Miracles moved by compassion.

Reading Time: 3 minutes

”A man with leprosy came and knelt in front of Jesus, begging to be healed. “If you are willing, you can heal me and make me clean,” he said. Moved with compassion, Jesus reached out and touched him. “I am willing,” he said. “Be healed!” ‭‭Mark‬ ‭1‬:‭40‬-‭41‬ ‭NLT‬‬

If I asked most folks if they wanted to see more miracles in their life OR even more miracles in others – I’m pretty sure the answer would be YES. Mark’s gospel shows us that indeed, the Messiah has power over medical abnormalities. However, Jesus also shows us the motivations behind these kinds of miracles.

Jesus was moved with “splagchnizomai,” to be moved in the inward parts. Jesus felt compassion deep in his gut, down to his (splen) spleen! With both great humility and need, this man showed his desperation. This earnestness moved the heart of the Savior. This coupled with the man’s faith, “if you are willing,” brought about Jesus immediate response – “I am willing.” Which also means that God is willing to listen and be moved by compassion to work a miracle.

The bigger question for me is not can I GET miracles from God. My question is, do I have compassion and faith to pray the prayers necessary for God to heal, God to do supernatural miracles in OTHER’S lives?

Why are we so timid about being and doing the things Jesus clearly wanted His followers to continue to be and do? Ask someone to pray in public and it scares them to death! Ask someone to put their own faith, totally in God by the way, out there and BELIEVE on behalf of another and again – creepy-freaky for most of us. Like we’re doing something impossible or wrong! You may have an argument that says, “but I am not one of the original disciples,” so I cannot do these things. But if all the luxuries and commands are only geared toward the original disciples (the OD’s) then NOTHING is for us! What about when Jesus said, “I tell you the truth, anyone who believes in me will do the same works I have done, and even greater works, because I am going to be with the Father,” in John 14:12. We would have to redefine “anyone” as solely those who physically walked with Jesus back then. Jesus actually said, “to the one ‘pisteuó,’ believing, faithing.” That’s for those hearing Jesus’ words and for us today!

I want to be the one believing! I want to be the one humbly moved by compassion, feeling it in my gut and apply my faith to believe in the God who heals – today! I just don’t want to see miracles, I want to see God do miracles through us – Jesus followers! Did Jesus perform miracles as a human or as God? Did Jesus access supernatural faith from God or did He initiate it on His own – from within? Remember, the Apostle Paul told us in Philippians 2 that Jesus surrendered, emptied himself of His diving privileges, becoming a servant.

God is compassionate and merciful. When we see or act with compassion (in our spleens) we are seeing and believing as God would. God performs the miracles, we just need to lend our faith to those in need and trust God to do what only He can do! Want to see more miracles? Maybe we should pray more like Jesus, with one small adjustment, saying, “God is willing, be healed!”


Wow, we have really complicated a very simple process. We have convoluted the truth of your word with our own feelings, doubts and cultural dissolution. No wonder we don’t see more miracles in our country, we rationalized it away in fear and shame. I get it, it feels like I don’t have the right kind of faith. Or, I don’t really live the life that looks like Jesus. Or, any number of excuses to NOT BELIEVE you at your word. My faith feels so weak, yet I believe you are so strong! How can I rectify these things? How can I increase my faith despite my fears? Help me God to have compassion and faith. Amen.

Elegant clarity of God’s Law.

Reading Time: 3 minutes

The instructions of the Lord are perfect, reviving the soul. The decrees of the Lord are trustworthy, making wise the simple. The commandments of the Lord are right, bringing joy to the heart. The commands of the Lord are clear, giving insight for living. Reverence for the Lord is pure, lasting forever. The laws of the Lord are true; each one is fair. They are more desirable than gold, even the finest gold. They are sweeter than honey, even honey dripping from the comb. ‭‭Psalms‬ ‭19‬:‭7‬-‭10‬ ‭NLT‬‬

King David, one of the favorite patriarchs and most beloved leaders of Israel writes this extraordinary Psalm. David’s personal life was filled with drama, trauma, failures and beauty. David was a prolific songwriter and psalmist. His humble beginnings, heroic acts, desperate evasions running from Saul, rise to power, despicable behavior as the highest authority in the land and highly dysfunctional household all make for an honest story to tell in the book of Psalms.

This psalm was inserted at the end of David’s life, so there is no real way to determine when it was written. Maybe when David was young and hungry for nothing but God’s presence. Or, maybe looking back at God’s faithfulness, even though David’s life may appear to be a disaster. Either way, this psalm captures the elegant clarity and resilience of God’s Law.

These words like perfect, trustworthy, joyous, clear, pure, true and fair are abundantly descriptive of God Himself and reflected in God’s Law. These words immediately make me feel defensive of God when He is wrongly blamed for being evil, blind, slow, unjust or unmerciful! Since God is perfect, it surprises me that we, as warped, broken human beings can’t see that maybe, just maybe, all the atrocities we blame God for are actually not from Him at all. I know that causes us to scream, then “why does God allow evil to prevail?”

Let me ask another question that is much more complex, “why does God let us choose anything?” “Why does God give us free will?” For God to rid the world of evil, wouldn’t that also mean ridding the world of YOU, or ME… and our choices! We are really addicted, obsessed and fixated on our own free will. We love our choices to do what we want, when we want and do not want anyone telling us differently. Anyone ever think that evil and awful atrocities have something to do with US and not God? We are quick to say, “they shouldn’t be allowed to __.” But we think twice about someone stopping us from doing what we want. Choices! We have them and we do whatever like. Why doesn’t God just stop the really bad things from happening? Hmmm, what would those “really bad” things be? Murder? Mayhem? War? Infanticide? Genocide? Cruelty? Racism? The list goes on.

At some point we should see the problem with eliminating some choices, but allowing others. And that’s just with humanity alone. This doesn’t even account for a real, living entity called Satan, the rebellious angel that hates humans and wants to destroy every single one of us! What about that? What about Satan’s free choices? Should he be allowed to do whatever he wants?

Back to God’s law and His perfection. Looking at God’s way, His rules, my hope is that we can see that God is good and His love for us is good as well. When I can’t see the “why” behind a tragedy, a diagnosis, or an atrocity – I can still trust that God is good and absolutely knows the person, circumstances and struggles behind each situation. God is eternal, and wise – our perspective is so limited and our understanding of all things is bound by those limitations. My trust in Him is resolute, no matter what I see or feel.


I am so limited on what I know, see and feel. My trust in you, however, secure. I have seen your work and will among us for much of my life and I am convinced that you are exactly what this broken king David said you are – perfect. And your law, rules and ways are perfect as well. Thank you for continued mercy and patience with me and all of us who wait for sin to be no more and justice to prevail over all things.

Cults that diminish Jesus’ divinity.

Reading Time: 2 minutes

”Long ago God spoke many times and in many ways to our ancestors through the prophets. And now in these final days, he has spoken to us through his Son. God promised everything to the Son as an inheritance, and through the Son he created the universe. The Son radiates God’s own glory and expresses the very character of God, and he sustains everything by the mighty power of his command. When he had cleansed us from our sins, he sat down in the place of honor at the right hand of the majestic God in heaven.“ Hebrews‬ ‭1‬:‭1‬-‭3‬ ‭NLT‬‬

Hebrews, chapter one, is the gold-standard verse against dozens of cults that proclaim that Jesus is just another… and fill in their own blank. A high-ranking angel, or the brother of Satan. Cults that walk our neighborhoods, knock on doors and stand around our city corners spreading lies, made up from Satan himself. Cults will give some pittance of honor to Christ, but ALWAYS diminish his divinity.

It’s one of the oldest heresies known since the first century. The early church was on constant guard and teaching against this warped theology. They will say that Jesus is the elder brother to Satan and “other churches,” have given the devil a bad rap. They will say that Jesus was also a created being, giving a false and damnable hope that humans can obtain a similar standing as a god. Folks, if Jesus was not God himself, as the Bible declares him to be so, then there is no salvation. There is no redemption or restoration back to God.

For only a sinless human can accomplish the payment necessary for our sins. Jesus became human and lived among us as fully God, fully human. Verses following in Hebrews, tell us it impossible for any angel to fulfill that requirement. Subjugating Jesus to be a created being, an angel, is an insult and impossibility for our salvation! Hebrews writes, “For God never said to any angel what he said to Jesus: “You are my Son. Today I have become your Father.”

It is forbidden to worship angel’s, because they are created servants who are supposed to be serving humans. John fell at an angel’s feet and was told not to worship, saying “Don’t do that! I am a fellow servant with you and with your fellow prophets.” (Rev. 19:10) Worshipping anyone or anything other than God is a direct violation of God’s command to worship him alone (Deut. 5:7). Jesus received worship because He is God! The Magi worshipped Christ at his birth, the disciples worshipped him after the storm, and the women worshipped Christ after his resurrection. Don’t be misled, anyone who denies Christ as God or claims that Jesus is a created being is false and should be called out as a cult.


These cults, these lies are not even trying to hide what they believe! Each one will say that we are all “believers,” and a part of Your Church, but it is not true. They have caused so much harm, so much confusion, and I find it difficult that they would be allowed to continue to spread their cheap knock-off beliefs. Help us know you, know the truth, know Jesus! Give us your mercy and grace to believe and share the gospel – the good news of Your salvation! Amen.

Despising our own designs.

Reading Time: 3 minutes

The Lord kept his word and did for Sarah exactly what he had promised. She became pregnant, and she gave birth to a son for Abraham in his old age. This happened at just the time God had said it would. ‭‭Genesis‬ ‭21‬:‭1‬-‭2‬ ‭NLT‬‬

This moment, recorded in history, was a highly celebrated moment. Not just for Sarah and Abraham, but for all of us as well. Why would we need to celebrate a miracle of overcoming infertility and God coming through on His promise to this antique couple? Because, God’s promise to Abram, wasn’t just for this random, ancient bedouin leader. It was for all the human beings and all the promises thereafter! If nothing else, history teaches us the facts about God’s ability and trustworthiness to keep his promises to all humankind.

Yet, in this brief moment of celebration, there is also this disturbingly deep moment of human frailty, of weakness, of bitterness. When we force God’s promise by making something happen by pure human will and desire – the consequences are devastating. Abraham and Sarah had already made their own “child of promise” because they did not trust God’s timing! Note that Moses wrote about Isaac’s birth, “this happened at just the time God had said it would.” But God’s time is NOT our time! We get itchy, impatient, and impulsive. Thus, we scheme and create our own plan… “just in case,” we tell ourselves. What a mess we make of things.

Sarah harassing Abraham to get busy with making a baby with Hagar, was just supposed to be a backup plan. Because, obviously, God was running out of womb-time with Sarah? Abraham too easily complied! No sex puns necessary here. As soon as the “deed” was done, Sarah was immediately torn. “She” had given themselves an heir, but knowing that her husband had known this other woman, this young servant in their family was more bitter than expected. Sarah knew it, but so did Hagar. It’s recorded, in ‭‭Genesis‬ ‭16‬:‭4‬-‭5‬, “So Abram had sexual relations with Hagar, and she became pregnant. But when Hagar knew she was pregnant, she began to treat her mistress, Sarai, with contempt. Then Sarai said to Abram, “This is all your fault! I put my servant into your arms, but now that she’s pregnant she treats me with contempt. The Lord will show who’s wrong—you or me!” Sarah & Abraham’s plan started deteriorating immediately.

Here in this celebratory moment of Isaac being born, Abraham throws a massive party. And at this party, things go sideways for the family. The moment is captured in this one little verse, ”But Sarah saw the son of Hagar the Egyptian, whom she had borne to Abraham, laughing.“ Genesis‬ ‭21‬:‭9‬ ‭ESV‬‬. But wait! There is a critical note that some versions capture. The Hebrew word her is “tsachaq,” to laugh. But it is often translated as “mocking,” or “scoffing.” Was Hagar mocking Sarah and her newborn baby? Yeah, it’s absolutely possible. Did Sarah see Hagar laughing and just interpret her levity as some kind of leverage of power in the family dynamic? That’s possible as well. All I know is these moments clearly tell me that there was deep jealousy mixed with remorse for the decisions that were made fourteen years earlier. Now, here at the party, all that conniving and convincing Abraham to “go into,” (euphemism for sex) “my servant,” no longer seemed like a good plan.

How many times have we decided to help God out by designing our own plans, “just in case” God didn’t come through on a promise? And, how many times have we completely regretted, even despised those plans when they turned out to be a disaster or a massive disappointment? When will we learn to trust God, not just with His plans, but also His timing. It’s tough! Wisdom tells us to make plans, but let God direct our steps. Our plans must not only be prayerfully made, but held lightly! For God will lead. God will direct. If we would be patient with both His fulfillment and timing.


Normally, this would be just a great lesson on decision making, and trust, in how and when You direct our lives. But this is more than just a lesson! I have seen many friends wreck their own lives by trying to get what they want, or even impatiently try to get what you have promised. Life seems to be filled with chasing dreams and opportunities, but sometimes having disastrous results. It’s not just with friends though. I have personally experienced these moments to grasp an opportunity, only to discover it was NOT your will or your way. I have often felt the pressure to give up on faith in a promise when things looked difficult or impossible! Of course, I am thankful for your mercy and your supernatural ability to work out all things for good, even when I have botched it, or missed it. I would rather trust you on the front end, rather than trusting you after looking at all the calamity I had caused. Your ways are always good because You are good. Amen.

Getting to work.

Reading Time: 2 minutes

”Before daybreak the next morning, Jesus got up and went out to an isolated place to pray. Later Simon and the others went out to find him. When they found him, they said, “Everyone is looking for you.” But Jesus replied, “We must go on to other towns as well, and I will preach to them, too. That is why I came.” So he traveled throughout the region of Galilee, preaching in the synagogues and casting out demons.“ ‭‭Mark‬ ‭1‬:‭35‬-‭39‬ ‭NLT‬‬

Mark’s gospel makes it clear, Jesus gets right to work! Yet, the small little details, even in Mark’s mission driven book, are critical for the reader to understand the rhythms of God on earth.

“Early,” the NLT translates the idea to “before,” daylight, the urgency, the priority before working is meeting with God. The morning rush is to get with God, and Jesus does so – alone, in a “erémos” desolate place. No crowds, friends or family, we find that Jesus loves the desert spots of Israel!

When his disciples came looking for him, because the crowds would also be looking for him, Jesus’ response – we gotta go. Then Jesus drops his directive – this is why. Why what? See the flow of Jesus here. “We must go because this is why I have “exerchomai,” come out. This is why I left heaven to come to earth. Let’s get going!”

The other detail that Mark drives home is not just the priority of meeting with God, the urgency of mission, but also the people who would be FIRST to hear, first to receive the good news – the Jewish people. Mark writes, Jesus “kérussó,” preached, herald, announced… where? In synagogues, the assemblies, congregations of Jewish faithfuls. To the Jew first, then the Gentiles (non Jews).

Even in the fast moving, get to work and get the message of fulfillment and hope out, Mark again reminds us – the enemy is also at work, trying to thwart the work of God. Mark writes, even as Jesus preached he also was “casting out demons,” even in the sacred gathering of saints!


This really puts a perspective on my day. I get up each morning and think about my day. What do I have to get done, who do I have to call, and in my mind I go through my ToDo’s to get them ToDone! I read Mark’s gospel and immediately realize you are always at work! It reminds me to meet with you first. It helps me put you and your Kingdom mission first. So as I “get to work today,” I want it to be mission driven as well. Lead me by your Spirit. Bring about the supernatural, divine appointments. Help me recognize you and also a spiritual awareness that interruptions are providence not accidents. Help me with my faith to see, believe and engage with people because of your love for us. Amen.

When heaven is silent.

Reading Time: 3 minutes

You don’t let me sleep. I am too distressed even to pray! I think of the good old days, long since ended, when my nights were filled with joyful songs. I search my soul and ponder the difference now. Has the Lord rejected me forever? Will he never again be kind to me? Is his unfailing love gone forever? Have his promises permanently failed? Has God forgotten to be gracious? Has he slammed the door on his compassion? Psalms‬ ‭77‬:‭4‬-‭9‬ ‭NLT‬‬

The psalmist, Asaph, records this Psalm while Daniel was in the midst of Babylonian captivity. As you can see, the author was under great distress over the state of the nation of Israel and left with a ton of unresolved questions. These types of psalms are raw, unfiltered, yet for the reader’s sake, find a commonality in suffering.

Praying to God, begging God for sleep, kindness, love and to follow through with His promises. We have the advantage of history and the whole story, but for folks that lived through the 70 year experience- it must have been a nightmare to find God when heaven was silent.

The psalmist asks questions that many people ask when going through difficult times. Has God rejected me? Will I ever see good times again? Is God’s love, His presence, mercy, grace and compassion GONE? When one is in the dark, it is so thorough, so permeating that it feels like it will never end. This is the shadowed world of darkness, the desert fathers and mothers post New Testament termed it, “the dark night of the soul.” And many of them concluded that God invites some into this season. Jesus faced similar, the Apostle Paul was blinded for three days and spent a month out in the desert sorting out his soul. It looks frightening and most I know would think it crazy to be in a situation like this let alone take up God’s beckoning to go willingly. Yet, we all know folks who are suffering. Those who have been given a death diagnosis, those who have lost everything, those who feel lost and abandoned.

I was just reading Job yesterday, not an easy book nor life lesson to comprehend. Job suffered immensely and survived heaven’s silence. Did God reject the psalmist? Was God’s love lost forever? Did God’s promises fail or did He forget to be gracious? No, No, No and No. But it was so real and lasted long enough for the psalmist to lose sleep and run out of words to express the deep trauma he felt.

We are promised in so many places in God’s Word that we are never far from His presence, and there is no place on earth where one could hide from Him. David declared that even in the valley trail that leads between the mountains of Israel, a canyon so deep and long that some places never see the sun. When one walks through this valley of shadows taking on the appearance of death, that one should fear no evil, because God’s shepherd’s rod and staff are still very much with us. Thou art with me! It’s the most important lesson to learn! In Psalm 139:11-12, “I could ask the darkness to hide me and the light around me to become night— but even in darkness I cannot hide from you. To you the night shines as bright as day. Darkness and light are the same to you.” The truth to hold onto is that Heaven may be silent for the night, but God’s presence is very much near and very much real. The sun will rise again. And the Son did rise from death’s darkness! May joy come to you in the morning! Ps. 30:5.


I have been in some very dark moments, terrifying, soul shattering situations. Yet, even though I sat in the long lingering of night and darkness that felt like it would not end, I never felt alone. Quite the opposite! I physically felt your comfort. Your peace was palpable even when I could not sleep and words did fail. The sheer panic of feeling trapped and left with no options, was unnerving. I held on to you and you held me tight. You were with me in the darkness. Thank you for your everlasting presence. Thank you for your mercy to carry me when I felt like I was drowning in darkness. You are so good to me. Amen.

Hunting peace.

Reading Time: 2 minutes

For the Scriptures say, “If you want to enjoy life and see many happy days, keep your tongue from speaking evil and your lips from telling lies. Turn away from evil and do good. Search for peace, and work to maintain it. The eyes of the Lord watch over those who do right, and his ears are open to their prayers. But the Lord turns his face against those who do evil. ‭‭1 Peter‬ ‭3‬:‭10‬-‭12‬ ‭NLT‬‬

Peter offers amazing results for those of us who want the good life. In a world of decisions that have immediate consequences, this is GOLD. Peter writes if we want a life filled with love and see good days… what is required? Simple – just “pauó,” restrain our tongue! And something even more difficult – stop our mouth from trash-talking “dolos,” deceit. Wow. Was Mom right? Even Thumper, from the Bambi movie knows this, “If you can’t say somethin’ nice.., don’t say nothin’ at all.”

The Apostles all write about this in one form or another. Paul in Colossians 4:6, Ephesians 4:29, James in James 3:6 – they all speak of controlling the little fire-starter organ, known as our tongue. Apparently our mouth is the gateway to the hateway!

Peter’s godly, Spirit-filled advice is to help us control our mouths. It starts by controlling what we think about, even starting with what we look at. He writes, “zéteó,” seek or search for peace. Peace, “eiréné,” is the Hebrew equivalent to Shalom. Peter follows that up with not just seeking it, but when we find this peace we should, “diṓkō,” pursue it or aggressively chase after it! Search for peace, targeting it, then hunt it down and make it ours.

This godly peace must do some deep work inside our hearts, allowing our heart to see the world, our friends and our circumstances differently. Can a peace perspective have that kind of dramatic effect on my mouth? Writing under the influence of the Holy Spirit, directing thoughts and quill-strokes on parchment, I believe this is direct wisdom from God! When I feel my heart is angsty and out of sync with God, I can easily see my hot, viperous words flying out of my mouth. But if I hunt down peace and allow the Spirit of God to settle my soul and de-escalate my rabid rise of evil thoughts, maybe – just maybe, I can put the kabash ( a real Hebrew word) on my wild tongue.


I try really hard to guard my words. They seem to fly out of my mouth faster than I can put a stop to it. It’s flat out embarrassing to think the battle started in my heart. It is sad to think that my heart was seeking, and desperately searching for anything other than peace. My heart was looking for trouble, looking for a reason to validate my feelings and emotions that actually came out of some poor attitude or pity-party I was having. I am so sorry. Help me with my thoughts! Help me with the posture of my heart. Remind me to hunt down peace rather than something awful and evil. Thank you for your supernatural peace that will eclipse my soul, helping me think right and therefore speak better words, godly words. Amen.

The human experiment.

Reading Time: 4 minutes

This truth was given to me in secret, as though whispered in my ear. It came to me in a disturbing vision at night, when people are in a deep sleep. Fear gripped me, and my bones trembled. A spirit swept past my face, and my hair stood on end. The spirit stopped, but I couldn’t see its shape. There was a form before my eyes. In the silence I heard a voice say, ‘Can a mortal be innocent before God? Can anyone be pure before the Creator?’ ‭‭Job‬ ‭4‬:‭12‬-‭17‬ ‭NLT‬‬

Job, the oldest book written in the Bible is full of mystery and presents moral, theological dilemmas that are still wrestled with, even in modern times. Job was written 400 years before the Torah, the first five books of the Law. Job predates the law, and mentions nothing about the eventual covenant with God, the laws of God nor the sacrificial system that God directs Israel to live by.

It is interesting that the first verses in Job chapter one set the stage for us to know that Job was a good guy, a righteous guy. He even offered sacrifices to God for his children, “just in case they sinned against God.” He feared God, loved God and lived a good life! Then, seemingly out nowhere there is a meeting, a checkin with the angels. What follows is a conversation with God and the fallen angel, called the adversary.

God asks Satan, “Have you noticed my servant Job? He is the finest man in all the earth.“ Satan replies, yeah, he’s only good because God has blessed him and protected him. Satan challenges God by saying, “take away his stuff and he’ll curse you.” God takes Satan up on the challenge and allows Satan to take Job’s “belongings” away from him. Belongings include his family! The scene repeats, but this time Satan challenges God by asking for permission to make Job’s physical life miserable – horrible diseases, but not allowing to take his life. Job knows nothing about the test, nor God’s faith in him to endure suffering without blaming God.

Job’s friends heard about Job’s suffering and made their way to him. At first the friends do the right thing by Job, they just sit with him and say nothing! “Then they sat on the ground with him for seven days and nights. No one said a word to Job, for they saw that his suffering was too great for words.“ But soon, they just could not take. Not understanding WHY this is happening to Job, they offer their advice.

Eliphaz, possibly the eldest in the group, appears as the representative of the wisdom of the Edomites. Trying to be helpful, he shares about a vision he had. And from this vision, he concludes that there is a good and godly reason for Job’s suffering. Job has obviously sinned! Here’s the creepy part. Eliphaz gives his advice, his wisdom from a “whispering spirit,” that gave him chills in the night asking an accusatory question! Just a well placed question created a logical conclusion for this wise man. The question, “Can a mortal be innocent before God?” I don’t know about you, but this whole “truth” given in “secret” coming in a vision in the night sounds just like SATAN! Whispers, secrets and accusations? Come on. Eliphaz isn’t getting his answers from God, nor whatever experience he has had by walking with God on this fallen planet. His advice has been supplanted in his heart by the sneaky spirit of the dark!

All three of Job’s friends want to help Job, want to console him, and comfort him, but they all go down the same thought- path. Obviously Job has sinned and must repent. Obviously God is judging him and swift justice comes to those who do wrong. In their minds there is no other reason for a human being to suffer! Job’s friends seem unaware that as humans we live on a fallen planet, Satan’s domain.

Let’s answer the spirit-whispered accusation presented to Eliphaz. Can we be innocent before God? No, we’ve sinned, we are not innocent. But does that mean that we face the immediate judgement, the wrath and justice of God by being stripped of all possessions and daily physically tortured for our sin? No, we do not. Who is the one who brought the calamity and destruction into Job’s life? Satan! The good suffer, the bad succeed. The good succeed, the bad suffer. We cannot determine judgement nor eternity based on our comparison of possessions, position or power! Satan challenged God’s wisdom by trying to prove that humans are only capable of loving God back because of blessing! The experiment, give humans free will, a choice, give them autonomy and self determination – they will not choose God, they will always choose evil. The ancient challenge was that humans would not be able to love God in a world filled with evil and the ability to chase after their own lusts and desires leading to their demise and eventual destruction.

The human experience on the dark planet would seem to be a doomed experiment. Job was not perfect. Yet, without knowing anything about the test he was participating in, he passed. He did not blame God nor curse God for his suffering! God believes in us. God risks that love, mercy, grace and forgiveness will save our lives. God’s plan of redemption from our sin through the sacrifice of His own Son proves that we can and will be capable of loving Him in spite of an adversary and accuser. That we are able to love Him in spite of our brokenness and disordered desires. Our faith, like Job’s, like Abraham’s, is counted as righteousness! We are saved by grace, not of our works. We love because we know God’s goodness. We fear God out of honor and respect, not just because He can obliterate us back to the dust from which we came.


We were created out of dust, and to dust our bodies will return. But you infused Your Spirit within us. It is that spirit that will choose to love you. That spirit that will live forever. Thank you for loving us first. Thank you for this amazing life in this beautiful world. It is filled with wonder and wickedness, yet I know your plans for me and they are good. I choose you because you first chose me.

Wisdom won’t perfect us.

Reading Time: 2 minutes

By wisdom the Lord founded the earth; by understanding he created the heavens. By his knowledge the deep fountains of the earth burst forth, and the dew settles beneath the night sky. ‭‭Proverbs‬ ‭3‬:‭19‬-‭20‬ ‭NLT‬‬

Solomon writes this amazing chapter about wisdom – how to get it and where to get it. Here in these two verses, Solomon goes beyond just this “concept” about wisdom. He writes about something much deeper, much more profound. Solomon writes of the personality and character of God as entity in which all things that exist, exist because of someone, not something. Of course we know that entity, that person, to be Christ! The Apostle Paul makes this abundantly clear in his letters to the New Testament churches. In Corinthians (1 Cor. 1:24) he writes, “Christ is the power and wisdom of God.” And in Colossians (1:15) he writes, “through him God created everything in the heavenly realms and on earth. He made the things we can see and the things we can’t see— such as thrones, kingdoms, rulers, and authorities in the unseen world.

Solomon in his own gifted wisdom sees that everything that exists was in fact created by someone even wiser… historically and prophetically speaking of Jesus! Solomon wants the reader to understand that by looking at the earth, the sea and sky, you will see the perfection, precision and power of God who not only creates, but systematically sustains creation through wisdom.

Science knows how “perfect” our world MUST be or it would cease to exist. They’ve known for years, even through the demonic detours of Darwinism, that perfection is at the heart of universal existence. Our “just-right” gravitational force. Just right distance from the sun. Just right amount of light, darkness, heat and cold. Just right EVERYTHING. This is the wisdom perfection of Christ seen in creation and leveraged for our own salvation.

Christ, as wisdom, is the Goldilocks’ story of our lives! Jesus is JUST RIGHT. Solomon’s proverb plainly points out that if one is looking for wisdom, they will find it in God. If one is wondering how to get wisdom or how it all works, they have to surrender to Christ who invented it, freely gives it and shows us how to live a godly life. I’ve seen wise people in the Church. I’ve seen folks who have a 100% grasp and memory recall of the Bible. Yet, they often lack love, often lack mercy. It’s almost as if their wisdom and knowledge has had a hubris effect on their ability to see themselves as still sinners saved by grace. May our wisdom and knowledge never rid us of humility and grace.


Once again I am completely amazed at the depth and beauty of Your wisdom. I am smitten by the love, sacrifice and wisdom of Jesus. Yet, I am confronted by the fact that Solomon, being the wisest person in human antiquity, still could not obtain perfection through wisdom alone. He sinned, just like the rest of us. He lost the Kingdom because of his own distracted lusts for other gods. He was wise, but corruptible. My own pursuits of wisdom and knowledge can never be eclipsed by my love for you and you alone. Thank you for wisdom, it has saved my sanity. But thank you more for your grace for it has saved my soul.

The demon dilemma.

Reading Time: 3 minutes

That evening after sunset, many sick and demon-possessed people were brought to Jesus. The whole town gathered at the door to watch. So Jesus healed many people who were sick with various diseases, and he cast out many demons. But because the demons knew who he was, he did not allow them to speak. Mark‬ ‭1‬:‭32‬-‭34‬ ‭NLT‬‬

Mark is the journalist giving us the eyewitness account of Peter, as a disciple and friend of Jesus. I notice that Mark had just recorded a demonic episode in the previous verses. Mark jumps right in after some introductory remarks about John the Baptizer, a short four verses about Jesus temptation and first mention of Satan (the adversary), by name.

It didn’t take Mark long to setup the perspective and proof from which he writes – Jesus has power over all things! Mark first recorded miracle story was about the authority to exercise demons (“akathartos” unclean, impure spirits). And, he notes that the synagogue attendees were astonished that Jesus not only had a powerful way with words, speaking with authority and power. But that power was not just in speaking deep, penetrating thoughts, Jesus had a command of the world like no one had ever seen.

Commanding unclean spirits to vacate a human soul and forbidding them to even speak! Mark is just getting started building his case. Here, in this follow up account, Jesus dismissed Simon’s mother-in-law’s sickness simply by touching her hand and helping her out of bed. Word of the miracles spread fast and soon Mark notes that the sick and “daimonizomai” – demonized, were brought to Jesus. Jesus healed many and cast out many. For the second time Mark mentions that Jesus forbid the demons to speak because they knew he was.
We don’t like to talk about this whole idea of a “spirit recognition,” because it comes off sounding kind of cultish. The Apostle Paul mentions something similar in Romans 8:15, writing about our spirit “bearing witness.”

The fact is that the spiritual realm is very real, more real than even our physical one. That’s hard for us to comprehend, but it was not difficult for demons to recognize their creator! It’s strange that many people don’t or won’t recognize their creator. If you follow Mark’s proof throughout his gospel account, you’ll find that Jesus starts with the “easy” miracles, like sickness and ekballism, but crescendos by calming nature’s storms – the winds and waves. Then finally, raising Lazarus from the dead. But even more powerful than that was when Jesus himself conquered sin, hell, death and the grave! Mark’s gospel asks the question, “who else has done this?” Who else could do this? No one! It’s why the most powerful proof about Christianity is that Jesus died for our sins, was buried and resurrected!

The entire spiritual realm knows who Jesus is! James, Jesus’ brother writes in 2:19, “for you believe that there is one God. Good for you! Even the demons believe this, and they tremble in terror.” It should make us think. It should remind us that even though people say they don’t believe in God, that there are forces that do and are fully capable of causing chaos, destruction and even death. Where do folks go to for help these days?


I read these early accounts of Jesus living as a human among us and realize, every single story was about real people, suffering with real problems. Problems like sickness is one thing, but DEMONS? I can’t imagine the families trying to care for their own with some kind of soul co-habitant bent on making people suffer and taking control over their lives. That still happens today doesn’t it? The demon dilemma may be far more subtle and folks can pretend it doesn’t exist or that it’s completely a psycho-medical issue, but we should know better. God help us! Please God, pour out your Spirit and do a work that we cannot do! Help us see what you are up to and join with you. Amen.