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I remember my sons’ city-league baseball coaches telling the team in the field – “head’s up!” It was a call to be alert, stay in the game, don’t allow your eyes or thoughts to wander off.

The Apostle Paul brings a clarion call to the churches in Colossae, and to our own lives, to a similar, but much higher plain. Set your sights on the realities of what is above. Inquire higher!

But how do we do that Paul? There are so many shifty and shiny things going on around us right now. Paul uses the word for “think”, phroneó, to admonish us to shift our thoughts, to think as a visceral and cognitive process, describing more than focusing our mind, but also engaging our heart and emotions to fix our attention elsewhere. “To the things above,” Paul writes.

Paul does not use the word heaven, he just refers to what is above us, not just physically, but spiritually – the realms, where the reality of this life exists. Paul is not speaking of a dualistic existence. As we discover in the next several verses, he is speaking of getting our minds out of the gutters of sin and the magnetic pull of disordered desires within us. Heads up to pull our heart and mind away from, ”earthly things lurking within you.” Whoa! Paul leaves no room for us to imagine what those “earthly” things might be – he lists them! “Have nothing to do with sexual immorality, impurity, lust, and evil desires. Don’t be greedy, for a greedy person is an idolater, worshiping the things of this world,” Colossians‬ ‭3‬:‭5‬.

It turns out this encouragement is also a warning, “Pull your head out,” and look up to not only where Christ is seated, but also to where God is working to ”renew us, making us more like Jesus,” Colossians‬ ‭3‬:‭10‬! The “game,” here in this life, is to grab with gusto, everything we desire and live for ourselves. But the reality of God tells us those things are deadly and will never fully satisfy nor fulfill us. It is only through aggressive obedience that we can shift our thoughts to Christ, who is life. So head’s up and get back into the real life God has called us to!


It is so easy to be distracted, to be drawn back into former things, former life, former decisions. Those patterns and paths were so deeply carved into my life as a young man. Yet, I hear your voice, your whispered warnings to look up and stop looking back! That life, those desires were not of you nor from you. Help me to keep looking up and focus on the realties of what Christ has done! Thank you for your daily mercy and grace. Amen.

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