Extraordinary promise fulfilled

Reading Time: 2 minutes

“In the last days, the mountain of the Lord’s house will be the highest of all— the most important place on earth. It will be raised above the other hills, and people from all over the world will stream there to worship. People from many nations will come and say, “Come, let us go up to the mountain of the Lord, to the house of Jacob’s God. There he will teach us his ways, and we will walk in his paths.” For the Lord’s teaching will go out from Zion; his word will go out from Jerusalem.” ‭‭Micah‬ ‭4‬:‭1‬-‭2‬ ‭NLT‬‬

“End times” certainly gets my attention! I’m a product of the sixties and came to Christ, late in the seventies. I completely remember our church teaching that Jesus return was IMMINENT! So soon, that my wife, Robin, felt that Jesus would come back before we were married. The very cultural push in the church was definitely the results of what was happening on the global stage. Fuel shortages, price hikes, and wars along with an explosion of films that predicted certain apocalyptic themes – it was obvious to the church, Christ second coming is near!

Here in Micah however, a spokesperson for God, wasn’t writing about the end of the world. Micah was writing about the coming of the Messiah and what the “end” of the old ways, old covenant would look like. The Old Covenant that covered the Jewish people would be fulfilled by the Messiah and usher in a new covenant, which would now fully embrace the Gentiles as well! Yes, these Old Testament prophecies can have dual fulfillments. One that takes place in their near future AND one that takes place at the end of time. Micah writes about the historical moment when ALL will come to Jerusalem and gather to hear the teachings of God’s ways.

This actually took place, when Jews gathered in Jerusalem at the time of Christ’s final week before His death. And the Sabbath Day during that time, the one in which Jesus meets his disciples for the “last supper,” was also the last Sabbath, the last “high” Sabbath. Truly all people from many nations arrived in Jerusalem for this special “Feast of Unleavened Bread” which was combined with the festivities of a regular Sabbath made it a multi-day, “High” Sabbath. Micah’s prophecy continues to talk about God’s intervention during this time, “The Lord will mediate between peoples and will settle disputes between strong nations far away.“ He was speaking of the Messiah’s ability to judge and make peace between Jews and Gentiles and clearly bringing salvation even to the heathen, the non-Jew.

This prophecy is ongoing even today! And it will continue to be so until Christ returns and brings a finality to all things. Micah is uniquely special during the season of Advent or Christmas because he had declared in Micah 5:2 EXACTLY where the Messiah would be born. “But you, Bethlehem Ephrathah, though you are small among the clans of Judah, out of you will come for me one who will be ruler over Israel, whose origins are from of old, from ancient times.”


It is so amazing to see the historical accuracy of your plan, your will being done. However, it is multiple times more spectacular that you keep your promises! They are guaranteed and witnessed throughout history. And we are the beneficiaries or your grace! Thank you.