Just knowing God listens.

Reading Time: 2 minutes

“Praise the Lord! For he has heard my cry for mercy. The Lord is my strength and shield. I trust him with all my heart. He helps me, and my heart is filled with joy. I burst out in songs of thanksgiving.” ‭‭Psalms‬ ‭28‬:‭6‬-‭7‬ ‭NLT‬‬

It is interesting, when you are talking to someone, telling them about yourself or what you are going through, there is a connection. That moment where you feel seen and heard. It should go likewise when I hear someone telling me about their life, their struggles or joys. To think that although God knows us throughly, intimately, and still wants to hear us talk with Him, is just mind blowing. The Psalmist has recorded the content of his conversations with God for us! For us to know God, trust Him and hopefully, do the same in our relationship – talk to God and allow Him to speak and encourage us back. In those personal moments David writes a truth he has learned through experiences of walking with God. David had seen devastating lows, in depression and exalted highs in triumphs and celebrations. It is said that this Psalm was inserted into the collection towards the end of David’s life. And towards the end there is still a confidence – God hears his cries for mercy. God has and will be his strength and shield. And, these memories and moments all give David the confidence of trusting God all the way through to the end.

Can I count on God to see me, hear me and help me – all the way through to the end of my life here on this planet? I am determined to say YES all the way through. As a complete beginner, I trusted God in my teens. I tenaciously held on through my twenties and even thirties. In my forties and fifties I saw massive change and growth in my life, with tremendous highs and devastating lows. And now in my sixties, I am still talking to God and He is still listening. I am still crying out for mercy for myself and others, and He is still my strength and shield. I still trust Him with all my heart and know that He will continue to help me! Now, years down the road, my heart is still filled with Joy and I can burst out with my own songs of thanksgiving. His Word, His promises, His care is real and I am grateful.


I have seen your wonderful works in my life and I am thankful. I have seen enormous change in my world and in Your Church, yet I still believe. My experiences nowhere near matches the extraordinary drama of David, but I can appreciate the words recorded in these Psalms to learn from them and be comforted by them. Thank you for your Word as it continues to light my path!