A lot of quibble over dribble.

Reading Time: 3 minutes

Teach these things, Timothy, and encourage everyone to obey them. Some people may contradict our teaching, but these are the wholesome teachings of the Lord Jesus Christ. These teachings promote a godly life. Anyone who teaches something different is arrogant and lacks understanding. Such a person has an unhealthy desire to quibble over the meaning of words. This stirs up arguments ending in jealousy, division, slander, and evil suspicions. 1 Timothy‬ ‭6‬:‭2‬b-‭4‬ ‭NLT‬‬

The Apostle Paul writing to Timothy, his young protégé, not only reconfirms his authority as an Apostle, but also gives us the truth about leading and teaching the Church. Timothy was sent by Paul to the church in Ephesus to get them back on the right track – unity in the faith. Paul simply passed on the teachings of Jesus, as he was taught, but also as the Holy Spirit relayed, reminded and reinforced what God wanted to accomplish through His Church. It is sound doctrine. It promotes a godly life, Paul writes.

But “others” taught something different. Paul calls them out as arrogant and lacking. Apparently there are people who have a (noseó) sickness or spiritual disease to mince words or quibble over dribble. They have a bad case of (logomachia) a strife of words or unprofitable controversy! And, what’s worse is that these folks with diarrhea of the mouth cause far more damage to the body of Christ than their claims of hair-splitting of the truth. Out of this diseased thinking comes (phthonos) envy, (eris) contention, (blasphémia) abusive language and evil (huponoia) suspicions!

Here’s the thing though; these heresy-hunters cause far more damage to the unity of the body of Christ than their claims of corruption. I find it interesting that the majority of heresies concerning the truth of God’s Word, mostly surrounding the identity of Christ himself, were fought over a thousand years ago. They are old and have been proven wrong long ago. Yet, we still have those who believe it is their job to police the body of Christ sniffing out the modern errors of denominations, pastors and teachers in the Church.

The fact is – they are still causing more damage than good. And now, their words are still logomachia – sowing strife faster than ever because of the speed and reach of social media. What are the results? Well, take the church of Ephesus for example. Timothy pastored that church until his death when he was around 80 years old. Where is the church of Ephesus today? GONE. There is no effective church in this little ancient tourist-town. There are a tiny handful of lonely believers, but no church. How do I know? I met the shop owner of a small gift shop across the street to the famous Apostle John’s burial place. She told me she was so thankful to have Christian “tourists” come through and pray with her – that’s her only fellowship.

I am not saying that these people that spread strife caused the downfall of the Ephesus church. I am saying that Paul is absolutely right, these squabbles over minutia lead to nothing but trouble.


I know you are at work – constantly! I know your plans, your will are unstoppable. It still hurts my heart that we, as believers, still have these spiritual diseases of strife-spreading among us. It gives your Church a bad rap! I am sorry for any contribution I have made to the problem. Help me to speak well of Your bride, the Church. Help me to see the body of Christ as whole and beautiful as it should be. Forgive us of our arrogance and contentiousness. Amen.