”God was very displeased with the census, and he punished Israel for it. Then David said to God, “I have sinned greatly by taking this census. Please forgive my guilt for doing this foolish thing.” Then the Lord spoke to Gad, David’s seer. This was the message: “Go and say to David, ‘This is what the Lord says: I will give you three choices. Choose one of these punishments, and I will inflict it on you.” 1 Chronicles 21:7-10 NLT
David wasn’t counting sheep to try to sleep! David wanted to headcount of his people because of his own disordered desires. Counting constituents meant more glory and taxes for his treasury,
We don’t know who wrote the books of Chronicles, but the author wanted us to know this fact: Satan was behind the count! “Satan rose up against Israel and caused David to take a census of the people of Israel” (21:1). That’s enough to know why this was such an egregious act towards God. Even Joab, David’s hitman, knew this was wrong, “why must you cause Israel to sin? (21:3).” I notice that leader’s choices have consequences on the followers!
God punished Israel. We don’t know what this first round of punishments were, but it Got David’s attention. Of course Satan probably laughed because he got a human to do his bidding! David repent, but wasn’t let off the hook by any means. Forgiveness doesn’t mean there aren’t consequences. God gave David a choice of punishment, and each choice was very harsh: famine, enemies, or a severe plague (21:12).
We don’t know if David did some quick math, thinking:
How many people would die from a 3 year famine?
How many people would die in a 3 month war?
And, How many people would die from a plague?
Here David wanted to count how many people called him King and how much taxes that would bring into his treasury. But now he’s forced to calculate how many people would lose their life because of his thirst for power and money!
David decided that God in his mercy and a possible plague would be less than the famine or sword. Immediately God sent a plague and 70,000 people died. But God wasn’t done. God also sent a powerful avenging or death angel to ravaged Jerusalem. The angel stood ready to act on God’s divine will when suddenly God said, “stop! That’s enough,” The angel paused but stood ready with sword drawn reaching out over Jerusalem. David saw this angel, “standing between heaven and earth.” In that moment David and the leaders of Israel put on burlap to show their deep distress and fell face down on the ground (21:15-16). The angel stayed, ready and sword drawn all the way until David paid for the place to offer a sacrifice to the Lord and prayed his guts out! Then, finally, “the Lord spoke to the angel, who put the sword back into its sheath (21:27).
Lessons for today:
- Stop listening to Satan’s lies designed specifically promising to fulfill our deepest, yet disordered desires.
- When one of our team leads says. “what are you doing… this is wrong!” lay down our pride and listen.
- Seriously and soberly think about our decisions that affect the people we are called to lead. Our sin may mean severe consequences for others.
- Offer sincere repentance. What would be an acceptable and appropriate gift to God, that would cost us, to make things right? And
- Stick to counting sheep for sleep, not for making ourselves feel important.
I see the gifts and grievances in David’s life and realize the highs were certainly high, but the lows were so devastating and destructive. Yet, somehow in all of that you both caught and punished David because you love him, but also he was willing to eventually admit his failures, sin, and he repented. David’s triumphs are celebrated but also his sins are on full display so we can learn. We can see the dangers, not just of sin, but specifically power and wealth as well. Thank you for your mercy and grace to me even in my own failures and sin.