Ragged to rich.

Reading Time: 2 minutes

“Who can be compared with the Lord our God, who is enthroned on high? He stoops to look down on heaven and on earth. He lifts the poor from the dust and the needy from the garbage dump. He sets them among princes, even the princes of his own people! He gives the childless woman a family, making her a happy mother. Praise the Lord!” ‭‭Psalms‬ ‭113‬:‭5‬-‭9‬ ‭NLT‬‬

God is the writer who tells the ultimate stories of rags to riches. Ezra writes this Psalm as the people of Israel return home after a 70 year timeout under a foreign country. A generation of loss. This exit out of exile is just the beginning of rewriting their story, rebuilding their lives, along with their culture. Eventually they would finish the rebuilding of their temple and the repair of their city walls.

Think about this. We know that several amazing stories and people come out of this time period. We find out about Daniel and the young men who were selected out to be trained in the royal Nebuchadnezzar courts in service to the king. We also find a most dramatic story of Esther who’s beauty and charm opened the door for her to also rise to become queen and save her entire nation from a racist madmen. Even Nehemiah who was critical to God’s story. The Psalmist writes these verses of God not just looking down on the earth, but stooping down to attend to the affairs of humanity.

God sees. God stoops. God lifts. He relocates the outlier, the desolate and desperate to high places of influence. He sees the loneliness and longing in a mother who desires to give life and nurture a family. God sees, he is moved with compassion and makes destiny happen to fulfill us and accomplish his will. It is God who places people in positions of power and high purpose. He takes Daniel from a position of a slave to the king’s advisor. He takes Nehemiah and makes him the Chief Operations Officer in the royal palace. And he takes Esther all the way to becoming the queen. Who else can do this? No one. God moves and positions people for his purposes. And, for those who obey, he blesses them. For those who disobey, he disciplines them, removing them from power. Why do some rise to evil and stay in power? I don’t know. History reveals that God uses evil leaders, dictators and even madmen to accomplish his own purposes. But when God promotes the poor, it gives us all hope.


Certainly I did not come from a poor family, in terms of the essentials like housing, food and education. But in terms of safety or family, it was pretty rough. I do know one thing. My friends and family did not see any hope of me becoming much in my own future. Yet, you see, stoop and lift the poor and the desperate. That is exactly what you did for me. I may not be a king or an advisor to one, but I have lived a royal life because of your grace. I am so very thankful for you seeing me and setting an amazing future of purpose before me.

Spirit auto-tuning.

Reading Time: 2 minutes

“And the Holy Spirit helps us in our weakness. For example, we don’t know what God wants us to pray for. But the Holy Spirit prays for us with groanings that cannot be expressed in words. And the Father who knows all hearts knows what the Spirit is saying, for the Spirit pleads for us believers in harmony with God’s own will.” ‭‭Romans‬ ‭8‬:‭26‬-‭27‬ ‭NLT‬‬

Anyone that doesn’t recognize that we, as humans, are weak at so many things, hasn’t taken inventory of self and others lately. Oh, we are not weak in bravado, opinions and endless chatter. We are weak in follow through or belief translating into behavior. We think we know A LOT, which really, we don’t. And, even though we desire more knowledge, more information, it is definitely the curse of knowing good and evil without the wisdom to live it out and give it out to others. There’s a disconnect – that’s truly our weakness.

So when the Apostle Paul tells the citizens of Rome, the gathering of the saints in the city – the Holy Spirit HELPS us, we should pay attention. How does the Spirit help? We are so enamored with ourselves and unaware of the plans and ways of God, we don’t really know what to pray for! The Holy Spirit helps as a translator of deep griefs, yearnings, even joy to cry out to God. Even when we do, it just sounds like heavey, greavey, groans. Our prayers go out, now in sync with the Spirit, but sound unintelligible! Yet, the Father knows what our heart is crying out for because the Spirit is translating our groans into requests and pleadings to be in harmony with God’s will. Then, through the Spirit of God turning moans into melodic music! This is amazing! Who would not want a full time translator taking our chaotic feelings and frustrations, then auto-tuning them into something beautiful, even useful? We cannot undervalue nor underestimate the power of the Spirit of God nor the gift of praying in the Spirit. Keep calm and pray on!


There is so much going on in my head and heart. And, there is an abundance of noise and hecticness surrounding me. I am thankful for the moments where groans and unintelligible emotions are given to you through the Holy Spirit. I am thankful for the gift and the opportunity to not only pray requests, but also pray with intercession of things I feel, but to not understand and things I understand but can’t do anything about! I am so grateful for the Spirit auto-tuning my prayers to you.

Deal or no deal.

Reading Time: 3 minutes

“Blow the ram’s horn in Jerusalem! Announce a time of fasting; call the people together for a solemn meeting. Gather all the people— the elders, the children, and even the babies. Call the bridegroom from his quarters and the bride from her private room. Let the priests, who minister in the Lord’s presence, stand and weep between the entry room to the Temple and the altar. Let them pray, “Spare your people, Lord! Don’t let your special possession become an object of mockery. Don’t let them become a joke for unbelieving foreigners who say, ‘Has the God of Israel left them?’” ‭‭Joel‬ ‭2‬:‭15‬-‭17‬ ‭NLT‬‬

God’s spokesperson, Joel, previously said, “try saying your sorry and changing your ways!” In previous verses, he writes, “Don’t tear your clothing in your grief, but tear your hearts instead.” Return to the Lord your God, for he is merciful and compassionate, slow to get angry and filled with unfailing love. He is eager to relent and not punish. Who knows? Perhaps he will give you a reprieve, sending you a blessing instead of this curse. Perhaps you will be able to offer grain and wine to the Lord your God as before.” Joel‬ ‭2‬:‭13‬-‭14‬ ‭NLT‬‬. What a line! Don’t tear your clothes, tear your hearts! You never know, maybe God will listen to a broken, contrite heart instead of an arrogant, angry one?

The book of Joel was written just before the Northern and Southern Kingdoms of Israel had fallen to foreigners. The leaders, priests and people had wandered so far off God’s plan, and so spurned their promises to keep God’s rules that literally- all hell was going to break lose! Enter the plagues and total destruction of the locusts.

However, Joel, gives Israel an out, an escape – try repentance! It’s in the verses that Joel emphasizes not just WHO should join in this national contrition, but also the urgency of which they should do it. First, gather EVERYONE. Call the people; elders to babies. Second, do it immediately. The husband and wife from their intimate honeymoon suite and the priests from their quarters to their post. Third, just pray one prayer in UNITY – spare us! Get with it – NOW! And, quit embarrassing your God and yourselves by your own stubbornness and stupidity! Then…. maybe, just maybe God will forgive and relent from his just judgement and have mercy.

Lesson: when I sin, as an individual, I should recognize it and repent. I should not justify it, excuse it or pretend it will not have consequences. I should be quick to confess and admit my sin and turn from it. However, as a group, a people, a community or a church – it is even more imperative and urgent that we follow Joel’s Spirit inspired advice (warning). Call the group together- everyone of them. Quickly prioritize the gathering. And pray one unified prayer – spare us! In other words, admit, commit and confess TOGETHER.

Chances are really good that God will not only forgive, not only pour out his mercy but also FIX STUFF. Kick out the enemy, establish justice, and send new, fresh supplies of grain (to satisfy our needs), new wine (celebrating a second chance) and oil (fuel for our future) Joel‬ ‭2‬:‭19‬. Our repentance means that God may repair the breech (covenant/contract) and restore the supply lines to our souls! What do we say? Deal or no deal?


I can absolutely understand trying to hold on to our personal, even national autonomy. But when it has gone so bad for so long because of our self-determined will? It just starts sounding ridiculous. To think that I would ride my will/my way off the cliff, to complete and utter destruction is just insanity. Oh, I could see myself doing it. And, sadly, I see our country doing it right now, every single day. Our little arrogant protests and parades. Our cancel culture, boycotts and incivility is ridiculous. I confess. I repent. I ask that you would help us unite in contrition and release our control back to you. Lord, hear our prayer!

Everything is good when God is at home.

Reading Time: 3 minutes

“Mighty King, lover of justice, you have established fairness. You have acted with justice and righteousness throughout Israel. Exalt the Lord our God! Bow low before his feet, for he is holy!” Psalms‬ ‭99‬:‭4‬-‭5‬ ‭NLT‬‬

This Psalm is one of the expressions of the Ark of the Covenant being moved back into the tabernacle – God’s mobile home. In other words, coming home. God set this system up where he had Israel’s top craftsmen make a beautiful, gold covered box, filled with a few powerful reminders of God keeping his promises. Hebrews 9:4 says the ark contained the gold jar of manna, Aaron’s staff that had budded, and the stone tablets of the covenant. The manna was added later, after the contract and budding staff. Why the ark? It was a representation, filled with memory-reminders, that God makes and keeps his promises. He also shows up to come through for his people. A few Psalms, 97-100, are the celebrated passages of God not just “coming home,” but also gives a sense that everything is right and in its proper place. These two verses capture the essence or feelings of Israel’s leadership and the people of this now great nation. I must remember this Psalm is just a snapshot, a moment in place and time, but it’s these moments that are highlights of how things should be, could be when God’s people simply follow his ways.

The Psalmist boldly repeats this theme – God loves justice! God established both “shaphat” – good judgement or government and “yashar” – fairness, to be straight or equitable. God created humans and the rules of how all life should be lived. When those rules were broken by US, there were consequences. God would not be just or fair if he just flippantly let go of even one infraction. If, even once, God were to wink at it or just pretend he didn’t see it, he would not be just at all. God is either right, just, fair and true or he is not! The first humans broke the one rule God gave “Don’t eat,” and there were eternal consequences. He made several contracts with Israel, his own beloved people group (then and now). They broke the rules (chasing other loves) and there were consequences. God delivered discipline, correction and forgiveness over and over again with Israelites.

These verses acknowledge what every human soul introspectively understands, if they will just quit making excuses and get super quiet to listen to their God-given conscience! God always acts with justice and righteousness. Our lack of perspective and complete knowledge and wisdom of how everything works is no excuse to judge God’s character or intentions. It would be more honest for me to say, “I know God is always right, just and true, I just don’t LIKE it!”

This is what the Psalmist helps us with… fixing our perspective and our posture. He declares to us, still today – EXALT God, for He is always good! And bow low before his feet, for He is always holy (pure, sacred and beyond our complete understanding). When we don’t know or understand something (or truly know and understand so little), get this… God is trustworthy and right every time, all the time! Welcome your own amazing box of memory-promises into your home, your heart to remind you as well.


We may not have a beautifully crafted box of memories like the ark of the covenant, but we do have plenty symbols and memories of our own to regularly remember your goodness and mercy in our lives. I not only want to bring those memories into my heart, my home, but I also want to keep my heart open and clean for your Holy Spirit to reside there.

One of these days, Chicken Little will be right.

Reading Time: 3 minutes

“The end of the world is coming soon. Therefore, be earnest and disciplined in your prayers. Most important of all, continue to show deep love for each other, for love covers a multitude of sins. Cheerfully share your home with those who need a meal or a place to stay.” ‭‭1 Peter‬ ‭4‬:‭7‬-‭9‬ ‭NLT‬‬

It seems that every generation feels that things have gotten so bad, the end MUST be soon. I wonder if Noah thought the same thing – because, in his case, it was true! I don’t see a lot of apocalyptic references throughout the Old Testament, but there are a few. Isaiah, Daniel and Ezekiel have some visions of what the future held, and they were strange and mysterious.

For Peter to write the church and say this, he must have taken Jesus word’s seriously – he was coming back soon. John, the revelator writes, “behold I come quickly” Rev 22:12. But, what is quickly, especially to God, who is outside of time itself? FYI, I absolutely believe Jesus is returning and that God will wrap everything up according to his will and plan.

For us earth-bounders, we only see history and human behavior in cycles. Looking backward from these days, all the way to Peter’s days, we know that some behaviors have been atrociously worse. There have been so many global episodes of bad actors perpetuating on the masses in their respective domains of control. I have a friend who believes that earth is looking more like heaven than ever before! I don’t.

When Peter encourages the Church to be earnest in prayer, I wonder what that could have meant? In prayer for one another? It seems likely. Especially because he drops the famous line that “love covers a multitude of sins.” More sin, needs more prayer and more love, right? Then he backs up the idea of us needing MORE support while watching and waiting for the world to end with this – hospitality!

If you haven’t noticed even the entertainment industry has really ramped up the futuristic, syfi, apocalyptic shows and movies over the past few decades. Even non-believers in God are trying to figure out what the future holds. Of course, many of the future-casters are just trying to force behavioral change surrounding the hot topic of global climate change. In almost every one of their future scenarios, humans are the enemy that needs to be destroyed. Feels like they are just lashing out at God like petulant toddlers.

Peter reminds us that when everything gets bad, we should share goodness, like meals and shelter. If the global pandemic was a test run for an “end of the world” scenario, believers did NOT pass. I don’t think most of us were in a sharing and caring mood – we treated our own family members like the infected on The Walking Dead! There seems to be a particular idea from Peter that when the going gets tough, the tough should get together – not separate, and hunker down in isolation. I have a feeling we’ll get another chance when the next rotation of the “world ending” comes into view. We can do better then, right? One day, the sky will fall and this world will end. Chicken Little will be right.


I agree, things do look bleak. There is a lot going on in our country and in our world that makes us all nervous about the future. Yet, I know you hold the future! And, I know you are bringing about the most amazing plan of your Kingdom coming and your will being done! In that I find peace, comfort and even an excitement in the finality of waiting. I want to be ready. I want to stay alert and aware of what you are doing. This is not an escape prayer, but it is a “let it be done” prayer – Come quickly Lord Jesus!

Talk that tears us apart.

Reading Time: 2 minutes

“Upright citizens are good for a city and make it prosper, but the talk of the wicked tears it apart.” Proverbs‬ ‭11‬:‭11‬ ‭NLT‬‬

What do we want? Anything and everything we can imagine. When do we want it? Now, always NOW.

Have you ever taken note of our human imaginations and desires that seem to have no end. Our wildest dreams and deepest aspirations are basically unrestricted in our own head. In the more “suppressed and constrained” years of our country and many others, dreams and aspirations were spent on great art, great music, great architectural structures and inventions. Our hearts were set on better education for the poor, peace on earth and good will for all. Supposedly, throwing off those “draconian” restrictions of the past has allowed humanity to what? Express total personal freedoms and behaviors because we have the right to do so? What did that get us? What has that accomplished?

The wisdom writers capture a truth that is old but seemingly lost in today’s personal rights, protests and cancel culture. What about the good for all? The upright are both good and prosperous for the cities we all live in! And, conversely, but predictably, the constant noise of the wicked tear the city apart. The honorable get quiet, while the immoral get louder. Oh, that’s right honor and morality are just ethereal constructs made up by a patriarchal past. Righteousness, goodness and integrity are seen as old fashion and oppressive. How has wickedness and casting off constraints helped us? I guess civility and respect had to go as well.

History is a harsh reality of truth, so it is no surprise that there are those who wish to reframe it to fit this selfie absorbed season in our cities. And, with truth gone, flipped or redesigned to fit one’s own narrative, it should be a lot easier to promote whatever wicked, er, “independent” thought comes into our morality-free minds.

Here’s some hope. Wickedness will come to an end, but truth will endure forever. God’s justice, in his mercy, will crush evil. So, pursuing evil will only lead to deep disappointment, depression and brokenness. Striving for God will not only satisfy it will bring wholeness and healing to our souls.


Our city is filled with the proverbial conflict in this passage. The upright are quiet and the wicked are very loud. My heart breaks for the lies that are being swallowed whole. The fake promises that tossing morality, goodness and honor aside will gain fulfillment. Using evil to pacify the emptiness and ache in our hearts. Please stop these insidious social viruses that are destroying the innocent! I ask for your mercy and forgiveness towards those who really do not know what they believe nor truly what damage they do to our city and their own soul. Come in your power, your grace and truth to bring the next revolution of hope.

Our behavior is our I.D. badge.

Reading Time: 3 minutes

“Beware of false prophets who come disguised as harmless sheep but are really vicious wolves. You can identify them by their fruit, that is, by the way they act. Can you pick grapes from thornbushes, or figs from thistles? A good tree produces good fruit, and a bad tree produces bad fruit. A good tree can’t produce bad fruit, and a bad tree can’t produce good fruit. So every tree that does not produce good fruit is chopped down and thrown into the fire. Yes, just as you can identify a tree by its fruit, so you can identify people by their actions.” ‭‭Matthew‬ ‭7‬:‭15‬-‭20‬ ‭NLT‬‬

Jesus actually tells us to be careful when we are identifying good people from bad – especially those who claim to be spokespersons for God (prophets). This is tricky because we are instructed to be fruit inspectors but leave the final call, the judgment of how to deal with fakes and falsities up to God.

First of all, badges and titles mean very little in terms of authenticity, authority and allowing someone to lead, guide or even correct us. This is our current crisis of leadership and authority figures today! The Pastor may wear a collar, a tie or a title, but if they are not acting like a good shepherd, BE CAREFUL – BE AWARE. A police officer, judge, doctor, teacher or governor may hold the title, but if their fruit, their behaviors don’t match the position – be on your guard.

How can the average person know how to tell the difference between a good, authoritative person and a bad one? Jesus told us. Check out the way they act, not their clothes, symbolic accoutrements, or titles. How do they treat you, and others? The object lesson helps all of us, even a child, identify who is not only safe, but helpful in our lives. Can you find or eat a yummy grape off a thorny bush or tumbleweed? Nope. A tree or bush only produces what it IS, not what it would wish to BE. If you are a spokesperson for God, or an authority figure, quit pushing your position and title around and start behaving like a person of good character. I’ve heard folks say this when trying to make others comply to their commands, “Do you know who I am?” When they have to use that line to convince someone to cower and obey, we know they’ve got a fruit/behavior identity problem.

By the way, Jesus did sparingly use his title with the guys who said they worked for and represented God. He told them straight out – “I AM,” using the culturally unspoken, unwritten, name of God – Yahweh. This obviously made the religious leader’s blood boil! But with most people, average outliers and sideliners, he didn’t speak his title, he spoke love, compassion, forgiveness, mercy and healing! Those sound like behavioral actions to me.

How about letting our behaviors be our I.D. badge? In conversations with people I interact with, I rarely introduce myself as a Pastor. Am I ashamed to do so? Not at all. I just want to lead with behavior, not my badge. After a few moments of talking to someone, sometimes I get the common, “so what do you do?” question. Sometimes I’ll tell people, “I am a hopebroker.” That always initiates a whole new conversation! However, there are times I just tell them straight out, “I’m a Pastor.” I love the look on their face after that. Sometimes they will pay me the highest compliment ever, “well, you don’t act like one!” they’ll say. Meaning, I didn’t judge them, look down on them or start a typical controversial argument they might expect from a religious person. The only time I use the official title of Pastor (I say Minister) is when doctors or hospital personnel won’t let me visit someone who is in a health crisis 😇.


I want to wear grace like a nice outfit. I want mercy and patience to be my business card. I want your character attributes, the fruit of the Spirit to be what hangs on the title of my life-door. I need a lot of help to get my fruit to match my tree! Help me BE Jesus before I even start talking about my christian credentials.

Powers that pound the throne.

Reading Time: 2 minutes

“Your throne, O Lord, has stood from time immemorial. You yourself are from the everlasting past. The floods have risen up, O Lord. The floods have roared like thunder; the floods have lifted their pounding waves. But mightier than the violent raging of the seas, mightier than the breakers on the shore— the Lord above is mightier than these! Your royal laws cannot be changed. Your reign, O Lord, is holy forever and ever.” Psalms‬ ‭93‬:‭2‬-‭5‬ ‭NLT‬‬

When I first wrote about this Psalm, I did not know it’s author was Daniel and it was written while he and the majority of Jewish people were captives in a foreign land. One of the best, quick resources I came across was a Bible resource link to describe the probable date each Psalm was written and who wrote it. https://bit.ly/psalmsdates.

Psalms is a collection of writings. This Psalm describes the hope of God’s power and ability to stay in control while everything else feels like a destructive storm. Daniel describes how powerful these pounding waves can be. Babylon was the biggest and strongest force on the planet at the time and it looked as if the nation, that king would destroy the throne of God himself.

We have the benefit of knowing the before and after! Babylon was used as a disciplinary entity to put Israel in a 70 yr timeout. Yet, this massive kingdom would not overtake God’s throne. Think about this. There is no kingdom past, present or future that has storm-waves big enough to destroy God’s eternal throne. NOTHING can stop nor thwart the will of God! Not then, not now, not ever.

Daniel’s hope in God paints the picture of one of the most powerful forces on the earth – the seas. Untamable and unstoppable itself. As the sea, depicted as God’s enemies, roars, pounds and breaks on the steps below the throne of God, it will never overtake it. Daniel states this majestic truth, God’s royal laws cannot be changed and will never be subverted! This Psalm is a reminder of hope. No matter the size and relentlessness of the storms we face here on this planet, may they be attacks or even directed disciplines, they will never diminish God’s power or his throne! I take comfort in that. The darkness, the chaos may be great, but our God is GREATER.


I do not find fear in your power, I find comfort in it. I find hope in this; no matter what I see going on around me – you are on the throne that will never be overcome. No matter what I feel, my trust, my faith is steady in your power. “My hope is built on nothing less than Jesus’ blood and righteousness; I dare not trust the sweetest frame, but wholly lean on Jesus’ name. When darkness veils his lovely face, I rest on his unchanging grace. On Christ, the solid Rock, I stand: all other ground is sinking sand; all other ground is sinking sand.”

Blood much thicker than water.

Reading Time: 3 minutes

“Finally, all of you should be of one mind. Sympathize with each other. Love each other as brothers and sisters. Be tenderhearted, and keep a humble attitude. Don’t repay evil for evil. Don’t retaliate with insults when people insult you. Instead, pay them back with a blessing. That is what God has called you to do, and he will grant you his blessing.” ‭‭1 Peter‬ ‭3‬:‭8‬-‭9‬ ‭NLT‬‬

Peter is a family man. He was married and possibly had kids. The Chosen series portrays Peter and his wife as having a tragic miscarriage, maybe so.

Here in his letter to the churches he writes about how family (wives and husbands) should behave, then naturally talks about how the Church should behave. Some churches, especially as they age, seem to gain a reputation of treating their own members worse than their own blood family. Peter doesn’t mention it, but it is a Biblical truth. The church, the body of Christ does share blood! They share the blood of Christ that washed and cleaned up each and every one of us who believe. So, as followers of Christ, His blood is way thicker than water!

Peter states the obvious that is often missed or purposely ignored in “the Church.” This was true then and it’s just as true today. The family of God should be of one mind, a word that speaks of harmony or frequency, no sharp dissonance in our words and behaviors towards each other. Then Peter uses one of the 23 “one another’s,” mentioned in the New Testament. He writes, sympathize with each other. Have a shared passionate suffering as though you were mourning together. Peter couples that word with the Greek word, “eusplagchnos,” which root word, “splagxnon,” is a medical term. Splagxnon are the visceral organs! Our “bowels” as they exercise positive gut-level empathy.

We must get away from treating each other so awful that it’s worse than what one faces in the culture of the world! He admonishes the Church to BE tender, BE humble. Then lays on the tough part, DO NOT RETALIATE! Don’t give evil for evil or insult for reviling, abuse.

But Peter, that’s exactly what we do! We were hurt badly, so we MUST hurt back! We were treated horribly, so we must return the favor! We don’t need to bless them, we need to teach them a lesson. They need a lesson, not a blessin’. People shouldn’t be mean and vicious in Church, but if they are, we will give it back to them a thousand times worse because it’s what they deserve!

This is why the Church can be such a difficult place to gather together because we’ve used the Bible as an excuse to judge and condemn each other. When we treat each other horribly, we are NOT behaving Biblically. Forgive, reconcile, keep no records of wrong! Peter begs us to employ God’s method of behavior towards us, “pay them back with a blessing,” and MEAN IT! Don’t fake a blessing, make it real. This word, “blessing” is the word Eulogy. You know, saying good words at someone’s funeral. Use the eulogy, speaking good words back, when someone is speaking vile about you. Find good in them. Find good in what God thinks of them. Then, speak it back and eulogize (bless) them. We’ve got to fix this about Church. We’ve got to start being Biblical instead of vomiting our supposed righteous indignation all over the family of God. It starts with us, let’s do it God’s way when we gather!


You know I hate the way we treat each other in Church, when we gather as the family of God, followers of Jesus. I am at blame as well. You know I’ve always hated it since I got deep into the culture of the church and saw what goes on behind the wizard’s curtain, otherwise known as “church leadership.” Sadly, I wanted to keep the young in age or in faith, far away from the inner workings of the church because it no longer looked like Jesus. We’ve got to do better, we’ve got to be better. We desperately need you to correct us, help us stay open and tender. Absolutely forgive us for misunderstanding the application of grace and truth by using power instead of humility. Wash our mouths out with your Spirit soap of mercy and make us clean. Amen.

Symbols of promise.

Reading Time: 3 minutes

“Then God said, “I am giving you a sign of my covenant with you and with all living creatures, for all generations to come. I have placed my rainbow in the clouds. It is the sign of my covenant with you and with all the earth. When I send clouds over the earth, the rainbow will appear in the clouds, and I will remember my covenant with you and with all living creatures. Never again will the floodwaters destroy all life.” ‭‭Genesis‬ ‭9‬:‭12‬-‭15‬ ‭NLT‬‬

The complete and total destruction of all creation is a powerful, but risky move. It’s is extremely hard for us, as humans, as created beings, to grasp the full extent of God’s right and ability to do what he wants. What is even more mind-blowing is the fact that God, being PERFECT, precise, right, true and just can both make life and destroy life in complete supremacy, and it is justified!

While on earth, I doubt I will ever understand the mystery of risk God took in creating free-will creatures. Since God is so far above and beyond my thinking, it’s even harder to imagine him obliterating an entire batch of bad characters and sparing just a small fraction of human life as we see with Noah and his immediate family. There are so many questions surrounding the discussion in Genesis 2:1-9. Who were the “Nephilites – Sons of God?” They were mass producing giant warriors! Maybe they were reproducing much faster than the descendants of Adam and Eve? All we know God said he favored Noah and said he was righteous, blameless and walked in close fellowship with God. Noah was not perfect, but his faith in God clearly stood out.

We get past the flood and total destruction of the rest of humanity and we come to the contract, the covenant promise God made with Noah. God loves covenants and absolutely ALWAYS keeps his promises. The symbols of promise are reminders of contracts. These symbols and token reminders move us to memory of the promises made. Our modern world is filled with contracts, NDA’s, Pre-nups and mountains of paperwork stating that both parties are held to KEEP their promise for the contract to be reliable and dependable. Normally, when one of the parties in the contract fail to keep the promise made, the contract becomes null and void. However, there are lots of instances where one party might keep the promise even when the other breaks from the agreement. You sign a written contract when borrowing money or purchasing something of value. When you fail to make a payment, you break the contract and the bank or lender can take back the item in question. That may be a car, house, land or anything of worth. A wedding ring is a powerful symbol of promise, a contract or covenant – not with the state but with God and each other. Why would the government care if a couple stays together or not? The system does not care. God cares, people care.

God gives Noah the most famous, sustainable symbol humans have ever known – a rainbow in the sky. And it comes in its amazingly beautiful array of color when sunshine strikes water molecules sustained in the air. Oh sure, it can scientifically be explained, but science (physical explanations of natural phenomenon) is a recent discovery that didn’t happen in ancient times. The rainbow precedes our understanding of modern scientific explanations! The rainbow shows up in ancient texts! Oh, we’re so smart to be able to explain the mystery now, but we still can’t explain why it’s so amazing. How awful to reduce such extravagance down to a evolutionary anomaly that is treated as nonsensical coincidence!

The rainbow symbol has been used and abused to represent something it was never intended to represent. When the symbol is separated from the promise, it becomes worthless to help us remember what it is for. The rainbow still occurs as a reminder, but now it’s lost luster and beauty. Search it for yourself. What does the rainbow symbolize? Here’s the top result: “Rainbows symbolize good luck, wellness, happiness, and health, [and] could indicate a positive shift in vibration and positive energy.” What a nonsensical pile of 💩. Next time you see a rainbow, remember it’s a promise that God keeps his word! He didn’t flood the whole earth again. However, next time it will be another “natural” phenomenon… FIRE.


First of all, I love rainbows! Great job on that. However, I have seen your consistent love and grace to keep your promises in many more tangible ways in my life and in others. You are THE promise keeper! And, I am grateful that you are trustworthy.