Losing our footing.

Reading Time: 2 minutes

You already know these things, dear friends. So be on guard; then you will not be carried away by the errors of these wicked people and lose your own secure footing. Rather, you must grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. All glory to him, both now and forever! Amen. ‭‭2 Peter‬ ‭3‬:‭17‬-‭18‬ ‭NLT‬‬

Peter’s warnings about such things that happen in the last days. He writes about folks who are carried away, using the Greek word, “sunapagó.” The New Testament description of being led away or carried along with others. Culture has always been a powerful force of influence on us! We are relational beings, so we are especially affected by social viruses that spread quickly through popularity, influencers and a strong desire to belong. As with any temptation to wander away, we see the flashy objects that look good, even desirable – sound familiar? When our eyes are fixated on what looks good to our eyes and makes us look wise, it should tip us off that there is normally an enemy whispering for us to eat it and share it others.

Peter matches this idea of being enamored and swept off our feet with another powerful word. He writes that these cultural icons we are so smitten with are actually “athesmos.” The term “athesmos” is used to describe individuals or actions that are contrary to divine law or moral order. It conveys a sense of being without regard for God’s commandments or ethical standards. In the New Testament, it is often used to highlight the moral corruption and rebellious nature of certain people (Biblehub).

These influencers can cause us to lose our own secure footing (New Living Translation), our own “stérigmos.” The word for being firmly established or having a stable foundation. It conveys the idea of spiritual steadfastness and the ability to remain unwavering in one’s faith and convictions. Can the lure of culture mixed with the corrupt morals of powerful carriers cause us to LOSE our own stability in Jesus? Peter says – YES, absolutely. Peter also says that we should know better. Of course we know with our head, but we allow our hearts to be swayed, longing to be in with the crowd.

The antidote to these powerful social viruses is to constantly grow in the grace and knowledge of Jesus. To “auxanó” grow or increase our spiritual and communal development! Staying curious, humble and continually learning and investing in our primary relationship with God. There is a lust of belonging or going along with the current trends of others. We often fear of standing out or standing up for what we believe. We must stand not shrink! We must lead not be led or swayed! Paul told the Corinthians, who faced a plethora of plurality and squishy morals – stand firm in the faith, be strong!


There are so many flashy, lusty lures and shiny people to distract us from keeping our eyes on you. It is constant and consistently dangled in front of us. It’s like the scene of the forbidden fruit of good and evil playing on repeat over and over again. Except this fruit is not good! Sin is so powerful. Our disordered desires so subtle. We need the power of your grace to hold us fast, keeping our footing secure as we grow. Help us be strong. Amen.

How to come back home.

Reading Time: 3 minutes

You alone are the Lord. You made the skies and the heavens and all the stars. You made the earth and the seas and everything in them. You preserve them all, and the angels of heaven worship you. “You are the Lord God, who chose Abram and brought him from Ur of the Chaldeans and renamed him Abraham. When he had proved himself faithful, you made a covenant with him to give him and his descendants the land of the Canaanites, Hittites, Amorites, Perizzites, Jebusites, and Girgashites. And you have done what you promised, for you are always true to your word. ‭‭Nehemiah‬ ‭9‬:‭6‬-‭8‬ ‭NLT‬‬

Nehemiah’s story is so multifaceted: With layers of identity of helplessness, the significance of a difference maker, obedience to God, leadership lessons, and returning to God. The book is rich with story of rebuilding a nation, subterfuge, political betrayal and total humility after returning from a 70 year timeout of captivity in Babylon.

Within this climax of rising from ruin, there are these scenes filled with responsibility and repentance of the people who forgot their end of the covenant that their ancestor (Abraham) made with God. They also forgot God, who promised this rag-tag nomadic people a place of prominence among the nations. Israel, the chosen people of God, had risen and fallen so many times, that it felt like they would never make it. History and the world has always kept an eye on Israel!

In Nehemiah, the people, having done the 500 mile walk of shame, returned to their entire city left in shambles. Their most precious building, personifying God’s own house, had to be restored from rubble. Yet, after finding the lost book of Law of God and reading it, something beautiful began to rise out of the ashes and dust of disappointment – a declaration of who God is and remembering His promise. Boom 💥 – there it is; returning to God is a movement of declaration of who He is, what He has done, and what He has promised.

This is the path for the prodigal who finally realizes their own way is the destiny of destruction! Those who really want to be god of their own life? Fine, take off – leave to find yourself. Run away as far as you can from God. Chase after everything you believe is due you, everything you think God is withholding from you. But when you’ve wandered away and find yourself in the middle of the desert, or the muddy slop of the pig’s pen, or even living in the penthouse surrounded by every luxury. When you’ve found nothing but empty, fake promises of fulfillment and end up staring at your hollow self in the mirror. It is then I pray you find the lost law of God, His eternal Word that has existed for thousands of years and will endure throughout eternity.

It is there that I pray you allow someone like Ezra to call you back to the place you so desperately tried to run from – the presence of God! On that day, my advice, is to do exactly what the people of Israel did on that October 31st day, an ancient all hallow’s eve. Repent and declare God’s supremacy over all things. Remember the promises He made to you before you walked away. The 70 year timeout in Babylon was good for the people because they had completely forgotten their God and His promises. Let it be so with your own timeout, your own wandering or rebellion. Return with all humility and sorrow you bore, along with the pain and suffering you caused in the countless lives that love you. This is how you make your way back home!


I never imagined that the faith of those around me when I was young would ever be so fragile, so fickle. I never knew that those who started in their faith may not finish! I know how powerful your love is. I know how hard you pursue our soul, even as the “hound of heaven,” that you never give up on us. I just did not know that friends and family would walk away after experiencing you and knowing the truth. I pray that each and every prodigal would return and come home! I have not given up hope, because I know you will not give up. Amen.