Desires for decompression.

Reading Time: 3 minutes

The apostles returned to Jesus from their ministry tour and told him all they had done and taught. Then Jesus said, “Let’s go off by ourselves to a quiet place and rest awhile.” He said this because there were so many people coming and going that Jesus and his apostles didn’t even have time to eat. Mark‬ ‭6‬:‭30‬-‭31‬ ‭NLT‬‬

The New Living Translation takes too much liberty here describing the disciples reconnecting with Jesus and with each other. Of course, it’s true, they had just returned from their assignments and I’m sure they were full of stories and a lot of questions. But Jesus did recognize their need to get away from the crowds and just be alone, together. Mark notes that there were so many people with so many needs that no one got a chance to even eat. Eating in New Testament times was very much like it is still today in the middle east. It’s a LONG process involving several courses of food, but it is clear that long conversations and long stories are the priority over the main course being served. A meal easily could last a couple of hours! I don’t think they had any concept of “fast food,” or just grabbing a bite to eat.

Even though Jesus’ intentions are given, Mark lets us know that the crowd had figured out where the group was going and were waiting on the other side of the boat ride. “So they left by boat for a quiet place, where they could be alone. But many people recognized them and saw them leaving, and people from many towns ran ahead along the shore and got there ahead of them.” Maybe there was time to talk on the boat? With the crowds gathered, Jesus just could not ignore their passion to hear the words of God. Compassion once again drove Jesus to work while there was still light!

I find that in full time ministry these kinds of dilemmas happen far too often. Pastors used to brag about zero vacations and no days off, thinking it was honoring the responsibilities of ministry. Jesus intended to get away from the crowds with his team! He would often slip away at night or before sunrise to pray and spend time with Father God, but in this instance he wanted the group to get some rest. No breaks, no rest, no quiet, no solitude is a recipe for personal disaster! The difficulty was that Jesus ministry time on earth was rather brief – just three years. Three years to establish His mission of being the living gospel – the good news that God had prepared the way to make things right with sinful humanity and repair the breech that had been created in the very beginning of creation.

The crowds, that Mark wrote about, the ones who represented sheep without a shepherd, would be the object lesson or picture of humanity searching for something more than the misery of life under the religious and political leaders of that day. That crowd has only grown larger!

Look around the current situation in our world today. With unending ability to see around the globe from our screens, we know that the United States is not the only country in religious and political crisis. So, even though it is necessary to find places of quiet to rest, it is also possible to be available when the hurt and heartaches of the crowd stir up a passion and a hunger to hear the voice of God for themselves. Will we be available to speak truth and feed them the bread of life? Is the Church ready to set aside its bickering, complaining and judging hearts to BE the gospel of life for those who are searching? I hope so.


You see how tiring it is to be serving in the Church today! You see how exhausting it can be to carry the hurts, struggles and sicknesses of families. Yet, out on the horizon, I see a crowd forming. A crowd filled with despair and grief. A gathering of people who have discovered that they have been lied to and are living in that lie. Sheep who are looking for their good shepherd. The crowd is coming! Will I be ready? Will we be ready? Will we have the strength and clarity to give them the bread of life, the living water – your good news? Help us Oh God, in our time of preparation, to not lose heart, hope or strength! Amen.

The Harrowing Story at Sea.

Reading Time: 3 minutes

The soldiers wanted to kill the prisoners to make sure they didn’t swim ashore and escape. But the commanding officer wanted to spare Paul, so he didn’t let them carry out their plan. Then he ordered all who could swim to jump overboard first and make for land. The others held on to planks or debris from the broken ship. So everyone escaped safely to shore.” ‭‭Acts ‭27‬:‭42‬-‭44‬ ‭NLT‬‬

Acts 27 is such an archetype story to Jonah’s whale of a tale. Jonah of course was told to go to Nineveh but said “no” and sailed in the opposite direction. Paul was told he would have the opportunity to share the gospel with the most powerful man of Roman ancient days – Caesar. Paul knew that chains, imprisonment and death awaited him, but it would not dissuade his faith. Yet, even in Paul’s eagerness to get to Rome to present his case (which was the gospel) to Caesar himself (because Paul had rights as a Roman citizen) he wanted to do so safely.

At the top of chapter 27, we find Paul having favor with a Roman officer named Julius, a captain of the Imperial Regiment. However, traveling by Sea to Italy would not be easy because they were heading into the open sea late in the fall, when the ocean is unsailable. Paul, never being shy about speaking up, told the officer in charge of the prisoners, “I believe there is trouble ahead if we go on—shipwreck, loss of cargo, and danger to our lives as well.” The ship captain disagreed and continue to push on. Why would the captain of a prison ship listen to one of the prisoners about how to sail a ship. It was a large ship with 276 men on board!

As Paul had predicted, a nor’easter, typhoon storm came out of nowhere and drove the ship further out to sea. The storm beat against the ship and lasted for days. Paul met with the crew and told them, “Men, you should have listened to me in the first place and not left Crete. You would have avoided all this damage and loss.” Paul was bold and gutsy enough to scold them! But Paul had also heard from God IN THE STORM and shared what God said with the crew. ”For last night an angel of the God to whom I belong and whom I serve stood beside me, and he said, ‘Don’t be afraid, Paul, for you will surely stand trial before Caesar! What’s more, God in his goodness has granted safety to everyone sailing with you.”

Paul told them the ship would crash and be lost, but everyone would live! Even to the point that the sailors wanted to abandon the ship on the lifeboat, but Paul warned the captain not to let them. They cut the lines towing the lifeboat! Paul encouraged them all to eat and prepare to swim for shore. Every single person on that ship survived!

What an amazing ending. Instead of a whale spitting Paul onto the shore, the ship ran aground and Paul swam to safety. Even in the storm God spoke. And, even through the storm God saved them all. God’s purposes, plans and will is so often a complete mystery to us. But no matter what may come, He is always right, true and just. It’s okay to pray to avoid storms and shipwrecks, but it just may be that we may have to go completely through it crashing on the shore but still alive.


In complete obedience to doing your well, of course we would want it as clear and smooth as possible. But it just doesn’t normally go that way. There are typhoons and nor’easters that come threatening to throw us off course and even try to kill us! You were on that boat with the disciples in the big lake storm and you were with Paul in the sea storm. Even in the storms of life you will be with me. I need to hear your voice and trust you with the outcomes because you know what you’re doing. May we all be spared in the storm we are facing right now. Save us! Amen.

Can jealousy cause cancer?

Reading Time: 2 minutes

A peaceful heart leads to a healthy body; jealousy is like cancer in the bones.‭‭ Proverbs‬ ‭14‬:‭30‬ ‭NLT‬‬

Sure, the New Living Translation takes some liberty by using a shocking word like cancer. Cancer, of course, is a mysteriously, radical rebellion that starts within a cell of our own body! The Hebrew word isn’t cancer it’s, “raqab,” rottenness or decay. Which is morbidly more creepy.

Bone rot? Proverbs gives us a stark reality – envy or jealousy in our heart does real damage to our physical body! This overly passionate want, this zeal for more, or for what others have, is doing far more harm than just be a soul-sucking experience, it will cripple us!

The comparison to what the Hebrews considered to be a “marpe,” sound or healthy heart – which Bible translations choose to use the word, peaceful or tranquil heart GIVES health, GIVES life itself. A jealous heart gives this rottenness and decay to our body’s infrastructure. It’s a clear warning to not let envy drive the conscious moments of our thoughts lest we release death throughout our bodies!

Dismiss jealousy. Kick envy. Do not let these toxic emotions sit and fester in our heart. Seek God’s perspective. Seek wisdom. Seek contentment with what you have, not what you want or think you need. Stop looking for more – especially when comparing to what others have! God’s word has given us warning labels to help us avoid self-inflicted diseases!

I believe that cancer is the personification of sin within our own cells. I believe the bigger problem is when these rogue cells enlist other healthy cells to their rebellious cause and form an evil unity of cells we call tumors. But what if Proverbs is physically accurate to one of the causal effects of jealousy or anger, bitterness or hate. Could those secret, harbored thoughts and emotions trigger a single cell to turn and become a traitor within our body? I’m not a medical doctor nor a cytologist, but I wonder if it’s true. The point is, keep your heart sound. Nurture your thoughts towards Godly peace and stay clear of bone rot.


Proverbs is filled with principles of wisdom and truly life-giving advice. And, it’s also filled with warnings and consequences that I absolutely believe are true. In all our human learning and understanding, there are still a myriad of mysteries about so many things. We know cancer kills, but no one knows how it begins. Maybe your word sheds some light on what really rots us from within? David, a chief sinner, when he repented asked for a pure heart. I ask for the same. Amen.

The Haunting of Truth.

Reading Time: 3 minutes

Herod Antipas, the king, soon heard about Jesus, because everyone was talking about him. Some were saying, “This must be John the Baptist raised from the dead. That is why he can do such miracles.” Others said, “He’s the prophet Elijah.” Still others said, “He’s a prophet like the other great prophets of the past.” When Herod heard about Jesus, he said, “John, the man I beheaded, has come back from the dead. ‭‭Mark‬ ‭6‬:‭14‬-‭16‬ ‭NLT‬‬

Just the mere mention of the miracles that Jesus had performed spooked the Roman officials. Herod was a 1st-century ruler (tetrarch) of Galilee and Perea. His father, Herod the Great, was responsible for ordering the Massacre of the Innocents in Bethlehem. Herod Antipas had tremendous political, economical and social power in his day. As a Roman ruler he did whatever pleased him, like divorcing his first wife Phasa’el, and marrying Herodias, who had formerly been married to his half-brother Herod II.

Surprisingly Herod and John the Baptist had an interesting relationship. Mark comments that Herod “respected John; and knowing that he was a good and holy man, he protected him. Herod was greatly disturbed whenever he talked with John, but even so, he liked to listen to him” (6‬:‭20‬). It was in these conversations that John must have confronted Herod about his decision to marry.

We often talk about religion mixing with politics and how we should not judge non-believers in their choices, but John the Baptist did not subscribe to that AT ALL. John had extraordinary access to a top Roman official and Herod respected the relationship. John was very outspoken about the marriage and everyone knew he pointed the finger at Herod regularly pointing out his sin saying, “It is against God’s law for you to marry your brother’s wife (6‬:‭18‬).”

But who was offended by this “truth spoken to power?” It wasn’t Herod. It was Herod’s new, also newly empowered wife! Herod had to be tricked into killing John. Herodias was the offended one and she couldn’t stand someone being critical of the king! She wielded her own power, convincing Herod to take action, “For Herod had sent soldiers to arrest and imprison John as a favor to Herodias” (6‬:‭17‬). Eventually scheming and manipulating a plan to have his head on a platter!

Herod saw something similarly convicting in the news of Jesus. Herod believed that the same spirit of John the Baptist came to haunt him through this rabbi, Jesus! Does God haunt our wickedness with truth? God was after Herod, just like He pursues every other broken human being! When Jesus was arrested in the garden, twelve hours before his death, he was sent to Pilate. Remember Pilate wanted nothing to do with Jesus, knowing that he was innocent. So Pilate handed him over to Herod Antipas. But what did Herod do… he sent Jesus back to Pilate’s court. Herod was not going to put another truth whisperer to death!

God doesn’t just work on and in the least of these, He also comes to the powerful and the proud, haunting them with truth. No one escapes the love and truth of God’s pursuit. It’s the human heart that turns, ignores or denies God.


I am grateful that you pursue us. You are not hidden from those who seek. You are not hidden from those who want truth, justice and peace. You come after all of us and I am so glad you came after me! I pray you help us wield the power of Your truth, not as a weapon of judgment, but as an instrument of mercy. Amen.

David’s Hit Country Western Song.

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Only fools say in their hearts, “There is no God.” They are corrupt, and their actions are evil; not one of them does good! God looks down from heaven on the entire human race; he looks to see if anyone is truly wise, if anyone seeks God. But no, all have turned away; all have become corrupt. No one does good, not a single one! ‭‭Psalms‬ ‭53‬:‭1‬-‭3‬ ‭NLT‬‬

It is believed that this Psalm was written by David while he was king of Israel. A few interesting things about this Psalm.

One: The most notable… is that this was a song – A SONG! The mysterious instrument was a Mahalath. It was possibly some kind of guitar. And, a couple of fairly infamous people were named Mahalath – Ishmael’s daughter and third wife of Esau ( Genesis 28:9 ), Isaac’s granddaughter! Also the name of David’s own son (Jerimoth). She was one of Rehoboam’s wives ( 2 Chronicles 11:18 ).

Two: This Psalm shows up twice in the book of Psalms (14 & 53).

Three: These Psalms became popular while Israel was in captivity under Babylon’s rule. Ezra brought it out of the archives of David’s writings and introduced it to the nation, his people, while they were king-less, leader-less and in a foreign land.

But just look at the words of this song that people actually sang while in the lowest of circumstances. It totally reminds me of a “woe is me, country-western” song. I’m sure it was a big hit during its day! David starts the song with a strong theme – “only the fool.” This word for fool is “nabel,” the most evil of fools mentioned in Proverbs. Nabel is the bent and seriously broken fool whose heart has completely been given to evil and the destruction of others. It’s a great, cryptic, rally-cry to declare the kings, the Nebuchadnezzar’s of Babylon to be these most evil fools.

The Israelites were living among the most wealthy, powerful, world conquerors of the ancient days. David sings of God’s perspective of all the might and influence of the nations during his own day – God searches for wisdom among the nations and finds NONE. And it sounds so fitting for the captives of the great Babylon to sing this as their own top song on the playlist. I imagine they gathered together while symbolically “crying in their beer,” finding solace and comfort in the fact that God would have the last word for the evil fools who blatantly, boastfully declare there is no God!

Babylons will rise, but all of them will eventually fall. This Psalm is perfect for the lament of our own soul when we look around and see evil flourishing while wisdom and common sense are fleeting. Thanks David! Play it one more time.


These Psalms are timeless as reminders and even comfort when our world feels very much like the evil fools in charge are getting away with so much. Sadly, we have even declared a whole month to celebrate our own arrogance! David’s song, his lament, rings loud and clear even today. I pray as you look out over the human hearts today, that you would find pockets of wisdom, places of good. I know you will have the final word – and it will be just, right and true. Amen.

Obedience vs Sacrifice.

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Then the Lord said to Samuel, “I am sorry that I ever made Saul king, for he has not been loyal to me and has refused to obey my command.” Samuel was so deeply moved when he heard this that he cried out to the Lord all night. Early the next morning Samuel went to find Saul. Someone told him, “Saul went to the town of Carmel to set up a monument to himself; then he went on to Gilgal.” When Samuel finally found him, Saul greeted him cheerfully. “May the Lord bless you,” he said. “I have carried out the Lord’s command!” ‭‭1 Samuel‬ ‭15‬:‭10‬-‭13‬ ‭NLT‬‬

We can love sacrifice, but be stubborn about obedience. God certainly has shown a preference of one (obedience) over the other (sacrifice). Why is one easier than the other? Why are we more impressed with our ability to sacrifice in opposition to being obedient? Our heart carries with it the ability to do both, but we’d rather choose to flaunt the appearance of doing good rather than doing what is right. By sacrificing are we just masking the underlying motive of truly believing that we know better? We know what God has said, what He has asked of us, but when we are faced with the option of something we perceive to be better, or benefit ourselves, we often fail. God told Saul exactly what He wanted Saul to do with the Amalekites, “Now go and completely destroy the entire Amalekite nation—men, women, children, babies, cattle, sheep, goats, camels, and donkeys, (15‬:‭3‬). But Saul decides to do something different. ”Saul and his men spared Agag’s life and kept the best of the sheep and goats, the cattle, the fat calves, and the lambs—everything, in fact, that appealed to them. They destroyed only what was worthless or of poor quality, (15‬:‭9‬).

Then, immediately Saul starts lying and reframing the entire story, making it look like he was obedient. When questioned about being disobedient, he began sidetracking the conversation saying that his “intentions” for disobedience were to give God the choicest animals for a sacrifice to Him. God did not tell him to capture the Amalekite King. God did not tell him to set aside the best of the animals for Himself. God said completely destroy! Saul didn’t obey God at all.

Samuel gives us a principle that is still important to remember – when God tells to do something, obedience is the ONLY thing that pleases Him! “But Samuel replied, “What is more pleasing to the Lord: your burnt offerings and sacrifices or your obedience to his voice? Listen! Obedience is better than sacrifice, and submission is better than offering the fat of rams, (15:22). Just as faith is credited as righteousness, obedience is credited as trusting God.


It is interesting that we believe that sacrifice would take priority and precedence over obedience. Obedience is clear, with no grey area. We either obey or we don’t! And, I understand how I might think you are impressed with the quantity or quality of what I bring you that costs me time, money and effort. Which, does please you because I know that generosity and sacrifice are both valued in Your kingdom. But certainly not above pure obedience. Thank you for helping me and being patient with me in my struggles to obey. Amen.

Offended and amazed.

Reading Time: 3 minutes

Jesus left that part of the country and returned with his disciples to Nazareth, his hometown. The next Sabbath he began teaching in the synagogue, and many who heard him were amazed. They asked, “Where did he get all this wisdom and the power to perform such miracles?” Then they scoffed, “He’s just a carpenter, the son of Mary and the brother of James, Joseph, Judas, and Simon. And his sisters live right here among us.” They were deeply offended and refused to believe in him. ‭‭Mark‬ ‭6‬:‭1‬-‭3‬ ‭NLT‬‬

For anyone who has tried to rise above their circumstances or station in life, even Jesus faced familia familiarity! Jesus returns home, as an adult, as a well known Rabbi, with rumors of miracles he had performed. Of course, coming back into his hometown as a recognized Rabbi, he would be invited to speak at his synagogue.

Mark doesn’t give us the same detail of Jesus’ reading, nor his shocking words we find in Luke’s gospel (4:21). Mark just tells us that Jesus spoke and they were “amazed.” The consensus question; “where did he get all this wisdom and power to perform such miracles?” Remember when Jesus spoke? It was said that he did so with “authority.” But the amazement quickly faded into dismissive disbelief.

Mark writes, “they scoffed.” And, they were offended! The Greek word, “skandalizó,” they believed that Jesus scandalized them – sure, offended – but even more, that Jesus was beguiling them, setting a snare, a trap. They believed that their own homegrown understanding of Jesus was that he returned as some kind of city-slicker con-man! Where else could Jesus have gained all these abilities? With all of this local, mis-guided gossip they convinced themselves that Jesus was a fake! Jesus own community would not believe and Jesus was truly astonished at their unbelief, their lack of faith. Jesus uses an ancient proverb, “A prophet is honored everywhere except in his own hometown and among his own family.”

This scene, this rejection of Jesus just because they were family and they were familiar with his beginnings, reinforces what Jesus told his disciples in Matthew 10, “all nations will hate you because you are my followers.” And, “Don’t imagine that I came to bring peace to the earth! I came not to bring peace, but a sword. ‘I have come to set a man against his father, a daughter against her mother, and a daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law. Your enemies will be right in your own household!’” Jesus told them, and us today, people will hate us or turn against us because of their own unbelief! There comes a point when we have to realize that sometimes friends and family are not rejecting us, they are rejecting God – and it turns their hearts. I had a stepdad like this. My stepdad Ben, didn’t exactly oppose me, I was just a nobody, a teenager. Ben’s battle was with the God he despised.

When we feel rejection, it’s hard not to think it is all about something we’ve done or who we are. It is helpful to remember there is more going on than we know. If Jesus hometown folks treated him with disdain, why would it be any different for us.


I am still baffled as to how your own son, doing Your will with grace and mercy, with miracles following, could possibly be mistaken for a religious scandal. It truly highlights the duplicity and complexity of our human hearts. This is just one of many aspects of our brokenness that you came to heal and restore. Thank you for persistently putting up with us! Amen.

Duplicity of praise with disobedience.

Reading Time: 2 minutes

My heart is confident in you, O God; no wonder I can sing your praises with all my heart! Wake up, lyre and harp! I will wake the dawn with my song. I will thank you, Lord, among all the people. I will sing your praises among the nations. For your unfailing love is higher than the heavens. Your faithfulness reaches to the clouds. Be exalted, O God, above the highest heavens. May your glory shine over all the earth. ‭‭Psalms‬ ‭108‬:‭1‬-‭5‬ ‭NLT‬‬

This Psalm, likely written by Solomon, or at least, about him, describes facing a new day, with faith and hope that God would give Israel victory over Edom.

Interestingly enough, God was responsible for “stirring” this once defeated country to attack Israel because Solomon wasn’t obedient to God. A few verses out Kings 11 give the context: “As Solomon grew old, his wives turned his heart after other gods, and his heart was not fully devoted to the LORD his God, as the heart of David his father had been.” And, “So Solomon did evil in the eyes of the LORD; he did not follow the LORD completely, as David his father had done.” So God raised up an old enemy of Solomon’s father, David.

God allowed a once defeated country (Edom) to not only be revived, but come back to discipline Solomon for his disobedience, because “The LORD was very angry with Solomon, for his heart had turned away from the LORD.” Yet, this is Solomon’s prayer even still! Even in disobedience and leading Israel back into idolatry, Solomon wakes up one day with a confidence of hope!

Solomon was old and near the end of his life at this time, and did not live long enough to see God take the 10 tribes of Israel and give them to Jeroboam, a once trusted industrious, mighty man of valor. As we know Jeroboam was not obedient to God either. This was the beginning of the end of the 10 “lost” tribes of Israel.

This Psalm captures an odd sense of extraordinary faith and praise to God, that was beautiful in words but empty in practice. Can we extol and praise the goodness and greatness of God with our words, yet neglect the simplicity of obedience? Can God receive our praise even when we are living a life of disobedience? Apparently the duplicity in the human heart allows for both! Solomon woke up that morning with eloquent words and bright hope for his future, but his days ended in shame and the loss of Israel as a unified nation.


It is disheartening to see a full circle view, a complete family cycle of one of the most beloved and wise leaders of your people. This was always a dilemma for me. Solomon, the wisest of wise with the most amazingly humble heart as a young man, but fame, power and wealth still caused him to turn from you and follow fake gods! Of course this directly points to the fact that none of us are perfect and all of us are sin consumed and needing Jesus. But, these are such sad stories, that could bring a sense of hopelessness. My only hope is not how I can be perfect or live some kind of apparent “perfect” life, but that my heart, my soul and strength are set on you and you alone. My life, my trust is in you. You are the priority of my soul! Amen.

NOT like DAD.

Reading Time: 3 minutes

As Samuel grew old, he appointed his sons to be judges over Israel. Joel and Abijah, his oldest sons, held court in Beersheba. But they were not like their father, for they were greedy for money. They accepted bribes and perverted justice. Finally, all the elders of Israel met at Ramah to discuss the matter with Samuel. “Look,” they told him, “you are now old, and your sons are not like you. Give us a king to judge us like all the other nations have.” Samuel was displeased with their request and went to the Lord for guidance. “Do everything they say to you,” the Lord replied, “for they are rejecting me, not you. They don’t want me to be their king any longer. ‭‭1 Samuel‬ ‭8‬:‭1‬-‭7‬ ‭NLT‬‬

How many times have we heard, “You’re just like your Father!” Or, conversely, you’re nothing like your Dad!” Such is the cyclical, mystical dilemma of life as a father and as a son. As you know Samuel’s origin story was not just unusual it was pretty rough. His mom Hannah, has him later in life, and he’s a miracle child! But Hannah told God “IF!” If you give me a son…I will give him back to you. Thanks mom! God did and Hannah kept her promise. But what a tragic twist of events. Samuel is raised by an old, worn-out priest, Eli whose sons were the worst PK’s in the history of the Church!!! Hophni and Phinehas were evil, foolish THUGS. So what kind of father was Samuel? Would he be like his bio-dad, Elkanah? Or, would he be like his foster dad, Eli? We don’t know! Samuel, as a man, a judge and a priest, did a phenomenal job. But as father…how should we judge his parenting? The Bible doesn’t even mention Samuel’s wife, the mother of his two sons. And, the only facts recorded about Eli’s boys is this – they were greedy, accepted bribes and perverted justice! What? This is what the PK’s (priest’s kids) are known for?

The elders met and gave Samuel the what for, “you’re old and your sons are NOT like you! Then, out of nowhere – no context whatsoever, they say, “Give us a king!” Fill in the blanks, if you wish, but they seem to be d-o-n-e with the good judge, bad judge cycle of judges. If God had not told us the reasoning behind their desire for a king, we would have no idea what was going on in their heads. In 8:7-8,“for they are rejecting me, not you. They don’t want me to be their king any longer.”

You see, God not only looks deep into the human heart, God sees the past, present and future in the always NOW! God mentions a sore spot in his disappointment with the people of Israel – “Ever since I brought them from Egypt they have continually abandoned me and followed other gods. And now they are giving you the same treatment.” Wow, He’s the God of perfect memory and recall as well as crystal clear clarity of the future! Give them a king, God says to Samuel. But warn them first.

What gives? Samuel’s boys were certainly awful judges, why was God not happy about the elders asking for someone different ? Because God knows what’s really in our hearts! In God’s own timing, he could have dealt with Joel and Abijah. They could be replaced, but the elders had no patience to wait for a “God solution,” because they had their short-viewed solution.

They wanted to be like all the other nations around them. Saying, “we don’t want to be unique, we don’t want to have God lead us or choose for us. We want a king?” Ouch. The cycle of kings lasted several hundred years and what were the results? Well, there was a lot of drama and great stories of victory and tragedy- that’s true. However, the whole “king” experience landed the people of God in captivity in Babylon. Experiment was over. No more kings for Israel.

It is frustratingly comforting that bad Dads can end up having great sons AND good Dads can end up having not so great sons. It’s one thing to read about these cycles, it’s a completely different thing to experience it in your life. Especially when you’re past the age of being able to do much about it.


This whole thing of coming from a chaotic family background and being hopeful about breaking cycles has been challenging. But then also to give my own children a good foundation to launch their lives from has been interesting to watch. There is an undeniable truth at play. One, as a child growing up, I didn’t really know anything was off until I compared to other friend’s families. But also two, my own children had no idea of my past compared to their own experiences. Everything seems “normal” until we have something to compare it to. I know what my life was like, and because you’ve changed my life in so many areas, no one would really understand. I am so thankful to be your son because of Jesus. I am also very thankful to be a Dad!

With healing in his wings.

Reading Time: 4 minutes

A woman in the crowd had suffered for twelve years with constant bleeding. She had suffered a great deal from many doctors, and over the years she had spent everything she had to pay them, but she had gotten no better. In fact, she had gotten worse. She had heard about Jesus, so she came up behind him through the crowd and touched his robe. For she thought to herself, “If I can just touch his robe, I will be healed.” Immediately the bleeding stopped, and she could feel in her body that she had been healed of her terrible condition. ‭‭Mark‬ ‭5‬:‭25‬-‭29‬ ‭NLT‬‬

This story that Mark captures is one of my favorite miracles in the gospels! It certainly highlights Mark’s purpose for writing his accounts taken from Peter’s direct experiences with Jesus. Jesus has power to heal sickness and in Jairus’ daughter, power over death itself. However, there was an interruption in the story. As crowds pressed Jesus after landing on the shore, Jarius makes his desperate plea and Jesus begins making his way to the home of a very sick little girl. But there is also a desperate woman in that crowd.

Mark summarizes her situation. She had been suffering from a trifecta of hope-sucking events. She had some kind of genetic disorder that would not allow her blood to properly clot after she had her cycle. So she was constantly losing blood for twelve years. “Doctors,” tried everything they knew to try. I’m guessing their answers were a mix of wife’s tale wisdom and tips they’d shared in the ancient medical community. I’m not saying they weren’t smart, or knowledgeable, but they could not have had advanced training on the human anatomy and certainly not what they needed to know about diseases concerning the blood. She suffered because of constantly having hope deferred. And now she was broke. To top it off, she was extremely lonely. Her blood disease made her “untouchable,” no friends, no family, no community. Folks at that time were not allowed to be around an actively bleeding individual because of the possibility of spreading the cause and making one “unclean.” The priests were very involved in not allowing someone like this woman to have any contact with another human being until they could verify that she was completely healed. She had no human contact, sans doctor’s examinations for twelve years. She wasn’t just dying from anemia, she was dying of “Touch starvation” as well – it’s a real medical condition!

Here in Mark, the brave woman put herself and others at risk when she ventured into the crowd. Normally, she would be forced to announced that she was “unclean,” giving people a chance to stay clear of her. On this day, she remained silent but laser focused. Her “eye was on the prize,” as they say. What was she trying to do? She believed that Jesus was the Messiah before she ever determined to risk it all and break the law!

But there was a particular piece of Jesus she was after and it wasn’t his robe as the Bible translations try to explain. Sure the Greek word, “himation” is a garment, cloak or tunic, but that’s not what she wanted to touch. She wanted to touch Jesus prayer shawl (Tallit), one of the tassels of his prayer shawl to be more specific.

Every orthodox Jewish male had a weaved prayer shawl and at each of the four corners they had a tassel made of beautiful blue threads with knots. The prayer shawl would hang over their shoulders on the outside of their outer robes. This special prayer tassel was given to them by their mothers, as prescribed by Numbers 15:9. “Give the following instructions to the people of Israel: Throughout the generations to come you must make tassels for the hems of your clothing and attach them with a blue cord.” The knots on the tassels were a way to remember each of the laws of God as you prayed. It was a wearable reminder to pray.

One of the more interesting things with these prayer shawls is a unique folklore about the Messiah. There was a unique prophecy out of Malachi 4:2, “But for you who fear my name, the Sun of Righteousness will rise with healing in his wings. And you will go free, leaping with joy like calves let out to pasture.” The people knew that the title “Sun of Righteousness” was THE MESSIAH. However, they didn’t exactly know what Malachi meant by healing in his “wings.” It came to be understood that the Messiah’s Tallit tassels would have supernatural abilities to heal those who touched it. The Jewish mothers, thinking their sons might just be the Messiah, began making the Tallit tassels more vibrant blue and actually began extending the length of these tassels over time.

Of course Mary would have given Jesus his Tallit. And, like every Jewish momma before her, she would use vibrant blue threads and extra long tassels. It is absolutely a fact that Rabbi Jesus often wore his Tallit. On this day, in the crowd, this woman would make her way to Jesus, specifically believing that he is THE Messiah and that his and only his Tallit tassels had the power to heal her of her disease.

The prayer shawl, nor its tassels actually held any power, but Jesus did and the woman’s faith – even in a misinterpreted folklore of Malachi’s prophecy held the belief that she would be healed! It was actually faith in who Jesus is that brought healing to her thin, anemic body. But Jesus also brought a complete healing of soul and spirit when he turned and spoke to her, “Daughter, your faith has made you well. Go in peace. Your suffering is over.” It just gives me chills to hear the love and mercy in those tender words. Jesus indeed has healing in his wings!


I am so moved by this story about Veronica. I see your compassion and mercy in Jesus’ words and behavior towards her. These stories give me hope for those who are suffering. I know that you are the God that heals! Amen.