Jerusalem, the city where messengers go to be murdered.

Reading Time: 4 minutes
“At that time some Pharisees said to him, “Get away from here if you want to live! Herod Antipas wants to kill you!” Jesus replied, “Go tell that fox that I will keep on casting out demons and healing people today and tomorrow; and the third day I will accomplish my purpose. Yes, today, tomorrow, and the next day I must proceed on my way. For it wouldn’t do for a prophet of God to be killed except in Jerusalem! “O Jerusalem, Jerusalem, the city that kills the prophets and stones God’s messengers!” Luke‬ ‭13:31-34‬a ‭NLT‬‬

Pharisees WARN Jesus? How strange is that? Of course it was only “some” of them. Who was Herod Antipas and why did he want Jesus dead? Herod’s the guy that married his half brother’s wife, Herodias. Then hosted a party where his step-daughter did the magic-mojo dance and in his own inebriated state offered her whatever she asked. Then, daughter and wife asked for John the Baptist’s head! So Herod’s reputation for murdering a prophet had ruined the already thin popularity with the people.

There’s no way Herod would have followed through on this veiled threat. In fact, it is said that Herod himself instructed the religious leaders to spread the rumor so Jesus would take off for Judah and leave Jerusalem. That would be a win-win for Herod and the Pharisees. Clearly, the Pharisees were not trying to help or “save” Jesus. This is one of the reasons Jesus called Herod the “fox.” He was wicked-crafty!

It doesn’t surprise me that Jesus publicly declared, I’m not going to stop pursuing my mission because of threats. Herod didn’t control Jesus’ destiny! Maybe we put to much stock in threats, as if they determine our own calling, mission and destiny?

Then Jesus says the most shaming Jewish people phrase ever! It wouldn’t do for a prophet of God to be killed anywhere else. Whoa.

Jerusalem, was the city known for where prophets go to die? All those Old Testament prophets that the leaders and likely, the people, just didn’t want to listen to – gone, killed to shut them up. That’s not a compliment on God’s own people, killing God’s actual spokespersons. Jesus’ stinging words echo out, Jerusalem, the city that kills God’s messengers… and, even God himself!

Whew, this puts a dark perspective on those stories Jesus told about the land owner leaving his property and entrusting it to others to manage. When violent men show up to take it over, the owner sends someone to warn the squatters. They beat the messengers and chase them out. Then the owner sends his own son, the heir to his own property. The squatters say, “if we kill the owner’s son, then the whole thing will be ours!” Not ever thinking, the owner will come back, not to claim his property but to enact justice for such disregard of life and ownership.

Jesus is telling the religious leaders and ALL OF CREATION, it’s once thing to claim ownership, it’s another thing to kill the owner’s son and believe they can; one, get away with it and two; control their own destiny.

There are those outside of God’s grace, belligerently denying God’s existence, and denying His ownership of EVERYTHING that exists. Plus they disdain God’s own plan to repair and restore the vast breach between himself and humankind. What else is God supposed to do?

This little scene should send shockwaves through humanity, especially in this “God is love and grace” era. Of course God is those qualities. However, we can’t excuse the brash, rude, entitled attitude literally challenging the creator to a old fashion stand off! Us, like tiny little fleas, shaking our fist at heaven and saying, “yeah, what are you going to do about it?” Not a good posture at all.

I believe in Christ and committed my life to him, NOT to escape hell or even judgement. I didn’t believe just to go to heaven. I could not comprehend either heaven or hell as a fifteen year old. I believe because I heard his invitation to be his. That he did love me and he would guide me. Looking back, I didn’t realize what a mess I would have been heading into without him. I came to understand that Jesus seriously DID rescue me and transform my life. He rescued me from myself and the path I would have taken to search for love and meaning. Jesus rescued me from bitterness and anger over several dad abandonment issues and not having a “normal” childhood or life at that time. I believe because I came to know Him through his word – the Bible. I have no intention or desire to run from God or to pretend He doesn’t exist or to be god myself. Nope, I’m his forever.


It is so good to read about Jesus’ determination of mission yet profoundly sad to read the resolution and disappointment in his words about the “City of God,” you’re city, your people. It breaks my heart to also see a mirror reflection of our own human stubbornness. In a sense, it’s like our “free will” went awry to not just do what we want, when we want but to also do so while running away from you and simultaneously blaming you for our evil decisions and outcomes. It just doesn’t seem fair that you have given us, all of us, so much and we just try to use that against you. That is the wickedness bound up in our human hearts. I ask for forgiveness and mercy, for we do not REALLY know what we do.