Obedience vs Sacrifice.

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Then the Lord said to Samuel, “I am sorry that I ever made Saul king, for he has not been loyal to me and has refused to obey my command.” Samuel was so deeply moved when he heard this that he cried out to the Lord all night. Early the next morning Samuel went to find Saul. Someone told him, “Saul went to the town of Carmel to set up a monument to himself; then he went on to Gilgal.” When Samuel finally found him, Saul greeted him cheerfully. “May the Lord bless you,” he said. “I have carried out the Lord’s command!” ‭‭1 Samuel‬ ‭15‬:‭10‬-‭13‬ ‭NLT‬‬

We can love sacrifice, but be stubborn about obedience. God certainly has shown a preference of one (obedience) over the other (sacrifice). Why is one easier than the other? Why are we more impressed with our ability to sacrifice in opposition to being obedient? Our heart carries with it the ability to do both, but we’d rather choose to flaunt the appearance of doing good rather than doing what is right. By sacrificing are we just masking the underlying motive of truly believing that we know better? We know what God has said, what He has asked of us, but when we are faced with the option of something we perceive to be better, or benefit ourselves, we often fail. God told Saul exactly what He wanted Saul to do with the Amalekites, “Now go and completely destroy the entire Amalekite nation—men, women, children, babies, cattle, sheep, goats, camels, and donkeys, (15‬:‭3‬). But Saul decides to do something different. ”Saul and his men spared Agag’s life and kept the best of the sheep and goats, the cattle, the fat calves, and the lambs—everything, in fact, that appealed to them. They destroyed only what was worthless or of poor quality, (15‬:‭9‬).

Then, immediately Saul starts lying and reframing the entire story, making it look like he was obedient. When questioned about being disobedient, he began sidetracking the conversation saying that his “intentions” for disobedience were to give God the choicest animals for a sacrifice to Him. God did not tell him to capture the Amalekite King. God did not tell him to set aside the best of the animals for Himself. God said completely destroy! Saul didn’t obey God at all.

Samuel gives us a principle that is still important to remember – when God tells to do something, obedience is the ONLY thing that pleases Him! “But Samuel replied, “What is more pleasing to the Lord: your burnt offerings and sacrifices or your obedience to his voice? Listen! Obedience is better than sacrifice, and submission is better than offering the fat of rams, (15:22). Just as faith is credited as righteousness, obedience is credited as trusting God.


It is interesting that we believe that sacrifice would take priority and precedence over obedience. Obedience is clear, with no grey area. We either obey or we don’t! And, I understand how I might think you are impressed with the quantity or quality of what I bring you that costs me time, money and effort. Which, does please you because I know that generosity and sacrifice are both valued in Your kingdom. But certainly not above pure obedience. Thank you for helping me and being patient with me in my struggles to obey. Amen.

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