Leviathan, a giant sea creature playfully rise from the water and then disappear. Terrifying right? I have a tremendous respect for both the water and the beasts that live within it.

These are the visions and feelings the Psalmist wants us to emote about the grandness of God in all His glory. By the way, science has scoured the universes as far as they can telescopically see, searching for life out there somewhere. Our culture is obsessed with aliens and other life forms beyond the blackness and twinkling stars in the night sky. So far… nothing. Are we so unique and alone in creation. Is the earth deemed the “dark planet” as C.S. Lewis proposes in his space trilogy books? I don’t know.

However, I do know that God created a beautiful planet and determined to create us and give us this place to work, live and play. Even with its ominous dangers of places on the earth, and the even more dangerous humans who are broken and inhospitable, this place is still amazing. I agree with the author of this Psalm, what a great God we serve and what a glorious variety of things He has made.


This place, this spinning, floating miracle is absolutely stunning to behold and explore. And the myriad of creatures and variety of plants are spectacularly amazing. From the mountains to the valleys, the deserts and the seas, we enjoy the beauty of all your creation. Thank you. As I fly past my five second neighbors on the highways of my city, I am also reminded of the individual beauty and wonder you created in every human being I see. Thank you for them as well. Let everything and everyone that has breath praise you for your unending beauty and grace! Amen.