18. Spur One Another

Reading Time: 2 minutes


paroxusmos – incitement (to good), or dispute (in anger): — contention, provoke unto.)

Heb 10:24 And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds.

If you knew me, you’d know that I love to tease people. So with with word “provoke” or “spur” my imagination can really run wild.

But the truth is, we are told to poke, prod, spur or otherwise LIGHT A FIRE under a brother or sister – IF – it’s toward love and good deeds.

So, along with Paul’s “outdo” each other in love the author of Hebrews says, “Go for it!” What’s the best way to inspire others to pursue godliness? I don’t know – use your creativity.

– Help a friend to be adventurous in their faith.
– Plan a blessing’s party and celebrate someone for their rarely recognized ministry.
– Have fun putting out a challenge to give or serve and do something out of the ordinary for God or your church.

I had a friend that I just knew he’d make a good Sunday School teacher.

The problem was, he didn’t believe me.

He didn’t think anyone would want to come to his class or listen to him. I continued to try to talk him into giving it a try. He kept turning me down. I even talked to his wife and kids and got them to work on him as well. He finally gave in and asked if he could teach a class on prayer (and he was a praying kind of guy). His class was packed and he did a great job. In fact, it’s been almost twenty years since then and he is still teaching Sunday School and is doing a great job!

Come in, this word is easy and fun – so give it a try!

Prayer: Jesus, I know a lot more people would be excited about serving you and loving each other if I could just convince them they’d be good at it. Could you help me help someone!

Next week – Sympathize