Justice Tunes.

Reading Time: 2 minutes

O God, you take no pleasure in wickedness; you cannot tolerate the sins of the wicked. Therefore, the proud may not stand in your presence, for you hate all who do evil. You will destroy those who tell lies. The Lord detests murderers and deceivers. ‭‭Psalms‬ ‭5‬:‭4‬-‭6‬ ‭NLT‬‬

David rocks the justice tunes on a flute. That’s right, a little note at the top of this Psalm says, “accompanied by flute.” This Psalm, like many of them are actually songs! I wonder how many instruments David played? I understand that many of the Jewish songs were sung in minor keys. Apparently, this was yet another way to show the angst of the people waiting for the Messiah. As you know the minor keys are known for their anticipation of completion. This is what makes Jazz so edgy and cool!

At this point David is on the run from his own son, Absalom. Clearly, as David plays this tune, he is thinking of Absalom and those who lead with evil intent. Things started off with a bang in David’s life, especially after slaying Goliath, the giant. He goes from the least in his family, as a shepherd for his father’s sheep, to a hero and working directly king Saul.

David’s life and many of the Psalms parallel the extreme ups and downs of country and culture. I don’t know how many guys journal, keeping a record of their personal and public life. David doesn’t just keep a log, he coverts some of them into songs, published in the book of Psalms! Personally, I think the content of Psalm 5 should be in the “Christian metal” genre of rock, dark and heavy. There currently 50 different “rock” genres since classic rock. Unfortunately, it would be a few thousand years before electric guitars would be invented, so David had to riff on his flute.


I am so grateful for the collections in the Psalms. They have been the inspiration for the highest moments of praise as well as the lowest prayers of misery. Psalms has been a good teacher when I have collapsed under the weight of life and bad decisions. It has also been there in extreme times of fear and anxiety. Every time it brought me into your presence, helping me express helplessness and eventually coming around to peace. So Psalms has been an instrument of both praise and peace in life! Thank you for those words to carry me through and lift my soul to heaven. Amen.

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